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Notice of the Ordinary meeting of

Nelson City Council

Te Kaunihera o Whakatū


Date:                      Friday 22 March 2024

Time:                      1.30p.m.

Location:                 Council Chamber
Floor 2A, Civic House
110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson


Rārangi take

Chairperson                    His Worship the Mayor Nick Smith

Deputy Mayor                 Cr Rohan O'Neill-Stevens

Members                        Cr Matty Anderson

        Cr Matthew Benge

        Cr Trudie Brand

        Cr Mel Courtney

        Cr James Hodgson

        Cr Kahu Paki Paki

        Cr Pete Rainey

        Cr Campbell Rollo

        Cr Rachel Sanson

        Cr Tim Skinner

        Cr Aaron Stallard

Quorum    7                                                                                   Nigel Philpott

Chief Executive

Nelson City Council Disclaimer

Please note that the contents of these Council and Committee agendas have yet to be considered by Council and officer recommendations may be altered or changed by the Council in the process of making the formal Council decision. For enquiries call (03) 5460436.

Nelson City Council

22 March 2024



Page No.


Karakia and Mihi Timatanga

1.       Apologies

An apology has been received from Councillor R Sanson

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

3.       Interests

3.1      Updates to the Interests Register

3.2      Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda

4.       Public Forum


5.       Mayor's Report                                                            7 - 11

Document number R28445


That the Council

1.    Receives the report Mayor's Report  (R28445) and its attachment (118544611-7647); and

2.    Delegates, subject to Tasman District Council approval, to the Joint Committee of the Nelson City and Tasman District Councils consideration and decisions on any recommendations from the Saxton Field Committee regarding changes to the Saxton Field Management Plan, in respect of alcohol advertising.





6.       Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document                                                               12 - 583

Document number R28102


That the Council

1.    Receives the report Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document (R28102) and its attachments (1852948764-360, 1852948764-634, 1530519604-11301, 1852948764-480, 1852948764-675, 332184083-5274, 1852948764-535, 336940202-11140, 336940202-11141, 2010958706-10042, 1852948764-352, 1852948764-434, 1852948764-423, 1852948764-424); and

2.    Approves for consultation an amended Storm Recovery Charge rating proposal set on a uniform basis of $300 (including GST) per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit for the ten year period 2024/25 to 2033/34; and

3.    Approves reallocating $50,000 of Better Off Funding from promoting a community car sharing scheme to the project to transition Arts Council Nelson to an Arts Development Agency; and

4.    Adopts the following documents as supporting information for Nelson’s Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document as required by section 93G of the Local Government Act 2002:

a.     Draft Infrastructure Strategy 2024-2054 (1530519604-11301: Attachment 3)

b.    Draft Financial Strategy (1852948764-480: Attachment 4)

c.     Draft Significant Forecasting Assumptions (1852948764-675: Attachment 5)

d.    Draft Supporting Financial Information for the Long Term Plan 2024-34 Consultation Document  (332184083-5274: Attachment 6)

e.     Draft Council Activity summaries (1852948764-535: Attachment 7)

f.             Draft Nelson City Housing and Business Capacity Assessment (336940202-11140: Attachment 8)

g.    Draft Nelson and Tasman Tier 2 Urban Environment Housing and Business Assessment (336940202-11141: Attachment 9); and

5.    Approves the amended draft Eligibility Buy-out Principles (2010958706-10042: Attachment 10) for consultation as part of the 'Buy-out of private properties affected by slips' Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document key issue; and

6.    Agrees that having considered Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy and the importance of other matters to the district and its communities, that the key issues facing Council and the district are described in the Consultation Document; and

7.    Agrees that the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document (1852948764-360: Attachment 1) provides a fair representation of the matters that are proposed in the Long Term Plan and is an effective basis for public consultation as required by section 93B of the Local Government Act; and

8.    Receives the Audit Opinion from Audit New Zealand for inclusion in the Consultation Document; and

9.    Adopts the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document (1852948764-360: Attachment 1) for public consultation in accordance with the relevant sections 93 - 93F of the Local Government Act 2002; and

