Ordinary meeting of the
Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Tuesday 14 November 2017
Commencing at the conclusion of Joint Shareholders Committee
Council Chamber
Civic House
110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
14 November 2017
1.1 Apologies have been received from Councillor King
2.1 Updates to the Interests Register
2.2 Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda
Document number M2785
That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, held on 1 August 2017, as a true and correct record.
Document number M2959
That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, held on 2 October 2017, as a true and correct record.
4. Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office 15 - 34
Document number R8690
That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Receives the report Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office (R8690) and its attachments A1859101, A1851718, A1851723, A1851716, A1851694 and A1851718.
5. CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group) - 27 October 2017 35 - 43
Document number M3063
That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group), held on 27 October 2017.
That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.
The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:
Item |
General subject of each matter to be considered |
Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter |
Particular interests protected (where applicable) |
1 |
Local Controller - Murchison
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7 |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2)(a) To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person |
2 |
CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group) Meeting - Public Excluded Minutes - 27 October 2017 |
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7. |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2)(a) To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person |
7. Re-admittance of the public
That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Re-admits the public to the meeting.
Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
On Tuesday 1 August 2017, commencing at 9.00am
Present: Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, Nelson City Councillor P Matheson, His Worship the Mayor of Tasman R Kempthorne and Tasman District Councillor T King
In Attendance: Acting Chief Executive (D Hammond), Councillor Mel Courtney, Nelson City Council Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Senior Strategic Adviser (N McDonald), , Emergency Management Officer (R Ball), Policy Advisor, (G Thorpe), and Administration Adviser (R Byrne), Tasman District Council Corporate Services Manager (M Drummond) and Governance Services Officer (H Simpson)
1. Apologies
Apologies were received for absence for lateness from Nelson City Council Mayor R Reese and Tasman District Council Deputy Mayor T King.
2. Interests
There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.
3. Confirmation of Minutes
3.1 11 April 2017
Document number M2497, agenda pages 5 - 10 refer.
MOVED Cr Matheson/Mayor Kempthorne That the Committee Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Committee, held on 11 April 2017, as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
4. Civil Defence Emergency Management draft Group Plan
Document number R7933, agenda pages 11 - 105 refer.
Attendance: Tasman District Councillor King joined the meeting at 9.05am.
The idea of a centralised Incident Management Team (IMT) was discussed. Mr Ball said that while having a more deployable centralised team would be beneficial, he would not recommend letting local arrangements fall away. He said that mixed models had proven to be successful with a centrally run IMT, while maintaining local volunteer capacity who understood local hazards. Councillors agreed that community response was beneficial and important to maintain. They discussed the necessity of maintaining these teams with regular training and resourcing.
Councillors discussed promoting regular, small stories about Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) locally particularly during peace time, to give awareness of Civil Defence and their profile and to keep the public’s consciousness that CDEM is working well.
Resilience of relay teams was discussed and long term resourcing of Community Controllers in isolated areas, particularly St Arnaud, Takaka and Murchison. Councillors discussed appointing controllers at large, who could be based anywhere. Mr Ball said that positions were resourced locally, with the exception of Murchison, which was the preference. He said that the Murchison community have acknowledged the difficulty with resourcing locally for the Murchison area. He said that in smaller communities, there is an issue with people already undertaking duplicate roles and uptake for Controller roles is low. One suggestion is to consider providing a small honorarium for the roles, which at present are completely voluntary. Councillors discussed the effectiveness of this incentive, which is used by Tasman District Council with community groups.
In response to a question, Mr Ball gave a summary of the process under the amended Act from emergency declaration to recovery. He said the Declaration of Emergency covers the response phase and once that expires the declaration gives power to the Emergency Manager. Mr Ball said that the amendment to the Act turns that role into a statutory appointment with powers by legislation, rather than just relying on those under delegation. He said that the process is essentially the same as the declaration process, with the District Mayor as most effective, followed by the Deputy Mayor and so on.
In response to a question, Nelson City Council Policy Adviser, Gabrielle Thorpe, said that CDEM had thought about information sharing and joint communications between the two Councils.
The importance of keeping the community aware while an event is happening was discussed. Councillors discussed using conference calling from CDEM to local areas and asked whether this had been written into the plan. Mr Ball said that level of operational detail had not been written into the plan but that this was the process that CDEM follow. He said that this is written into the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) as a step for the Duty Officer or Controller to operate.
In response to a question, Mr Ball confirmed that if the group has not declared an emergency then the Minister can declare a transition notice. He said that groups tended to err on the side of caution with a trend towards declaring earlier rather than later, particularly following recent emergency events of the last 5 years.
Councillors discussed including additional wording within the Controller at Large section to describe the operation supporting that role. They agreed to leave the matter of an honorarium as a discretionary function of each Council through their Long Term Plan processes.
They also discussed separate communication to the 5 year plan, packaged in a way that is enabling, empowering and supportive to the local community.
Councillors noted some minor corrections grammar and figures.
Attendance: Nelson City Council Mayor Reese joined the meeting at 9.55am.
MOVED Cr Matheson/Cr King That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Receives the report Civil Defence Emergency Management draft Group Plan (R7933) and its attachment (A1794436); and Approves release of the draft CDEM Group Plan for public consultation. CARRIED |
5. Copy of the report of the Group Emergency Management Office to the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group
Document number R8126, agenda pages 106 - 129 refer.
Funding for Alpine Fault Planning was discussed. Mr Ball said that an event caused by the southern alpine fault was considered to be of low likelihood, but that it would be a large scale event with considerable resourcing requirements.
Councillors again discussed the idea of an honorarium for Controller roles and also discussed funding for Lifelines.
Councillors noted an agreement had been signed to ensure continuity with incident management support groups such as Rural Fire. They also noted Alec Louverdis had completed steps to become a Group Controller and commended him on having been awarded national credentials.
In response to a question, Mr Ball advised Councillors that the reserve fund total was approximately $1million. He said that the total that needed to be retained for depreciation is about half of that amount.
The balance of the report was taken as read.
MOVED Cr King / Cr Matheson That the Coordinating Executive Group Receives the Report of the Emergency Management Office (R8126); and Agrees that the CDEM Group should continue to provide personnel and access to the Emergency Operations Centre to support Fire and Emergency NZ; and Appoints Paul Shattock as the Group’s Public Information Manager for the year July 2017-June 2018. CARRIED |
Reports From Committees
6. CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group) - 14 July 2017
Document number M2760, agenda pages 130 - 135 refer.
Moved Cr Matheson/Cr King That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group), held on 14 July 2017. CARRIED |
7. Exclusion of the Public
That the Committee Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows: |
Item |
General subject of each matter to be considered |
Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter |
Particular interests protected (where applicable) |
1 |
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - Public Excluded Minutes - 11 April 2017 |
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7. |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2)(a) To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person. |
The meeting went into public excluded session at 9.55am and resumed in public session at 10.00am.
Please note that as the only business transacted in public excluded was to confirm the minutes, this business has been recorded in the public minutes. In accordance with the Local Government Official Information Meetings Act 1987, no reason for withholding this information from the public exists.
MOVED Cr King/Cr Matheson That the Committee Confirms the minutes of part of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group meeting, held with the public excluded on 11 April 2017, as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
8. Re-admittance of the Public
MOVED Cr King/Cr Matheson That the Group Re-admits the public to the meeting. CARRIED |
Tasman District Council Mayor Kempthorne thanked staff for their time and for presenting to the Committee. He provided a brief update of the meeting he had with Civil Defence Minister Nathan Guy at the recent Local Government New Zealand Conference. He said that there had been general discussion about regional civil defence with Nelson Tasman an example of two unitary authorities with joint management. The Minister had been interested to hear the management of that model works well.
