Ordinary meeting of the
Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Tuesday 1 August 2017
Commencing at 9.00am
Council Chamber
Civic House
110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
1 August 2017
2.1 Updates to the Interests Register
2.2 Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda
Document number M2497
That the Group
Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, held on 11 April 2017, as a true and correct record.
4. Civil Defence Emergency Management draft Group Plan 11 - 105
Document number R7933
That the Group
Receives the report Civil Defence Emergency Management draft Group Plan (R7933) and its attachment (A1794436); and
Approves release of the draft CDEM Group Plan for public consultation.
5. Copy of the report of the Group Emergency Management Office to the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group 106 - 129
Document number R8126
6. CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group) - 14 July 2017 130 - 131
Document number M2760
That the Group
Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM CEG (Coordinating Executive Group), held on 14 July 2017.
Public Excluded Business
That the Group
Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.
The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:
Item |
General subject of each matter to be considered |
Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter |
Particular interests protected (where applicable) |
1 |
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - Public Excluded Minutes - 11 April 2017 |
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7. |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2)(a) To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person. |
8. Re-admittance of the public
That the Group
Re-admits the public to the meeting.
Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
On Tuesday 11 April 2017, commencing at 3.01pm
Present: Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson R Reese (Chairperson), Nelson City Councillor P Matheson, His Worship the Mayor of Tasman R Kempthorne
In Attendance: Nelson City Council: Councillor S Walker, Chief Executive (C Hadley), Manager Organisational Assurance and Emergency Management (R Ball), Administration Adviser (S Burgess)
Tasman District Council: Chief Executive (L McKenzie), Corporate Services Manager (M Drummond), Governance Services Officer (H Simpson)
Ministry of Civil Defence Emergency Management (J Lovell)
Apology: Tasman District Councillor T King
Attendance: The meeting adjourned from 3.01pm to 3.17pm.
1. Apologies
Resolved CDEM/2017/001 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Receives and accepts the apology from Tasman District Councillor King. Her Worship Mayor Reese/His Worship Mayor Kempthorne Carried |
2. Interests
There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.
3. Report of the Emergency Management Office
Document number R7486, agenda pages 4 - 26 refer.
Manager Organisational Assurance and Emergency Management, Roger Ball, presented the report and highlighted key points. Mr Ball responded to questions regarding fire evacuation planning and truck replacement.
Resolved CDEM/2017/002 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Receives the Report of the Emergency Management Office (R7486) and its attachments (A1685134, A1682798 and A1701746); and Agrees that $55,000 allocated to the replacement of the NZ-RT2 truck be carried over from financial year 2016/17 to financial year 2017/18. Her Worship Mayor Reese/Matheson Carried |
4. Implications of Civil Defence Emergency Management Amendment Act 2016
Document number R7275, agenda pages 27 - 31 refer.
Manager Organisational Assurance and Emergency Management, Roger Ball, and John Lovell of the Ministry of Civil Defence Emergency Management, presented the report and highlighted key points.
Resolved CDEM/2017/003 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group* Receives the report Implications of Civil Defence Emergency Management Amendment Act 2016 (R7275); and Approves the appointment of Richard Kirby as Nelson Tasman Group Recovery Manager; and Approves the following as Alternate Group Recovery Managers: Clare Barton, Adrian Humphries, and Peter Anderson; and Agrees that the following local authority elected representatives from Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council are authorised, in the following order of precedence, to give notice of a local transition period under s.25 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (as amended): - Mayor of the district most affected by an emergency - Mayor of the other district - Deputy Mayor of the district most affected by an emergency - Deputy Mayor of the other district - Any elected local authority representative of Nelson City Council or Tasman District Council* * Please note this resolution was amended at a later point in the meeting. Her Worship Mayor Reese/His Worship Mayor Kempthorne Carried |
5. Forum with Minister of CDEM - Feedback from Mayors
Her Worship Mayor Reese provided feedback from her attendance at a recent forum with the Minister of Civil Defence Emergency Management. She explained the focus on clarifying lines of emergency declaration, and spoke about the role of key representatives in setting terms of reference for the review of response planning. Mayor Reese noted that response coordination across the country was critical, and added that broader discussions would be taking place around risk and assurance.
His Worship Mayor Kempthorne also provided feedback on the forum with the Minister, noting that several areas of response planning needed clarification.
The Group noted the importance of, and reliance on, staff and community efforts in emergency response, and the value of those relationships.
It was agreed that this feedback would be reported to each council.
Attendance: The meeting adjourned from 3.52pm to 3.59pm.
6. Implications of Civil Defence Emergency Management Amendment Act 2016 (continued)
It was drawn to Groups’ attention that the final line of the resolution passed earlier in the meeting:
‘Any elected local authority representative of Nelson City Council or Tasman District Council’
was based on the concept that ‘local authority representative’ included Community Board members if required. It was advised that upon review of the legislation, the wording needed clarification to read ‘local authority member’ to ensure authority stayed at the level of elected members.
According to Standing Orders 3.9.17, all members present agreed that this was fresh information, and that the previous resolution should be amended. Accordingly:
Resolved CDEM/2017/004 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Receives the report Implications of Civil Defence Emergency Management Amendment Act 2016 (R7275); and Approves the appointment of Richard Kirby as Nelson Tasman Group Recovery Manager; and Approves the following as Alternate Group Recovery Managers: Clare Barton, Adrian Humphries, and Peter Anderson; and Agrees that the following local authority elected representatives from Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council are authorised, in the following order of precedence, to give notice of a local transition period under s.25 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (as amended): - Mayor of the district most affected by an emergency - Mayor of the other district - Deputy Mayor of the district most affected by an emergency - Deputy Mayor of the other district - Any elected local authority member of Nelson City Council or Tasman District Council Matheson/Kempthorne Carried |
7. Civil Defence Emergency Management Group - Coordinating Executive Group Minutes - 15 February 2017
Document number M2330, agenda pages 32 - 35 refer.
Resolved CDEM/2017/005 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Receives the unconfirmed minutes of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group – Coordinating Executive Group, held on 15 February 2017. Her Worship Mayor Reese/His Worship Mayor Kempthorne Carried |
8. Exclusion of the Public
Resolved CDEM/2017/006 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows: Matheson/His Worship Mayor Kempthorne Carried |
Item |
General subject of each matter to be considered |
Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter |
Particular interests protected (where applicable) |
1 |
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group - Coordinating Executive Group Public Excluded Minutes - 15 February 2017
Section 48(1)(a) The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7 |
The withholding of the information is necessary: · Section 7(2)(a) To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person |
The meeting went into public excluded session at 4.03pm and resumed in public session at 4.04pm.
9. Re-admittance of the Public
Resolved CDEM/2017/007 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Re-admits the public to the meeting. Her Worship Mayor Reese/His Worship Mayor Kempthorne Carried |
There being no further business the meeting ended at 4.04pm.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group 1 August 2017 |
Civil Defence Emergency Management draft Group Plan
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To provide background information to inform the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (CDEM Group) of the Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) recommendations in relation to the draft Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan (the Plan) from the meeting of 14 July 2017.
2. Recommendation
3. Discussion
3.1 The Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (the Act) requires each Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group to review its Group Plan every five years with the process for review set out in legislation. The Nelson Tasman CDEM Group Plan was previously reviewed in 2012. In line with this requirement, officers have undertaken a review of the Nelson Tasman CDEM Group Plan. A text version of the draft Plan is attached (A1794436). Design work is currently underway and a mock-up will be available for the Group to see at the meeting. The design work is aimed at turning the current text version into a web-based document including photos, graphics and branding.
3.2 The CEG met on the 14 July 2017 and approved a recommendation for the draft Group Plan to come to the Group for approval for consultation. At the same time the CEG also approved that the balance of funds for the Plan’s review be carried over to the 2017/18 financial year to allow for completion of the Plan’s review. Minutes of the CEG meeting which include these recommendations are included in the minutes on this agenda.
The Civil Defence Emergency Management Amendment Act 2016
3.3 The Civil Defence Emergency Management Amendment Act 2016 came into force in November 2016, brought forward as a result of the Kaikoura earthquakes. It was introduced to strengthen recovery planning by providing a greater emphasis on the timely, coordinated and effective recovery phase/s following the response phase of an emergency.
3.4 The Amendment Act introduced specific provisions that:
· provide a mandate for the roles and responsibilities that apply for the duration of the recovery from an emergency
· strengthen recovery planning
· ensure a seamless transition from the response to an emergency to the initial recovery period by ensuring that appropriate and effective statutory powers and arrangements are available.
3.7 The Amendment Act required the appointment of a Group Recovery Manager and alternate positions and approval of people able to give notice of a local transition period. A report seeking approval of these positions was brought to the CDEM Group at the meeting on 11 April 2017 and approval was granted at that time.
Legislated process for review
3.8 The process for the review of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan is set out in legislation and includes a requirement to consult and consideration of the draft Plan by the Minister of Civil Defence Emergency Management before approval can be granted by the CDEM Group.
3.9 To date the review process has involved:
· consideration of requirements of the CDEM Act, the 2016 Amendment and guidance from the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM) including the Director’s Guidelines for Group Planning
· consideration of other regions’ Group Plans and communications with other districts currently undertaking reviews
· review and feedback from members of relevant CDEM Committees on the text of draft chapters, including emergency services, welfare agencies and other CDEM partners
· a workshop with Recovery Committee members, held on 16 June, to inform new content in the Recovery section (in light of the Amendment Act)
· feedback from the MCDEM on the content of the draft Plan
3.10 The MCDEM is yet to release an updated version of the Director’s Guidelines for Civil Defence Emergency Management Groups which will set out the expectations of the Amendment Act. A draft version is expected to be made available by the Ministry by the end of July 2017 with a final version released later this year. There is some risk that the Nelson Tasman draft Group Plan may not address all the requirements. This risk has been mitigated through engaging with MCDEM staff on Nelson Tasman’s draft Group Plan. In particular, a MCDEM staff member involved in preparing the Director’s Guideline attended the Recovery Committee’s workshop held on 16 June.
3.11 Nelson City Council has provided coordination of the 2017 review including undertaking the role of the administering body for the consultation process on behalf of the CDEM Group.
3.12 The proposed timeline for approval of the draft Nelson Tasman CDEM Group Plan is set out below:
Consultation on the draft Group Plan |
4th August 2017- 4th September 2017 |
Hearings by CDEM Group |
20th September 2017 (afternoon) |
Deliberations by CDEM Group |
4th October 2017 (afternoon) |
Draft Group Plan to CDEM Group for approval |
14 November 2017 |
Draft Group Plan to Minister CDEM |
15 November – 15 December 2017 (20 day requirement) |
Draft Group Plan to CDEM Group for approval |
Early in 2018 |
3.13 The CDEM Group can either:
- Approve the draft CDEM Group Plan for consultation
- Amend the draft CDEM Group Plan
4. Conclusion
4.1 There is a statutory requirement to commence review of the Nelson Tasman CDEM Group Plan in the 2017 year. Furthermore the Amendment Act introduced in 2016 requires CDEM Groups to amend their plans by 1 June 2018 to include strategic planning for recovery from the hazards and risks. It is proposed to meet this latter requirement as part of the current CDEM Group Plan review.
4.2 Officers recommend that the draft CDEM Group Plan be approved for consultation.
Gabrielle Thorpe
Policy Adviser
Attachment 1: Draft CDEM Group Plan for Public Consultation (A1794436) ⇩
Important considerations for decision making |
1. Fit with Purpose of Local Government The recommendation supports council’s ability to deliver effective CDEM services by strengthening the Group Plan in line with legislative changes and requirements of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002. |
2. Consistency with Community Outcomes and Council Policy The recommendations in this report support the following Community Outcome: Our communities are healthy, safe, inclusive and resilient |
3. Risk There is a low risk that the draft Group Plan may not cover what is required under the 2016 amendment to the Act as guidelines on what is required are yet to be released by the Ministry. This has been mitigated by providing an advance copy of the draft to the Ministry for review. |
4. Financial impact There is no financial impact associated with this report as a budget of $20,000 was allocated for the Group Plan review for the 2016/17 year. CEG has approved a recommendation that the balance of these funds be carried over to the 2017/18 financial year to allow completion of the Group Plan review. |
5. Degree of significance and level of engagement This matter is of medium significance because it relates to planning for civil defence emergency management across the region. Consultation with the community will follow. |
6. Inclusion of Māori in the decision making process Maori have not been involved in the preparation of this report but will be included in consultation on the draft CDEM Group Plan. |
7. Delegations The Civil Defence Emergency Management Group has responsibility for the development, approval, implementation and monitoring of the CDEM Group Plan and regular review of the Plan. |
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group 1 August 2017 |
Copy of the report of the Group Emergency Management Office to the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 To receive an update from the Emergency Management (EM) Office on current activity.
2. Recommendation
3. Discussion
4. Community engagement
4.1 During the month of May the Emergency Management visited eleven communities across the Nelson Tasman region as part of its Community Response Engagement Programme (CREP). Community meetings were held in each location with a mix of emergency services, welfare volunteers and Local Controllers. Topics included training needs, kit and equipment, recruitment and functioning of Civil Defence Centres (CDCs).
4.2 This is the second round of meetings under our CREP programme and on this occasion we saw an increase in attendance. These communities will be visited again in November, when we plan to do an activity as part of the community meetings, such as setting up a Civil Defence Centre, or procedures in a Local Emergency Operations Centre (EOC).
5. Training
5.1 The month of March had a strong training focus and included putting approximately 80 people through the specialised EOC training. These courses covered Logistics, Planning, Intelligence and Operations. Participants were mainly Council staff but also included emergency services and other agencies.
5.2 We also held Civil Defence Centre training in a number of locations (eg Golden Bay, Lower Moutere), supported by Red Cross.
5.3 We are continuing regular Incident Management Team training, held mainly at the EOC, although the last session involved a visit to the Fire Station for a briefing on the capability of NZ-RT2.
5.4 August will be our next training round and the following courses are currently planned:
· Coordinated Incident Management System (CIMS)
· Welfare function
· Psychosocial First Aid (PFA)
· Civil Defence Centre (Group and Local)
· Emergency Management Information System (EMIS)
6. Alpine Fault Planning
6.1 The project aimed at creating a South Island plan to respond to an Alpine Fault event is about to enter its second year. An updated project plan is attached as background (A1786095). Recent activity has included a workshop for national agencies in Wellington. The main outcome from the project will be the establishment of SAFER Plan – the Southern Alpine Fault Emergency Response Plan. Work to date suggests there will be a need for all of the CDEM Groups (including our own) to devote more resource to planning for a significant event, potentially involving large numbers of displaced people (including tourists) and mass casualties.
7. Budget
7.1 A statement of Income and Expenditure for the Emergency Management Office to Aril 2017 is attached for information (A1786094). Overall we are tracking as expected however with some underspend at the end of the financial year due to personnel changes (salary saving) and higher than expected income.
7.2 Budgets for Council Long Term Plans are currently being prepared. My suggestion is that there are two areas where we need to seek additional resources:
· Consider paying Local Controllers and Alternates an honorarium in order to help address inability to attract candidates: $20K p.a.
· Provide resources to undertake recovery and lifelines planning due to CDEM Amendment Act and gaps identified in CDEM Group Plan review: $20K p.a.
7.3 This would amount to a 5.6% increase from financial year 2018/19 onwards. Another option could be to draw down the reserve of the Emergency Management Office (an update on the reserve will be provided at the meeting).