10.  Agrees that the consultation approach (set out in paragraphs 5.19 to 5.23 of this report R28102):

a.     includes sufficient steps to ensure the following documents will be reasonably accessible to the public and will be publicised in a manner appropriate to their purpose and significance:

i.     Long Term Plan Consultation Document 2024-2034

ii.    supporting information

iii.   the consultation information that will be consulted on in parallel with the Consultation Document; and

b.    will result in the Long Term Plan Consultation Document 2024-2034, supporting information, and the consultation information that will be consulted on in parallel with the Consultation Document, being as widely publicised as is reasonably practicable as a basis for consultation

c.     meets the requirements of section 82 and 83 of the Local Government Act 2002; and

11.  Approves the amended draft Revenue and Financing Policy (1852948764-352: Attachment 11) for public consultation in accordance with sections 102, 103, 82 and 82A of the Local Government Act 2002; and

12.  Approves the following consultation information in accordance with sections 82 and 82A of the Local Government Act 2002:

a.     Consultation information on the draft Revenue and Financing Policy (1852948764-434: Attachment 12)

b.    Consultation information on the draft Rating Policies (1852948764-423: Attachment 13)

c.     Consultation information on the draft Significance and Engagement Policy (1852948764-424: Attachment 14); and

13.  Agrees His Worship Mayor Hon Dr Smith and the Chief Executive be delegated authority to approve any minor amendments required to documents prior to them being made available for public consultation.



Confidential Business

7.       Exclusion of the Public


That the Council

1.        Confirms, in accordance with sections 48(5) and 48(6) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, that name and name remain after the public has been excluded, for Item# of the Confidential agenda (item title), as he/she/they has/have knowledge relating to (description) that will assist the meeting.



That the Council

1.        Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

2.        The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:



General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interests protected (where applicable)







Karakia Whakamutanga





Item 5: Mayor's Report



22 March 2024


Report Title:             Mayor's Report

Report Author:         Hon Dr Nick Smith - Mayor

Report Number:       R28445



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1      To delegate the decision on a Saxton Field Committee recommendation on alcohol advertising in the Saxton Field Management Plan to the Joint Committee of Nelson City and Tasman District councils.

2.       Recommendation

That the Council

1.    Receives the report Mayor's Report (R28445) and its attachment (118544611-7647); and

2.    Delegates, subject to Tasman District Council approval, to the Joint Committee of the Nelson City and Tasman District Councils consideration and decisions on any recommendations from the Saxton Field Committee regarding changes to the Saxton Field Management Plan, in respect of alcohol advertising.

3.       Background

3.1      Council has been approached by Nelson Cricket requesting that the Nelson City and Tasman District Council review the joint Saxton Field Management Plan and particularly the provisions in respect of alcohol advertising for one-off major events such as the Black Caps/White Ferns games (Attachment 1 118544611-7647).

3.2      Their key concern is the uncertainty created by the current policy requiring a complex and cumbersome process of an exemption being required for major games. They believe we are unlikely to be allocated games in future as a consequence and that this contradicts the multi-million investment by ratepayers of both Councils in the Saxton Oval as an international class cricket venue. They have advocated that the policy be changed to allow temporary signage for sporting events of a regional or international nature where the body hosting the event has contractual commitments to a third party requiring such signage is permitted. We need to establish a timely process for considering this request.

3.3      The request is being considered by the Joint Saxton Field Committee and they will be making a recommendation to the two Councils. My proposal is that their recommendation go to a meeting of the Joint Committee of the two Councils. It makes sense for it to be a joint decision when Saxton is a joint facility. It is also more efficient in having a single process for consideration of any change. It is helpful for elected members to hear different perspectives from the other Council on the issue rather than them being debated separately. Councils cannot realistically have different policies for one facility. I have discussed the issue with Mayor Tim King and he is in agreement with my recommendation that the decision is best made by the Joint Committee of the full Councils and he will be proposing a similar resolution to his Council




Attachment 1:   118544611-7647 Letter to Tasman and  Nelson Council Mayors 21Feb2024 LHS  


Item 5: Mayor's Report: Attachment 1


Item 6: Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document




22 March 2024


Report Title:             Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document

Report Author:         Louis Dalzell - Senior Policy Adviser

Report Authoriser:   Nicky McDonald - Group Manager Strategy and Communications

Report Number:       R28102



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1      To adopt the Consultation Document and supporting information for the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 and to approve the consultation process, including for related consultations.

