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23 April 2018

Memo to:             Mayor and Councillors

Memo from:         Governance Advisers

Subject:              Regional Transport Committee 26 April 2018 – LATE ITEM



6.       Late Item: Submission on the Draft Government Policy Statement 2018 on Land Transport        3 - 12

Document R9239

A report titled Submission on the Draft Government Policy Statement 2018 on Land Transport is attached.  This report was listed as item 6 on the public agenda for the Regional Transport Committee meeting on 26 April 2018 to ensure elected members were aware that it would be presented to this meeting.








Item 6: Submission on the Draft Government Policy Statement 2018 on Land Transport


Regional Transport Committee

26 April 2018




Submission on the Draft Government Policy Statement 2018 on Land Transport



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1       To approve the submission from the Regional Transport Committee (RTC) on the Draft Government Policy Statement 2018 on Land Transport (GPS) to the Ministry of Transport (MoT).



2.       Recommendation

That the Regional Transport Committee

Receives the report Submission on the Draft Government Policy Statement 2018 on Land Transport (R9239) and its attachment (A1950026); and

Delegates authority to approve any minor changes to the submission on the Draft Government Policy Statement 2018 on Land Transport submission (attached as A1950026 to report R9239), based on feedback from this meeting, to Her Worship the Mayor and Deputy Chair of the Regional Transport Committee; and

Approves for signing, by the Mayor and Deputy Chair of the Regional Transport Committee and lodging with the Ministry of Transport, the submission on the Draft Government Policy Statement 2018 on Land Transport (attached as A1950026 to report R9239); and

Forwards the approved submission (attached as A1950026 to report R9239) on the Draft Government Policy Statement 2018 on Land Transport to the full Council with the purpose of giving Council the option to either endorse the submission from the Regional Transport Committee or to submit a separate submission directly to the Ministry of Transport.




3.       Background

3.1       The Draft GPS was issued on 2 April 2018 by the MoT for formal engagement until 2 May 2018 under Clause 67(c) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 (LTMA). The full GPS has already been circulated to all RTC members and discussed at a workshop on the 10 April 2018. The MoT is required by the LTMA to issue a GPS every three years to identify the objectives, direction and strategy for spending of over $3 Billion through the National Land Transport Fund each year.

4.       Discussion

4.1       Following the presentation of the Draft GPS, the RTC indicated support for the overarching strategies and priorities of the draft document particularly the safety and access key strategic priorities, but raised a number of issues that have been addressed in the Draft submission (see attachment 1). 

4.2       The Draft GPS supports both Council’s Draft 2018-2028 Transportation Asset Management Plan and the RTC’s Draft Regional Land Transport Plan, specifically the problem statements and the strategic response in terms of connectivity, transport choice, and liveable cities.

4.3       The RTC has delegated authority to put in a submission on the Draft GPS to the MoT and have indicated they will be doing so, but has also indicated a preference for its submission to be given to Council to afford it the opportunity to either endorse the RTC’s submission or put in a separate submission.

4.4       Officers have sought advice from the MoT as to whether late submissions can be received after the 2 May closing date. This is important as Council meets on 3 May. The MoT has advised that the absolute latest it will accept submissions, provided a draft has been received by 2 May, is 5pm on 4 May 2018.  

5.       Options

5.1       Options include approving the submission to the MoT or not to approve the submission. Officers recommend that the attached Draft submission be approved.


Option 1: Submit a submission on the Draft GPS to the MoT


·   Shows engagement with the GPS, a key Government document

·   Places the RTC in a strong position to participate in stage 2 of the GPS

Risks and Disadvantages

·   None

Option 2: Do not submit a submission on the Draft GPS to the MoT


·    None

Risks and Disadvantages

·    Perception that the RTC is not interested in the Draft GPS



Paul D'Evereux

Senior Asset Engineer - Transport and Roading


Attachment 1:    A1950026 - RTC Submission - 2018 draft GPS Land Transport - 18 April 2018



Important considerations for decision making

1.   Fit with Purpose of Local Government

The Draft GPS is a requirement under the Land Transport Management Act 2003 legislation.

2.   Consistency with Community Outcomes and Council Policy

The Draft GPS is a guiding document for Council’s RLTP’s and Transportation AMP’s. It is a requirement that all documents give effect to the direction of the Draft GPS.

3.   Risk

The risk of not taking into account the key priorities of the Draft GPS is that funding for projects will not be considered in the NLTF

4.   Financial impact

The financial impact of not taking into account the key priorities of the Draft GPS is that there may be insufficient funding for projects to proceed.

5.   Degree of significance and level of engagement

This matter is of high significance and the MoT has engaged with all Regional authorities and is seeking feedback.

6.   Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process

Maori were not consulted on with respect to this report or the draft submission.

7.   Delegations

   The Regional Transport Committee has specific delegation to:

·        To approve submissions to external bodies on policy documents likely to influence the content of the RLTP.




Item 6: Submission on the Draft Government Policy Statement 2018 on Land Transport: Attachment 1

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