Ordinary meeting of the
Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Tuesday 17 April 2018
Commencing at the conclusion of the Joint Shareholders Committee
Council Chamber
Civic House
110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
17 April 2018
1. Apologies
2.1 Updates to the Interests Register
2.2 Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda
Document number M3115
That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, held on 14 November 2017, as a true and correct record.
4. Adoption of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2018 10 - 160
Document number R9212
That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Receives the report Adoption of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2018 (R9212) and its attachments (A1891581, A1943673); and
Adopts the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2018 (A1943673).
5. Declaring Emergencies - Updated National Guidance
A brief presentation will be provided.
6. Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office 161 - 179
Document number R9206
That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Receives the Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office (R9206) and its attachment/s (A193537, A1935362, A1935756 and A1935817); and
Expresses its appreciation and thanks to the many organisations and individuals who have supported the emergency response and ongoing recovery arising from ex-Cyclones Fehi and Gita, in particular:
- the many volunteers including those from NZ response teams, CDEM Welfare teams, Fire and Emergency NZ, Red Cross, Police Swift Water Rescue Team, Amateur Radio and Rotary; and
- the Golden Bay CDEM team led by Local Controller Sara Chapman.
7. CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group) - 28 March 2018 180 - 189
Document number M3366
That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group), held on 28 March 2018.
Public Excluded Business
That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.
The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:
Item |
General subject of each matter to be considered |
Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter |
Particular interests protected (where applicable) |
1 |
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - Public Excluded Minutes - 14 November 2017 |
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7. |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2) (a) To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person |
9. Re-admittance of the public
That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Re-admits the public to the meeting.
Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Minutes - 14 November 2017
Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
On Tuesday 14 November 2017, commencing 2.30pm
Present: Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Chairperson), Councillor P Matheson and His Worship the Mayor of Tasman R Kempthorne
In Attendance: Nelson City Councillors I Barker, M Courtney, G Noonan, B McGurk, M Lawrey, P Matheson, M Rutledge, T Skinner, S Walker, Nelson City Council Group Manager Community Services (C Ward), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Manager Organisational Assurance and Emergency Management (R Ball), Tasman District Council Corporate Services Manager M Drummond, and Governance Adviser (P White)
Apology: Tasman District Councillor T King
1. Apologies
Resolved CDEM/2017/013 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Receives and accepts an apology from Councillor King. Her Worship the Mayor/His Worship the Mayor of Tasman Carried |
2. Interests
No interests were declared.
3. Confirmation of Minutes
3.1 1 August 2017
Document number M2785, agenda pages 5 - 10 refer.
Resolved CDEM/2017/014 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, held on 1 August 2017, as a true and correct record. His Worship the Mayor of Tasman/Her Worship the Mayor Carried |
3.2 2 October 2017
Document number M2959, agenda pages 11 - 14 refer.
Resolved CDEM/2017/015 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, held on 2 October 2017, as a true and correct record. Her Worship the Mayor/His Worship the Mayor of Tasman Carried |
4. Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office
Document number R8690, agenda pages 15 - 33 refer.
Resolved CDEM/2017/016 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Receives the report Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office (R8690) and its attachments A1859101, A1837592, A1851723, A1851716, A1851694 and A1851708. His Worship the Mayor of Tasman/Matheson Carried |
5. CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group) - 27 October 2017
Document number M3063, agenda pages 34 - 42 refer.
Resolved CDEM/2017/017 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group), held on 27 October 2017. Her Worship the Mayor/His Worship the Mayor of Tasman Carried |
6. Exclusion of the Public
Resolved CDEM/2017/018 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:
His Worship the Mayor of Tasman/Matheson Carried |
The meeting went into public excluded session at 2.32pm and resumed in public session at 2.40pm..
7. Re-admittance of the Public
Resolved CDEM/2017/019 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Re-admits the public to the meeting. Her Worship the Mayor/Matheson Carried |
There being no further business the meeting ended at 2.40pm.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:
Chairperson Date
Item 5: Adoption of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2018
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group 17 April 2018 |
Adoption of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2018
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To adopt the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2018.
2. Recommendation
2. Background
2.1 The Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan (the Plan) describes how the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (the Group) will meet the requirements of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 which requires local authorities to provide for Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) within their districts and places a requirement on them and the agencies involved to support the coordinated effort of CDEM so as to be able to function the fullest extent to respond to and recover from an emergency.