2.       Summary

2.1      Council is required at all times to have a Long Term Plan. It is reviewed in three yearly cycles. A new Long Term Plan for the period 2024-2034 must be prepared and adopted by 30 June.

2.2      Council must consult with the community on its proposed Long Term Plan, and as part of that process is required to prepare a Consultation Document. The Consultation Document has been reviewed by Audit NZ and is attached for adoption (1852948764-360: Attachment 1). Council is also required to make available to the public supporting information that was used to inform development of the Consultation Document. Some of the supporting information has already been adopted, with the remaining documents attached (Attachments 3- 9).

3.       Recommendation

That the Council

1.    Receives the report Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document (R28102) and its attachments (1852948764-360, 1852948764-634, 1530519604-11301, 1852948764-480, 1852948764-675, 332184083-5274, 1852948764-535, 336940202-11140, 336940202-11141, 2010958706-10042, 1852948764-352, 1852948764-434, 1852948764-423, 1852948764-424); and

2.    Approves for consultation an amended Storm Recovery Charge rating proposal set on a uniform basis of $300 (including GST) per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit for the ten year period 2024/25 to 2033/34; and

3.    Approves reallocating $50,000 of Better Off Funding from promoting a community car sharing scheme to the project to transition Arts Council Nelson to an Arts Development Agency; and

4.    Adopts the following documents as supporting information for Nelson’s Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document as required by section 93G of the Local Government Act 2002:

a.     Draft Infrastructure Strategy 2024-2054 (1530519604-11301: Attachment 3)

b.    Draft Financial Strategy (1852948764-480: Attachment 4)

c.     Draft Significant Forecasting Assumptions (1852948764-675: Attachment 5)

d.    Draft Supporting Financial Information for the Long Term Plan 2024-34 Consultation Document  (332184083-5274: Attachment 6)

e.     Draft Council Activity summaries (1852948764-535: Attachment 7)

f.            Draft Nelson City Housing and Business Capacity Assessment (336940202-11140: Attachment 8)

g.    Draft Nelson and Tasman Tier 2 Urban Environment Housing and Business Assessment (336940202-11141: Attachment 9); and

5.    Approves the amended draft Eligibility Buy-out Principles (2010958706-10042: Attachment 10) for consultation as part of the 'Buy-out of private properties affected by slips' Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document key issue; and

6.    Agrees that having considered Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy and the importance of other matters to the district and its communities, that the key issues facing Council and the district are described in the Consultation Document; and

7.    Agrees that the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document (1852948764-360: Attachment 1) provides a fair representation of the matters that are proposed in the Long Term Plan and is an effective basis for public consultation as required by section 93B of the Local Government Act; and

8.    Receives the Audit Opinion from Audit New Zealand for inclusion in the Consultation Document; and

9.    Adopts the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document (1852948764-360: Attachment 1) for public consultation in accordance with the relevant sections 93 - 93F of the Local Government Act 2002; and

10.  Agrees that the consultation approach (set out in paragraphs 5.19 to 5.23 of this report R28102):

a.     includes sufficient steps to ensure the following documents will be reasonably accessible to the public and will be publicised in a manner appropriate to their purpose and significance:

i.     Long Term Plan Consultation Document 2024-2034

ii.    supporting information

iii.   the consultation information that will be consulted on in parallel with the Consultation Document; and

b.    will result in the Long Term Plan Consultation Document 2024-2034, supporting information, and the consultation information that will be consulted on in parallel with the Consultation Document, being as widely publicised as is reasonably practicable as a basis for consultation

c.     meets the requirements of section 82 and 83 of the Local Government Act 2002; and

11.  Approves the amended draft Revenue and Financing Policy (1852948764-352: Attachment 11)  for public consultation in accordance with sections 102, 103, 82 and 82A of the Local Government Act 2002; and

12.  Approves the following consultation information in accordance with sections 82 and 82A of the Local Government Act 2002:

a.     Consultation information on the draft Revenue and Financing Policy (1852948764-434: Attachment 12)

b.    Consultation information on the draft Rating Policies (1852948764-423: Attachment 13)

c.     Consultation information on the draft Significance and Engagement Policy (1852948764-424: Attachment 14); and

13.  Agrees His Worship Mayor Hon Dr Smith and the Chief Executive be delegated authority to approve any minor amendments required to documents prior to them being made available for public consultation.