Councillors discussed input across New Zealand to the Technical Advisory Group regarding the level of investment made into Civil Defence. Mr Ball said that he hoped that point had been well made throughout this process. He said that Ministry staff had asked for collective input and that input was given from controllers around investment in CDEM operatives and particularly professional development. Initial findings from the review should be available in the next month or so.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 10.13am.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:
Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
On Monday 2 October 2017, commencing at 2.00pm
Present: Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson R Reese, His Worship the Mayor of Tasman R Kempthorne and Tasman District Councillor T King
In Attendance: Manager Organisational Assurance and Emergency Management (R Ball), Civil Defence Emergency Management Team Leader (B Marsay), Policy Adviser (G Thorpe), Regional Emergency Management Advisor for Civil Defence (J Lovell), Nelson City Councillor (S Walker) and Governance Adviser (H Simpson)
Apology: Nelson City Councillor P Matheson
1. Apologies
Moved Mayor Reese / Mayor Kempthorne That the Committee Receives and accepts the apologies from Councillor Matheson. CARRIED |
2. Interests
3. Civil Defence Emergency Management Group - 20 September 2017
Document number R8484, agenda pages 4 - 6 refer.
Moved Mayor Kempthorne / Cr King
That the Committee
Receives the minutes of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Joint Committee held on 20 September 2017 and confirms these as a true and correct record of the meeting.
4. Deliberations on the draft Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan
Document number R8336, agenda pages 7 - 228 refer.
Mayor Reese welcomed all those present to the meeting and invited Roger Ball, Gabrielle Thorpe and John Lovell to the table to speak to the draft Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan (the Plan).
Ms Thorpe gave a brief summary of the Plan review process and acknowledged that this work had been done on behalf of both Nelson City and Tasman District Councils.
Mr Ball commented on the helpfulness of the comprehensive submission to the Plan made by the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (the Ministry).
Mr Lovell complimented the team on what he said was a well written and clearly laid out document. He said that the Ministry was comfortable with the changes that had been made following its submission to the Plan and confirmed that it was happy with the rationale given where a suggested change had not been made.
The committee discussed the methods used to communicate with the public during an emergency or disaster event and again noted the electronic sign boards that had been suggested at a previous meeting. Mr Ball said that he would follow up with Tasman District Council Community Relations Manager, Chris Choat to determine how many signs there were and where in the region these were stored.
The submission received from Mr Gavin O’Donnell was discussed. In response to Mr O’Donnell’s concerns that the draft plan only accounted for a small cross section of the rural sector, Mr Ball advised that Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) was working with the Ministry for Primary Industries on establishing a Primary Cluster Adverse Events Network.
The committee discussed Mr O’Donnell’s point about the upper limit of the emergency budget allocated to Local Controllers. Mr Ball confirmed that, recognising the isolation of some areas in the region, this was the amount Local Controllers were authorised for emergency spending (rather than the total amount for business as usual) to use in their immediate response to an emergency event. He said that this was only expected to last a few days, until the lines of communication between CDEM and Local Controllers could be restored, at which point CDEM would be able to assist. Mr Ball acknowledged that it was not always possible for Local Controllers to be immediately aware of the costs incurred during their response, as many of these would not be notified until after the event had been dealt with. The Committee noted the importance for Local Controllers to make decisions based on response to the event, rather than an attempt not to exceed budgetary limitations. Mr Ball said that this messaging was included in the induction to the Local Controller role and noted that their authority to act under legislation was noted in the draft Plan.
Ms Thorpe tabled copies of four diagrams from within the Plan that had been amended since the agenda was circulated. She said that no other changes had been made. The Committee noted that there would also be a web based version of the Plan that had been specifically formatted for online viewing. They requested that the use of yellow and white text be avoided where possible, as these tones were not easily visible and made the document difficult to read.
In response to a question, Mr Ball confirmed that staff would respond to all submitters in writing. He noted the request from the Committee to include an explanation as to the budgetary limit set for Local Controllers in their response to Mr O’Donnell.