2.2 The review process of the Plan is set out in legislation and included a requirement for public consultation. During the review process officers also considered the requirements of the CDEM Act and its 2016 Amendment, guidance from the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management as well as relevant CDEM Committees and key stakeholder groups.
2.3 At the deliberations meeting on 2 October 2017, the Group approved the draft Plan to be sent to the Minister of Civil Defence for comment in line with the legislated review process. The Minister has since notified the CDEM Group that he is satisfied that the proposed Plan meets the requirements of section 49(2) of the CDEM Act 2002. A copy of his letter has been attached to this report (Attachment 1).
2.4 Legislation requires the updated Plan to be adopted by 1 June 2018. Once approved, the Plan will become operational immediately, replacing the 2012 CDEM Group Plan, and remain in operation for a five year period. The updated Plan is attached to this report (Attachment 2).
3. Conclusion
3.1 Officers recommend that the Group adopt the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2018.
Becky Marsay
Manager Emergency Management
Attachment 1: A1891581 - Confirmation of approval by the Minister ⇩
Attachment 2: A1943673 - Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2018 ⇩
Item 5: Adoption of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2018: Attachment 1
Item 5: Adoption of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan 2018: Attachment 2
Item 5: Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group 17 April 2018 |
Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To receive a copy of the report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office as reported to the Coordinating Executive Group 28 March 2018.
2. Recommendation
3. Response to Storm Events
3.1 Ex-Tropical Cyclones (TC) Fehi (1 February) and Gita (20 February), coupled with two smaller storm events in February, have resulted in the most damaging sequence of storms for the region since the 2011 floods. A declaration of emergency was made for TC Gita, the first in the Nelson Tasman region since 2011. The region remains under a ‘Notice of Transition’, which provides access to emergency powers to the Recovery Manager while the recovery operation is underway. (Recovery issues are reported in more detail under a separate agenda item.)
3.2 The Gita response in particular was the largest operation undertaken by the Group Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) for many years, with numerous Civil Defence Centres open, Welfare support provided to hundreds of residents and visitors, and many dozens of field teams deployed from the EOC to undertake impact and needs assessments following the storm. The isolation of Golden Bay by road, and subsequent need for barging of supplies and rationing of fuel, made this a unique event from which we need to take quite a few lessons. Attached is a brief timeline and summary of the recent storm events from the point of view of the EOC.
3.3 Debriefs relating to the EOC response have been taking place and outcomes will be compiled for review by the Readiness and Response Committee, and then reported to the next meeting of the CEG. These debriefs include all aspects of the EOC response including staffing, Welfare operations, impact and needs assessment, improvements needed to the declaration process, and the transition to recovery.
3.4 The debrief and review process will also consider the decision to commence evacuations in Takaka during Gita, which has drawn some criticism. While flooding in Takaka did not eventuate, the decision to commence an evacuation was based on information available at the time and the need to take a precautionary approach. The Local Controller and agencies on the ground acted based on their instructions to ensure public safety, knowing that it would take considerable time to move people. That said, these events will form part of the debrief process to ensure that any concerns are fully understood and to see what improvements can be made for the future.
3.5 The attached article written by Tasman District Council’s Hydrology team summarises the weather and hydrological impacts of the Fehi/Gita events and helps to explain the effects which gave rise to flooding concerns for Takaka.
4. Acknowledgement of Support
4.1 I would like to thank all of the CEG member agencies and the CDEM Group’s other partners for their support throughout these challenging events. I wish to acknowledge the work of the other Group Controllers who were asked to undertake duties (Alec Louverdis and Jim Frater) the contribution of the Emergency Management Office team, and the ongoing efforts of the recovery team led by the Group Recovery Manager, Richard Kirby, and Adrian Humphries. These storms stretched everyone but the cooperation was agencies worked hard to support their community across the region. It is worth noting that NZDF resources were utilised in the region to a greater extent than at any time in the past and proved highly valuable. Contractor resources, once again, proved to be a critical contribution to the CDEM response.
4.2 Thanks is also made for the support provided during the Gita response from neighbouring CDEM Groups. This included response team volunteers and a staff member from the Marlborough CDEM Group, response team volunteers from the Canterbury CDEM Group.
4.3 Particular mention and thanks is made of the contribution by volunteers from a number of agencies, including NZ response teams, CDEM Welfare teams, Fire and Emergency NZ, Red Cross, Police Swift Water Rescue Team, Amateur Radio and Rotary. The Golden Bay CDEM team, led by the CDEM Local Controller Sara Chapman, and supported by local agencies, provided strong leadership for their community, and I think their efforts also merit the CDEM Group’s gratitude.
4.4 To all of these organisations and individuals, I express my appreciation; it is reassuring to have so many turn out to assist us in these circumstances. I have suggested the CEG adopt a resolution to express appreciation, and recognising volunteer efforts in particular.
5. Group Plan Review
5.1 The CDEM Group Plan will go to the CDEM Group Joint Committee (ie, Mayors and Deputy Mayors) for final approval on 17 April. This follows confirmation from the Minister of Civil Defence, Hon Kris Faafoi, in writing that our proposed Group Plan meets the requirements of the CDEM Act.
5.2 The next major Plan update will be the Group’s Recovery Plan. This project has been delayed by the current response to Fehi/Gita, but will get underway in the next financial year.
6. NZ-RT2: Vehicle Replacement
6.1 We have budget this year of $55,000 to replace the current response truck used by NZ-RT2. This is currently an Isuzu truck, which is housed at Nelson Fire Station. Recent events to which the team have responded have highlighted a trend towards smaller units being deployed to separate tasks within the region, rather than the team as a whole being deployed to a single point. As a result, and following consultation with partners, the decision has been taken to move away from a single source of transport in order to improve efficiency, flexibility and mobility in deployments.
6.2 We are therefore planning to replace the current response truck with two smaller vehicles, using the same budget. Any proceeds gained from the sale of the current truck will go towards purchase and fit out. The cost of replacement vehicles and fit out is yet to be determined.
6.3 Disposal of the current vehicle, and purchase and fit out of the new vehicles will done under the procedures of Nelson City Council (as Administering Authority) and managed through the Emergency Management Office.
6.4 Nelson City Council Finance, which administers the Emergency Management (EM) Office budget, has indicated that there are no issues with replacing the single response truck with two smaller vehicles or with directing proceeds from the sale towards the new vehicles.
6.5 Discussion has been had with FENZ regarding vehicle accommodation and their view is that it will be possible to continue to house both new vehicles at the Nelson Fire Station. Locating one vehicle at the EM Office is also a possibility.
7. Budget Update – Emergency Management Office
7.1 A budget update to the period January 2018 is attached. Finances were tracking fine to that point but events have obviously been overtaken by the Fehi/Gita response. Costs are still being tallied across the two Councils but the immediate ‘response’ costs of the EOC/Welfare operation look to be in the region of $30,000. A portion of this will be claimable from central government. In the meantime the EM budget has sufficient reserves to cover this. The restoration of infrastructure and other assets by Councils, and claims associated with that, will be handled by respective Council Finance teams and are expected to run to many millions of dollars.
8. Audit Report
8.1 Attached is a letter from Audit NZ reporting on the annual audit of the CDEM Group’s financial statements to the year ended 30 June 2017. This presents a clean bill of health. The main recommendation is that there should be a service agreement between the CDEM Group and Nelson City Council (as Administering Authority) for the provision of services.
9. National Review of Civil Defence Emergency Management
9.1 In January the Civil Defence Minister, Hon Kris Faafoi, released the Ministerial Review - Better Responses to Natural Disaster and Other Emergencies, led by Roger Sowry. The review was commissioned by the previous government following concerns after recent emergency events (Kaikoura, Port Hills Fire etc). The report’s recommendations haven’t been adopted as yet – consultation is underway with various stakeholders including CDEM Groups.