4.       Background

4.1      Every three years Council is required, under section 93 of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA2002), to prepare and adopt a Long Term Plan. The Long Term Plan contains Council’s 10 year work programme including all the services and activities it plans to deliver and their estimated costs. Council is required to consult with the community on its Long Term Plan, and prepare a Consultation Document for that purpose.

4.2      The Consultation Document must “provide an effective basis for public participation in local authority decision-making processes relating to the content of a Long Term Plan”. It needs to explain the key issues being consulted on (based on their significance), provide options for consideration and give information on how Council proposals will impact on rates, debt and levels of service. It must also include reference to Council’s Financial Strategy and Infrastructure Strategy, changes to funding arrangements, changes to levels of service and changes to rates and debt levels.

4.3      In developing the Long Term Plan 2024-2034, Council has:

4.3.1   sought feedback from iwi partners, including via an activity management plan (AMP) engagement process and a Long Term Planning Summit with Iwi Leaders

4.3.2   provided opportunity for elected members to have input across many workshops on key matters, approaches and priorities (including on draft AMPs), overall work programmes, budgets and content of the Consultation Document

4.3.3   provided opportunity for elected members to discuss with their communities matters related to the Long Term Plan and input those views through workshops

4.3.4   made decisions at Council meetings on matters for inclusion in the proposed Long Term Plan and matters for consultation alongside at key stages across financial year 2023/24

4.3.5   provided the draft Consultation Document and supporting documents to Audit NZ in February 2024 for review.

4.4      The Consultation Document has been prepared assuming that Council will continue to provide water services throughout the 10 years of the Plan. This is consistent with the current Government’s direction and Council resolution on 14 December 2023 to include the three water activities in the Long Term Plan.

5.       Discussion

          Decision to refine the Storm Recovery Charge proposal

5.1      Council decided in December 2023 to consult on a Storm Recovery Charge targeted rate set on a uniform basis of $330 (including GST) per rating unit for ten years (CL/2023/294). Following further consideration in early 2024, elected members provided feedback in support of refining the rating proposal to apply it to all separately used or inhabited parts of a rating unit (SUIP). A rating unit is typically tied to a title of land whereas a SUIP is based on separately occupied portions of a property (e.g. for a separate tenancy, lease, or license). Taking this approach reduces the charge’s annual amount by spreading the cost of recovery to a wider group of ratepayers – i.e. including individual units of accommodation within retirement villages, multi-unit residential properties and individual commercial tenancies as SUIPs within a rating unit.

5.2      Staff recommend setting the annual charge at $300 (including GST). This includes some contingency for potential cost variations over the six year recovery work programme. In the event the recovery costs are paid off earlier, it would result in the charge being reduced in later years or ended earlier than the 10 years. A further option, if there is a surplus, would be to transfer it to the General Emergency Fund. If there are any overruns in the recovery costs it is not intended to increase the charge but to meet this from the General Emergency Fund or general rates.

          Decision to redirect funding from Better Off Funding

5.3      Council decided in September 2022 to allocate $50,000 of Better Off Funding to help promote a community car sharing scheme in Nelson (CL/2022/206). Following consideration of Council’s draft budgets and financial constraints, elected members provided feedback in support of redirecting this funding to another Better Off funding project, the transition of the Arts Council Nelson to an arts development agency. This change allowed a saving in rates funding that would otherwise have been required to allow the transition to proceed. A decision is required to reallocate the funding, which is sought at recommendation 3 of this report. Any promotion of car sharing by staff will, as a result, be undertaken within existing budgets.

5.4      In September 2022, Council also allocated Better Off Funding to a broader He Tātai Whetū – Whakatū Nelson Arts and Creativity Strategy implementation project. This included an Arts Relief Package, initially envisaged to provide grants to local artists to create arts activations in the city. Council subsequently decided in August 2023 (CL/2023/179) to:

5.4.1   retain $50,000 funding for the Arts Relief Package

5.4.2   select the Nelson Arts Council/the Arts Development Agency as the agency to implement the package

5.4.3   note that the He Tātai Whetū/Arts and Creativity Strategy Taskforce would consider the best approach for the package prior to its introduction.

5.5      The taskforce has reassessed the package and does not think Council needs to change its original intent to provide financial opportunities to local practitioners but suggested a focus on supporting city revitalisation projects, which will be taken on board through the implementation.

          Supporting information

5.6      Under section 93G of the LGA2002, Council must adopt the supporting information that is relied on by the content of the Consultation Document, before it adopts the Consultation Document itself. This information must also be made available to the public as part of the consultation process. Some of the supporting information has been approved at prior Council meetings in 2023/24 ready for consultation. A complete list of the supporting information is included in Attachment 2.

5.7      To reflect Council direction and audit requirements the following documents have been amended and are attached for re-approval:

5.7.1   Draft Infrastructure Strategy 2024-2054 (Attachment 3)

5.7.2   Draft Financial Strategy (Attachment 4)

5.7.3   Draft Significant Forecasting Assumptions (Attachment 5)

5.8      Staff seek adoption of the following remaining supporting information:

5.8.1   Draft Supporting Financial Information for the Long Term Plan 2024-34 Consultation Document (Attachment 6)

5.8.2   Draft Council Activity summaries (Attachment 7)

5.8.3   Draft Nelson City Housing and Business Capacity Assessment (Attachment 8)

5.8.4   Draft Nelson and Tasman Tier 2 Urban Environment Housing and Business Assessment (Attachment 9).

5.9      Elected members received drafts of the documents noted in points 5.8.2 to 5.8.4 in January 2024 prior to review by Audit NZ.

          Fulfilling Council’s financial consideration requirements

5.10    Council needs to consider the financial prudency requirements of sections 100 and 101 of the LGA2002 when developing the Financial Strategy. Council must make adequate and effective provisions in the Long Term Plan to meet the expenditure needs identified in the Plan. Council considered this when adopting the draft Financial Strategy on 1 February 2024. Council has budgeted to achieve the balanced budget requirement across the ten years of the Long Term Plan.

          Consultation Document

5.11    Following Council decisions and workshop feedback, the Consultation Document has been developed to achieve its purpose under the LGA2002 and is now ready for adoption. A designed version will be tabled at the meeting for information.

5.12    The Consultation Document, when published, will include a report on behalf of the Auditor General confirming whether it meets its purpose and discussing the quality of the underlying information and assumptions. The opinion was not available at the time of the agenda’s distribution – it will be tabled at the meeting.

5.13    The title, ‘Beyond the storm’, reflects the theme of the Consultation Document and proposed Long Term Plan. Nelson has faced recent challenges, including from natural disasters, cost of living pressures and the consequences of the pandemic. The proposed Long Term Plan has been developed in this context and to support Nelson to move beyond these ‘storms’ over the next decade.

5.14    The Consultation Document identifies eight key issues for community feedback:

5.14.1 Rates affordability

5.14.2 Buy-out of private properties affected by slips

5.14.3 Council’s forestry approach

5.14.4 Marina CCO proposal

5.14.5 Housing Reserve Fund changes

5.14.6 All-weather sports turf

5.14.7 Tāhunanui Beach facilities

5.14.8 Arts Hub.

5.15    Options for each key issue – including Council’s proposal – are included to meet section 93C of the LGA2002. The issue relating to the buy-out of private properties contemplates a significant new activity for Council. Sections 97 and 93E of the LGA2002 also apply to this issue and an analysis of the ‘reasonably practicable options’ is included. The draft Eligibility Buy-out Principles have been updated following central government feedback. The draft principles (Attachment 10) are attached for re-approval for consultation with the community.

5.16    The Consultation Document also incorporates sections summarising other proposed projects and changes and Council’s financial approach to highlight matters for feedback and support public participation in decision-making.


5.17    Council is required to undertake a special consultative procedure to seek feedback to inform the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 (to meet section 93(2) of the LGA2002).

5.18    The aim of the consultation process is to:

5.18.1 improve public awareness and understanding on Council’s Long Term Plan

5.18.2 seek public views on the key issues, proposals and options for the Long Term Plan

5.18.3 meet statutory requirements for consultation on the Long Term Plan and related decisions.

5.19    The proposed consultation process involves:

5.19.1 preparation and adoption of a consultation document and supporting information

5.19.2 a submission period of 27 March to 28 April for the public to make submissions

5.19.3 hearings to enable submitters to present their submissions to Council

5.19.4 deliberations and decisions on the matters raised in submissions, followed by adopting the final Long Term Plan 2024-2034.

5.20    Adoption of the final Long Term Plan and setting the rates for 2024/25 is planned to occur on 27 June 2024.

5.21    The following are the key methods proposed to raise public awareness of the consultation process:

5.21.1 advertisements in local media

5.21.2 promotion of the opportunity to submit on the Consultation Document in Our Nelson, which is delivered to households in Nelson, including via a dedicated issue of Our Nelson

5.21.3 providing opportunities for the public to discuss the Consultation Document with elected members (including using a stall at the Saturday Market and elected members talking directly with their communities)

5.21.4 publicise the Consultation Document and opportunity to submit by media release, on social media and Antenno posts.

5.22    Copies of the Consultation Document and supporting information will be available on Council’s website and at Council’s Customer Service Centre and libraries.

5.23    These methods may be amended as the consultation process progresses. Staff expect there will be local media coverage on the key issues and other proposed projects and changes outlined in the Consultation Document. Staff will also trial the use of some artificial intelligence tools to help speed up processing of submissions and reduce the resources used – for example, searching by keywords to help categorise submissions.

5.24    The consultation process above is proportionate to the significance of the matters raised and is in accordance with sections 93A, 82 and 83 of the LGA2002 for the Long Term Plan Consultation Document and sections 82 and 82A for the other consultations occurring at the same time.

Consultation information for related consultations

5.25    Council has previously approved the following draft policies for consultation alongside the Long Term Plan – draft Significance and Engagement Policy and three draft rating policies. The draft Revenue and Financing Policy (Attachment 11) has been updated to reflect Council direction and audit requirements and is attached for re-approval. Consultation information on these policies have been prepared for adoption (Attachments 12 to 14).

5.26    Consultation information and processes for the draft Development Contributions Policy and the proposed Schedule of Fees and Charges 2024/25 were adopted on 7 December 2023 and 1 February 2024 respectively.

5.27    The Consultation Document refers to all of the related consultations to raise awareness and encourage submissions on these topics.

6.       Options

6.1      Development of a Consultation Document is a legal obligation under sections 93B and 93C of the LGA2002. Council can choose to amend the Consultation Document or delay its release to the community but that would put at risk completion of the Long Term Plan within statutory timeframes. Elected members have previously reviewed the Consultation Document and had the opportunity to comment on it.


Option 1: Adopt the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document, and its supporting information and associated consultation information (Recommended option)


·    Meets the requirements of the LGA2002.

·    Provides the community with the opportunity to provide feedback to Council on what is proposed.

·    The statutory deadline of adopting the final Long Term Plan before the start of 2024/25 can be met.

Risks and Disadvantages

·   Council would not have an opportunity to make major changes to the documents, if it considers they are needed prior to public consultation.

Option 2: Amend the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document, and its supporting information and associated consultation information


·    If Council considers that the Consultation Document does not meet its needs or the needs of the community, Council can request staff to make further changes before releasing it for public consultation.

Risks and Disadvantages

·    Financial changes are likely to have an impact on the rates increase and level of debt.

·    Revised budgets and financial information, a Consultation Document and supporting information would need to be developed, audited and adopted by Council, which would delay the consultation process.

·    High risk that the final Long Term Plan will not be adopted before the start of 2024/25. This would mean that Council would not be able to strike its rates for the 2024/25 financial year by 30 June 2024.


7.       Conclusion

7.1      The Consultation Document sets out the key issues and other matters proposed to be included in the Long Term Plan 2024-34 and is considered to provide a good basis for public consultation. It is recommended that the Consultation Document and supporting information be adopted and approved for public consultation.

8.       Next Steps

8.1      A range of engagement and communications activities are proposed to make the community aware of the consultation and encourage submissions. In May, Council will consider the submissions received, hold hearings and deliberations. A final Long Term Plan will then be prepared for Council’s adoption before 30 June 2024.




Attachment 1:   1852948764-360 - Nelson’s Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document - draft for adoption (Circulated separately)

Attachment 2:   1852948764-634 - List of supporting information

Attachment 3:   1530519604-11301 - Draft Infrastructure Strategy 2024-2054

Attachment 4:   1852948764-480 - Draft Financial Strategy

Attachment 5:   1852948764-675 - Draft Significant Forecasting Assumptions

Attachment 6:   332184083-5274 - Draft Supporting Financial Information for the Long Term Plan 2024-34 Consultation Document

Attachment 7:   1852948764-535 - Draft Council Activity summaries

Attachment 8:   336940202-11140 - Draft Nelson City Housing and Business Capacity Assessment

Attachment 9:   336940202-11141 - Draft Nelson and Tasman Tier 2 Urban Environment Housing and Business Assessment

Attachment 10: 2010958706-10042 - Draft Eligibility Buy-out Principles

Attachment 11: 1852948764-352 - Draft Revenue and Financing Policy

Attachment 12: 1852948764-434 Consultation Information Draft Revenue and Financing Policy

Attachment 13: 1852948764-423 Consultation Information Draft Rating Policies

Attachment 14: 1852948764-424 Consultation Information Draft Significance and Engagement Policy  


Important considerations for decision making

Fit with Purpose of Local Government

Adoption of the Consultation Document and related documents is required under section 93 of the Local Government Act 2002.

Consulting on the Long Term Plan proposals supports the purpose of Local Government by enabling our community to have input into decisions that will impact community wellbeing.

Consistency with Community Outcomes and Council Policy

Consulting on the Long Term Plan proposals enables community engagement. The content of the Long Term Plan Consultation Document and budget proposals support all of Council’s community outcomes.


Consultation reduces the risk that Council will fund services or projects that are not supported by part or all of the community. A broad programme of engagement over the consultation period reduces the risk that feedback will be at a low level or not representative.

Adopting the Consultation Document and its supporting information is considered low risk, as Council will consider the views of the public before making its final decisions. The proposed process is in line with the requirements of the LGA2002. There is a risk that some members of the public might object to the final decisions that Council makes or challenge the process. Ensuring a robust consultation process and explaining the reasons for decisions will help mitigate this risk.

There is a risk that some in the community will not be supportive of the effect on services that may be experienced due to the reductions necessary to keep the average rates rises down. The impact of reduced maintenance budgets will not always be obvious to the public but there may be increased complaints where repairs are slower and services not as responsive. Messaging about the balance Council has struck between fiscal restraint and investment in the city and its services will help mitigate this risk.

Financial impact

The financial impact of the proposals in the Consultation Document are reflected in the resulting proposed rates figures and debt levels.

The consultation costs will be undertaken within existing budgets.



Degree of significance and level of engagement

The Consultation Document and supporting documents are collectively of high significance because they set out Council’s 10 year work programme and budgets. Having considered Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy and the importance of other matters to the district and its communities, eight key issues facing Council and the district have been included in the Consultation Document.

Public consultation will be undertaken using a special consultative procedure.

Climate Impact

        The impact of climate change has been considered as part of development of the Long Term Plan and in the supporting documents. While some climate change budgets have had to be phased over a longer period for affordability, every effort has been made to provide the expenditure needed to support Nelson to adapt to climate impacts and for Council to meet its emissions targets.

A total of approximately $15 million is allocated across the ten years of the Long Term Plan for climate specific projects. There are also many other projects that include actions that will contribute to reducing emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change but that are not included in the total as climate change action is not their primary purpose.

Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process

Engagement has occurred with iwi during the Long Term Plan preparation process, particularly during development of the Activity Management Plans and through the Long Term Planning Summit with Iwi Leaders. Also, an update on the Long Term Plan process and related consultations was provided to Te Ohu Whakahaere on 6 March 2024.

Legal context

Council has the power to make these decisions in accordance with sections 93, 93A, 82 and 83 of the LGA2002 for the Long Term Plan Consultation Document and sections 82 and 82A for the other consultations occurring at the same time.

Council’s decision must be made in accordance with Part 6 of LGA2002. This requires use of the Special Consultative Procedure for the Consultation Document and a section 82 process using the principles of consultation as a guide for the related consultations occurring at the same time.


        The decisions contained in this report are within the Council’s area of responsibility.


Item 6: Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document: Attachment 2

Item 6: Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document: Attachment 3

Item 6: Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document: Attachment 4

Item 6: Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document: Attachment 5

Item 6: Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document: Attachment 6

Item 6: Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document: Attachment 7

Item 6: Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document: Attachment 8

Item 6: Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document: Attachment 9

Item 6: Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document: Attachment 10

Item 6: Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document: Attachment 11

Item 6: Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document: Attachment 12

Item 6: Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document: Attachment 13

Item 6: Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document: Attachment 14