Notice of the Ordinary meeting of
Hearings Panel - Other
Rōpū Rongonga – Aha atu anō
Date: Wednesday 28 September 2022 Time: 1.00p.m. Location: Council
Chamber |
Rārangi take
Members Cr Yvonne Bowater (Chairperson)
Cr Trudie Brand
Cr Mel Courtney
Quorum 2 Pat Dougherty
Chief Executive
Nelson City Council Disclaimer
Please note that the contents of these Council and Committee agendas have yet to be considered by Council and officer recommendations may be altered or changed by the Council in the process of making the formal Council decision. For enquiries call (03) 5460436.
· To conduct hearings and/or determine under delegated authority applications relating to the Dog Control Act 1996, all matters relating to Temporary Road Closures pursuant to Schedule 10 Clause 11(e) of the Local Government Act 1974, matters relating to naming features within the city, and any other matters required for determination by Council under legislation as determined by Council.
· All elected members aside from the Mayor, in rotation. Each Hearings Panel-Other will be made up of three members.
· The Group Manager Environmental Management may appoint one or more Independent Commissioners to either assist the Hearings Panel - Other or to hear and determine any particular application, such as when Council or a Council-Controlled Organisation or Council-Controlled Trading Organisation is (or could be perceived to be) an interested party, other than applications made for temporary road closure under Schedule 10 Clause 11(e) of the Local Government Act 1974.
· The power to appoint a panel to hear and determine with any other consent authority any application requiring a joint hearing
· The power to hear and recommend appropriate actions from hearings of designations and heritage orders
· The power to hear, consider and attempt to resolve contested road stopping procedures
· The power to consider and determine applications for temporary road closures made under Schedule 10 Clause 11(e) of the Local Government Act 1974
· The power to hear and determine all matters arising from the administration of the Building Act 1991, and the Building Act 2004
· The power to hear and determine objections to the classification of dogs, and all other procedural matters for which a right of objection and hearing is provided for under the Dog Control Act, 1996
· The power to name all features within the city requiring naming including roads, streets, service lanes, plazas, parking areas, parks, reserves, gardens and all public facilities or infrastructure, aside from those impacted by the Naming Rights and Sponsorship Policy for Community Services Facilities
· The power to provide advice to applicants on appropriate names for private roads, rights of way or other legal forms of private access to property
· The power to make changes to the schedules to the Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw that do not require public consultation
· The power to hear submissions and recommendations on proposed changes to the schedules to the Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw requiring public consultation
· The power to administer the administering body functions under section 48 of the Reserves Act 1977 on proposed rights of way and other easements on reserves vested in Council
Hearings Panel - Other Minutes - 31 August 2022
Hearings Panel - Other
28 September 2022
Karakia and Mihi Timatanga
1. Apologies
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
3.1 Updates to the Interests Register
3.2 Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda
5.1 There are no minutes to be confirmed.
6. Parking and Vehicle
Control Bylaw (2011), No 207
Amendments to Schedules 4 - 18
Document number R27231
That the Hearings Panel - Other 1. Receives the report Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw (2011), No 207 amendments to Schedules (R27231) and its attachments (1355221503-5012 & 1355221503-4972); and 2. Approves amendments detailed in report R27231 and its attachments (1355221503-5012 & 1355221503-4972) to the following Schedules of the Bylaw, Parking and Vehicle Control (2011), No 207: · Schedule 4 – Special Parking Areas · Schedule 9 – No Stopping and no Parking Areas |
Item 6: Parking and
Vehicle Control Bylaw (2011), No 207
Amendments to Schedules
Hearings Panel - Other 28 September 2022 |
and Vehicle Control Bylaw (2011), No 207
Amendments to Schedules
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To approve proposed alterations to Schedules of the Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw (2011), No 207, to give effect to minor safety and parking improvements, roading improvements carried out as part of the capital works programme and changes from new subdivisions.
3. Background
3.1 The Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw 2011 allows for the Council by resolution, to add, amend or delete specifications contained within the Schedules. The Council has delegated this power to the Hearings Panel -Other. To ensure that the Bylaw is enforceable it is important to ensure that the Schedules are updated on a regular basis. The Bylaw Schedules were last updated in July 2022.
3.2 Minor alterations and additions are proposed to Schedules 4 and 9 of the Bylaw as detailed in section 4.
3.3 The proposed alterations and additions are shown for indicative purposes only by plans attached to this report. The purpose of these plans is to assist the Panel to easily and quickly understand the nature of the changes proposed. These plans will not form part of the final bylaw. The actual changes as they will be incorporated into the final schedules of the Bylaw, and with the level of detail required for enforcement purposes, are set out in the schedule of changes appended as Attachment 2.
4. Discussion
Schedule 4 – Special Parking Areas
4.1 Hope Street – Proposed Loading Zone
4.1.1 The need for a loading zone in Hope Street to service several hospitality businesses has been identified by officers following discussions with nearby hospitality operators.
4.1.2 Officers have met with the owner of Parts and Service and Urban to identify a location on Hope Street that would service a wide range of businesses. One loading zone is proposed on Hope Street as shown in Attachment 1, titled 4.1.
Schedule 9 – No Stopping and No Parking Areas
4.2 Arrow Street – Proposed No Stopping
4.2.1 Concern has been raised around the increasing numbers of vehicles parking on both sides of Arrow Street, which narrows the carriageway to the point that emergency vehicles, buses and rubbish collection vehicles are having difficulty travelling this stretch of road.
4.2.2 Officers propose staggering yellow lines on alternating sides of Arrow Street to improve this situation, that will still allow some parking on-road, whilst providing a level of traffic calming to help control speeds.
4.2.3 The proposed no stopping is shown in Attachment 1, titled 4.2.
4.2.4 Thirty letters were sent to Arrow Street residents seeking feedback. Eight replies were received, with seven in support and one in opposition. Officers recommend installing the no stopping lines.
4.3 Coster Street – Proposed No Stopping
4.3.1 Concern has been raised about parking on both sides of Coster Street which narrows the carriageway to one lane, on a curve that has uncomfortable sight lines. Residents have also reported near misses when turning into/out of Coster Street, on to The Ridgeway due to parked vehicles forcing drivers across the centre line.
4.3.2 Officers propose to install no stopping lines on the downhill side of Coster Street to join the existing no stopping lines, and to install no stopping on the uphill side of Coster Street from Olivia’s Place to the start of the indented parking bays. This is shown in Attachment 1, titled 4.3.
4.3.3 Directly affected residents received a letter inviting feedback. Five replies were received with four in favour and one objecting. Officers recommend installing no stopping as proposed.
4.4 Werneth Street - Proposed No Stopping
4.4.1 Council officers were approached by a resident of Werneth Street who communicated that he held concerns about parking around the turning head of Werneth Street. Neighbours later reported that the request was driven by a desire to improve boat access and be able to make the turn into a private driveway in one movement.
4.4.2 Officers sought feedback on no stopping the cul-de-sac from the indented parking bay to the driveway of number 34 as shown in Attachment 1, titled 4.4.
4.4.3 Directly affected residents received a letter inviting feedback. Thirteen replies were received with three objecting, nine in support and one that was ambiguous. Those is opposition indicated that they were concerned about the lack of visitor parking in the area.
4.4.4 Officers support the installation of no stopping, as consulted on, in accordance with the NTLDM, noting the majority support from residents.
4.5 Kendall View - Proposed No Stopping
4.5.1 Council has received complaints regarding cars parking on the footpath and generally around the turning head/island of the cul-de-sac, making visibility, turning and getting in and out of driveways difficult.
4.5.2 Officers propose to install no stopping around the cul-de-sac and around the central island as shown in Attachment 1, titled 4.5.
4.5.3 Directly affected residents were written to and feedback invited. Seven responses were received with two in support and five opposed. The area is busy with a large number of tenants requiring off street parking and some trailers/trucks associated with a small business being parked in the area.
4.5.4 Officers recommend that no stopping lines are installed as per the NTLDM to ensure the cul-de-sac operates as designed, and the behaviour that currently occurs is clearly prohibited.
4.6 Orion Street - Proposed No Stopping
4.6.1 Concern has been raised by several businesses in and around Orion Street with regard to unsafe parking around the cul-de-sac and resulting issues experienced getting heavy vehicles into and out of businesses.
4.6.2 Officers have proposed several no stopping areas designed to improve safety and efficiency at the turning head of Orion Street, and prohibit parking which currently restricts the safe entry/exit for heavy vehicles.
4.6.3 Officers are in the process of consulting on this proposal with those businesses who we have not yet heard from. Gibbons and Tasman Coldstore both support this proposal. Any additional feedback will be tabled at the meeting.
4.6.4 The proposed no stopping is shown in Attachment 1, titled 4.6 and officers support this.
4.7 Quarantine Road – Proposed No Stopping
4.7.1 Officers have been approached by the owner of Carters Tyres who is experiencing issues with vehicles regularly parking across their kerb cutdown, and blocking access to their off street customer parking area.
4.7.2 Due to the inconspicuous nature of the kerb cutdown, officers support the installation of no stopping as shown in Attachment 1, titled 4.7.
4.7.3 Carters Tyres (the directly affected business) supports this installation.
4.8 Manuka Street – Proposed No Stopping
4.8.1 Officers and Parking Wardens have been contacted by residents and Nelson Central School regarding vehicles parking partly or completely across driveways along Manuka Street. This issue largely occurs at school pickup time and is partly due to the inconspicuous nature of driveways between angled parking.
4.8.2 Officers propose to install no stopping to reinforce the presence of driveways along the northern side of Manuka Street.
4.8.3 No consultation was undertaken, as all the areas proposed for no stopping are already prohibited parking spaces. The customer who raised their concerns with Council staff supports this proposal.
4.8.4 The proposed no stopping is shown in Attachment 1, titled 4.8.
5. Options
5.1 There are limited options for the items presented in this report as the changes in schedules 4 and 9 are proposed changes to improve safe traffic movement. Option 1 is the recommended option.
Option 1: Adopt changes as attached for Schedule 4 and 9 without change. Recommended option. |
Advantages |
· Changes to Schedules are designed to improve safety and efficiency |
Risks and Disadvantages |
· Minor loss of parking |
Option 2: Do not adopt changes as attached for Schedule 4 and 9 |
Advantages |
· There are no identified advantages |
Risks and Disadvantages |
· Failure to approve changes will result in the continued unsafe and inefficient use of the roading network. |
Author: Matt Bruce, Team Leader Transport and Solid Waste
Attachment 1: 1355221503-5012 - Proposed Changes shown Indicatively on Aerials ⇩
Attachment 2: 1355221503-4972 - Schedule of Changes to the Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw ⇩
Important considerations for decision making |
1. Fit with Purpose of Local Government The report recommendation meets current and future needs of communities in contributing to the safe use of the roading and parking network in the City. |
2. Consistency with Community Outcomes and Council Policy The content and recommendations of this report are consistent with Councils Community Outcomes – “Our Infrastructure is efficient, cost effective and meets current and future needs”. In particular that we have good quality, affordable and effective infrastructure, and transport networks. This report is directly aligned to the requirements of the Parking Policy, the Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw and with Council’s strategic direction through the Regional Land Transport Strategy. |
3. Risk To ensure that the Bylaw is enforceable, it is important to ensure that the Schedules are updated on a regular basis. Failure to update Schedules will open enforcement up to challenge. |
4. Financial impact Costs are within allocated annual budgets for road maintenance or capital projects. |
5. Degree of significance and level of engagement Therefore this matter is of low significance. Nearby businesses and residents that could be affected, have been consulted. |
6. Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process No engagement with Māori has been undertaken in preparing this report. |
7. Delegations The Hearings Panel - Other has the following delegations to consider changes to the Parking and vehicle Control Bylaw. Powers to Decide: · The power to make changes to the schedules to the Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw |