Ordinary meeting of the
Nelson City Council
Tuesday 14/15/16 May 2019
Commencing at 9.00a.m. – Hearing of Submissions to the Draft Annual Plan 2019/20, including Community Housing and the Potential Sale of Land for Commercial Development Wakatu Square
Council Chamber
Civic House
110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Pat Dougherty
Chief Executive
Membership: Her Worship the Mayor Rachel Reese (Chairperson), Councillors Luke Acland, Ian Barker, Mel Courtney, Bill Dahlberg, Kate Fulton, Matt Lawrey, Paul Matheson, Brian McGurk, Gaile Noonan, Mike Rutledge, Tim Skinner and Stuart Walker
Quorum: 7
Nelson City Council Disclaimer
Please note that the contents of these Council and Committee Agendas have yet to be considered by Council and officer recommendations may be altered or changed by the Council in the process of making the formal Council decision.
Council Values
The Mayor and councillors held a strategic planning day on 30 November 2016 with a programme that covered key challenges and opportunities for the triennium, the values Council wished to work by, and objectives for what needed to be achieved during this term of Council.
Following are the values agreed during the planning day:
i) Whakautetanga: valuing each other, showing respect
ii) Kōrero Pono: honesty, integrity, trust, fidelity
iii) Māiatanga: having courage, being bold, trail blazing, having a sense of purpose
iv) Whakamanatanga: demonstrating excellence, raising the bar, effectiveness, resourcefulness
v) Whakamōwaitanga: compassion, empathy, humility, servant leadership
vi) Kaitiakitanga: stewardship
vii) Manaakitanga: generosity of spirit, humour, fun
Nelson City Council
14 May 2019
Opening Prayer
1. Apologies
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
3.1 Updates to the Interests Register
3.2 Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda
4. Hearing of Submissions to the Draft Annual Plan 2019/20, including Community Housing and Potential Sale of Land for Commercial Development Wakatu Square 4 - 1190
Document number R10201
· This meeting will continue over three days.
· Lunch will be provided.
Item 5: Hearing of Submissions to the Draft Annual Plan 2019/20, including Community Housing and Potential Sale of Land for Commercial Development Wakatu Square
Council 14 May 2019 |
Hearing of Submissions to the Draft Annual Plan 2019/20, including Community Housing and Potential Sale of Land for Commercial Development Wakatu Square
1.1 Index and Copies of Submissions
Council consulted concurrently on the Draft Annual Plan 2019/20, including Community Housing and on the potential sale of land for commercial development Wakatu Square. Hearing of submissions will also be held concurrently.
· Draft Annual Plan 2019/20 index and submissions - Document No A2185551
· Community Housing index and submissions – Document No A2185575
· Wakatu Square index and submissions - Document No A2185734
1.2 Hearing Schedule
Speakers are still being scheduled, therefore a hearing schedule will be distributed under separate cover.
Author: Elaine Stephenson, Governance Adviser
Attachment 1: A2185551 Draft Annual Plan 2019/20 index and submissions ⇩
Attachment 2: A2185575 Community Housing index and submissions ⇩
Attachment 3: A2185734 Wakatu Square index and submissions ⇩
Outline for Recreation Management Plan funding for Ngati Koata Submission to the 2019-20 Annual Plan
Ngati Koata (NK) request $30,000 to develop a Recreation Management Plan which will allow for sustainable management of activities requiring public access rights to the Hira forest. It is intended to reference similar plans as have been developed for the Rotorua forest areas.
The Hira Forest was previously part of Crown land and is incorporated into the settlement assets for Ngati Koata. Ngati Koata and the Crown signed a Deed of Settlement on 21 December 2012. Public expectation is that access to pre- existing activities would continue.
Length of track – the attached maps indicate the scale of the existing and intended tracks.
Current public use – The Hira Forest has an extensive range of Mountain Bike tracks which have been developed using volunteer labour from Nelson Mountain Bike Club and NCC cash grants/resources. A significant portion of these tracks were constructed when the land was owned by the Crown, managed by Hancock Forest Management, and the public has an expectation of continued access (it is probable that many people are actually unaware that the land is now privately owned). Other public users of the area are walkers, hunters, and motor cross riders.
Forestry management – the Hira Forest is a working forest and is currently under a Crown Forest Lease to Tasman Pine Limited (TPL). It is governed by the Health and Safety Act – keeping their workers and members of the public safe during forestry operations.
· Forestry operation – this is a working forest with unpredictable requirements for safe access, including large vehicles. TPL also maintain the road and are interested about the impact of new biking tracks on the road. Currently TPL are assisting with access management, however it is not part of the forest operation to manage complex public access on a 24/7 basis.
· Health and Safety implications – all employees of any commercial activity and the public must always be kept safe from interactions with each other. This means that commercial operators need to be aware of the possibility and location of other users in the area.
· NCC support and promote Nelson as a destination for mountain biking and other recreational activities. This leads to increasing demand and activity on privately owned land. It is also noted that users have no understanding as to when they leave NCC reserve land and move onto Ngati Koata land.
Outline for Recreation Managment Plan funding for Ngati Koata Submission._.docx Page 1 of 2
Item 5: Hearing of Submissions to the Draft Annual Plan 2019/20, including Community Housing and Potential Sale of Land for Commercial Development Wakatu Square: Attachment 1
· Commercial asset – Settlement Assets have been provided as recompense for Ngati Koata to earn a return enabling them to provide programmes and assistance to iwi. Koata Limited operates some minor commercial activities such as beekeeping and allows some telecommunication access for Spark and others at the summit of Fringe Hill. The predominant commercial activity is the lease of the land to TPL.
· Council’s Long Term Plan includes community outcomes that value the region’s open space and promote enabling access to it for to recreation. NCC’s Parks and Reserves Asset Management Plan seeks to encourage active recreation and takes a wider view of the region’s backcountry recreation network and (e.g.) identifies trails in its GIS regardless of underlying land ownership, and provides funding for recreational activities on private land. Ngati Koata aspires to be supportive of recreation activities continuing on its land, however does not have the resources to provide a comprehensive programme of access management and is not in the business of providing recreational activities currently.
· NK are concerned that TPL can have reasonable and safe access to the land they lease for a forest operation.
While the Hira Forest land is not vested as Reserve, it is proposed to use the process outlined in the Reserves Act (1977) to guide the development of the plan to ensure wide public consultation is undertaken to inform the plan.
Ngati Koata will manage the process by engaging a suitably qualified consultant to undertake the development of the plan, in consultation with NCC staff.
Ngati Koata Trust and Koata Limited Nelson City Council
Tasman Pine Forests Ltd (TPL) Nelson Mountain Bike Club (NMBC) Nelson Motor Cycle Club Department of Conservation Nelson Tramping Club
Commercial operators – beekeepers, telecommunication operators, commercial mountain bike guides/shuttles
Action Forest Management (AFM) – provide assistance with safe access Hunting
Walking Access Commission Fire and Emergency NZ
Outline for Recreation Managment Plan funding for Ngati Koata Submission._.docx Page 2 of 2
Item 5: Hearing of Submissions to the Draft Annual Plan 2019/20, including Community Housing and Potential Sale of Land for Commercial Development Wakatu Square: Attachment 2