MOVED Mayor Kempthorne / Cr King That the Committee Receives the report Deliberations on the draft Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan (R8336) and its attachments (A1828074, A1829672, A1830216, A1827975); and Approves the draft Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan as amended (A1827975); and Approves the amended draft Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan to be sent to the Minister of Civil Defence for comment. CARRIED |
The Committee thanked staff for their hard work and noted their appreciation that staff had run such a streamlined process to review the Plan.
The Committee discussed when the Plan might be signed off by the Ministry and noted that this may not be until the New Year and after the new Government had been sworn in and a new Minister for Civil Defence and Emergency Management was in place.
The Committee discussed the alignment of CDEM plans for the whole Top of the South. In response to question, Mr Lovell advised that West Coast Regional and Marlborough District Councils had both updated their Plans. He did note that West Coast Regional Council would need to re do its Plan as this had been updated prior to the changes made to the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act. He said that it had been given until May 2018 to complete this work.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 3.00pm.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:
Item 3: Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group 14 November 2017 |
Copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To receive a copy of the Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office, as reported to the Coordinating Executive Group 27 October 2017.
2. Recommendation
Pamela White
Governance Adviser
Attachment 1: Report of Emergency Management Office 27Oct2017 (A1859101) ⇩
Attachment 2: Statement of Income and Expenditure FY 2016/17 (A1851718) ⇩
Attachment 3: Statement of Financial Position FY 2016/17 (A1851723) ⇩
Attachment 4: Long Term Plan: Proposed Budget of the Emergency Management Office (A1851716) ⇩
Attachment 5: AF8: Project Manager's Report Aug 2017 (A1851694) ⇩
Attachment 6: NZ Response Teams - Email Director of MCDEM (A1851708) ⇩
Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) Minutes - 27 October 2017
Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG)
Held in the Emergency Operations Centre, 28 Oxford Street, Richmond
On Friday 27 October 2017, commencing at 2.00pm
Present: David Hammond (Nelson City Council) (Chairperson), Robbie Blenkenstein (St John NZ), Graeme Daikee (Fire and Emergency NZ), Ronnie Gibson (Ministry for Social Development), Blair Hall (NZ Police), Peter Kara (Nelson Marlborough Health), and Lindsay McKenzie (Tasman District Council).
In Attendance: Roger Ball (Controller) Jim Frater (Alternate Controller), John Lovell (Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management), Dennis Bush-King, Chris Choat (Tasman District Council), Becky Marsay, Michelle Griffiths, Rylee Pettersson and Laurie Adams (Emergency Management Office) and Governance Adviser (E Stephenson)
Apologies: Janine Dowding, Dan Mattison, Matthew Arnold-Kelly and Harvey Ruru.
1. Apologies
Resolved CEG/2017/019 That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Receives and accepts the apologies from Ms Dowding, Mr Mattison, Mr Arnold-Kelly and Mr Ruru. McKenzie/Daikee Carried |
2. Confirmation of Minutes
2.1 14 July 2017
Document number M2760, agenda pages 6 - 11 refer.
Resolved CEG/2017/020 That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group, held on 14 July 2017, as a true and correct record. Kara/McKenzie Carried |
Item 5 of the agenda – Report of the Group Welfare Manager was considered prior to Item 3 of the agenda – Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Officer.
3. Report of the Group Welfare Manager
Document number R8593, agenda pages 30 - 42 refer.
Emergency Management Community Coordinator, Rylee Pettersson outlined the work programme, noting that it had been adopted at the last meeting, and that CEG approval was being requested. Ms Pettersson asked if there were any comments on the traffic light system.
In response to a comment that there were a lot of red dots for December – April, Ms Pettersson said that the group was going to be busy – a number of the actions were sub-functions, and that many of the actions would be started, but not completed (underway).
Ms Pettersson clarified that there was no expectation from the subcommittee for action points relating to Reduction activities, that an information presentation would be provided to both districts and that the R&R committee would be kept updated.
John Lovell, Ministry of Civil defence and Emergency Management, flagged that work was being done with welfare and MPI towards clear arrangements on how to deal with evacuees. He noted that questions were being asked about MPI and looking after animals and that the issue was further complicated by the Government splitting up MPI. He said that we may need to wait until the new structure is settled, and noted that if there was an event involving animals, Civil Defence would have to deal with it as best it could.
Group Controller (Roger Ball) said that MPI was setting up an adverse events rural cluster and commented that it would be excellent to have a cluster set up here, noting that NCC had received a Federated Farmers submission to its Group Plan, highlighting its concerns and advocating support for the rural sector, and that a rural cluster would help to address that.
It was noted that Civil Defence was currently better prepared to deal with companion animals than production animals and a suggestion was made that it may be useful to contact Ross Squire at TDC regarding this issue.
Graeme / Peter
Resolved CEG/2017/021 That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Receives the Report of the Group Welfare Manager (R8593) and its attachment/s (A1727111); and Approves the Welfare Coordination Group Work Programme (A1727111) Daikee/Kara Carried |
4. Report of the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office
Document number R8334, agenda pages 12 - 29 refer.
Group Controller, Roger Ball presented the report, and discussion took place, including:
· Clarification that the Ministry of CDEM had not taken on responsibility for issuing tsunami warnings with urgent land threat
· CDEM groups had agreed to work with MCDEM to avoid confusion and confliction, there should be one source of truth for evacuations
· Mobile alerts would only be received in polygons of towers, they did not follow phones. This would mean that the service could be utilised to good effect for concerts etc
· There was a free Red Cross alerting app, which allowed people toregister for alerts for regions of their choice
· Roger to look into whether an honorarium might be paid for iwi reps on the Welfare Coordination Group
· The accumulated reserves figure to be returned to be corrected from $661,900, to $661,800 in the recommendation
Resolved CEG/2017/022 That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Receives the Report of the Emergency Management Office (R8334); Approves return of $661,800 in accumulated reserves to Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council; Applies the excess accumulated reserves to reduce the levy of each Council by $110,300 per year over the first three years of the Councils’ respective Long Term Plans, commencing in 2018/19; and Agrees that the proposed Long Term Plan budget (A1851716) of the Emergency Management Office be referred to the Nelson City Council and the Tasman District Council for their consideration. Gibson/Kara Carried |
5. Roundtable - agency updates
5.1 St John NZ
Robbie Blankenstein advised that St John continued to add staff in its four-year programme, its focus was on business as usual, including contributing to AF8 project planning, plus internal planning
5.2 NZ Police
Blair Hall advised that a table top exercise would take place on Wednesday 1 November 2017, involving the evacuation of 3,000 people from a cruise ship. He said that the Airport annual exercise would also take place at the end of the month, and that a staffing realignment was taking place in the Nelson Bays, allowing for a senior sergeant position and for four additional sergeants in the Motueka area.
5.3 CDEM Office
Becky Marsay noted that the table top exercise would be managed by the District Command Centre and that CDEM would be involved, with a mandate for triaging and welfare registration. There would also be a St John casualty clearance point, and that ten personnel from Marlborough CDEM would be taking part.
5.4 Tasman District Council
Lyndsay Mackenzie advised that the Council was in its LTP development cycle and was currently consulting on a proposal to fund the Waimea Dam, noting the benefits to the community regarding water supply certainty.
5.5 Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management
John Lovell acknowledged the appointment of the new Minister of Civil Defence, outside of cabinet, Kris Faafoi, and noted that NCC Group Plan could now go to him for comment. Mr Lovell said that the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) recommendations would now go to the new Minister to become final recommendations. He noted that the Ministry was working on recommendations similar to those out of the Christchurch earthquake, developing processes and plans subject to ministerial support. Mr Lovell said that two reports that had come out of the Edgecumbe flooding – the Cullen report on flood management systems, and the Kestrel Group report about response and early recovery processes, and that it would be good to look at them as a group to see what could be learned from them, along with the Kaikoura report.
Roger Ball responded that those reports would be included on a CEG agenda in the future, that staff had taken a first look at Whakatane Kestrel Summary report, but that a structured look through CEG was a good idea. There were elements that applied across other council functions and agencies.
5.6 Nelson Marborough Health
Peter Kara advised that the DHB had finished its internal restructuring, all of the group managers were in place, the last one being the HR Group Manager. It was business as usual and trying to save money for the rebuild. They had been looking at continuity planning, earthquake prone buildings and scanning the hospital block, which could be rescanned after and event to see if there were any effects. Mr Kara thanked the Lifelines team for information and assistance with business continuity planning. He noted that the DHB was taking a greenfields approach to the rebuild and that several builds over several years meant they were dealing with buildings constructed to different codes, that this was critical infrastructure and there was a need to get it right this time.
Mr Kara noted that training was being undertaken for a flooding event, putting the facility through its paces, he noted that a SIMS 2 course was being run, and that a mass casualty, like the Arthurs pass incident, could happen anytime. He said that a network outage for 5.5 hours would happen on 14 November, allowing switches to be changed and then started back up.
5.7 Fire and Emergency NZ
Graeme Daikee advised that national work was being undertaken on the integration of the fire service’s rural and urban structure, that business as usual was uninterrupted, and that Tasman team integration was at an advanced stage.
5.8 Ministry for Social Development
Ronnie Gibson noted that online e transactions were channelling business into contact centres and that in an emergency people may be able to access financial assistance online. Ms Gibson said that a restructure was taking place in the national office, with a focus on regional growth programmes and economic development.
Ms Gibson mentioned discussion regarding iwi representation at the Regional Intersector Forum in Blenheim and that there were ministerial changes, with several new ministers and talk of housing being separated out.
Group Controller, Roger Ball, noted that there was CEG chairs meeting on 6 December 2017 in Wellington and that David Hammond was unable to attend. Lyndsay McKenzie to check whether he could attend. Mr Ball noted that there was a national controllers gathering on the same date and that he would be in touch with Dennis and Rob to see if they wanted to attend.
Reports From Committees
6. Reports from Committees
Document number R8607, agenda pages 43 - 73 refer.
Regional Controller, Roger Ball, noted that there were some old minutes being received on today’s agenda due to an oversight. It was also noted that the 19 October CDEM Readiness & Response meeting minutes were not included.
Items 6,7,8, and 9 were taken together.
Resolved CEG/2017/023 That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Receives the minutes of a meeting of the CDEM Readiness and Response Committee, held on 7 December 2016; and Receives the minutes of a meeting of the CDEM Public Education and Public Information Committee, held on 24 March 2017; and Receives the minutes of a meeting of the CDEM Welfare Coordinating Group, held on 28 March 2017; and Receives the minutes of a meeting of the CDEM Readiness and Response Committee, held on 29 March 2017; and Receives the minutes of a meeting of the CDEM Reduction Committee, held on 30 March 2017; and Receives the minutes of a meeting of the CDEM Recovery Committee, held on 31 March 2017; and Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM PEPI (Public Education Public Information), held on 4 October 2017; and Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM Reduction, held on 5 October 2017; and Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM WCG (Welfare Coordination Group), held on 10 October 2017. Daikee/McKenzie Carried |
7. Exclusion of the Public
Resolved CEG/2017/024 That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows: Kara/Gibson Carried |
Item |
General subject of each matter to be considered |
Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter |
Particular interests protected (where applicable) |
1 |
Local Controller Murchison: Proposal to Appoint
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7 |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2)(a) To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person |
The meeting went into public excluded session at 3.05pm and resumed in public session at 3.16pm.
8. Re-admittance of the Public
Resolved CEG/2017/025 That the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Re-admits the public to the meeting. Daikee/Gibson Carried |
There being no further business the meeting ended at 3.16pm.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings: