





Ordinary meeting of the

Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group



Tuesday 21 August 2018
Commencing at the conclusion of the Joint Shareholders Committee
Council Chamber

Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson



Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

21 August 2018



Page No.


1.       Apologies


2.       Interests

2.1      Updates to the Interests Register

2.2      Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda

3.       Confirmation of Minutes

3.1      17 April 2018                                                                                 4 - 8

Document number M3426


That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, held on 17 April 2018, as a true and correct record.  

4.       Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office                                                     9 - 27

Document number R9609


That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Receives the Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office (R9609 and its attachments (A1903448, A1821244 and A2014885); and

Approves the carry-over of budgets totalling $56,000 as detailed in Section 4 of this report into the 2018/19 financial year; and

Provides endorsement of the application to the Resilience Fund; and

Approves the drafting of a letter of acknowledgement to Sergeant Blair Hall.


5.       Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) - 1 August 2018                                    28 - 37

Document number R9618


That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) - 1 August 2018 (R9618) and its attachment (A2028009).





Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Minutes - 17 April 2018


Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 17 April 2018, commencing at the conclusion of the Joint Shareholders Committee at 3.38pm


Present:              Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, His Worship the Mayor of Tasman R Kempthorne and Councillor T King

In Attendance:   Councillor I Barker, Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Acting Group Manager Community Services (R Ball), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Regional Emergency Management Advisor (J Lovell), Acting Manager Emergency Management (B Marsay) and Governance Adviser (J Brandt)


Apology:             Councillor P Matheson


1.       Apologies

Resolved CDEM/2018/001

That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Receives and accepts an apology from Councillor Matheson.

Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson/King                                        Carried


2.       Interests

No interests were declared.

3.       Confirmation of Minutes

3.1      14 November 2017

Document number M3115, agenda pages 5 - 8 refer.

Resolved CDEM/2018/002

That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, held on 14 November 2017, as a true and correct record.

His Worship the Mayor of Tasman/Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson                                                                                                   Carried


His Worship Mayor R Kempthorne thanked John Lovell, Regional Emergency Management Adviser, for his wonderful contribution over the years, supporting this Group and the region in matters of emergency management, and wished him well for his upcoming retirement. Mr Lovell noted he would continue to be involved with Recovery work for the West Coast and Nelson Tasman after his last day on 27 April 2018.

4.       Adoption of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2018

Document number R9212, agenda pages 9 - 159 refer.

The Acting Manager Emergency Management Becky Marsay spoke to the report and answered questions about the inclusion of images from recent local events in the web based version of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2018.

Her Worship Mayor R Reese thanked officers for the good work in developing the Plan.

Resolved CDEM/2018/003

That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Receives the report Adoption of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2018  (R9212) and its attachments (A1891581, A1943673); and

Adopts the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2018 (A1943673).

King/Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson                                        Carried


5.       Declaring Emergencies - Updated National Guidance

John Lovell, Regional Emergency Management Adviser, gave a brief presentation and tabled supporting documents.

The meeting discussed the declaration process during the Gita event. Particular note was given to the question of who should declare an emergency. The Group noted a preference to have the Mayor or Deputy Mayor of the district most affected declare, where practicable. It was noted that the wording in the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan had sufficient flexibility to allow for this order.

Mr Lovell undertook to obtain clarification whether the decision to declare could be made during a teleconference and take effect from that point, with the signing of the form taking place later.


1    A1953108 - Handouts - Declaring Emergencies - Updated National Guidance

6.       Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office

Document number R9206, agenda pages 160 - 177 refer.

Acting Manager Emergency Management Becky Marsay spoke to the report.

Resolved CDEM/2018/004

That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Receives the Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office (R9206) and its attachment/s (A193537, A1935362, A1935756 and A1935817); and

Expresses its appreciation and thanks to the many organisations and individuals who have supported the emergency response and ongoing recovery arising from ex-Cyclones Fehi and Gita, in particular:

the many volunteers including those from NZ response teams, CDEM Welfare teams, Fire and Emergency NZ, Red Cross, Police Swift Water Rescue Team, Amateur Radio and Rotary; and

-   the Golden Bay CDEM team led by Local Controller Sara Chapman.

King/Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson                                        Carried


Reports From Committees

7.       CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group) - 28 March 2018

Document number M3366, agenda pages 178 - 187 refer.

Resolved CDEM/2018/005

That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group), held on 28 March 2018.

His Worship the Mayor of Tasman/Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson                                                                                                   Carried

8.       Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes

8.1      14 November 2017

Document number M3116, agenda pages 3 - 4 refer.

His Worship the Mayor R Kempthorne advised that as no reason for confidentiality still existed, the confidential minutes would be confirmed in the open meeting.

Resolved CDEM/2018/006

That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Confirms the minutes of part of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, held with the public excluded on 14 November 2017, as a true and correct record.

King/Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson                                        Carried



There being no further business the meeting ended at 4.20pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date




Item 3: Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

21 August 2018




Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1      To receive a copy of the report of the Emergency Management Office as reported to the Coordinating Executive Group 1 August 2018.




2.       Recommendation

That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Receives the Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office (R9609 and its attachments (A1903448, A1821244 and A2014885); and

Approves the carry-over of budgets totalling $56,000 as detailed in Section 4 of this report into the 2018/19 financial year; and

Provides endorsement of the application to the Resilience Fund; and

Approves the drafting of a letter of acknowledgement to Sergeant Blair Hall.



3.       Response to Storm Events

3.1      Ex-Tropical Cyclones (TC) Fehi (1 February) and Gita (20 February), coupled with two smaller storm events in February, resulted in the most damaging sequence of storms for the region since the 2011 floods. A declaration of emergency was made for TC Gita, the first in Nelson Tasman region since 2011.

3.2      A number of debriefs have taken place following the events: Response Team RT2 which included representatives from Marlborough Response Team and Canterbury Response Teams. Main debrief inviting along all agencies and key players, community response groups, online survey, GIS, internal.

3.3      Key points raised during the various debriefs have been captured into a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) within the CDEM team. The CAP has been attached to this report for review (A2015251). Further work is required to fully prioritise these actions and incorporate into the Group work programme where appropriate.

3.4      Key takeaways from the debrief include:


·    The need to increase staffing hours of the EOC to receive and process information from field teams, to allow earlier deployment of teams into the field the following day

·    The need for a consistent method of raising Purchase Orders

·    Streamline and improve data collection and transfer methods

·    The need to remove any confusion for building inspection requirements (declared vs non-declared)

·    The need to improve briefing of field teams

·    The need for more desk phones, phone ports, PCs and PC ports within the EOC

·    Identify and train up more Council staff to work in EOC

4.       NZ-RT2

4.1      Vehicle Replacement

4.1.1   There was a budget of $55,000 in the 2017/18 financial year to replace the current response truck used by NZ-RT2. Analysis of their deployments highlighted the trend towards smaller vehicles being deployed to separate tasks within a region rather that the whole team being deployed to a single point. As a result, the decision was made to replace the single large vehicle with two smaller vehicles.

4.1.2   A Request for Proposal was issued for a ‘used’ utility vehicle and cargo van. Submissions were received for the utility vehicle and we have now entered into a contract with the preferred supplier. No submissions were received for the cargo van so we will be approaching the preferred utility vehicle supplier direct to enter into possible negotiations. Unfortunately the timing of the process means that the funds were not spent in 2017/18 but will be spent early in 2018/19.

4.1.3   The existing truck will be sold once the utility vehicle is available to the team. We have received three valuations of the truck, which will help set the price when it is placed on Trademe. At this stage, we are aware of another Response Team being very interested in purchasing it.

4.2      Accommodation

4.2.1   The NZ-RT2 team are currently based at the fire station in Nelson. This location is being developed by FENZ into a national training centre. Space within the base is becoming very limited and pressure is being placed on the station to free up the area occupied by NZ-RT2.

4.2.2   Discussions have been held between FENZ and the NZ-RT2 management about relocation options and several avenues are being investigated through FENZ, NCC, TDC and privately. Current accommodation at the fire station does not incur any rental costs, but any move away from the fire station into other premises will. The CDEM Group will therefore need to consider requesting additional budget to cover rental costs for accommodation by NZ-RT2. Initial estimates are in the region of $1,000 per month, excluding power.

4.2.3   This will be investigated further over coming months and it is anticipated that a proposal will be submitted to the CEG regarding a way forward in time to be included in the Councils Annual Plan deliberations.

4.3      National Response Team Review

4.3.1   MCDEM initiated a process to understand the actual and desirable role of NZ-RTs following recent changes in legislation, specifically the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. Primarily, concerns were raised around Response Teams performing tasks which FENZ now has the mandate to do. As a result, Group Managers and Response Team Leaders attended national workshops to develop a joint position paper for a potential way forward. This will be presented to the wider national forum including FENZ, MCDEM and Police at the end July and will outline the desire by RTs and the CDEM Groups that there be a national approach applied by an appropriate national agency. A further update will be available for the next meeting of the CEG.

4.4      Membership

4.4.1   In November last year, 12 new recruits were taken on as probationary team members. After recently completing their basic training, we have welcomed 10 new full members into NZ-RT2.

5.       Budget Update

5.1      A budget update to the end of May 2017 year is attached (A2015186). In general, finances have been tracking well with some exceptions:

5.1.1   Emergency response: costs were raised across the two councils, with the EOC and welfare operational cost being in the region of $66,000. The welfare aspect of the response is 100% claimable from central government. A claim from each Council will be submitted in July, totalling approximately $9,000. The remainder of response costs will be covered by the Emergency Management reserves. The restoration of infrastructure and other assets by Councils, and claims associated with that, will be handled by the respective Council finance teams and are expected to run to millions of dollars.

5.1.2   CDEM Plans: the majority of the budget allocated to the update of CDEM plans remains unspent due to the re-focus of resources following the February events. To ensure efficient use of our resources, the updates of both the Recovery Plan and the Group Welfare Plan are now to be undertaken by external parties. Therefore it is proposed that the unspent $35,600 be carried over to 2018/19 and used to fund their delivery.

5.1.3   Plant and Equipment: $20,400 remains unspent in this budget. We are still interested in proceeding with the ‘Brian FM’ proposal for a radio station on which we can broadcast emergency messages. This still needs further investigation before committing any funds, but in light of the delay generated by the events earlier in the year, we are seeking for this to be carried over into 2018/19.

5.1.4   NZ-RT2 vehicle: As mentioned earlier in the report, the process to purchase the new vehicles took longer than expected and extended beyond the financial year. This contract should be complete within the next couple of months.

6.       Brief Updates

6.1      A CDEM Group exercise on the theme of contaminated water supply did not proceed in May as planned due to limited resources. This will be postponed to later in the financial year.

6.2      We would like to include a formal acknowledgement of Sergeant Blair Hall’s commitment to Civil Defence Emergency Management during his time on the Readiness and Response committee and Welfare Coordination Group committee, but also during the many activations. Blair has recently retired from the Police. It is proposed that a formal letter of thanks be drafted and approved by the CEG.

6.3      This year’s South Island CDEM conference is being hosted by our neighbours in Marlborough and will be held on 30/31st August (A2014885). Two staff from the CDEM office will be attending.

6.4      In place of formal training of Council staff earlier in the year, we held function based workshops and invited along all those who had previously been trained in the specific function or had expressed an interest. These proved to be very effective for building engagement and knowledge with some of the lesser experience members. We will continue to deliver this type of training/workshop (in addition to normal training courses) over the coming year to help us establish a solid pool of experienced resources for an event.

6.5      Emergency Management Office staffing – with the recent promotion of Roger Ball to Group Manager Community Services, the decision has been made to split Emergency Management back into a separate business unit and recruit a full time Business Unit Manager with advertising to begin in mid-August. I will continue to take on the acting role until the position is filled. Laurie Adams has also left the team. His final day was at the end of June and he now heads off to pursue other opportunities.

6.6      A recent update of the department risk register for NCC has highlighted a vulnerability within the wider team for responding to an event. Many of the staff from both Councils who are trained to work in the EOC are key players within Council when it comes to their own Business Continuity Planning. As a result, we need to approach senior management within both Councils to identify which staff will be available for CDEM training, then work on developing a wider pool of trained personnel.

6.7      The current Group Work Programme came to an end in June 2018. A new work programme is being developed to cover the next couple of years to reflect changes in priority and to include key recommendations arising from the Fehi and Gita events. A draft version will be presented at the next meeting of the CEG.

6.8      A submission to the MCDEM Resilience fund is being developed over the next few weeks. We will be looking at a proposal to develop and deliver a community based training programme to build resilience within more isolated communities, with a focus on improving local command and control structures. The proposal would span three years, with year one dedicated to developing the training structure and material, to be delivered over the following two years. We see this being a potential joint venture with Marlborough and the West Coast CDEM Groups.




Author:          Becky Marsay, Acting Manager Emergency Management


Attachment 1:  A1903448 - Corrective Actions Plan Master

Attachment 2:  A1821244 - CDEM Budget to May18

Attachment 3:  A2014885 - CDEM - Conference Programme - 2018



Item 3: Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office: Attachment 1

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Item 3: Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office: Attachment 2

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Item 3: Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office: Attachment 3

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Item 5: Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) - 1 August 2018


Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

21 August 2018




Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) - 1 August 2018







1.       Recommendation

That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) - 1 August 2018 (R9618) and its attachment (A2028009).





Author:          Rebecca Terry, Governance Advisor


Attachment 1:  A2028009 - CDEM CEG Minutes 1Aug2018



Item 5: Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) - 1 August 2018: Attachment 1

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