Ordinary meeting of the
Works and Infrastructure Committee
Tuesday 31 October 2017
Commencing at the conclusion of the Council meeting
Council Chamber
Civic House
110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Membership: Deputy Chairperson Paul Matheson (Deputy Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor Rachel Reese, Councillors Luke Acland, Bill Dahlberg, Matt Lawrey, Gaile Noonan, Tim Skinner and Chairperson Stuart Walker (Chairperson)
Guidelines for councillors attending the meeting, who are not members of the Committee, as set out in Standing Order 12.1:
· All councillors, whether or not they are members of the Committee, may attend Committee meetings
· At the discretion of the Chair, councillors who are not Committee members may speak, or ask questions about a matter.
· Only Committee members may vote on any matter before the Committee
It is good practice for both Committee members and non-Committee members to declare any interests in items on the agenda. They should withdraw from the room for discussion and voting on any of these items.
Works and Infrastructure Committee
31 October 2017
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
3.1 Updates to the Interests Register
3.2 Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda
Transport and Roading
5. Draft 2018-28 Transport Asset Management Plan 4 - 56
Document number R8532
That the Committee
Receives the report Draft 2018-28 Transport Asset Management Plan (R8532) and its attachments (A1849150, A1851775 and A1851685).
Recommendation to Council
That the Council
Approves the Draft Transport Asset Management Plan 2018-28 (A1851685) as the version to inform the Long Term Plan 2018-28 and the Mid Term Review of the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2021.
Item 5: Draft 2018-28 Transport Asset Management Plan
Works and Infrastructure Committee 31 October 2017 |
Draft 2018-28 Transport Asset Management Plan
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To recommend that Council adopts the Draft Transport Asset Management Plan 2018-28 (AMP) as the version to inform the Long Term Plan 2018-28 (LTP) and the mid-term review of the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2021 (RLTP).
2. Recommendation
Receives the report Draft 2018-28 Transport Asset Management Plan (R8532) and its attachments (A1849150, A1851775 and A1851685). |
Recommendation to Council
Approves the Draft Transport Asset Management Plan 2018-28 (A1851685) as the version to inform the Long Term Plan 2018-28 and the Mid Term Review of the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2021. |
3. Background
3.1 At the 28 September 2017 Works and Infrastructure Committee meeting the Draft 2018-208 Transport AMP was discussed. At that meeting it was determined that further workshopping was required before the AMP could be approved to inform the LTP and RLTP. The Committee resolved:
That the Committee Leaves the item Draft 2018-28 Transport Asset Management Plan to lie on the table until the upcoming extraordinary Works and Infrastructure Committee meeting, once it is called.
3.2 The 28 September 2017 Works and Infrastructure Committee meeting report on the Draft 2018-208 Transport AMP is included as Attachment 1 (Attachments excluded).
4. Discussion
4.1 A follow up workshop was held on the 13 October 2017 to seek further direction from the Works and Infrastructure Committee. The following four points were key outcomes of that workshop:
· Councillors refined problem statement one noting that the key constraints are during the peak period on the arterial roads. Councillors also confirmed that the transport system needs to respond to growth in population, tourism and commercial growth activities rather than restrict them;
· Councillors confirmed that the central city parking regime should be configured to encourage activity and vibrancy over incentivising alternatives to car travel. It was also confirmed that that no capital projects should be planned to increase the number of short or long stay car parks within the city centre, but rather take opportunities to make better use of the existing car park asset through technology adoption and enforcement;
· Councillors confirmed changes to level of services targets in relation to parking and water quality;
· Councillors confirmed that they want Nelson to pursue technology advances were they can enable positive transport outcomes. For example smart phone apps to allow car parking payment, incentivise/enable increased electric bike and automated car use, increased data collection and modelling to support good asset management decisions.
4.1 At the 13 October 2017 workshop, councillors discussed the Nelson Southern Link Investigation (NSLI) and the just released Programmed Business Case from NZTA (September 2017). Under the high growth scenario, which Nelson has been experiencing, construction of a new state highway corridor would be brought forward into the timeframe of the next LTP and the Draft AMP would need to respond accordingly.
4.2 Transport infrastructure between Nelson and Richmond, including new routes, would need to be planned and designed to respond to any change to the state highway.
4.3 The next stage in the NZTA Business Case process includes the development of a Detailed Business Case to develop a new arterial road and progress other activities to ease congestion on arterial routes.
4.4 NZTA and Council have been delayed in progressing the NSLI next stage while the new Government has been formed and Ministers appointed.
4.5 As a result, this Draft Transport AMP, does not include any funding (capital or maintenance) to respond to the options in the NSLI Programmed Business Case.
4.6 Once discussions with NZTA have been held, it is possible that projects within this Draft AMP will change and accordingly the Draft AMP will be updated.
4.7 The revised Executive Summary for the Draft Transport AMP reflecting the outcomes of the most recent workshop is attached to this report as Attachment 2.
4.8 The Draft Transport AMP is attached to this report as Attachment 3.
5. Options
5.1 The preferred option is for Council to adopt the Draft Transport Asset Management Plan as the version to inform the LTP 2018-28 and the RLTP 2015-2021.
Option 1: Adopt Draft Transport AMP 2018-28 |
Advantages |
· Meet requirements of Local Government Act 2002 and the Land Transport Management Act 2013. |
Risks and Disadvantages |
· Nil |
Option 2: Do not Adopt Draft Transport AMP 2018-28 |
Advantages |
· Nil |
Risks and Disadvantages |
· Fail to meet requirements of Local Government Act 2002 and the Land Transport Management Act 2013. |
6. Conclusion
6.1 The Draft Transport AMP 2018-28 has been updated to reflect direction provided by the Works and Infrastructure Committee workshop on 13 October 2017.
6.2 The Draft Transport AMP 2018-28 has been prepared to inform the LTP 2018-28 and the mid-term review of the RLTP 2015-2021 and will support Council in meeting its obligations under section 93 and Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002.
Paul D'Evereux
Senior Asset Engineer - Transport and Roading
Attachment 1: Draft 2018 Transport Asset Management Plan Report - Works and Infrastrucuture 28 September 2017 (A1849150) ⇩
Attachment 2: Draft Transport Asset Management Plan 2018-28 - Executive Summary (A1851775) ⇩
Attachment 3: Draft Transport Asset Management Plan 2018-28 (A1851685) - Section 1 (Circulated separately) ⇨
Attachment 4: Draft Transport Asset Management Plan 2018-28 (A1851685) - Section 2 (Circulated separately) ⇨
Important considerations for decision making |
1. Fit with Purpose of Local Government Asset Management Plans set out the background to Council’s transport asset and activities and will support Council in meeting its obligations under section 93 and Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002. |
2. Consistency with Community Outcomes and Council Policy Will support Council in developing the LTP and RLTP. |
3. Risk Not adopting the Draft Transport AMP will leave Council without a document to support the goal of developing and adopting the LTP & RLTP. |
4. Financial impact There are no direct funding implications from the recommendation. Indirect funding requirements will be set out in the proposed LTP and RLTP and will be subject to a consultation processes with the community. |
5. Degree of significance and level of engagement This matter is of high significance because the adoption of a LTP and RLTP is a statutory requirement under the LGA 2002 and Land Transport Management Act. Therefore consultation with the community will occur in the form of publicly advertising the Draft LTP and Draft RLTP calling for submissions. |
6. Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process It is anticipated that Māori will be approached directly for comment prior to calling for public submissions. |
7. Delegations The Works and Infrastructure Committee has the power to make a recommendation to Council on this matter. |