





Ordinary meeting of the

Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group



Tuesday 20 November 2018
Commencing at the conclusion of the Joint Shareholders Committee
Council Chamber

Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson



Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

20 November 2018



Page No.


1.       Apologies


2.       Interests

2.1      Updates to the Interests Register

2.2      Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda

3.       Confirmation of Minutes

3.1      21 August 2018                                                                            4 - 6

Document number M3703


That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, held on 21 August 2018, as a true and correct record.    

4.       Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office                                                                                  7 - 29

Document number R9858


That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Receives the attached Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office (R9858).


5.       Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) - 31 October 2018                                 30 - 36

Document number R9868


That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) - 31 October 2018 (R9868) and its attachment (A2094611).






Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Minutes - 21 August 2018


Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 21 August 2018, commencing at 4.00p.m. 


Present:              His Worship the Mayor of Tasman R Kempthorne  (Chair), Nelson City Councillors I Barker and P Matheson, Tasman District Councillor T King 

In Attendance:   Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Chief Executive Tasman District Council (J Dowding);  Group Manager Community Services (R Ball), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison),  Regional Welfare Adviser (R Pettersson) and Team Leader Governance (R Byrne)

Leave of Absence: Her Worship the Mayor on Council business


1.       Apologies

2.       Interests

3.       Confirmation of Minutes

3.1      17 April 2018

Document number M3426, agenda pages 4 - 8 refer.

Resolved CDEM/2018/007

That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, held on 17 April 2018, as a true and correct record.

His Worship the Mayor of Tasman/King                                       Carried


4.       Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office

Document number R9609, agenda pages 9 - 27 refer.

Regional Welfare Adviser, Rylee Pettersson, presented the report and advised updated information had been received on declaring emergencies. The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (MCDEM) confirmed today that formal signing for a declaration of emergency was still required to take place; confirmation could not be over the phone. They were yet to clarify if this could be a digital signature. 

Resolved CDEM/2018/008

That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Receives the Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office (R9609 and its attachments (A1903448, A1821244 and A2014885); and

Approves the carry-over of budgets totalling $56,000 as detailed in Section 4 of this report into the 2018/19 financial year; and

Provides endorsement of the application to the Resilience Fund; and

Approves the drafting of a letter of acknowledgement to Sergeant Blair Hall.

Matheson/Barker                                                                        Carried


Ms Pettersson introduced Allan Grigg, newly appointed MCDEM Regional Emergency Management Advisor, working principally with Nelson Tasman,  West Coast, and Marlborough. Mr Grigg advised he had been seconded to MCDEM for one year and was based in the Christchurch office.  He noted that in the last financial year (July to June) there had been 14 different emergencies, most declared. All had involved significant response and almost all were still in recovery mode. 


He advised that following the Ministerial Review a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) would be established to work with MCDEM. Recommendations from the Review were currently being put to Cabinet.




5.       Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group Minutes (CEG) - 1 August 2018

Document number R9618, agenda pages 28 - 37 refer.

Resolved CDEM/2018/009

That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) - 1 August 2018 (R9618) and its attachment (A2028009).

Matheson/His Worship the Mayor of Tasman                               Carried


There being no further business the meeting ended at 4.22pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date




Item 3: Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

20 November 2018




Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1      To receive a copy of the report of the Emergency Management Office as reported to the Coordinating Executive Group on 31 October 2018.



2.       Recommendation

That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Receives the attached Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office (R9858).









Author:          Rebecca Terry, Governance Advisor


Attachment 1:  A2091371 - Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office



Item 3: Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office: Attachment 1

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Item 5: Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) - 31 October 2018


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

20 November 2018




Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) - 31 October 2018






1.       Recommendation

That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) - 31 October 2018 (R9868) and its attachment (A2094611).






Author:          Rebecca Terry, Governance Advisor


Attachment 1:  A2094611 - CDEM CEG Minutes 31Oct2018



Item 5: Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) - 31 October 2018: Attachment 1

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