Ordinary meeting of the
Works and Infrastructure Committee
Thursday 28 September 2017
Commencing at 9.00am
Council Chamber
Civic House
110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Membership: Stuart Walker (Chairperson)Paul Matheson (Deputy Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor Rachel Reese, Councillors Luke Acland, Bill Dahlberg, Matt Lawrey, Gaile Noonan and Tim Skinner
Guidelines for councillors attending the meeting, who are not members of the Committee, as set out in Standing Order 12.1:
· All councillors, whether or not they are members of the Committee, may attend Committee meetings
· At the discretion of the Chair, councillors who are not Committee members may speak, or ask questions about a matter.
· Only Committee members may vote on any matter before the Committee
It is good practice for both Committee members and non-Committee members to declare any interests in items on the agenda. They should withdraw from the room for discussion and voting on any of these items.
Works and Infrastructure
28 September 2017
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
3.1 Updates to the Interests Register
3.2 Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda
4.1 Malcolm Saunders
Malcolm Saunders will speak about NZ Post paxster quad bike deliveries. Correspondence received from Mr Saunders has been circulated with this Agenda.
Document number M2844
That the Committee
Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Works and Infrastructure Committee, held on 24 August 2017, as a true and correct record.
6. Status Report - Works and Infrastructure Committee - 28 September 2017 3 - 3
Document number R8411
That the Committee
Receives the Status Report Works and Infrastructure Committee 28 September 2017 (R8411) and its attachment (A1150321).
Document number R8445
That the Committee
Receives the Chairperson's Report (R8445).
8. Car Park Dining Update 3 - 3
Document number R8124
That the Committee
Receives the report Car Park Dining Update (R8124) and its attachments (A1799325, A1799334 and A1799370).
9. Draft 2018-28 Transport Asset Management Plan 3 - 3
Document number R7177
That the Committee
Receives the report Draft 2018-28 Transport Asset Management Plan (R7177) and its attachments (A1830871 and A1755799).
Recommendation to Council
That the Council
Approves the Draft Transport Asset Management Plan 2018-28 (A1755799) as the version to inform the Long Term Plan 2018-28 and the Mid Term Review of the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2021.
10. Draft Solid Waste Asset Management Plan 2018-28 3 - 3
Document number R8152
That the Committee
Receives the report Draft Solid Waste Asset Management Plan 2018-28 (R8152) and its attachment (A1828548).
Recommendation to Council
That the Council
Approves the Draft Solid Waste Asset Management Plan 2018-28 (A1828548) as the version to inform the Long Term Plan 2018-28.
Public Excluded Business
That the Committee
Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.
The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:
Item |
General subject of each matter to be considered |
Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter |
Particular interests protected (where applicable) |
1 |
Works and Infrastructure Committee Meeting - Public Excluded Minutes - 24 August 2017 |
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7. |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2)(i) To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations). · Section 7(2)(h) To enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities. |
2 |
Status Report - Works and Infrastructure - Public Excluded - 28 September 2017
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7 |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2)(i) To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations) |
12. Re-admittance of the public
That the Committee
Re-admits the public to the meeting.
· Youth Councillors Lily-Joy Amos and Cassie Hagan will be in attendance at this meeting. (delete as appropriate)
Minutes of a meeting of the Works and Infrastructure Committee
Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
On Thursday 24 August 2017, commencing at 9.02am
Present: Councillors S Walker (Chairperson), L Acland, B Dahlberg, M Lawrey, P Matheson (Deputy Chairperson), G Noonan, and T Skinner
In Attendance: Councillors I Barker and B McGurk, Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Senior Asset Engineer – Utilities (P Ruffell), Administration Adviser (L Canton), and Youth Councillors (S Cronin and L Amos)
Apology: Her Worship the Mayor R Reese
1. Apologies
Resolved WI/2017/043 That the Committee Receives and accepts the apology from Her Worship the Mayor Reese. Skinner/Noonan Carried |
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
There was no change to the order of business.
3. Interests
There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.
Attendance: Councillor Lawrey joined the meeting at 9.03am.
4. Public Forum
4.1 Rodney Laing and Heather Agnew - New Zealand Post
Rodney Laing, New Zealand Post Area Manager Nelson/Tasman, and Heather Agnew, New Zealand Post Paxster Implementation Specialist, gave a presentation (A1817728) on behalf of New Zealand Post about using Paxsters (motorised vehicles) for delivery on Nelson footpaths. They tabled a document (A1817717) and answered questions relating to the use of Paxters in other centres.
Resolved WI/2017/044 That the Committee Requests an officer report to a future Committee meeting on New Zealand Post’s application for the footpath operation of electrical vehicles in Nelson. Walker/Noonan Carried |
Attachments 1 A1817717 - tabled document - New Zealand Post Integrated Delivery Agent Summary 2 A1817728 - presentation - New Zealand Post Application for Footpath Operation of Paxster Electric Vehicle |
5. Confirmation of Minutes
5.1 29 June 2017
Document number M2727, agenda pages 7 - 11 refer.
Resolved WI/2017/045 That the Committee Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Works and Infrastructure Committee, held on 29 June 2017, as a true and correct record. Matheson/Dahlberg Carried |
6. Status Report - Works and Infrastructure Committee - 24 August 2017
Document number R8237, agenda pages 12 - 14 refer.
Group Manager Infrastructure, Alec Louverdis, answered questions about the Church Street Improvement item.
Resolved WI/2017/046 That the Committee Receives the Status Report Works and Infrastructure Committee 24 August 2017 (R8237) and its attachment (A1150321). Noonan/Dahlberg Carried |
7. Chairperson's Report
Document number R8246, agenda pages 15 - 16 refer.
Resolved WI/2017/047 That the Committee Receives the Chairperson's Report (R8246). Walker/Dahlberg Carried |
8. Draft Utilities Asset Management Plans 2018-28 (Water Supply, Wastewater, Stormwater and Flood Protection)
Document number R8117, agenda pages 17 - 136 refer.
Senior Asset Engineer – Utilities, Phil Ruffell, presented the report and answered questions relating to flood modelling, wastewater budget, and the water supply testing regime and leakage index.
Resolved WI/2017/048 That the Committee Receives the report Draft Utilities Asset Management Plans 2018-28 (Water Supply, Wastewater, Stormwater and Flood Protection) (R8117) and its attachments (Draft 2018-28 Water Supply Asset Management Plan (A1813747 and A1620958), Draft 2018-28 Wastewater Asset Management Plan (A1810562 and A1611752), Draft 2018-28 Stormwater and Flood Protection Asset Management Plan (A1809215 and A1711433)). Dahlberg/Skinner Carried |
Recommendation to Council WI/2017/049 That the Council Approves the Draft Utilities Asset Management Plans 2018-28 (Water Supply (A1620958), Wastewater (A1611752), Stormwater and Flood Protection (A1711433)) as the versions to inform the Long Term Plan 2018-28. Dahlberg/Skinner Carried |
9. Exclusion of the Public
Resolved WI/2017/050 That the Subcommittee/Committee/Council Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows: Skinner/Dahlberg Carried |
Item |
General subject of each matter to be considered |
Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter |
Particular interests protected (where applicable) |
1 |
Status Report - Public Excluded - Works and Infrastructure Committee- 24 August 2017
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7 |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2)(i) To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations) |
2 |
Road Stopping - Lud Valley
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7 |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2)(h) To enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities |
The meeting went into public excluded session at 10.03am and resumed in public session at 10.22am.
10. Re-admittance of the Public
Resolved WI/2017/051 That the Committee Re-admits the public to the meeting. Acland/Noonan Carried |
There being no further business the meeting ended at 10.22am.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:
Works and Infrastructure Committee 28 September 2017 |
Status Report - Works and Infrastructure Committee - 28 September 2017
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To provide an update on the status of actions requested and pending.
2. Recommendation
That the Committee/Subcommittee Receives the Status Report Works and Infrastructure Committee 28 September 2017 (R8411) and its attachment (A1150321). |
Attachment 1: A1150321 Status Report - Works and Infrastructure Committee ⇩
Works and Infrastructure Committee 28 September 2017 |
Chairperson's Report
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To update the Works and Infrastructure Committee on several matters that I think are worthy of noting.
2. Recommendation
Receives the Chairperson's Report (R8445). |
3. Discussion
3.1 I wanted to bring to the Committee’s attention several challenges Council Officers are facing within the current construction market.
3.2 Anecdotal discussion with local Contractors suggests the market is particularly buoyant at this time and many of them are already fully committed to works for various clients.
3.3 Several local Contractors confirm they have been unable to tender for Council work as they do not have the resources to achieve the capital spend by the end of the financial year as Council requires.
3.4 Officers will consider tendering contracts with a longer delivery period to ensure more of our local contractors can tender competitively for this work.
3.5 It is considered this will lead to more competitive and affordable tendered prices. However, a negative impact may be that some of this construction work will carry over into the 2018/19 financial year.
3.6 Officers will consider the benefits of an extended contract period for all contracts that awarded in the future.
4. Conclusion
4.1 That the updates provided in this report are noted.
Stuart Walker
Works and Infrastructure Committee 28 September 2017 |
Car Park Dining Update
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To update the Committee on the current status of new inner city car park dining spaces approved under delegated authority.
2. Recommendation
Receives the report Car Park Dining Update (R8124) and its attachments (A1799325, A1799334 and A1799370). |
3. Background
3.1 Nelson City Council resolved on 16 June 2016 as follows:
AND THAT the moratorium on using any additional public car parking spaces for outdoor dining be revoked;
AND THAT approval of new applications for outdoor dining on public car parking spaces be delegated to the Chief Executive;
AND THAT the outcome of the exercise of delegated authority be reported to the Works and Infrastructure Committee;
AND THAT licenses of outdoor dining spaces be encouraged to make these spaces smoke free.
CL/2016/166 and CL/2016/168
4. Discussion
4.1 Three car park dining areas have been approved by the Chief Executive since the last update report on 10 November 2016.
· Sprig & Fern Hardy Street, 280 Hardy Street (one parking space). Work on site is complete. See Attachment 1 (A1799325)
· Burger Culture, 279 Trafalgar Street (two parking spaces). Work on site is complete. See Attachment 2 (A1799334)
· Miracle Asian Restaurant, 200 Hardy Street (one parking space). Work is yet to commence. See Attachment 3 (A1799370)
4.2 This brings the total number of car park spaces approved for conversion to dining to seven (six restaurants) since the lifting of the moratorium.
4.3 All businesses to date have been generally successful in maintaining these outdoor dining areas as smoke free.
Margot Wilson
Property Officer
Attachment 1: A1799325 - 274-280 Hardy St - Outdoor Dining Plan - 24Jul2017 ⇩
Attachment 2: A1799334 - 279 Trafalgar St - Burger Culture - Car Park Dining Plan - 24Jul2017 ⇩
Attachment 3: A1799370 - 200 Hardy St - Miracle Asian Restaurant - Car Park Dining Plan - 24Jul2017 ⇩
Works and Infrastructure Committee 28 September 2017 |
Draft 2018-28 Transport Asset Management Plan
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To recommend that Council adopts the Draft Transport Asset Management Plan 2018-28 as the version to inform the Long Term Plan 2018-28 and the Mid Term Review of the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2021.
2. Recommendation
Receives the report Draft 2018-28 Transport Asset Management Plan (R7177) and its attachments (A1830871 and A1755799). |
Recommendation to Council
Approves the Draft Transport Asset Management Plan 2018-28 (A1755799) as the version to inform the Long Term Plan 2018-28 and the Mid Term Review of the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2021. |
3. Background
3.1 Draft Asset Management Plans are prepared and approved by Council to inform development of the Long Term Plan 2018-28 (LTP) and the development of the National Land Transport Programme via submission of the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP). Following consultation on the LTP, RLTP and subsequent decisions, Asset and Activity Management Plans will be updated to align with the adopted LTP and RLTP. The final updated Plans will be brought back to Council early in 2018/19 for adoption.
4. Discussion
4.1 The Draft Transport Asset Management Plan 2018-28 sets out the background to Council’s transport system and includes details of the following:
· Areas of focus for the activities during 2018-28;
· Levels of Service;
· The activity budgets for operations and maintenance, renewals and capital expenditure.
4.2 Three workshops have been held with Council (30 March 2017, 18 May 2017 and 29 June2017) to confirm priorities for 2018-28 and seek direction from Council on any changes or additional priorities.
4.3 The following items are the key outcomes from the workshops:
· An increase to $250,000 per annum has been allowed to provide a step change in technology, education and promotion around arterial optimisation and travel demand management. This would be eligible for a 51% subsidy by New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA);
· Councillors confirmed support for the resurface policy which aligns with NZTA guidance to minimise the whole of life cost over residential amenity;
· Councillors confirmed the increasing demands being placed on several intersection in the Stoke / Saxton area due to residential growth. Budgets to improve capacity, safety and resilience are included over the ten year life of the plan including the extension of Hill Street to Saxton Road. The development of these projects will need to consider the future form of the arterial network to ensure that vehicles are incentivised to access the arterial network for longer journeys between suburbs. Thus the design development of these projects will need to respond to any changes resulting from Nelson Southern Link project. In year one a placeholder allowance of $150,000 has also been included as part cost share with Tasman District Council and Progressives at the Champion Salisbury Roundabout whilst the cost share agreement is finalised. This would be eligible for a 51% subsidy by NZTA.
4.4 A workshop with Council on 16 August 2017 and a second workshop with the Regional Transport Committee on 14 September 2017 was held to discuss the appropriate public transport items to include in the Asset Management Plan and Regional Public Transport Plan. The following items are the key outcomes from the workshops:
· New low floor buses on local routes;
· Fare reductions including zone changes;
· Optimisation of the local services to free up a bus to enable a cost effective daytime Stoke service to be reintroduced;
· Extension of weekend services.
4.5 The above four changes total approximately $235,000 per annum additional over the existing services.
4.6 The recent announcement by NZTA that the Nelson Southern Link programme business case has been completed and that the indicative and detailed business case will commence with a recommendation of optimisation of the existing arterial network in the short term places a large degree of uncertainty in some activities and projects contained within this Draft Transport Asset Management Plan 2018-28. However until such a time as this Council meets with NZTA to work through the details of the programme business case outcomes, placeholders have been provided in this draft plan as follows:
· The Rocks Road cycling project previously being delivered by NZTA as it was on the state highway network could transfer to Council for implementation. Accordingly $21.3M has been included in the plan with a corresponding 51% subsidy by NZTA;
· $235,000 as discussed in section 4.4 and 4.5 above for increased public transport services and fare reductions;
· At this stage no allowance for any maintenance or renewal costs has been made within the draft plan for the potential revoked state highway (Haven Road, Wakefield Quay, Rocks Road, Tahunanui Drive) as a result of the implementation of the Nelson Southern Link.
4.7 Once the outcome of the General Election is known as well as further discussion with NZTA, reports to the Regional Transport and Works and Infrastructure Committees on the Nelson Southern Link Project will be drafted to assist in decision making in time to inform the Long Term Plan 2018-2028. This may change the projects and activities in this Draft Transport Asset Management Plan.
4.8 The Executive Summary of the Draft Asset Management Plan is attached to this report as Attachment 1.
4.9 The Draft Transport Asset Management Plan is attached to this report as Attachment 2.
5. Options
5.1 The preferred option is for Council to adopt the Draft Transport Asset Management Plan as the versions to inform the LTP 2018-28 and the RLTP 2015-2021.
Option 1: Adopt Draft Utilities Asset Management Plans 2018-28 |
Advantages |
· Meet requirements of Local Government Act 2002 and the Land Transport Management Act 2013. |
Risks and Disadvantages |
· Nil |
Option 2: Do not Adopt Draft Utilities Asset Management Plans 2018-28 |
Advantages |
· Nil |
Risks and Disadvantages |
· Fail to meet requirements of Local Government Act 2002 and the Land Transport Management Act 2013. |
6. Conclusion
6.1 The Draft Transport Asset Management Plan 2018-28 has been prepared to inform the Long Term Plan 2018-28 and the mid-term review of the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2021 and will support Council in meeting its obligations under section 93 and Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002.
Rhys Palmer
Senior Asset Engineer - Transport and Roading
Attachment 1: Draft Transport Asset Management Plan 2018-28 - Executive Summary (A1830871) ⇩
Attachment 2: Draft Transport Asset Management Plan 2018-28 (A1755799) (Circulated separately) ⇨
Important considerations for decision making |
1. Fit with Purpose of Local Government Asset Management Plans set out the background to Council’s transport asset and activities and will support Council in meeting its obligations under section 93 and Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002 |
2. Consistency with Community Outcomes and Council Policy Will support Council in developing the LTP and RLTP. |
3. Risk Not adopting the draft asset management plans will leave Council without a document to support the goal of developing and adopting the LTP and RLTP. |
4. Financial impact There are no direct funding implications from the recommendation. Indirect funding requirements will be set out in the proposed LTP and RLTP and will be subject to a consultation processes with the community. |
5. Degree of significance and level of engagement This matter is of high significance because the adoption of a Long Term Plan and Regional Land Transport Plan is a statutory requirement under the Local Government Act 2002 and Land Transport Management Act. Therefore consultation with the community will occur in the form of publicly advertising the Draft LTP and Draft RLTP calling for submissions. |
6. Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process It is anticipated that Māori will be approached directly for comment prior to calling for public submissions. |
7. Delegations The Works and Infrastructure Committee has the power to make a recommendation to Council on this matter. |
Works and Infrastructure Committee 28 September 2017 |
Draft Solid Waste Asset Management Plan 2018-28
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To recommend that Council adopts the Draft Solid Waste Asset Management Plans 2018-28, as the version to inform the Long Term Plan 2018-28
2. Recommendation
Receives the report Draft Solid Waste Asset Management Plan 2018-28 (R8152) and its attachment (A1828548). |
Recommendation to Council
Approves the Draft Solid Waste Asset Management Plan 2018-28 (A1828548) as the version to inform the Long Term Plan 2018-28. |
3. Background
3.1 Draft Asset Management Plans are prepared and approved by Council to inform development of the Long Term Plan 2018-28 (LTP). Following consultation on the LTP and subsequent decisions, Asset and Activity Management Plans will be updated to align with the adopted LTP. The final updated Plans will be brought back to Council early in 2018/19 for adoption.
4. Discussion
4.1 The Solid Waste Asset Management Plan sets out the background to Council’s solid waste activities and includes details of the following:
· Areas of focus for the activity during 2018-28;
· Levels of Service;
· The activity budgets for operations and maintenance, renewals and capital expenditure.
4.2 A separate Asset Management Plan is being developed for the two active residual waste landfills managed by the Regional Landfill Business Unit (RLBU) on behalf of Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council.
4.3 This Solid Waste Asset Management Plan was developed within the context of the current Nelson Tasman Joint Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (April 2012).
5. Options
5.1 The preferred option is for Council to adopt Draft Solid Waste Asset Management Plan, as the versions to inform the LTP 2018-28.
Option 1: Adopt the AMP |
Advantages |
· Meet requirements of Local Government Act 2002 |
Risks and Disadvantages |
· Nil |
Option 2: Do not adopt the AMP |
Advantages |
· Nil |
Risks and Disadvantages |
· Fail to meet requirements of Local Government Act 2002 |
6. Conclusion
6.1 The Solid Waste Asset Management Plan 2018-28 has been prepared to inform the Long Term Plan 2018-28 and will support Council in meeting its obligations under section 93 and Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002.
Johan Thiart
Senior Asset Engineer - Solid Waste
Attachment 1: A1828548 - Draft Solid Waste Asset Management Plan ⇩
Important considerations for decision making |
1. Fit with Purpose of Local Government The Solid Waste Asset Management Plan sets out the background to Council’s solid waste activities and will support Council in meeting its obligations under section 93 and Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002. |
2. Consistency with Community Outcomes and Council Policy Will support Council in developing the LTP. |
3. Risk Not adopting the draft asset management plans will leave Council without a document to support the goal of developing and adopting the LTP. |
4. Financial impact There are no direct funding implications from the recommendation. Indirect funding requirements will be set out in the proposed LTP and are subject to a consultation process with the community. |
5. Degree of significance and level of engagement This matter is of high significance because the adoption of a LTP is a statutory requirement under the Local Government Act 2002. Therefore consultation with the community will occur in the form of publicly advertising the Draft LTP and calling for submissions. |
6. Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process It is anticipated that Māori will be approached directly for comment prior to calling for public submissions. |
7. Delegations The Works and Infrastructure Committee has the power to make a recommendation to Council on this matter. |