Ordinary meeting of the


Forestry Advisory Group

Rōpū Aratohu mō te Mahi Ngahere


Date:		Tuesday 29 September 2020
Time:		3.00p.m. 
Location:		Rūma Waimārama, Floor 2A, 
			Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson



Rārangi take


Membership      Mr John Murray (Chairperson)

                          Her Worship the Mayor Rachel Reese

                         Councillor Rachel Sanson

                         Independent Forestry Expert, Peter Gorman

                         Group Manager Infrastructure, Alec Louverdis


Quorum: 4, comprising the Chair and one elected member (decision makers), plus one Council officer and the independent forestry expert (for advice only)



Pat Dougherty

Chief Executive

Nelson City Council Disclaimer

Please note that the contents of these Council and Committee Agendas have yet to be considered by Council and officer recommendations may be altered or changed by the Council in the process of making the formal Council decision

Forestry Advisory Group Delegations

This is a subordinate decision making body that reports to the Governance and Finance Committee

Areas of Responsibility:

·                All matters relating to the commercial forestry operational portfolio including environmental issues

Powers to Decide:

·                In accordance with Council’s Annual Plan and Long Term Plan:

o      Approval of forestry and harvesting management strategy and plans

o      Approval of the engagement of contractors/consultants and forestry tenders

Powers to Recommend to Governance and Finance Committee:

·                Any actions relating to the oversight of all matters relating to the commercial forestry portfolio, falling outside the powers to decide, including:

o      Approval of forestry related budgets; and

o      Any other matters relating to continuing commercial forestry operations.

For the Terms of Reference for the Forestry Advisory Group please refer to document A1739267.


Forestry Advisory Group

29 September 2020



Page No.


1.       Apologies


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

3.       Interests

3.1      Updates to the Interests Register

3.2      Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda

4.       Confirmation of Minutes

4.1      30 June 2020                                                                                 5 - 9

Document number M11985


That the Forestry Advisory Group

1.    Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Forestry Advisory Group, held on 30 June 2020, as a true and correct record.


5.       Chairperson's Report  

6.       Feedback received on the Forestry Stewardship Council Accreditation Management Plan Consultation

6.1 Roger May, on behalf of Tomorrow’s Forests, has been invited to speak about submission 24891.

6.2 Steven Gray, on behalf of Friends of the Maitai, has been invited to speak about submission 24888.


7.       Forestry Stewardship Council Accreditation              10 - 119

Document number R18124


That the Forestry Advisory Group

1.    Receives the report Forestry Stewardship Council Accreditation (R18124) and its attachment (A2454016).



8.       Forestry Update - Number 13                                 120 - 200

Document number R18193


That the Forestry Advisory Group

1.    Receives the report Forestry Update - Number 13  (R18193) and its Attachments (A2448484, A2452835, A2463952, A2467795, and A2449823); and

2.    Agrees the following revised condition with respect to logging trucks passing schools along the defined route:

“No truck movements between 8.15-9.15am and 2.45-3.45pm during the school term and that speeds past schools be no greater than 30kph”






Forestry Advisory Group Minutes - 30 June 2020



Minutes of a meeting of the Forestry Advisory Group

Held in the Rūma Waimārama, Floor 2A, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 30 June 2020, commencing at 3.01p.m.


Present:              Mr J Murray (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, Councillor R Sanson, Mr A Louverdis (Group Manager Infrastructure) and Mr P Gorman (Independent Forestry Expert)

In Attendance:    Councillor R O’Neill Stevens, Sam Nuske (PF Olsen), Lachie Grant (LandVision), Manager Governance (M Birch) and Governance Adviser (J Brandt)

Apologies :          Nil



1.       Apologies

There were no apologies

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

It was noted that Agenda item 7 was a double up of Agenda item 4 (Nelson Mountain Bike Club – Removal of Trees in the Maitai Valley) and would therefore be discussed once only as item 4.

3.       Interests

Councillor Sanson declared an interest regarding agenda item 9 (Forestry Update – Number 12), for the part relating to Central School. She stated that her conflict of interest arose because she was in business with one of the Trustees on the Central Schools Board of Trustees.

There were no other interests or updates to the Interest Register.

4        Nelson Mountain Bike Club - Removal of Trees in the Maitai Valley

Ben Pointer, on behalf of the Nelson Mountain Bike Club (NMTBC), introduced the Club’s proposed plans for trail P1, and noted that the process had started back in 2016. Mr Pointer spoke about the anticipated trail, its measurements, methodology, the trail’s proximity to the ridge, potential impact on the trees and improvements to future consultation regarding tracks.

Mr Pointer answered questions about potential impacts of changing the number of switchbacks, the grading, the type of riders trail 629 sought to attract, the timeline for the build of the trail, and the size of the area to be cleared and number of trees to be removed.


5.       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      27 November 2019

Document number M6575, agenda pages 6 - 9 refer.

Resolved FAG/2020/016


That the Forestry Advisory Group

1.    Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Forestry Advisory Group, held on 27 November 2019, as a true and correct record.

Murray/Sanson                                                                             Carried

5.2      5 May 2020 - Extraordinary Meeting

Document number M9833, agenda pages 10 - 14 refer.

Two minor amendments were made to the minutes for item 6 (Forestry Update – Number 11), namely a grammatical alteration and the inclusion of a forestry block number (42.06).

Resolved FAG/2020/017


That the Forestry Advisory Group

1.    Confirms the amended minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the Forestry Advisory Group, held on 5 May 2020, as a true and correct record.

Murray/Her Worship the Mayor                                                      Carried


6.       Chairperson's Report

There was no Chairperson’s report.

7.       Request for removal of trees in Maitai block

Document number R17033, agenda pages 15 - 21 refer.

Team Leader Parks and Facilities Activity Management, Paul Harrington presented the report and tabled a map (A2415528) which showed an alternative trail P1 as prepared by the Nelson Mountain Bike Club (NMTBC).

Mr Harrington answered questions about the economic benefits of mountain biking to the region, GIS overlays for tracks and trails and the Enduro event.

It was noted that the NMTBC had successfully applied for a global resource consent to build trails listed in Council’s Out and About Strategy. The Committee requested information about approved recreational trails through council owned forestry land to be presented to a future meeting.

Discussion took place regarding the size of the area required for the proposed trail, the number of switchbacks and possible alterations to these. It was noted that the NMTBC, PF Olsen and LandVision needed to agree the route, and the Harvest Plan should be amended to include the removal of trees as necessary. Clause two of the recommendation was amended accordingly.

The motion was taken in parts.

Resolved FAG/2020/018


That the Forestry Advisory Group

1.    Receives the report Request for removal of trees in Maitai block  (R17033); and

Sanson/Her Worship the Mayor                                                    Carried

Resolved FAG/2020/019

That the Forestry Advisory Group

2.    Amends the Harvest Plan to include the removal of approximately 300 trees from within the Maitai forestry block 4.11 to allow the proposed mountain bike trail (P1 - 629 Climb) to be developed subject to:

-   The Nelson Mountain Bike Club funding all costs to remove the trees and future maintenance costs of the track; and

-   A signed Memorandum of Understanding between Council and the Nelson Mountain Bike Club before any work commences; and  

-   The route to be agreed by the Nelson Mountain Bike Club, PF Olsen and Land Vision. 

Her Worship the Mayor/Sanson                                                     Carried


1    A2415528 - Tabled map showing trail P1


8        Forestry Update - Number 12

Document number R17026, agenda pages 22 - 34 refer.

Team Leader Parks and Facilities Activity Management, Paul Harrington presented the report and noted a correction to the numbering of the attachments.

Mr Harrington answered questions about engagement with the residents regarding the delayed Tantragee Block harvesting.

Mr Louverdis answered questions about the special nature of forestry being a closed accounts and the role of the Forestry Activity Management Plan and the opportunities provided by its upcoming review.

Mr Harrington answered questions about the consultation for the Forestry Stewardship Council accreditation. It was noted that the announcement of the consultation was delayed and officers were requested to extend the timeframe for the consultation.

It was agreed to discuss the logging routes from the Maitai and Brook blocks as the last item of this report.

The motion was taken in parts.

Clauses 1 and 3 were taken first, so that clause 2 could be taken later in the meeting, as Councillor Sanson had declared an interest and would leave the meeting for that part.

Resolved FAG/2020/020


That the Forestry Advisory Group

1.    Receives the report   (R17026) and its Attachments (A2397884, A2391269, A2389996 and A2400908; and

Murray/Sanson                                                                             Carried

Resolved FAG/2020/021


That the Forestry Advisory Group

3.    Notes that consultation on the Forestry Stewardship Council Accreditation Management Plan has commenced.

Sanson/Her Worship the Mayor                                                     Carried

Attendance: Councillor Sanson declared an interest relating to Logging routes from the Maitai and Brook blocks with regard to Central School and left the meeting at 4.24p.m.

Mr Harrington presented the conditions proposed in the report.

Mr Louverdis and Manager Transport and Solid Waste, Marg Parfitt, answered questions about the perceived versus the actual safety risks and the level of engagement that had taken place with the community, noting schools and kindergartens along the route had been contacted.

PF Olsen answered questions about the cost to Council that such a condition may incur.

There was discussion about wider engagement with the community in regards to establishing the current concerns from schools in regards to safety and traffic related matters.

The Group discussed whether the condition to be placed on logging trucks passing Central School should be applied to all schools along the route.

The resolution was amended to reflect the committee’s wishes to see the condition applied to all schools for consistency, and for further engagement and consultation to take place, and be reported back to the Group.

Resolved FAG/2020/022

That the Forestry Advisory Group

2.    Agrees the following condition with respect to logging trucks passing schools along the defined route:

- No truck movements between 8-9am and 3-4pm during the school term and that speeds past schools be no greater than 30kph; and note that the results of further engagement and consultation be reported back to the Forestry Advisory group.

Murray/Her Worship the Mayor                                                      Carried


There being no further business the meeting ended at 5.07p.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:


                                                       Chairperson                                     Date



Item 7: Forestry Stewardship Council Accreditation


Forestry Advisory Group

29 September 2020




Forestry Stewardship Council Accreditation



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1      To present feedback received on the Forestry Stewardship Council consultation and discuss next steps.



2.       Recommendation

That the Forestry Advisory Group

1.    Receives the report Forestry Stewardship Council Accreditation (R18124) and its attachment (A2454016).



3.       Background

3.1      At its meeting on 5 May 2020 the Forestry Advisory Group (FAG) approved the commencement of consultation on the Forestry Stewardship Council Accreditation Management Plan (FSC Plan). A draft FCS Plan and consultation document were prepared and consultation ran from 8 June 2020 to 24 July 2020.

3.2      Consultation included writing to neighbours and stakeholders, an item in Our Nelson and a page on the Council’s Shape Nelson consultation website.

3.3      Officers and PF Olsen staff presented the draft FCS Management Plan to a Te Ohu Taiao hui on 13 May 2020. Iwi signalled that they would forward any interest directly to officers should they wish to be involved.

3.4      45 responses were received, with two wishing to be heard.

3.5      An opportunity was offered to submitters who wished to present their feedback to the Group. Those who signalled they wished to be heard were Alistair Mathews (Gravity) and Roger May (Tomorrow’s Forests).

3.6      An opportunity for Mr Mathews and Mr May to present will be provided at the meeting.

4.       Discussion

          Summary of feedback received

4.1      This report summarises the feedback received and provides the full responses in Attachment 1.

4.2      A further meeting is scheduled for on 23 October 2020 for deliberations and decisions on the feedback received. Following this meeting the FCS Management Plan will be amended as appropriate before certification is sought.

4.3      The key themes from the submissions are summarised below:

·    Questions about cost to implement the FCS Plan given the small size of the estate

·    Desire to shift to a higher value species mix and maintaining a continuous canopy cover (selective logging)

·    Seek Council retires all plantation forestry to natives

·    Concern about sedimentation and protecting water catchment and marine areas

·    Terrain specifications not accurate (saying moderate/rolling instead of steep)

·    Generally favouring improved management. Riparian margins of 10m supported (though grade adjusted mentioned multiple times).

·    Improved recreational access, reconsider closures due to fire risk, improved communication between recreation users and managers.

4.4      The table below provides a high level summary of the submissions.



Sub ID



Summary of feedback



Mark Fielding

Ecotect Limited

FSC programme originally for native forests, and has limited value to plantation forests. Needed. Good practice should be followed regardless.



Mike Ball


Erosion and stability concerns regarding clear felling Grampians block.



Alistair Matthew


Concern about closure to recreation due to fire risk, a more proactive approach needs to be planned for. Economic impact requires consideration (Plan should refer to BERL report).



Belinda Miller


Concerns about communication around harvest of Brook block and timing of harvest with log prices. Question PF Olsen's practices in Maitai and whether accreditation is appropriate.



Inger Perkins

NZ Walking Access Commission

Note benefits of public access in plan, clarify permit system.



Peter Wilks


Certification not needed on such a small scale (0.5% of region’s production forests) where all operators are already subject to regulations which require high standards. Surrounding natives could benefit but this is not stated as an objective. Unlikely to improve market access. Costs outweigh benefits on this scale.



Dean Raymond

Heritage NZ Pouhere Taonga

Include missing Heritage Sites e.g. from the Draft Nelson Plan.



Mike Marren


Certification not needed on such a small scale. Plan should be for NCC not PF Olsen. Costs outweigh benefits on this scale.



Matty Anderson


Plan not readable for general public. Would like forestry in Brook and Maitai retired and returned to natives. Environmental concerns e.g. landscape and water quality.



Rosie Horn


Supports transitioning out of radiata and/or away from clear felling. Notes positive comments on 10m riparian margins.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               



Danilo Hegg

Federated Mountain Club

Plan should better emphasise scenic, recreational and ecological attributes. Plan should also aim for protection of surrounding reserve areas. Disagree with FENZ recommended approach to closing for fire risk. More engagement needed with environmental and recreational groups.



Steven Gray

Friends of the Maitai

Plan lacks focus on impact of sediment on Maitai River. Impact on downstream needs to be considered, terrain should be “steep” rather than “moderate”. Concern for recent planting. Comparison to other primary industries not relevant if considering retiring in a reserve. Need discussion on the effects of log truck movements through City. Large number of updates recommended.



Peter Bramley

NMDHB Public Health Service

Support for Plan. Need to consider impacts that lead to sedimentation and impact on drinking water quality.



Roger May

Tomorrow's Forests Ltd

Bulk of document dated 2018 so may need update. Terrain should be classified as steep, erosion susceptibility methodology needs review. Concerns around level of stakeholder engagement, species choice, water quality, aquatic life considerations and monitoring.



Leigh Marshall & Others

Nelson City Council Science and Environment Team

Forestry boundary areas include surrounding (non-plantation) areas, which need clarification around responsibility. Clarify how some parameters have been assigned e.g. ecological districts, risk, hazardous substances, protected ecosystems, riparian setbacks. . Include plan for unharvested residual trees. General updates, clarification and increased detail/attention sought for some areas e.g. SNAs, Nelson Biodiversity Strategy, Reserve Management Plan, rare and threatened species, fish, pest control and monitoring. 




Fulton Hogan

Greater attention needed to protection of water catchment.



David & Jen Lang


Move Brook area to natives, better control of noxious weeds.



Belinda Crisp

Nelson Mountain Bike Club

Improved communication needed between forest managers and the Nelson Mountain Bike Club.



Hans Wiskerke


Regardless of species, pest control needs to be factored in for improved biodiversity. Consider Dun Mountain Railway, downstream sedimentation effects on streams, invasive weeds and impacts on neighbours.



Anna  Berthelsen


Prioritise natives, consider downstream effects of forestry/sedimentation on aquatic life including marine life.



Sybrand Kamerma-ns


Reduce/phase out glyphosate use and increase transparency.



Kathryn Richards


Improve pest control in plantation forestry areas in order to reduce incursions into surrounding remnant native areas.



Mary Glaisyer


Phase out radiata and revert to recreation reserve.



Jaimie Barber


Sediment is a major issue. Shift species mix to high value, continuous-canopy management exotics/natives.



Eva Pick-Stone


Topsoil loss is a major issue. Shift species mix to high value, continuous-canopy management exotics/natives.



Jo Rowland


Shift species mix to high value, continuous-canopy management exotics/natives.



Rosey Duncan


Sediment is a major issue. Shift species mix to high value, continuous-canopy management exotics/natives. Terrain is steep not moderate. Support 10m setback, might need to be even bigger.



Carlos B


Focus on environmental (landscape and water quality) not production returns.



Chrissie Ward


Support 10m setback. Shift species mix to high value, continuous-canopy management exotics/natives to reduce sediment impacts.



Monika Clark-Grill


Shift species mix to high value, continuous-canopy management exotics/natives to reduce sediment impacts. Increased recreation opportunity.



Fenton Russell


Shift species mix to high value, continuous-canopy management exotics/natives to reduce sediment impacts. Increased recreation opportunity.



Nigel Freeman


Stop planting radiata, concerns for environment e.g. rivers and birds.



Mic Dover


Shift species mix to high value, continuous-canopy management exotics/natives to reduce sediment impacts. Better used for recreation as revenue is low.



Bruce Lines


Impact of forestry on water quantity. 10m buffer needs to be increased. Wilding pines to be removed at cost to forestry owner.  Contributes to reduced fish stocks in rivers. Need a longer term approach in the context of a climate emergency.



Carolyn Sygrove


Concerns about impact of erosion/sedimentation and uptake of water by radiata, natives preferred. Environmental impacts on river and marine habitats need addressing.



Marion James


Concerns around clear felling and impact of sedimentation on waterways. Move to a continuous canopy management system with mix of high value exotics and natives.



Marcia Montgom-ery


Stop planting pine, terrain is steep not moderate, 10 riparian margin might have to be bigger. Shift species mix to high value, continuous-canopy management exotics/natives.



Zac Milner

Kaitiaki o Ngahere Limited

Rename ‘wilding spread avoidance’ to minimisation. Supports removal of Douglas fir. Forestry retirement should follow Biodiversity Strategy goals. Riparian setbacks need to be adhered to. Forestry representation at the Biodiversity Forum required. Rick section needs clarification. Herbicide use in the Maitai water supply catchment needs consultation.



Ru Collin

Brook Waimarama Sanctuary

Retire to natives around Brook Sanctuary to increase habitat and improve aesthetics. Request consultation with BWST in relation to adjacent cleared block. Support retiring blocks to natives where supported by evidence. Strongly support removal and ban where risk of spreading is high e.g. Douglas fir. Maps need review for accuracy.



Scott Stocker


Use longer rotations, diversify species e.g. to support bird life. Support for 10m riparian margins +. Limit clear felling to 20ha. Concern for downstream sediment in river and marine environments.



Joe Hay


Sediment is an issue. Shift species mix to high value, continuous-canopy management exotics/natives. Terrain is steep not moderate. Support 10m setback, might need to be even bigger.



David  Ayre


Sediment is an issue. Retire Maitai catchment to natives. Support 10m riparian setback, but need to phase out this type of operation. Change to recreational asset.




Nelson Tramping Club

Industry standards alone not appropriate to a Council with reserve land adjacent to forestry stands. More focus on management for recreation, including improved communication and rules/guidelines. A joint recreation liaison is recommended.



Alison Horn


Sediment is an issue. Shift species mix to high value, continuous-canopy management exotics/natives. Terrain is steep not moderate. Support 10m setback, might need to be even bigger.



Peter Hay


Supportive of accreditation. Concern for sedimentation and erosion and effects on aquatic and marine life. Need to investigate more diverse planting.


5.       Next Steps

5.1      Deliberations and decisions on the feedback received is scheduled to occur at a meeting on 23 October 2020.

 Author:         Paul Harrington, Team Leader Parks and Facilities Activity Management


Attachment 1:   FSC Management Plan Consultation - Total Submissions - 2Sep2020 (A2454016)




Item 7: Forestry Stewardship Council Accreditation: Attachment 1

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Item 8: Forestry Update - Number 13


Forestry Advisory Group

29 September 2020




Forestry Update - Number 13



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1      To provide an update to the Forestry Advisory Group (Group) on forestry activities undertaken since Council adopted the Forestry Review recommendations in September 2016, and since the June 2020 update.


2.       Recommendation

That the Forestry Advisory Group

1.    Receives the report Forestry Update - Number 13  (R18193) and its Attachments (A2448484, A2452835, A2463952, A2467795, and A2449823); and

2.    Agrees the following revised condition with respect to logging trucks passing schools along the defined route:

“No truck movements between 8.15-9.15am and 2.45-3.45pm during the school term and that speeds past schools be no greater than 30kph”


3.       Tantragee Block harvesting

3.1      The Group resolved on 5 May 2020 that the harvesting of the Tantragee Block will follow the harvesting of the Brook Blocks. All residents below the block have been advised of the change in harvesting date.

4.       Tasman Pine Forests and Waahi Taakaro harvesting

4.1      Tasman Pine Forests have not confirmed a date for harvesting the block adjacent to the Waahi Taakaro Golf Club (which will include the small area planted by them on Council land). When work starts, it is expected to take one month and PF Olsen will be monitoring the work to ensure that the trees on Council owned land are harvested to the required standards. As agreed at the May 2020 meeting, the small area will be replanted with indigenous species.

5.       Health and Safety

5.1      There are no Health and Safety issues nor Safe Work Observations (SWO’s) to report since June 2020.       

6.       Finance

6.1      An updated summary of Council budgets is appended as Attachment 1.

6.2      A tree crop valuation dated 30 June 2020 is appended as Attachment 2, which assesses (for financial reporting purposes) the market value of the tree crop owned by the Nelson City Council at $7.115 million plus GST (if any).

6.3      The 2019/20 Annual Report is appended as Attachment 3.

7.       Harvesting


7.1      As advised to the May 2020 Group meeting, the Maitai harvesting has been deferred to 2020/21.

7.2      The resource consent for the Maitai bridge has been granted, and a building consent has been lodged. The start date for the work has been revised to October 2020 for the Maitai bridge and December 2020 for the Roding bridge.





Multi span

Single span

Estimated cost (ex GST)

$420,000 (30% contingency)

$380,000 (30% contingency)

Proposed start date

October 2020

December 2020

Logging routes from the Maitai and Brook blocks

7.3      The Group resolved on 30 June 2020 as follows:

Agrees the following condition with respect to logging trucks passing schools along the defined route:

- No truck movements between 8-9am and 3-4pm during the school term and that speeds past schools be no greater than 30kph; and note that the results of further engagement and consultation be reported back to the Forestry Advisory group.

7.4      Following this meeting, in early July and again in August, officers engaged further with the following schools and early learning centres:

·   Nelson Central School

·   Auckland Point School

·   St Joseph’s School

·   Nelson Central Kindergarten (Brook Street)

·   Campus Corner Early Learning Centre

7.5      Feedback was received from Nelson Central and Auckland Point schools.

7.6      Central School’s Tumuaki/Principal advised as below:

We take our responsibility as an enviro school seriously and our school has worked extensively with council staff on active transport and street configurations outside our school. We have a strong commitment to building accessible ways of walking, scooting and biking to school. As you will be aware biking, particularly from the Brook and Maitai valley's, is not separated from general road traffic, and the pull and size of logging trucks pose a significant risk to our young cyclists. Upholding this decision will allow us to continue to advocate for active transport in our school community. Please thank the Forestry Advisory Group for listening to our concerns and making a good decision.

7.7      The Auckland Point School Board and Principal thanked the Group for considering their submission regarding the situation with logging trucks, and note the following.

We are happy with the result but would appreciate a greater window of time. 8.30 - 9.30am and 2.30- 3.30pm as our site has a staggered entry for the School, the Kindergarten and Young Parents School.

Vehicle traffic and pedestrian movement is high during these times. Traffic flow is heavy outside of our site at these times so a restriction on the movement of logging trucks is very much appreciated and we understand that this would be a compromise for the logistics of the trucking companies.

Thank you for considering this request.

The safety of our school community and that of motorists is paramount to us.

7.8      St Joseph’s School also responded thanking officers for the update but providing no further comment. No responses were received from either of the two early childhood centres.

7.9      Following the request from Auckland Point School to amend the hours to 8.30-9.30am and 2.30-3.30pm, officers liaised with Central School and St Joseph’s School. Central School agreed that the hours could be improved but suggested the hours be 8.15-9.15am and 2.45-3.45pm. Auckland Point School and St Joseph’s School subsequently agreed that this amended timing is acceptable.

7.10    Additionally, as part of the Council’s community road safety programme, officers are pursuing a booking for a roadshow about truck safety to tour selected schools on truck routes. More information will be provided to the schools if this goes ahead.

7.11    These amended hours have been discussed with PF Olsen who confirm that they are happy to adopt these revised hours. 

Future harvesting

7.12    Harvesting in the Maitai and Brook is expected to commence during winter 2021.

8.       Alternate Uses

8.1      Council agreed to retire approximately 140Ha of forestry and consider alternate uses and this Group has approved the Alternate Use Plan. Refer to Attachment 4 for an update. Lachie Grant (Landvision) will be in attendance to update the Group further.

9.       Mountain Bike Trail P1 – 629 Climb

9.1      The Group resolved on 30 June as follows:

  Amends the Harvest Plan to include the removal of approximately 300 trees from within the Maitai forestry block 4.11 to allow the proposed mountain bike trail (P1 - 629 Climb) to be developed subject to:

-  The Nelson Mountain Bike Club funding all costs to remove the trees and future maintenance costs of the track; and

-  A signed Memorandum of Understanding between Council and the Nelson Mountain Bike Club before any work commences; and  

-  The route to be agreed by the Nelson Mountain Bike Club, PF Olsen and Land Vision.

9.2      On 16 July 2020 the Nelson Mountain Bike Club (NMTBC), PF Olsen and Land Vision met on site with Council officers, and subsequently agreed on the proposed route.

9.3      All parties were in agreement with the proposed route. As the stand hadn’t yet been thinned there was the ability to select lower quality trees for removal, and an effort will be made to avoid removing higher quality crop trees. Crop trees would be transplanted from switchback areas where possible, with sufficient root balls dug out through this process to ensure the best chance of survival.

9.4      The NMTBC agreed to notify PF Olsen of the start date for the work.

10.     Events through forestry

10.1    The Group requested at the 30 June 2020 meeting information relating to all events on tracks that pass through forestry blocks.

10.2    A number of events are scheduled to take place on Council reserves during 2020/21, and those passing through forestry land are shown in the table below (note that a number of the events don’t disclose the routes until nearer the race date to avoid providing an advantage to local competitors). A forestry stand listed in italics with an asterisk indicates a stand proposed for alternative use.





Trails used

Forestry stands

29 Aug 2020

Dun Run

Brook Conservation Reserve

Coppermine Trail



26 Sept 2020

Coppermine Race

Brook Conservation Reserve

Maitai Water Reserve

Coppermine Trail









15 Oct  2020

MTB Club Super D Series

Tantragee Reserve





5 Nov 2020

MTB Club Super D Series

Marsden Reserve

Glider Road




15 Nov 2020

MTB Club Cross Country Race 1

Tantragee Reserve

Route TBC


21 Nov 2020

MTB Club Shred like a Girl Enduro

Tantragee Reserve

Hulk’n Hogan






13 March 2021

Summer Challenge

Brook Conservation Reserve

Maitai Water Reserve

Maitai Esplanade Reserve

Tantragee Reserve

Route to remain confidential


2-4 April 2021

Aorere Enduro World Series

Brook Conservation Reserve

Maitai Water Reserve

Maitai Esplanade Reserve

Tantragee Reserve

Route to remain confidential


April 2021

Gravity Youth Enduro


Route TBC


11.     Trails through forestry blocks

11.1    The Group requested at the 30 June 2020 meeting a list of all mountain bike trails that traverse through commercial forestry (Attachment 5).  The Attachment provides maps of the NCC forestry blocks with trails overlaid. The maps show the forestry blocks that will be retired for alternative use as a separate colour.

12.     Forestry Stewardship Council Accreditation (FSC)

12.1    Consultation closed on 24 July 2020 and a separate report on this FAG agenda presents the feedback from this consultation.

12.2    Deliberations and decisions on the feedback received is scheduled to occur at a meeting on 23 October 2020.


Author:          Paul Harrington, Team Leader Parks and Facilities Activity Management


Attachment 1:   NCC Forestry Accounts at 30Jun2020 (A2448484)

Attachment 2:   NCC Tree Crop Valuation - PF Olsen Jun2020 (A2452835)

Attachment 3:   NCC Forestry Annual Report 2019-20 (A2463952)

Attachment 4:   Alternative use update Sep2020 (A2467795)

Attachment 5:   Tracks through Forestry Areas 26Aug2020 (A2449823)



Important considerations for decision making

1.   Fit with Purpose of Local Government

The regular updates support the effective and efficient management of Council’s productive forests and through best practices and sustainability contributes to Local Government well-beings of social, economic, environmental and cultural.

2.   Consistency with Community Outcomes and Council Policy

The Group aligns with the following outcome: “Our Council provides leadership and is supported by an innovative and sustainable economy”.

3.   Risk

The Group has been set up to specifically have an oversight on all things relating to forestry to reduce the risk to Council.

4.   Financial impact

The Group has been set up to monitor forestry activity and to manage income and expenses accordingly. All expenditure recommended in this report is in line with this oversight.

5.   Degree of significance and level of engagement

The report deals with a number of matters that have required individual engagement with individuals/groups.

6.  Climate Impact

Commercial pine forestry and harvesting is a sustainable practice. Where pine forests are earmarked for alternate use they will be planted in natives contributing positively to climate change mitigation.    

7.  Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process

Māori have not been consulted in the preparation of this report.

8.  Delegations

The Forestry Advisory Group’s areas of responsibility include:

Areas of Responsibility:

·        All matters relating to the commercial forestry operational portfolio including environmental issues


Powers to Decide:

·          In accordance with Council’s Annual Plan and Long Term Plan:

o    Approval of forestry and harvesting management strategy and plans

o    Approval of the engagement of contractors/consultants and forestry tenders



Item 9: Forestry Update - Number 13: Attachment 1

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Item 9: Forestry Update - Number 13: Attachment 2

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Item 9: Forestry Update - Number 13: Attachment 3

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Item 9: Forestry Update - Number 13: Attachment 4

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Item 9: Forestry Update - Number 13: Attachment 5

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