Ordinary meeting of the
Community Investment Funding Panel
Friday 5 October 2018
Commencing at 9.30a.m.
Ruma Marama
Civic House
110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Pat Dougherty
Chief Executive
Membership: Group Manager Community Services Roger Ball (Chairperson), Graeme Thomas, Rachel Saunders, Susan Hawthorne and Katy Steele
Quorum: 3
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Please note that the contents of these Council and Committee Agendas have yet to be considered by Council and officer recommendations may be altered or changed by the Council in the process of making the formal Council decision.
Guidelines for councillors attending the meeting, who are not members of the Committee, as set out in Standing Order 12.1:
· All councillors, whether or not they are members of the Committee, may attend Committee meetings
· At the discretion of the Chair, councillors who are not Committee members may speak, or ask questions about a matter.
· Only Committee members may vote on any matter before the Committee
It is good practice for both Committee members and non-Committee members to declare any interests in items on the agenda. They should withdraw from the room for discussion and voting on any of these items.
Community Investment Funding Panel
5 October 2018
1. Apologies
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
3.1 Updates to the Interests Register
3.2 Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda
Document number M3592
That the Community Investment Funding Panel
Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Community Investment Funding Panel, held on 29 June 2018, as a true and correct record.
5. 2018/19 Community Investment Fund Grant Allocation Additional Information 15 - 23
Document number R9730
That the Community Investment Funding Panel
Receives the report 2018/19 Community Investment Fund Grant Allocation Additional Information (R9730) and its attachments (A2059246, A1901972).
6. 2018/19 Community Investment Funding Grants Allocation 24 - 25
Document number R9719
That the Community Investment Funding Panel
Receives the report 2018/19 Community Investment Funding Grants Allocation (R9719) and its attachment (A1833444); and
Approves funding for the Community Investment Fund agreement applications as agreed at this meeting and as listed on Attachment A1833444.
· Morning tea will be provided.
Community Investment Funding Panel Minutes - 29 June 2018
Minutes of a meeting of the Community Investment Funding Panel
Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
On Friday 29 June 2018, commencing at 9.39a.m.
Present: Members R Ball (Chairperson), G Thomas, R Saunders, S Hawthorne, K Steele and Co-opted member Hannah Johnson.
In Attendance: Manager Community Partnerships (M Preston-Thomas), Community Contracts Advisor (N Gausel), Community Partnerships Adviser (S Stiles), Community Partnerships Adviser (R Large) and Governance Adviser (E Stephenson)
Apologies : Anna Fay (Co-opted member)
1. Apologies
Resolved CIF/2018/007 That the Community Investment Funding Panel Receives and accepts the apologies from Co-opted Member Anna Fay for attendance. Thomas/Hawthorne Carried |
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
There was no change to the order of business.
3. Interests
There were no updates to the Interests Register. The following interests with items on the agenda were declared and the members left the room for the relevant items:
· Susan Hawthorne – 7.14 - Nelson Enterprise Loans
· Rachel Saunders – 7.6 - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nelson Tasman
· Katy Steele – 7.1 - Adult Learning Support , 7.2 - Age Concern Nelson Tasman Incorporated, 7.35 - Volunteer Nelson and 7.18/19 - Nelson Tasman Housing Trust
· Graeme Thomas – 7.7 - Citizens Advice Bureau Nelson.
4. Public Forum
There was no public forum.
5. Confirmation of Minutes
5.1 4 October 2017
Document number M2980, agenda pages 5 - 17 refer.
Resolved CIF/2018/008 That the Community Investment Funding Panel Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Community Investment Funding Panel, held on 4 October 2017, as a true and correct record. Saunders/Steele Carried |
6. Information for the 2018/19 Community Investment Agreement Allocation Meeting
Document number R9436, agenda pages 18 - 35 refer.
Community Contracts Advisor, Nicola Gausel, presented an overview of applications and noted the total fund for disbursement was $268,636.
Resolved CIF/2018/009 That the Community Investment Funding Panel Receives the report Information for the 2018/19 Community Investment Agreement Allocation Meeting (R9436); and its attachments (A1993607, A1854528, A1901972); and Approves that the late application from Community Art Works be included in the 2018/19 funding round; and Refers applications from Nelson Community Toy Library, Safeguarding Children and White House to the 2018/19 Community Investment Funding Panel small grant funding round. Hawthorne/Steele Carried |
7 2018/19 Community Investment Fund Agreement Applications Funding Allocation
Katy Steele had declared an interest in Items 7.1 and 7.2 and left the meeting at 9.59 a.m.
7.1 Adult Learning Support – request $9,378.51
Literacy and numeracy-based tuition for adults who are eligible for insufficient government funding.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $5,000 over three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.2 Age Concern Nelson Tasman Incorporated – request $15,000
Helping build friendships and community connections for the over 65s across Nelson Tasman.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $6,000 over three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
Katy Steele returned to the meeting at 10.04a.m.
7.3 All Saints Anglican Church, Nelson – request $7,000
Full meals so that no one in central Nelson need be hungry or lonely at lunchtime.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $4,000 over three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.4 Alzheimer’s Society Nelson Incorporated– request $8,381
Monthly information, supports and social groups for people living with dementia in the Nelson Community.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $3,000 over three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.5 Annesbrook Community Trust – request $20,000
24/7 Youth Work and Shine
It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that there were limited funds available and the high contestable nature of the fund
Rachel Saunders had declared an interest in Item 7.6 and left the meeting at 10.14a.m.
7.6 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nelson Tasman – request $10,000
Recruitment, training, supervision and support of volunteer mentors, young people and their families.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $10,000 over three years
Rachel Saunders returned to the meeting at 10.17a.m.
Graeme Thomas had declared an interest in Item 7.7 and left the meeting at 10.17 a.m.
7.7 Citizens Advice Bureau Nelson Tasman – request $5,000
Wages, telephone, internet and general office expenses.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $4,000 over three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
Graeme Thomas returned to the meeting at 10.19a.m.
7.8 Community Art Works – request $15,000 (two years)
Providing and staffing a creative space.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $10,000 over two years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.9 Fostering Kids New Zealand – request $4,000
One day Hui/workshop open to its foster caregivers and professionals.
It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that there were limited funds available and the high contestable nature of the fund
7.10 Life Linc Nelson Incorporated – request $17,000
Low cost counselling services for individuals, couples and groups operating in Nelson City.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $6,000 over three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.11 Male Room Incorporated – request $14,400
Exploring options for homeless men to gain shelter and to best access services.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $9,000 over three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.12 Neighbourhood Support Nelson – request $15,000
To set up and support Neighbourhood Support groups and foster community cohesion and resilience.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $7,000 over three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.13 Nelson Civic Choir Incorporated – request $2,600
Funding for the choir’s venue, conductor and accompanist fees.
It was agreed that the request be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria
Susan Hawthorne had declared an interest in item 7.14 and left the meeting at 10.38a.m.
7.14 Nelson Enterprise Loan Trust (NELT) – request $10,000 (one year)
Administrative funding support for NELT.
It was agreed that the request be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria
The meeting was adjourned at 10.39a.m. and reconvened at 10.51a.m., at which time Susan Hawthorne returned to the meeting.
7.15 Nelson Environment Centre – request $25,000
Kai Rescue has diverted over 80 tonnes of edible food to those needing food, via existing charities.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $8,000 over three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.16 Nelson Multicultural Council – request $7,520
To understand and implement the concepts and dimensions involved in intercultural communication.
was agreed that the request be declined on the basis that the
application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria
7.17 Nelson Multicultural Council, Partnership application – request $34,174
A Community Navigator to engage with and support newcomer children and families.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $30,000 over three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
Katy Steele had declared an interest in item 7.18 and left the meeting at 11.13a.m.
7.18 Nelson Tasman Housing Trust – request $4,000
To provide housing advice for people in need, and build accurate data on local housing needs.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $4,000 for three years
7.19 Nelson Tasman Housing Trust, partnership application – request $16,000 (two years)
To devise a business case for NTHT, HNZC and NCC partnership to regenerate Stoke Orchard housing estate.
It was agreed that the request be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria
Katy Steele returned to the meeting at 11.14a.m.
7.20 Nelson Whakatu MenzShed – request $20,700 (one year)
Establishing the Reliance Building as a MenzShed base for workshop, social and wellbeing activities.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $10,000 for one year, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.21 Nelson Women’s and Children’s Refuge – Nga Wahine Tamariki Punanga o Whakatu – request $12,000 (2 years)
Education Programmes, advocacy for children and young people who have experienced domestic violence.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $10,000 for two years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.22 Nelson Women’s Centre – request $6,000
Practical social work, advocacy and counselling services for women and their children.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $5,000 for three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.23 Perinatal Support Nelson Incorporated – request $11,000
Confidential and professional counselling for women/mothers in need.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $6,000 for three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.24 Q-Youth Incorporated – request $14,000
Our fledglings, our young people, take to the skies knowing who they are and where they belong.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $7,000 for three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.25 Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust – request $6,000
PEPE provides information about parenting during the different stages of a child’s early development.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $6,000 for three years
7.26 St Stephens Community Church – request $20,290
Supporting people in need through one-to-one support, practical help and connecting them with others.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $5,000 for three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget and encouraged St Stephens Community Church to partner with Tahunanui Community Centre Incorporated for the next application for funding
7.27 SVS-Living Safe – request $3,500
To increase safety for young people addressing youth violence and anger for 10 – 17 year olds.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $3,500 for three years
7.28 Tahunanui Community Centre Incorporated – request $40,000
A community hub that hosts a wide range of programmes, activities and community building events.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $20,000 for three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget and encouraged Tahunanui Community Centre Incorporated to partner with St Stephens Community Church for the next application for funding
7.29 The Nelson ARK – request $12,561
Animal assisted therapy programmes to build skills and connections across generations and species.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $6,000 for three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.30 The Open Home Foundation of New Zealand – request $20,000
Recruitment, training and supporting foster parents, who care for vulnerable children.
It was agreed that the request be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria
7.31 The Stoke Community Centre Incorporated – request $6,397
To provide a special meal and entertainment for the elderly in our community.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $3,000 for three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.32 The Tasman Broadcasting Trust T/A Fresh FM – request $12,000
Programmes to engage, express and empower the community on six key obstacles to personal well-being.
It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that there were limited funds available and the fund was highly contested
7.33 Victim Support – request $6,000 (one year)
Victim Support’s Service Coordinator in Nelson assists Nelson people to build a resilient community.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $6,000 for one year
7.34 Victory Community Centre – request $29,016
To enhance its existing operational capacity.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $15,000 for three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
Katy Steele had declared an interest in item 7.35 and left the meeting at 11.46a.m.
7.35 Volunteer Nelson partnership application – request $25,454 (over three years - $8,484.66 in the first year)
To enhance social integration of culturally diverse migrants through a volunteering programme.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $6,000 (with no CPI) for three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.36 Volunteer Nelson – request $26,713.33
To grow volunteering for people 60+ in age, and young people between the ages of 12 to 24 years.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $8,000 (with no CPI) for three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
Katy Steele returned to the meeting at 11.55a.m.
7.37 Whakatu Te Korowai Manaakitanga Trust – request $40,000
To work within Nelson community yet FOCUSING on STOKE to give education/support to empower whanau.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $15,000 for three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.38 Whanake Youth – request $50,000
To empower and enable young people living in Stoke.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $20,000 for one year on the basis that Whanake Youth reapply next year, once it has established a track record
7.39 Whenua Iti Outdoors – request $27,600
Tailored opportunities for Nelson youth to access a range of outdoor recreation adventure programmes.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $6,000 for three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
7.40 Wilderness Canoe Journeys – request $16,000
Taking people on canoe journeys into Nelson’s stunning environment as a means of adventure therapy.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $4,500 for three years, noting that demand for funding exceeded available budget
Document number R9439, agenda pages 36 - 91 refer.
Resolved CIF/2018/010 That the Community Investment Funding Panel Receives the report 2018/19 Community Investment Fund Agreement Applications Funding Allocation (R9439) and its attachment (A1993686); and Approves funding for the Community Investment Fund applications as agreed at this meeting, from applications contained in (A1854528).
Hawthorne/Saunders Carried |
There being no further business the meeting ended at 12.35p.m.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:
Chairperson Date
Item 6: 2018/19 Community Investment Fund Grant Allocation Additional Information
Community Investment Funding Panel 5 October 2018 |
2018/19 Community Investment Fund Grant Allocation Additional Information
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To provide additional information to the Community Investment Funding Panel.
2. Recommendation
That the Community Investment Funding Panel Receives the report 2018/19 Community Investment Fund Grant Allocation Additional Information (R9730) and its attachments (A2059246, A1901972). |
Author: Nicola Gausel, Community Contracts Adviser
Attachment 1: A2059246 - Memo to Panel ⇩
Attachment 2: A1901972 - Guidelines ⇩
Item 7: 2018/19 Community Investment Funding Grants Allocation
Community Investment Funding Panel 5 October 2018 |
2018/19 Community Investment Funding Grants Allocation
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To allocate the Community Investment Funding grants for 2018/19.
2. Recommendation
Author: Nicola Gausel, Community Contracts Adviser
Attachment 1: A1833444 - Applications and Assessments ⇩