


Ordinary meeting of the


Forestry Advisory Group


Tuesday 12 June 2018

Commencing at 3.00p.m.

Ruma Mārama

Floor 2A, Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson



Membership: Chairperson John Murray (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor Rachel Reese, Councillor Luke Acland, Mr Alec Louverdis and Mr Peter Gorman

Guidelines for councillors attending the meeting, who are not members of the Committee, as set out in Standing Order 12.1:

·      All councillors, whether or not they are members of the Committee, may attend Committee meetings

·      At the discretion of the Chair, councillors who are not Committee members may speak, or ask questions about a matter.

·      Only Committee members may vote on any matter before the Committee

It is good practice for both Committee members and non-Committee members to declare any interests in items on the agenda.  They should withdraw from the room for discussion and voting on any of these items.


N-logotype-black-wideForestry Advisory Group

12 June 2018



Page No.


1.       Apologies

1.1      An apology has been received from Councillor Acland

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

3.       Interests

3.1      Updates to the Interests Register

3.2      Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda

4.       Public Forum

5.       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      15 March 2018                                                                              5 - 9

Document number M3339


That the Forestry Advisory Group

Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Forestry Advisory Group, held on 15 March 2018, as a true and correct record.   

6.       Chairperson's Report   

7.       Forestry Update - Number 4 - June 2018                   10 - 36

Document number R9152


That the Forestry Advisory Group

Receives the report Forestry Update - Number 4 - June 2018 (R9152) and its attachments (A1959057, A1969488, A1969507 and A1969491); and

Approves the revised specific site plans as presented by LandVision at the 12 June 2018 Forestry Advisory Group meeting relating to Alternate Use of the stands to be retired from commercial forestry; and

Approves the priority and timeline, as presented by LandVision, for implementing the specific site plans relating to Alternate Use of the stands to be retired; and

Approves that Block 42.06 (Marsden – Douglas Fir) not be cleared until the trees can be commercially harvested as per A1959057 of report R9152; and

Approves the specific site management plan for the “Tantragee block” as per A1969488 of report R9152, and that work on this be implemented at an estimated cost of $63,000 without delay.   




Forestry Advisory Group Minutes - 15 March 2018


Minutes of a meeting of the Forestry Advisory Group

Held in the Ruma Mārama, Floor 2A, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Thursday 15 March 2018, commencing at 2.32pm


Present:              Chairperson J Murray (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, Mr A Louverdis (Group Manager Infrastructure) and Mr P Gorman (Independent Forestry Expert)

In Attendance:   Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), LandVision Director (L Grant), PF Olsen Nelson Branch Manager (S Nuske), PF Olsen Forestry Adviser (D Fincham) and Governance Adviser (J Brandt)

Apology:             Councillor Acland



1.       Apologies

Resolved FAG/2018/001

That the Forestry Advisory Group

Receives and accepts an apology from Councillor Acland.

Murray/Her Worship the Mayor Carried


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business.

3.       Interests

Her Worship the Mayor noted an interest regarding block 28.01 discussed as part of item 5.

4.       Confirmation of Minutes

4.1      15 November 2017

Document number M3126, agenda pages 5 - 8 refer.

Resolved FAG/2018/002

That the Forestry Advisory Group

Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Forestry Advisory Group, held on 15 November 2017, as a true and correct record.

Her Worship the Mayor/Murray                                                   Carried


5.       Forestry update - Number 3 - March 2018

Document number R8888, agenda pages 9 - 32 refer.

The Group Manager Infrastructure, Alec Louverdis, spoke to his report and answered questions.

The meeting requested that officers include in the next report the analysis work that led to the change in direction from the initial decision to harvest plot 42.06 in Marsden Valley to defer harvest for a decade.

A correction for page 11 of the agenda was noted where the Brook stand was wrongly being referred to as block 29.01. The name Tantragee block was to be used instead. Work on this block had commenced and further options might emerge over the following two months for planning the consultation process.

The Brook block 21.05 was discussed and it was noted that communication with key stakeholders needed to occur prior to felling to waste.

It was requested that the Property Parks and Facilities Asset Manager be invited to a future Forestry Advisory Group meeting to give an overview as to plans and intentions in regards to future recreational use for the forestry areas.

Health and Safety was discussed. The GM Infrastructure undertook to organise a Safe Work Observation visit for the advisory group members once a block closer to town was being worked on. PF Olsen was asked to include two additional headers in its quarterly report, i.e. compliance with Resource Consents and the New Environmental National Standards. 


Mr Grant from LandVision tabled his report entitled Nelson City Council Forestry Alternative Management (A1931943) and spoke to the Powerpoint presentation (A1931941) regarding areas requiring alternate uses.


The Forestry Advisory Group went through the report page by page to vet the proposed consultation lists. The following advice was given regarding additional consultation that may be required:


Brook forest blocks


Block 22.01: Check with the Planning and Regulatory team regarding heritage related interests that may exist in the area.


Block: 22.02: Advise land owners of Council’s preferred option after consulting with the council communications team regarding appropriate messaging.


Blocks 22.03/22.04/22.05/22.06/22.09: Add consultation with Planning and Regulatory team and Biodiversity Forum to the list.


Consultation with Iwi was discussed and it was noted that consultation should occur where there was Iwi land adjoining council owned blocks, with a view to exploring partnership opportunities.


Block 22.08: No change.


Block 25.01: No change.


Blocks 26.01/26.02/26.04/26.07: Consultation with adjoining landowners was recommended as well as exploration of partnership funding with developers, as the area acted as a buffer between the landfill and the subdivisions.


Blocks 26.05/26.06: Same as previous, also next to the landfill. Noted that the decision regarding the future landfill site would dictate future use and a decision would need to be made at that time.


Block 28.01: Her Worship the Mayor declared an interest and did not participate in discussion of this block. It was agreed that consultation should include adjoining land owners. It was noted that public interest would be great once harvesting was to occur.


Block 21.04: No change. Noted that parts were harvested recently.


Maitai forest blocks


Block 1.04: Consultation to include Iwi due to close proximity to the Maitai river. Noted that options on how to remove trees would need to be investigated, including a buffer zone to allow for access. It was further recommended to consult with Infrastructure due to the proximity of the area to the road.


The Advisory Group noted their preference to work towards 100% compliance with the new National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry.


Noted that the next step would be for Mr Grant to talk to Leigh Marshall in the Environmental Programmes team.


Block 2.01: No consultation needed.


Block 2.02: No consultation needed but conversation with Infrastructure team to be had if action was to occur, as the block is next to public road.

Attendance: The Group Manager Infrastructure left the meeting at 4.11p.m.


Blocks 4.03 to 4.13: Consultation with Infrastructure was recommended. If the river was affected, then also consultation with Iwi.


Blocks 5.01/5.02/7.02: Consultation to involve the Parks and Reserves and Planning and Regulatory teams at Council.


Block 8.01: No change.

Attendance: The Group Manager Infrastructure returned to the meeting at 4.16p.m.


Blocks 9.01/10.01: No change


Block 10.02: Internal discussion to be had.


Marsden Valley forest blocks


Blocks 41.01/44.01: No change.


Block 42.06: More information to come back to the meeting.


Roding area forest block


Block 54.02: No change.

The Advisory Group voiced an interest in further exploring apiculture as a future business model where Council was replanting in Manuka. P F Olsen might be able to bring back some information, e.g. required minimum size for an economic model. It was noted that the hives currently in place were privately owned.

Mr Grant from LandVision spoke to a presentation (A1931941) entitled One Billion Trees and noted that it was the Government’s ambition to replant natives and exotics in traditional and innovative locations on a national scale. He further noted that Nelson City Council was unlikely to be able in a position to partake in this scheme, as the land owned by Nelson City Council did not fit the criteria. However, Mr Grant noted that some riparian strips could be suitable and Nelson City Council could hold conversations with land owners to encourage their participation.




Resolved FAG/2018/003

That the Forestry Advisory Group

Receives the report Forestry update - Number 3 - March 2018 (R8888) and its attachments (A1739267, A1849406, A1561381, A1908827 and A1908918); and

Directs officers to consult further with council staff and bring back revised specific site plans, present a timeline and prioritise the blocks for implementation.

Murray/Her Worship the Mayor                                                   Carried


1    A1931941 - Nelson City Council Forestry - Alternative Uses - LandVision presentation

2    A1931943 - Nelson City Council Forestry - Alternative Management - Report - LandVision March 2018

3    A1931942 - One Billion Trees

There being no further business the meeting ended at 4.33pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date




Item 7: Forestry Update - Number 4 - June 2018


Forestry Advisory Group

12 June 2018




Forestry Update - Number 4 - June 2018



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1      To provide an update to the Forestry Advisory Group (Group) on forestry activities since Council adopted the Forestry Review recommendations in September 2016 and since the last March 2018 update.

1.2      To approve the Alternate Use plans.

1.3      To approve the Tantragee block harvesting plan.     



2.       Recommendation

That the Forestry Advisory Group

Receives the report Forestry Update - Number 4 - June 2018 (R9152) and its attachments (A1959057, A1969488, A1969507 and A1969491); and

Approves the revised specific site plans as presented by LandVision at the 12 June 2018 Forestry Advisory Group meeting relating to Alternate Use of the stands to be retired from commercial forestry; and

Approves the priority and timeline, as presented by LandVision, for implementing the specific site plans relating to Alternate Use of the stands to be retired; and

Approves that Block 42.06 (Marsden – Douglas Fir) not be cleared until the trees can be commercially harvested as per A1959057 of report R9152; and

Approves the specific site management plan for the “Tantragee block” as per A1969488 of report R9152, and that work on this be implemented at an estimated cost of $63,000 without delay.   




3.       Update

          Commercial Forestry

3.1      Harvesting is due to re-commence in the Roding forest in May 2018 and will continue until late 2018. Preliminary planning is underway for harvesting in the Maitai forestry blocks which is planned to commence in the winter of 2019.  

Douglas Fir and Acacia harvesting and poisoning

3.2      Progress is detailed below.








D fir

Harvesting complete




D fir

In planning. To be undertaken in conjunction with privately owned adjacent forest block but no timeframe has been provided by their harvester.




D fir

Harvesting completed




D fir

Poisoning commenced




D fir

Part harvested - 3 Ha remaining. Progress awaiting outcome of alternate use debate




D fir










D fir





D fir

Within Cemetery block - summer harvesting only and pending contractor availability







3.3      * It was reported at the last Group meeting that harvesting of this block has been delayed until the block can deliver a commercial return (likely in 5-10 years’ time). In addition, felling to waste of such a large block will create a visual impact for the city backdrop and will pose an extreme fire risk and hence is not recommended.

3.4      The Group asked the team to confirm or further analyse their previous risk assessment of leaving this block until the trees can be commercially harvested. This was to take into account the surrounding trees and to use any work that had previously been done to minimise the cost including work done by Nick Ledgard. The assessment has been carried out and the report is appended at Attachment 1.

3.5      The recommendation from PF Olsen and Peter Gorman is that: 

Council agree to remove the Douglas fir in stand 42.06 by harvesting when this can be carried out without incurring a net cost to the Council. This is expected to be after 2022.


FAG resolutions


Approves the felling to waste of the remaining Brook block 21/05 at an estimated cost of $10,000.


This block adjoins the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary

Will include both poisoning and fell to waste. Will need to take place during low public use and will be co-ordinated with MTB and BWST. Poisoning has commenced – felling to follow consultation.

Approves that the “Tantragee Block” (Brook) be harvested/felled to waste/poisoned, with urgency, to address health and safety concerns, subject to approval of a site specific plan from the Independent Forestry Expert

PF Olsen has prepared a site specific management plan for this block (see Attachment 2) with input from Mr Peter Gorman.


Option 1 is the recommended option (combination of poisoning and breaking down/felled to waste) at an estimated cost of $63,000. These operations will be undertaken in accordance with environmental best practice.   

Health and Safety

3.6      No Safe Work Observations (SWO) were undertaken by officers for this period. A joint SWO with the entire Group will be planned for next winter when Maitai harvesting work re-commences. 

3.7      Council’s Health and Safety Adviser (Organisational Assurance and Emergency Management) has met with PF Olsen to view their online Health and Safety system. This meeting provided assurance that PF Olsen understand their duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and have a comprehensive health and safety system in place.         


3.8      Harvesting net revenue to date is $2.226M against the revised full year budget of $2.4M. The projected full year net revenue is $2.57M.   

4.       5-Year Harvesting Plans

4.1      Whilst the 5-year harvesting plans were approved by the Group in November 2017, the Group also endorsed a flexible approach that would allow the plans to change to reflect circumstances (e.g. export and domestic markets). The November 2017 report noted that there would be inevitable tweaks to the 5 year harvesting plans and that the Group would be notified by email of these changes.

4.2      PF Olsen propose a change in the harvesting plans involving the delay in harvesting of a number of Maitai stands to 2019/2020, so as to allow for in-depth planning to achieve Council’s desire to have the best possible environmental performance under the new NES – Plantation Forestry.  Refer to Attachment 3 for the revised plan.

4.3      Attachment 4 shows the PF Olsen Quarterly Forestry report (Jan–31 March 2018).    

5.       Alternate Uses

5.1      Council agreed to retire some 140Ha of forestry and consider alternate uses. The Group resolved at the March 2018 meeting as below. 

Directs officers to consult further with council staff and bring back revised specific site plans, present a timeline and prioritise the blocks for implementation

5.2      Lachie Grant (LandVision) will be in attendance to discuss this further work. 

5.3      Replanting and weed control has been provided in the Parks and Active Recreation activity and Landscapes Reserves sub-activity in the Long Term Plan. Both Council and PF Olsen are aware of the public visibility and scrutiny relating to sedimentation caused as a result of forestry activities and once the Group has signed off the alternate use for those blocks that need revegetation that work will commence with urgency.  

5.4      Council is also investigating access to the Government’s 1 Billion Tree Fund.

6.       Forestry Stewardship Council Accreditation (FSC)

6.1      The Group in November 2017 resolved:

Approves, in principle, that Nelson City Council join the Forestry Stewardship Council Accreditation scheme and approves PF Olsen undertaking work to prepare the management plan at an upper estimated cost of $10,000.

6.2      PF Olsen has commenced the work with initial consultation with Nelson officers complete. The next stage is to progress with wider consultation with that feedback to be included in the final plan before seeking accreditation. PF Olsen will now prepare the consultation document and will bring that back to the Group for sign-off before consultation commences. Once consultation commences work will be on a time writing basis. PF Olsen will be in attendance to provide an update.   

7.       Conclusion

7.1      This is the fourth update report since the Group was officially approved with Terms of Reference.



Alec Louverdis

Group Manager Infrastructure


Attachment 1:  A1959057 - Marsden Block Stand 42.06

Attachment 2:  A1969488 - Tantragee Hazardous Tree Management May 2018

Attachment 3:  A1969507 - Change in Harvesting

Attachment 4:  A1969491 - Nelson City Council Quarterly Forestry Report - January to March 2018



Important considerations for decision making

1.   Fit with Purpose of Local Government

The regular updates will support the effective and efficient management of Council’s productive forests.

2.   Consistency with Community Outcomes and Council Policy

The FAG aligns with the following outcomes - Our Council provides leadership and Our Council is supported by an innovative and sustainable economy.

3.   Risk

The FAG has been set up to specifically have an oversight on all things relating to forestry to reduce the risk to Council.

4.   Financial impact

The FAG has been set up to monitor forestry activity and to manage income and expenses accordingly. The expenditure recommended on this report is in line with this oversight.

5.   Degree of significance and level of engagement

This update report is of low significance. The FAG has assessed the Alternate Use Management Plan and agreed on an appropriate lead of engagement on specific sites.

6.   Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process

Maori have not been consulted as part of this report.

7.   Delegations

The FAG’s TOR powers to decide include:

“a.   Forestry and harvesting management plans (including replanting) as prepared by the Forestry contractor and endorsed by the independent forestry external expert;

b.    Engagement of consultants required to undertake all works necessary to guide recommendations to the Commercial Subcommittee and Council.”



Item 7: Forestry Update - Number 4 - June 2018: Attachment 1





Item 7: Forestry Update - Number 4 - June 2018: Attachment 2


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Item 7: Forestry Update - Number 4 - June 2018: Attachment 3


Item 7: Forestry Update - Number 4 - June 2018: Attachment 4

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