9.2 The report makes for very interesting reading and, if the recommendations are adopted, it would be the most significant change to the CDEM sector since the 2002 legislation was brought in. Included in the review are recommendations covering the following:
· Establishment of a ‘National Emergency Management Agency’, replacing MCDEM, with a 4Rs (reduction, readiness, response, recovery) mandate, but focused on readiness and response;
· The primary authority of Mayors (as opposed to elected reps generally) to declare emergencies in their areas would be given legislative acknowledgement;
· A new category of declaring a ‘major incident’ below a full declaration of emergency would be introduced;
· CDEM Groups are expected to adopt more formalised shared service arrangements, and the push is towards more unified Group arrangements centred on the regional council;
· Iwi are expected to be included at all levels including the Joint Committee;
· The expectations around training for Controllers, staff and volunteers will be higher, more formalised and with more robust assurance frameworks;
· There will be a system to deploy Controllers and other emergency management functions around NZ to provide mutual support (‘Fly-in teams’);
· The ‘control’ authority of Controllers (incl over other agencies) would be strengthened;
· A new NCMC (National Crisis Management Centre) is recommended, including to provide 24/7 monitoring and alerting (in fact the 24/7 function will be established in a limited way in coming months);
· NZRTs would come under FENZ operational control during light rescue deployments;
9.3 There are a couple of positive references to the Nelson Tasman CDEM Group in the review including in the discussion on CDEM Group structures, where we are cited as a successful example.
9.4 My thoughts on implications of the review are as follows:
· This review is very welcome and addresses many of the key short comings. I would have liked to see it go further in a number of areas;
· The review’s recommendations would strengthen the authority and resourcing of central government in particular (ie, the new NEMA) and also boosts the authority of the regional council/Group Controller to lead the CDEM Group;
· There is no move to roll the CDEM sector (central and local government) into one agency, or to fund the sector centrally. Locally, CDEM remains a local government funded activity, and the role of Mayors cemented. This issue is key in the debate since, if we apply the ‘follow-the-money’ lens, it means central government still has less control over this sector than it does in other areas which are led nationally but delivered locally, such as health and education;
· There is a strong push in the review to boost the priority of operational readiness and response, especially nationally;
· There are serious budgetary implications in this review for both central and local government. There is no indication of quantum – that still needs to be clarified. But both central and local government are clearly expected to deliver a higher level of service as a result of this review;
· It would take many years to see through these changes, if they are adopted;
· Legislative change will be needed;
· Our own CDEM Group, because of the unitary nature of our two Councils, is less affected by the structural changes recommended for local government. However there are still major implications for us in this review – all of the other recommendations would still flow through to us and, even on the structural front, we will need to implement a number of changes, such as Service Level Agreements and integration with iwi.
9.5 As noted above, these are still ‘recommendations’ and have not yet been adopted. I understand that a paper to Cabinet is timed for June 2018. The full report can be found at this link (it has a 3 page Executive Summary)
10. Brief Updates
10.1 A CDEM Group Exercise on the theme of contaminated water (similar to the Havelock North water emergency) is being planned for May. A final date is being discussed and will be advised as soon as known.
10.2 We are working with the Ministry of Primary Industries to establish a new ‘Adverse Events Cluster’ to coordinate and support the rural sector during emergency events.
10.3 We have been approached by the owner of ‘Brian FM’ with a proposal to use the radio station for emergency broadcasts from the EOC during events. This service is currently running in Marlborough.
Roger Ball
Acting Group Manager Community Services
Attachment 1: Storm Events February 2018: Timeline and Summary (A193537) ⇩
Attachment 2: Ex-TC Fehi & Gita: Hydrology (A1935362) ⇩
Attachment 3: Letter from Audit NZ (A1935756) ⇩
Attachment 4: Budget of the Emergency Management Office to Jan 2018 (A1935817) ⇩
Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) Minutes - 28 March 2018
Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG)
Held in the Emergency Operations Centre, 28 Oxford Street, Richmond
On Wednesday 28 March 2018, commencing at 10.30am
Present: Lindsay McKenzie (Tasman District Council) (Chairperson), Pat Dougherty (Nelson City Council), Harvey Ruru (Te Atiawa Trust), Matthew Arnold-Kelly (NZ Police), Peter Kara (Nelson Marlborough Health), Dave Gibson (NZ Police), and Robbie Blankenstein (St John NZ).
In Attendance: Roger Ball (Group Controller), Jim Frater (Alternate Controller), John Lovell (Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management), Paul Shattock (Nelson City Council), Dennis Bush-King, Chris Choat (Tasman District Council), Becky Marsay, Rylee Pettersson, Laurie Adams, Kathy Solly and Petra Dunlop (Emergency Management Office) Richard Kirby (Group Recovery Manager), Adrian Humphries (Alternate Group Recovery Manager), Rob Smith (Alternate Group Controller), Tracy Waddington (Alternate Group Welfare Manager), Ian Coles (Ministry of Social Development) and Elaine Stephenson (Governance Adviser)
Apologies: Graeme Daikee and Janine Dowding
The Chair welcomed attendees and initiated introductions. The Chair acknowledged that this was John Lovell’s last attendance to CEG and John was thanked for his wonderful support and his work over the years and wished all the best for his retirement.
John responded, saying that working in CDEM had been a joy and a passion and that he had made a lot of friends. John also acknowledged the team and its leadership.
1. Apologies
Apologies from Graeme Daikee and Janine Dowding were noted.
2. Confirmation of Minutes
2.1 27 October 2017
Document number M3063, agenda pages 6 - 14 refer.
The Chair advised that as no reason for confidentiality still existed, the confidential minutes would be confirmed in the open meeting.
That the CEG (Coordinating Executive Group) Confirms the open and confidential minutes of the meeting of the CEG (Coordinating Executive Group), held on 27 October 2017, as a true and correct record. McKenzie/ Blankenstein Carried |
3. Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office
Document number R9118, agenda pages 15 - 30 refer.
Roger Ball spoke to the report. Points he covered included:
· acknowledgement and thanks to the contributors to storm events
· those events had been the largest operation in any years since the 2011 floods
· the numbers of welfare centres had been significant
· isolated barge operations in Golden Bay
· debriefs have identified some corrective actions, compiling those was still a work in progress
· a report would be coming back to the R&R committee and CEG
· notice had been taken of all points raised, including questions whether the declaration of emergency process could have been more efficient
· concerns had been expressed re the Takaka evacuation for the Gita event, he was satisfied that the Local Controller and agencies did what they should have done, and but as part of the debrief process would look where any improvements could be made
· the report included an article by the hydrology team on rainfall
· acknowledgement of all agencies for their support in Takaka and highlighting of the volunteer contribution
· The Minister had approved the CDEM Group plan
· The NZ – RT2 truck was being replaced
· a national review had been released by the Minister, it was in its consultation phase, input had been provided through different mechanisms, this would be the biggest shake up of the sector since the 2002 legislation
· the date had changed for the (desktop water contamination) exercise planned for May – Roger to confirm the date
· Roger advised that he would be seconded after Easter to Acting Group Manager Community Services, he would still be the Controller, Becky Marsay would be Acting manager emergency management.
Further discussion included:
· the responsibility for funding of the NZ-RT2 vehicle – the Ministry had said this would be an agreement between the Group Controller and FENZ, but in the meantime they would be housed where they belonged, this would be a future discussion
· the recovery report was still to come
· the Martin Doyle report – it was sheer luck there wasn’t another event two weeks later, it was sobering, there was surprise that there were no injuries or fatalities, it was good fortune
· sea level rise and how we respond is important - we can’t treat as isolated incidents
· response to events - in conference calls everyone was calm and organised - well done to all involved
· the debrief would be picked up by R&R but if there were any other relevant issues, debriefs would happen
· natural hazard preparedness – the conflict between BAU and reduction responsibilities, need to ensure properly managed
· there had been political interest in what had happened with the two events, especially the recovery process, the Minister wanted to be involved.
That the CEG (Coordinating Executive Group) Receives the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office (R9118) and its attachments (A193537, A1935362, A1935756 and A1935817); and Expresses its appreciation and thanks to the many organisations and individuals who have supported the emergency response and ongoing recovery arising from ex-Cyclones Fehi and Gita, in particular: - the many volunteers including those from NZ response teams, CDEM Welfare teams, Fire and Emergency NZ, Red Cross, Police Swift Water Rescue Team, Amateur Radio and Rotary; and - the Golden Bay CDEM team led by Local Controller Sara Chapman.
Dougherty/Kara Carried |
4. Recovery - Cyclone Fehi/Gita
Document number R9164, agenda pages 31 - 39 refer.
Richard Kirby spoke to the report, he noted that Sitrep 3 had been issued yesterday. Points he covered included:
· this had been a challenging time
· a sense of entitlement existed in the community, people wanted to stay in their homes and have CDEM clean up their sections, this was a distractive noise
· recovery was ongoing for infrastructure, roading, streams and rivers and it would take six to eight months to restore roads to pre-event conditions
· a recovery team had been set up liaising with contractors etc, and had moved to assessments on packages of work, a tighter rein on costs was underway
· roads closed – vehicles could now drive through Riwaka Sandy Bay Road, there were safety issues with logging and slips being addressed, there was silt and debris on the road, aiming to have it open for Easter by Thursday night. It would be open in the day and closed at night and there was a potential for slips in rain
· there had been two bridge failures on Carters Road Golden Bay
· the bridge on Cobb Valley Road had been washed out, it was being repaired and should be operational within two weeks
· natural environment – there had been noise regarding forestry with a petition raised, it had been explained it was more about the geology of the area and this message had been put across at public meetings
· he had met with forestry on the third day after the event, the industry had been working behind scenes dealing with problems that logs have created, and was still helping people out quietly
· economic environment - businesses had been affected, especially Golden Bay, there had been requests for help, resulting in the Government granting relief for businesses
Ryley Petterssen spoke from a welfare perspective, noting that this also covered her report. Points she covered included:
· the welfare function continues on into recovery
· a large response phase was in place, including needs assessments, the team had trialled using a nationally agreed data set of questions
· the team had also trialled navigators for those overwhelmed with issues to help prioritise and be a point of contact, there had been similar provision for Kaikoura
· national agreement on the role of navigator would be reported back to CEG, together with how to provide needs assessment in a large event.
Further discussion included:
· there had been up to 18 GP visits, this meant events would be dealt with upfront and reduce people’s issues, the door would be open for a time still
· a report was being prepared for TDC on the costs of events to the Tasman region, this was approximately $11-12 million, with a net cost of $5-6 million, taking into account the NZTA subsidy. This would be reported to council next week.
That the CEG (Coordinating Executive Group) Receives the report Recovery - Cyclone Fehi/Gita (R9164) and its attachment (A1936405).
Ruru/McKenzie Carried |
5. Alpine Fault - Briefing on AF8 Project (Jon Mitchel)
Jon Mitchel introduced himself. He said that he had been contracted to Emergency Management Southland and that the project had been funded by the MCDEM Resilience Fund. He said that this was a framework and not a statutory plan. It was a set of arrangements, a scenario to inform planning and actions in future. There had been a range of workshops throughout the South Island and Wellington to tease out response and resource arrangements.
It was agreed that Item 7 would take precedence to allow staff to prepare equipment for Jon’s PowerPoint presentation.
6. Roundtable - agency updates
John Lovell said that there was a tight timeframe for input back to the Minister, with feedback prior to Easter
7.2 St John NZ
Robbie Blenkenstein said that work was continuing on the $1.8 m radio communications project. Workshopping had taken place on the AF8, with submissions by the end of May. He said that this would be socialised with people as there was a need to know the plan before it happened.
7.3 Nelson Marlborough Health
Pete Kara said that health building DSAs had been been released, there was better ability post-event to see if the building had shifted and evacuation would be based on science. He said that they had been working on the AF8 project and would have a presence at the upcoming civil defence conference. He noted that we were heading into flu season and encouraged others to get the flu jab as it meant less people away from work. He said that the DHB was heading into crunch time with high numbers coming in.
7.4 NZ Police
Dave Gibson said that they were suffering from staffing constraints, they were understaffed by six positions, but were filling vacancies. He said it was BAU and that Operation 7 Murchison was coming to an end in May. He noted that Police would also be resuming transportation of prisoners down the East coast in a couple of months. He said that from a building perspective a lot of work was going on regarding the property strategy, Nelson station was aged and had problems, they would be looking at property over the next six months. He noted that Police had not had a debrief on Gita yet.
7.5 Tasman District Council
Chief Executive Lyndsay McKenzie noted that TDC was anticipating its finances would take a hit but that it did have reserves and contingency funds, he said that he expected resourcing would be a problem and was anticipating Council would shortly resolve to appoint his replacement. He said that the LTP was progressing well and that the conversation had shifted to resilience against floods. He said that there had been pressure and a submission seeking changes to policies and practices to capital works priorities, but the team was attempting to discourage council from addressing big questions prematurely. He said that questions included plantation forest management, policy and assets responses in the coastal environment, consent holder compliance performance during events, reinvestment in places, levels of services including Ruby Bay, revenue and financing, policy, climate change and risk. He said he had genuine concerns regarding resilience in the community, noting that a factor could be recently arrived citizens in the community, who thought they had arrived in a benign climate and were surprised by the change in climate, staff were trying to work through community sentiment issues.
Matthew Arnold-Kelly noted that Police were keen to talk with TDC about that in order to help understanding.
7.6 Iwi Representative
Harvey Ruru thanked the team for its work in the events, noting that there was also recognition of things not done so well. He said he would like an update on the marae to see if it was still suitable for emergency housing, he noted that Takaka had taken a big hit, and there was a need for some safety measures on marae in the region
Matthew Arnold-Kelly suggested that it would be a good opportunity for welfare to be involved in the Housing Forum in the Nelson Bays. Rylee Petterssen agreed to keep in touch with Matthew on this issue.
Roger Ball advised that he had received an invite to Te Awhina marae for an update and would be responding.
7.7 Nelson City Council
Chief Executive Pat Dougherty said that Nelson had got off lightly compared to Tasman but that Monaco and Glen residents had been affected by storm surge events, noting that most were long-term residents whose requests had been reasonable. He said that Air NZ, the Airport and the Tahuna Beach Camp wanted to talk to Council. He said things had gone well so far and they would see how continues. Pat also commented about unreasonable community requests, noting that part of the conversation that needs to be had was regarding resilient communities.
7. Alpine Fault - Briefing on AF8 Project (Jon Mitchel) (continued)
Jon Mitchel noted that there had been a range of workshops and that the one here was useful regarding the involvement of iwi. He said the plan has a five-year timeframe and that this would need to change if circumstances changed. He said that iwi should be involved at all levels and that the Ministry of Education was mentioned in roles and responsibilities. The publish date for the framework was two weeks’ time and the figures were mean injuries, not exact figures.
A PowerPoint presentation was provided. Points covered included:
· Mission – Framework Structure
· Concept of Operations
· Command & Control
· Organisations Involved
· Quake Intensity M8.0
· Landslides M8.0
· Riskcape – (South to North rupture)
· Light Injuries
· Severe Injuries
· Deaths
· Modelled Road Impacts
· Living Conditions
· Command & Control: Intergroup
· Objectives
· All Agency Roles & Responsibilities
· Functional Guides
· Framework Development Timeline
· Discussion
Questions and discussion followed, which included:
· this is a flat structure - what is below group level?
· the framework talks about each CDEM area, what happens at community level is a critical component of response and planning
· the framework looks at cross CDEM group level, rather than the detail, involving communities in response, coordinating across communities
· Group Controller tele-conferences, although how do we achieve that with reduced communications
· NZDF deployment being dealt with nationally, have presence now at Woodbourne and Burnham, have a commitment to immediate response
· decisions about where they would be deployed would be made in Wellington and once deployed Group Controllers would be the main control
· Structure intergroup support – Nelson Tasman supporting Marlborough, Nelson would not be able to provide much resources, it would be receiving people
· Reconnaissance - local allocation and control of resources – identify intelligence needs prior, major issue will be fuel plans, aviation fuel in short supply quickly
· communication strategy, including briefing of Elected Members – will be in public domain need to ensure consistent information, draft framework will be available in two weeks, the communication strategy should come before then
· Jon noted that he was happy to come back to the group in the feedback phase.
8. Report of the Group Welfare manager
Document number R9166, agenda pages 40 - 42 refer.
This item was covered as part of the Roundtable - Agency updates item.
9. CDEM R&R (Readiness and Response) - 19 October 2017
Document number M3281, agenda pages 43 - 48 refer.
That the CEG (Coordinating Executive Group) Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM R&R (Readiness and Response), held on 19 October 2017.
McKenzie/Dougherty Carried |
10. CDEM Recovery - 20 October 2017
Document number M3041, agenda pages 49 - 52 refer.
That the CEG (Coordinating Executive Group) Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM Recovery, held on 20 October 2017.
Dougherty/Blankenstein Carried |
11. CDEM WCG (Welfare Coordination Group) - 26 February 2018
Document number M3313, agenda pages 53 - 58 refer.
That the CEG (Coordinating Executive Group) Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM WCG (Welfare Coordination Group), held on 26 February 2018.
Kara/McKenzie Carried |
Roger Ball offered his thanks on behalf of all present to the Chairperson Lindsay McKenzie, for his support to CDEM over many years and wished him well in his retirement.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 12.20p.m.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings: