Notice of the Ordinary meeting of
Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee
Te Kōmiti Āpiti, Rautaki / Rawa
Date: Thursday 9 June 2022 Time: 9.00a.m. Location: via Zoom |
Rārangi take
Chairperson Cr Gaile Noonan
Members Her Worship the Mayor Rachel Reese
Councillors Yvonne Bowater
Cr Trudie Brand
Cr Tim Skinner
Mr John Murray
Mr John Peters
Quorum 4 Pat Dougherty
Chief Executive
Nelson City Council Disclaimer
Please note that the contents of these Council and Committee agendas have yet to be considered by Council and officer recommendations may be altered or changed by the Council in the process of making the formal Council decision. For enquiries call (03) 5460436.
Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee
9 June 2022
Karakia and Mihi Timatanga
1. Apologies
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
3.1 Updates to the Interests Register
3.2 Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda
5. Nelson Marina Masterplan 6 - 120
Document number R26569
That the Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee 1. Receives the report Nelson Marina Masterplan (R26569) and its attachment/s (A2893150)(A2893152); and 2. Agrees to seek public feedback on the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan (A2893150); and 3. Agrees that the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan engagement process and public feedback opportunities meet the requirement of the Local Government Act 2002 including the principles of consultation in section 82; and 4. Approves the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan (A2893150) for public feedback; and 5. Approves the public feedback document (A2893152), amended as necessary; and 6. Agrees that the Mayor, Chair of the Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee and Chief Executive be delegated to approve minor amendments required to the supporting information or public feedback materials prior to the start of the consultation process; and 7. Approves the consultation approach (set out in paragraphs 4.11 to 4.18 of this report (R26569)) and agrees: a. The approach includes sufficient steps to ensure the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan will be reasonably accessible to the public and will be publicised in a manner appropriate to its purpose and significance; and b. The approach will result in the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan being as widely publicised as reasonably practicable as a basis for consultation.
Recommendation to Council
That the Council 1. Approves releasing the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan (A2893150) for consultation and community feedback; and 2. Approves the public feedback document (A2893152).
6. Strategic Development and Property Quarterly Report Quarter Three 2021/22 120 - 120
Document number R26854
That the Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee 1. Receives the report Strategic Development and Property Quarterly Report Quarter Three 2021/22 (R26854) and its attachments (A2869543 and A2873008).
Confidential Business
That the Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee
1. Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.
2. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:
Item |
General subject of each matter to be considered |
Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter |
Particular interests protected (where applicable) |
1 |
Status Report - Confidential |
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7 |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2)(a) To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person · Section 7(2)(h) To enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities · Section 7(2)(i) To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations) |
2 |
Relocatable Home Park Maitai Valley Motor Camp Approval |
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7 |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2)(a) To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person · Section 7(2)(g) To maintain legal professional privilege |
3 |
Resource Consent for Brook Valley Holiday Park Long Term Residential Accommodation - Item left to lie 24 March 2022 |
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7 |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2)(a) To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person |
Karakia Whakamutanga
Item 5: Nelson Marina Masterplan
Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee 9 June 2022 |
Nelson Marina Masterplan
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To approve the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan document for community engagement and public feedback.
1.2 To approve the recommended consultation process as outlined in this paper as per the requirements of section 82 of the Local Government Act 2002.
Recommendation to Council
1. Approves releasing the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan (A2893150) for consultation and community feedback; and 2. Approves the public feedback document (A2893152).
3. Background
3.1 In December 2017, Council approved the Nelson Marina Strategy which included the recommendation to develop a full Nelson Marina Masterplan (Masterplan).
3.2 In December 2020, Council engaged Wardale Marine Consulting (Wardale) to research the supply and demand for Nelson Marina Facilities and to use this research to develop a concept for the Masterplan.
3.3 Wardale presented the Draft Masterplan concept and accompanying demand and supply research to a Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee (Subcommittee) confidential briefing in April 2021.
3.4 On 24 June 2021, Council confirmed in principle decisions of the Long-Term Plan recommendations (CL/2021/092) from the Subcommittee that the Council Requests officers to complete a Masterplan for the water side of the Marina.
3.5 Officers and Wardale consulted with various interest groups, stakeholders, and the Nelson Marina Advisory Group (MAG) to formulate a Draft Masterplan looking at both the land based and water side requirements for the Marina over the next 10+ years.
3.6 The Draft Masterplan was presented to a Subcommittee Confidential Briefing on 14 April 2022.
3.7 Officers now present the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan (Draft Masterplan) for release to the public for consultation.
4. Discussion
4.1 The Draft Masterplan is a medium term (10 years +) vision to revitalise and activate the Marina waterfront precinct for safe public access, to provide safe access to the water and to create a boating hub to stimulate economic activity and growth for the Nelson economy.
4.2 The proposal envisions a link between the city and the Marina precinct, complementing the Te Ara o Whakatu Nelson City Centre Spatial Plan, Council’s City to Sea Linkage, the proposed Cawthron Science and Technology Precinct and the Nelson Future Access Project.
4.3 The Draft Masterplan seeks to invigorate Nelson Marina by creating a mix of public access and activities for residents and visitors that enjoy being both on the water and near the water. It will provide a safe secure haven for boats to be berthed, safe launching and retrieving of smaller trailer vessel, enhanced repairs and maintenance facilities and a dedicated area for the fast-growing water sports sector, ensuring the mixed uses and water access requirements around the marina are performed in a safe manner. It will be a place to take a ride, walk the dog and meet up with friends for a coffee overlooking the boats. It will be a new attraction for our city.
4.4 We now have an exciting opportunity to develop a high-quality safe Marina that attracts economic development, employment opportunities and safe access to Nelson Haven and Tasman Bay for all water activities now and in the future as our population and recreational boating/water sport participation rates grow.
4.5 Environmental and climate change factors are at the heart of the masterplan and will help drive environmentally friendly and sustainable practices both in the building and development of the Marina as well as the daily operations. All design aspects will centre around the reuse of materials where possible, the latest energy efficient designs, onsite stormwater treatment, rain water and solar harvesting and provisions for changing technologies in land and water powered transportation.
Significance and Engagement
4.6 Over the last twelve months the Draft Masterplan has been developed through targeted community pre-engagement with meetings held across all main stakeholders and interest groups related to the operation and use of the Marina.
4.7 The purpose of the public feedback on the Draft Masterplan is to seek the public’s view on the plan.
4.8 It is proposed that the official public engagement process, consistent with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA02), section 82 Principles of Consultation, will begin 20 June 2022. The process will have a high profile in the community and across all media channels (online and physical). Stakeholders and residents will be encouraged to engage with the Draft document and provide Council with their feedback via Shape Nelson, email or hardcopy. This process will close on 20 July 2022 (4 weeks total duration).
4.9 Under Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy, the Draft Masterplan is of low to moderate significance and there is no requirement under the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA) to use the Special Consultative Process (SCP). The proposed feedback process will enable Council to be informed of the views of the community and those affected by the proposal in deciding to adopt, or not, the Masterplan.
4.10 A standard consultative feedback procedure is proposed with a high level of stakeholder engagement.
Community Engagement Approach
4.11 The proposed dates for the community engagement period are from 20 June 2022 through until 20 July 2022.
4.12 It is not proposed that there would be a hearing (having regard to s82(1)(d) of the LGA and the assessment of significance).
4.13 An executive summary engagement document (Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan Public Feedback (A2893152)) will be widely distributed allowing for more widespread engagement, providing a broad outline of the Draft Masterplan without the need to read the full Draft Masterplan document (A2893150) (96 Pages).
4.14 Direct engagement is proposed with the following stakeholders:
4.14.1 Local Iwi
4.14.2 Nelson Marina Advisory Group
4.14.3 Nelson Marina Berthholders Association
4.14.4 Friends of the Haven
4.14.5 Marina Contractors
4.14.6 Port Nelson
4.14.7 Nelson Harbourmaster
4.14.8 The Sea Sports Alliance:
· Nelson Rowing Club
· Nelson Iron Duke Sea Scouts
· Nelson Sea Cadets
· Local Waka Ama Clubs
4.14.9 Surrounding Businesses:
· Diving Services Nelson
· Motueka Nets
· Aimex Shipyard
· Talley’s Fisheries
· Ruby’s Espresso
4.14.10 Local Clubs:
· Tasman Bay Cruising Club
· Nelson Yacht Club
· Dawnbreakers Fishing Club
4.14.11 Tasman District Council
4.14.12 Property Developers
4.14.13 Berthholders
4.14.14 Other Marina Users
4.14.15 Nelson Community
4.14.16 General Public
4.15 Information on the Draft Masterplan and the consultation will be disseminated through the following platforms:
4.15.1 Emailing the Draft Masterplan to and meetings with the stakeholders noted in 4.13
4.15.2 Distribution of the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan Public Feedback document (A2893152)
4.15.3 Emails to Berthholders, those with boats in the trailer park and commercial local contractors
4.15.4 Signs placed at the marina office, boat ramp, on each jetty, the hardstand gates, and the rubbish compounds.
4.15.5 A public online Zoom/Teams session
4.15.6 Consultation page on Shape Nelson
4.15.7 Nelson Marina Newsletter
4.15.8 Social Media – Nelson City Council and Nelson Marina Facebook
4.15.9 Our Nelson
4.15.10 Series of media releases targeted at the following publications:
· Nelson Weekly
· Nelson Mail (Stuff)
· NZ Marine
· NZ Marina Industries Association
4.16 The Draft Masterplan and supporting documents will be made available through a download link on Shape Nelson and the Nelson Marina Website, with hardcopies able to be viewed in the following locations:
4.16.1 Nelson Marina Office
4.16.2 Nelson City Council Customer Service Centre
4.16.3 Elma Turner Library - Nelson
4.16.4 Nightingale Library – Tahunanui
4.16.5 Stoke Library – Stoke
4.17 Officers will summarise the feedback received and report this to the Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee with recommendations incorporated into the final document.
4.18 The updated Final Nelson Marina Masterplan will then be presented at a Council meeting later in the year to seek approval for final adoption.
5. Options
5.1 Council can either approve, amend, or not approve the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan document for public feedback and community engagement. It is recommended that the Draft Masterplan is released to the public for consultation in line with the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy (Option 1).
Option 1: Approve the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan for public release and consultation (Recommended Option) |
Advantages |
· Follows prior Council decisions to formulate a plan for the future of the Marina. · Allows opportunity for further consultation prior to a final decision being made on the Masterplan. · Ensures the views of all of Nelson’s community and Marina stakeholders are represented. · Provides an opportunity for stakeholder feedback. · Seeking engagement allows Council to fulfil the community engagement requirements of the Local Government Act 2002. |
Risks and Disadvantages |
· None |
Option 2: Amend the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan prior to public feedback and community engagement |
Advantages |
· If Council considers the document and public feedback/engagement approach does not meet its needs or the needs of the community, Council can direct changes ahead of consultation. |
Risks and Disadvantages |
· Amendments to the document may not reflect the engagement undertaken to date. · Delays to timeframe to progress the Draft Masterplan community engagement process. |
Option 3: Do not approve the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan for release and public consultation |
· Minimal investment in the Marina keeping fees and charges low. |
Risks and Disadvantages |
· No direction for the development of Nelson Marina. · Increased competition in the region drives Marina businesses out of Nelson. · Dissatisfied Marina users causing reputational damage. · Under-utilisation of valuable Council owned land. · Increased pressure from developers for alternative use of the vacant land. |
6. Conclusion
6.1 Officers recommend that the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan document and engagement approach be approved for release for public feedback.
7. Next Steps
7.1 If Council agrees to the proposed approach the next steps would be:
7.1.1 Release the Draft Masterplan to the community.
7.1.2 Commence engagement in accordance with the Community Engagement Approach from 20 June 2022 to 20 July 2022.
7.1.3 Collate responses and compile all feedback through the consultation process and amend Draft Masterplan as required – Late July 2022.
7.1.4 Finalise the Masterplan – Early August 2022.
7.1.5 Present community feedback and the Final Nelson Marina Masterplan to the SDAP Subcommittee for approval and recommendation to Council for adoption – 30 August 2022.
7.1.6 Present SDAP Subcommittee recommendation to adopt the Nelson Marina Masterplan to Council – 22 September 2022.
Author: Nigel Skeggs, Manager Nelson Marina
Attachment 1: Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan PowerPoint Presentation (A2768037) ⇩
Attachment 2: Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan Public Feedback (A2893152) ⇩
Important considerations for decision making |
1. Fit with Purpose of Local Government Approving the Draft Masterplan and public consultation will support local democratic decision making and action to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of both the Nelson community and Marina stakeholders. This is consistent with the purpose of the Local Government Act. |
2. Consistency with Community Outcomes and Council Policy The Masterplan will set and drive the Long-Term Plan for the Marina and will work to complement the connectivity of the city to the Marina by activating the area to enhance general public use. |
3. Risk There is a reputational risk to Council if it does not proceed with the Masterplan. Much of the land under the Marina has laid vacant for over 20 years and there is significant Marina user and public pressure to see this valuable resource utilised. As the plan is long term and aspirational, there is a likely risk that some in the community will consider the plan to be too ambitious. Despite an extensive community engagement process to date, speaking with people with diverse viewpoints, it is likely not everyone will consider that their views and comments are reflected in the plan. These perspectives will be reflected in the public feedback process. Risks around delays in delivery of the projects in the plan and the timing of the projects. Risks exist with high expectations from the public to complete the projects in the timeline indicated. This risk will be mitigated by undertaking ongoing engagement through the life of the document. |
4. Financial impact The financial impact on rate payers and the Marina community will be moderate. Although some projects are proposed to be funded from rates and some from Marina fees and charges, most of the large projects will only proceed on a self-funded business case (user pays). The Masterplan will require additional staffing and project management to be investigated further and brought back to Council once the Masterplan has been adopted. The Masterplan will allow Council to prepare a Long-Term Plan (LTP) with future capital and operational budgetary requirements for Nelson Marina. |
5. Degree of significance and level of engagement While a moderate level of public interest exists for the development of Nelson Marina, the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan is considered of low to medium significance when considered against all criteria in Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. Therefore, a standard consultation and feedback process is proposed with a high degree of engagement as per the process outlined in this report. Public feedback will be sought on the Draft Nelson marina Masterplan during a 30-calendar day period from 20 June to 20 July 2022. |
6. Climate Impact This decision does not have a direct impact on climate; however the Draft Masterplan does take climate impact into consideration throughout the entire document with several direct and indirect climate mitigation measures. |
7. Inclusion of Māori in the decision-making process No engagement with Māori has been undertaken in preparing this report. Iwi have been consulted by Wardale through the initial discussions and development of the Masterplan and will be directly engaged during the proposed consultation process as a significant stakeholder. |
8. Delegations The Subcommittee has the following delegations to consider the Draft Masterplan and consultation process: Areas of Responsibility: · Marina Precinct · Developing, monitoring and reviewing strategies, policies and plans, with final versions to be recommended to Council for approval · Undertaking informal community engagement on matters within the areas of responsibility Powers to Recommend to Council: · Approval of final versions of strategies, policies and plans; Although not a Special Consultative Process, the proposed consultation includes formal meetings with several identified stakeholders as well as the public. For this reason, the report and final decision on releasing the Masterplan and the proposed consultation will be taken to Council for final approval. |
Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee 9 June 2022 |
Strategic Development and Property Quarterly Report Quarter Three 2021/22
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To inform the Subcommittee of the financial and non-financial results for the third quarter of 2021/22 financial year for the activities under the Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee’s delegated authority.
3. Background
3.1 Quarterly reports on performance are provided to each Committee on the performance and delivery of projects and activities within their areas of responsibility.
3.2 The financial reporting focuses on the year-to-date performance to 31 March 2022, against approved capital and operating budgets.
3.3 Approved budgets are the 2021/22 annual budget plus any carry forwards, plus or minus any other additions or changes approved by Council or the appropriate Committee.
3.4 At the time of budgeting, capital projects are classed as one of the following:
3.4.1 Growth: the main driver of the project is population growth.
3.4.2 Renewal: the main driver of the project is to replace existing assets nearing the end of their economic life.
3.4.3 Level of Service: the main driver of the project is to increase the level of service provided to the community.
3.4.4 Where a capital project contains a mix of capital type, it is coded to the dominant purpose of the capital project.
3.5 Detailed project sheets are included in Attachment 1 (A2869543) and Attachment 2 (A2873008) for the projects within the Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee delegations. These project sheets have been selected if their budget is at least $250,000 for 2021/22, are multi-year projects with a budget over $1 million, or have been assessed to be of particular interest to the Committee.
3.6 Project status is analysed based on three factors: quality, time, and budget. From the consideration of these three factors the project is summarised as being on track (green), some issues/risks (orange), or major issues/risks (red). Projects that are within 5% of their budget are on track in regard to the budget factor.
4. Financial Results
Profit and Loss by Activity
4.1 Rental Properties expenditure is less than budget by $125,000. Depreciation is under budget by $58,000, partly due to the removal of 23 Halifax Street building. Interest is under budget by $29,000. Condition Assessments are behind budget by $17,000.
4.2 Marina expenditure is less than budget by $205,000. Professional Advice is $89,000 behind budget, with work underway to complete the review of the governance model and the masterplan. Various base repairs and maintenance expenditure items combined are $81,000 behind budget, with the majority forecast to be spent on Hardstand maintenance in the final quarter of the year.
4.3 Maitai Camp expenditure is greater than budget by $52,000. Campground Compliance works are $33,000 over a nil budget and Policy Consultants are $8,000 over a nil budget. This is due to progressing with the compliance issue prior to 1 July 2022, along with strategy work to provide direction for the future of Maitai Camp.
4.5 Millers Acre income is less than budget by $110,000. Rental income from tenants is less than budget by $119,000, due to vacancies and a budgeting error, due to budgeting for rental income from a vacant space.
4.6 At 31 March 2022, Capital Expenditure is $1.2m behind budget. Level of Service is behind budget by $599,000, Renewals are behind budget by $539,000, and Growth is behind budget by $68,000. Capital Staff Cost is $22,000 ahead of budget.
4.7 Major capital variances for the Marina are in the following projects:
4.7.1 Marina Health and Safety Improvements is behind budget by $383,000. The deposit has been paid for this project, and officers are now awaiting delivery of materials. The delivery date is set for late-May 2022, with installation during June and July 2022.
4.7.2 Minor Capital Development is behind budget by $55,000. Several small projects are planned for Quarter Four, with expenditure expected to be at budget by the end of the financial year.
4.7.3 New Trailer Boat Storage Yard is behind budget by $52,000. This project is on hold pending relocation of the Hazardous Activities and Industries List (HAIL) pile and reconfiguration of a new container area for contractors. This work is still allocated to budget as it is expected to be completed by the end of year.
4.7.4 End of Year Capital Forecast is $12,000 over budget. Additional capital was spent at the beginning of the year for the marina transition and new offices. Savings are anticipated in work in progress, and some small capital projects have been cancelled or deferred in early Quarter Four, with completion of the Draft Nelson Marina Masterplan (and are therefore not reflected here). By year end it is anticipated that Capital Expenditure will be approximately $100,000 below budget.
4.8 Major capital variances for Rental Properties are in the following project:
4.8.1 Millers Acre Renovation is behind budget by $208,000.
4.9 Rental Properties graphs include the following properties:
• Millers Acre Centre
• 157 Haven Road
• 48 Pascoe Street
• 163 Haven Road
• 199 Bridge Street
• 101 Achilles Avenue
• 81 Achilles Avenue
• Nursery Land – Atawhai Drive
• 11 Cross Quay
• 252 Haven Road
• 236-250 Haven Road
4.10 Major capital variances in Campgrounds are in the following projects:
4.10.1 Brook Valley Holiday Park Building Renewals are $273,000 behind budget.
4.10.2 Brook Valley Holiday Park Wi-Fi provision is $56,000 behind budget.
4.10.3 These variances are explained at 5.3 and 5.4.
Brook Valley Holiday Park
5.1 For the three months, January to March 2022, there were 714 guest nights.
5.2 The campground regulations exemption expired on 13 April 2022. An extension was applied for, on the grounds that work for compliance was planned but delayed by receipt of a decision on the Resource Consent application (which has now been provided) and further direction from this Subcommittee. An indicative timeline has been submitted to the regulator for planned works.
5.3 The F Block ablution facilities renewal project is tracking well. The resource consent decision, issued on 16 February 2022, has meant that confirmation of the site is now possible. Any potential appeal to the consent will not impact the location of this facility It is anticipated that this project will not be completed this financial year, and a carry forward will need to be requested. A building consent is currently being applied for and confirmation of this will enable the project to progress.
5.4 The utilities hub project is detailed in the Project Sheet (Attachment 1). With sites at the campground confirmed, the project is progressing, with design finalisation expected this financial year and construction likely in 2022/23
5.5 The Wi-Fi installation is scheduled for the beginning of May 2022. The project is expected to be completed by the end of the financial year. This project will allow fast broadband service to the camp office for administration and for the campers. The installation will also service the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary for their educational programme.
Maitai Valley Motor Camp
5.6 A certificate of exemption has been issued for the Maitai Valley Motor Camp for campground regulations. Conditions associated with the exemption include that the resource consent application be submitted by 30 June 2022, and that the relocatable home park is fully established by 30 June 2024. The project is tracking to these timelines.
5.7 The transition project to bring the Camp management in-house is tracking well, along with the recruitment process for a Camp manager.
5.8 Condition assessments of the Camp assets are underway, including the manager’s house, which requires some upgrades in order to meet the Healthy Homes Standards. This includes new bathroom and kitchen extractor fans, and top-up insulation for both the subfloor and ceiling space.
5.9 It is anticipated that there will be some minor unbudgeted expenditure associated with the transition project, as minor assets (such as washing machines) are purchased from the current lessee. This will ensure that these operational aspects of the Camp are efficiently transferred during the management handover.
6.1 Improvements related to debt collection include the following:
6.1.1 In Quarter Three, carried over debt decreased by $14,020. This reflects payments received of $15,363, less opening credits absorbed of $1,334.
6.1.2 Payment by Direct Debit increased to 46% of all licence holders.
6.2 New logo and rebranding has been completed, with the launch of a new website and associated social media pages. The website can be viewed at
6.3 The Marina Masterplan has now been finalised and is being prepared for public consultation. This will be reported separately to this meeting of the Subcommittee, 9 June 2022.
6.4 Capital Projects ahead include:
6.4.1 New power pedestals have been ordered for delivery August 2022. This project has been delayed due to shipping and supply issues currently being faced globally.
6.4.2 New non-skid surfacing for marina pontoons is at manufacturing stage, with delivery scheduled for late May 2022.
7. Strategic Properties Update
7.1 The Request for Expressions of Interest for the Lease or Sale of 258 Wakefield Quay (Anchor Building) were released on 11 April 2022, with a closing date of 25 May 2022. Interested parties were provided an opportunity to visit the site on 13 May 2022.
7.2 A licence to occupy (LTO) has been entered into with MakeShift spaces for a projection of images onto the Millers Acre building wrap facing the public carpark, to celebrate the 35 Years anniversary of Smokefree Rockquest. This LTO also allows for the fixing of vinyl stickers to the building wrap around the entirety of the building.
8. Tenders Awarded
8.1 Tenders are advised in the Quarterly Report if their budget is at least $300,000 and accepted via the Tenders Subcommittee. There were no tenders awarded under delegated authority in the third quarter of the financial year 2021/22.
9. Review of Key Performance Indicators
9.1 There is one Key Performance Indicator as reported below.
10. Conclusion
10.1 The review of performance for the third quarter of 2021/22 for the Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee is included in this report, with project reports attached.
Author: Tanya Robinson, Strategic Adviser Community Services
Attachment 1: A2873008 - Project Sheets Quarterly Report Q3 21/22 ⇩