Ordinary meeting of the
Community Investment Funding Panel
Friday 2 August 2019
Commencing at 9.00a.m.
Ruma Marama
Civic House
110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Pat Dougherty
Chief Executive
Membership: Hannah Johnson (Chairperson), Graeme Thomas, Jessica Ettridge, Rosalie Grant, Christopher Tews and Group Manager Community Services (Roger Ball).
Quorum: 3
Nelson City Council Disclaimer
Please note that the contents of these Council and Committee Agendas have yet to be considered by Council and officer recommendations may be altered or changed by the Council in the process of making the formal Council decision.
Guidelines for councillors attending the meeting, who are not members of the Committee, as set out in Standing Order 12.1:
· All councillors, whether or not they are members of the Committee, may attend Committee meetings
· At the discretion of the Chair, councillors who are not Committee members may speak, or ask questions about a matter.
· Only Committee members may vote on any matter before the Committee
It is good practice for both Committee members and non-Committee members to declare any interests in items on the agenda. They should withdraw from the room for discussion and voting on any of these items.
Community Investment Funding
2 August 2019
1. Apologies
1.1 An apology has been received from Mr Graeme Thomas
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
3.1 Updates to the Interests Register
3.2 Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda
Document number M4343
That the Community Investment Funding Panel 1. Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Community Investment Funding Panel, held on 3 July 2019, as a true and correct record. |
5. Whanake Youth application - additional information 9 - 46
Document number R10363
That the Community Investment Funding Panel 1. Receives the report Whanake Youth application - additional information (R10363) and its attachments (A2227260, A2020870, A2227404, A2227409, A2227411); and 2. Approves the allocation of funding of $20,000 p.a. to Whanake Youth for up to two years. |
6. 2019/20 Community Investment Fund Grant Allocation 47 - 249
Document number R10346
That the Community Investment Funding Panel 1. Receives the report 2019/20 Community Investment Fund Grant Allocation (R10346) and its attachments (A2211450, A1833444, A2160499 and A2197848); and 2. Approves funding for the Community Investment Fund Grant Applications as agreed at this meeting.
Community Investment Funding Panel Minutes - 3 July 2019
Minutes of a meeting of the Community Investment Funding Panel
Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
On Wednesday 3 July 2019, commencing at 2.30p.m.
Present: R Ball, G Thomas, J Ettridge, R Grant, H Johnson and C Tews
In Attendance: Community Partnerships Adviser (S Stiles), Community Contracts Adviser (N Gausel) and Governance Adviser (J Brandt)
Apologies : Nil
1 Appointment of Chairperson
The Group Manager Community Services, Roger Ball, called for nominations from members to appoint a chairperson, as this was the first meeting of the Community Investment Funding Panel since the recent appointment of members. |
Resolved CIF/2019/015 |
That the Community Investment Funding Panel 1. Appoints Hannah Johnson as Chairperson of the Community Investment Funding Panel effective 3 July 2019 until the conclusion of the 2021/22 funding round.
Ettridge/Grant Carried |
The Panel noted the role of the chairperson would be subject to annual review. Hannah Johnson assumed the chairing of the meeting.
2. Apologies
There were no apologies.
3. Confirmation of Order of Business
There was no change to the order of business.
4. Interests
There were no interests with items on the agenda declared.
5. Confirmation of Minutes
5.1 5 October 2018
Document number M3812, agenda pages 4 - 10 refer.
Resolved CIF/2019/016 |
That the Community Investment Funding Panel 1. Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Community Investment Funding Panel, held on 5 October 2018, as a true and correct record. |
Thomas/Ball Carried |
6. 2019/20 Community Investment Fund Agreement Allocation Meeting - Whanake Youth Application
Document number R10297, agenda pages 11 - 19 refer.
Community Partnerships Adviser, Steve Stiles, presented the report and answered questions about Whanake Youth’s performance in the first funding year. Discussion took place regarding the information provided for panel members to consider. It was noted that the available information was insufficient for panel members to make a decision regarding Whanake Youth’s application for Year 2 and Year 3 funding. A motion was put to defer the item and request further information. |
Resolved CIF/2019/017 |
That the Community Investment Funding Panel 1. Defers the item 2019/20 Community Investment Fund Agreement Meeting – Whanake Youth Application to be considered at the Community Investment Funding Panel meeting to be held on 2 August 2019; and 2. Requests further information for consideration by the Panel, namely the Whanake Youth accountability report for Year 1 funding, full financials and minutes from the last Annual General Meeting held by Whanake Youth. |
Thomas/Grant Carried |
There being no further business the meeting ended at 2.56p.m.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:
Item 6: Whanake Youth application - additional information
Community Investment Funding Panel 2 August 2019 |
Whanake Youth application - additional information
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To provide additional information in regards to the Whanake Youth application as requested by the Community Investment Funding Panel at the meeting held on 3 July 2019.
2. Recommendation
2. Background
2.1 At the 3 July 2019 meeting of the Community Investment Panel, an application from Whanake Youth was considered. The Panel requested further information from the applicant which is attached to this report. The Panel resolved:
Requests further information for consideration by the Panel, namely the Whanake Youth accountability report for Year 1 funding, full financials and minutes from the last Annual General Meeting held by Whanake Youth.
3. Conclusion
3.1 Additional information at the request of the Panel has been provided with this report.
3.2 Whanake Youth has been invited to apply for a CIF agreement for 2019/20. Their application has been assessed by officers and the recommendation is to fund the organisation $20,000 p.a. for two years.
Author: Shanine Raggett, Manager Community Partnerships
Attachment 1: A2227260 - Previous report 3 July Whanake Youth application ⇩
Attachment 2: A2020870 - Community Grant Agreement - Whanake Youth ⇩
Attachment 3: A2227404 - Whanake Youth report 2019 ⇩
Attachment 4: A2227409 - Whanake Youth AGM minutes 2018 ⇩
Attachment 5: A2227411 - Whanake Youth - Draft financial report 2018 ⇩
Item 7: 2019/20 Community Investment Fund Grant Allocation
Community Investment Funding Panel 2 August 2019 |
2019/20 Community Investment Fund Grant Allocation
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To allocate the Community Investment Funding Grants for 2019/20.
1.2 To provide additional information to the Community Investment Funding Panel.
2. Recommendation
3. Background
3.1 Number of Funding Applications
A total of 77 Community Investment Fund (CIF) grant applications were received, including one partnership (from Nelson Neighbourhood Support) and one umbrella application (from CAN). Nelson Whakatu MenzShed has submitted two applications, so one is ineligible and marked red in the assessment spreadsheet in Report R10346 as attachment A1833444.
3.2 Financial Amounts Available
A total of $91,393 is available for 2019/20 CIF grants, with $20,000 tagged to the Whanake Youth agreement application. A further $18,542 is available for CIF grants that have a Safe City theme as mentioned under section three below. These applications have been identified in the staff assessment in Report R10346 as attachment A1833444. The total amount of funding applied for is $309,144 (including Whanake Youth).
Pre-allocated funds for 2019/20 agreements |
$232,000 |
2019/20 Grants |
$71,393 |
Tagged to Whanake Youth Agreement |
$20,000 |
Total CIF allocated budget 2019/20 |
$323,393 |
Safe city |
$18,542 |
3.3 Safe City Funding
In May 2019 Nelson Safer Community Council (NSCC) voted to disestablish itself and distribute its assets. Nelson City Council was selected as the recipient of the remaining funding, with $18,542 gifted to Council in Report R10346 A2197848. NSCC requested that funding be used in such a way to meet NSCC’s past objectives, which were sponsoring, supporting and implementation of community safety projects and programmes; raising awareness to enhance individual and community safety and advocating for a safer community.
Any unspent funding this year will be transferred to future CIF funding rounds. This year there are six applications that align with Safe City objectives, these total $21,280. Relevant applications are identified in the staff assessment in Attachment two A1833444.
3.4 Decisions on applications
Similar to previous funding rounds, the panel should consider each application on its own merits and choose to either fully fund, partly fund or decline the application. The panel should articulate the reasons for its decision. Previous reasons for declining applications have included:
That the application
- Does not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria
- Does not demonstrate a high enough community need for the project/service/activity
- Does not demonstrate wide community benefit
- Does not demonstrate the applicant’s ability to deliver the project/service/activity
The guidelines for Community Investment Funding are attached to this report in Attachment three (A2160499).
3.5 Assessments
The Community Partnerships Team has reviewed all applications in accordance with whether they meet the following:
3.5.1 CIF criteria
3.5.2 Previous accountability
3.5.3 Financial stability – sufficiently strong enough to run for the next 12 months
Applications have been colour coded green, orange and red depending on how well they align with social development outcomes.
Green - Applications closely align with social development outcomes.
Orange - Applications align with social development outcomes.
Red - Applications do not align with social development outcomes.
A comment has been provided if there are concerns around accountability and/or financial stability.
Amounts applied for in relation to assessment code
Green |
Orange |
Red |
$192,795 |
$15,000 |
$81,349 |
3.6 Strategic allocation
With the fund being more than three times oversubscribed, it is important that the Panel thinks strategically about its funding allocation decisions. Funding applications in part only, can often result in non-delivery of projects and increases the funding burden for organisations. It is therefore recommended to fund applications to their full amount. Consideration of priorities, the highest needs and funding where the real gaps are can be a good starting point. It is necessary that applications meet criteria and align with the scope of the fund.
Author: Nicola Gausel, Community Contracts Adviser
Attachment 1: A2211450 - Community Investment Fund Grant Applications ⇩
Attachment 2: A1833444 - Community Investment Fund Grant Applications and Assessments ⇩
Attachment 3: A2160499 - Community Investment fund Guidelines - March2016 ⇩
Attachment 4: A2197848 - Safer Community Council Donation Letter ⇩