8. Establishment of Fire and Emergency NZ – support arrangements
8.1 Fire and Emergency NZ was officially established on 1 July 2017. FENZ wishes to retain access to CDEM EOC personnel who might be required to assist a large scale fire event. The main scenario in this regard is a large rural fire. The previous informal arrangement has been that CDEM EOC staff (eg, Council public communications staff, GIS staff, and emergency management staff) have been involved in training to support Rural Fire in their incident responses. FENZ would like to continue this arrangement and has included it in proposals sent to the two Councils as part of wider agreements. It is recommended that the CDEM Group agree to continue this support, noting however that the FENZ mandate is wider than just Rural Fire (ie, requests for assistance may potentially involve other types of incidents). Provision of assistance would need to be subject to staff having received appropriate training and that the needs of the CDEM Group and/or Councils would also need to be taken into account in agreeing to release staff.
8.2 FENZ also wishes to formalise access to the Group EOC, to use it for occasional training and in the event of a large scale incident. It is recommended that this be agreed.
9. Tsunami signage
9.1 CEG members will recall that last year the Group released updated tsunami evacuation maps. The second part of this project involves erecting signage in suitable locations in order to inform the public and visitors. Work is currently underway to identify suitable locations and to obtain the permission of various landowners.
10. Change of Public Information Manager
10.1 As has been the practice from previous years, the Communications Managers of the two Councils take turns to share the lead role as the CDEM Group’s Public Information Manager (PIM). Chris Choat has concluded his 12 month term. It is recommended that Paul Shattock be confirmed as the CDEM Group’s PIM for the year July 2017-June 2018.
11. Nelson Tasman Emergency Response Team (NZ-RT2)
11.1 NZ-RT2 was recently audited to ensure the team was meeting expected standards in areas such as safety, training and equipment maintenance. The team has successfully passed this audit.
11.2 A report from the Team Leader of NZ-RT2, Ian Watts, is attached with further background on the team’s current status (A1786096). Two recent images are show below – the first from a recent exercise and the second showing the team’s new national uniform (red and black).
Personnel changes
11.3 Since the CEG last met, we have farewelled Joe Kennedy who has taken up a role with the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management. We welcome Becky Marsay as the new Team Leader Emergency Management. Becky comes to the role after working for Nelson City Council as an Asset Engineer. She has been involved with CDEM for some years as Deputy Team Leader of NZ-RT2 and a member of the EOC Incident Management Team. A recruitment round for an Emergency Management Officer was undertaken but has not led to an outcome as yet. This is likely to be re-advertised in the near future.
Roger Ball
Manager Organisational Assurance and Emergency Management
Attachment 1: Alpine Fault (AF8) Project Plan (A1786095) ⇩
Attachment 2: Budget - Income and Expenditure to April 2017 (A1786094) ⇩
Attachment 3: NZ-RT2 Report (A1786096) ⇩
Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management - Coordinating Executive Group (CEG)
Held in the Emergency Operations Centre, 28 Oxford Street, Richmond
On Friday 14 July 2017, commencing at 10.30am
Present: Lindsay McKenzie (Tasman District Council) (Chairperson), David Hammond (Nelson City Council), Mathew Arnold-Kelly (NZ Police), Ronnie Gibson (Ministry for Social Development), Pete Kara (Nelson Marlborough District Health Board) and James McMeeken (St John NZ)
In Attendance: Roger Ball (Group Controller), Paul Shattock and Gabrielle Thorpe (Nelson City Council) Dennis Bush-King, Richard Kirby and Chris Choat (Tasman District Council), Jim Frater (Alternate Group Controller), John Lovell (Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management), Dan Matheson (NZ Police), Becky Marsay and Rylee Pettersson (Emergency Management Office) and Robyn Byrne (Team Leader Administration Advisers)
Apologies: Graham Daikee, Janine Dowding
1. Apologies
Resolved CEG/2017/008 That the Group Receives and accepts the apologies from Graham Daikee and Janine Dowding. Gibson/Kara Carried |
2. Confirmation of Minutes
2.1 15 February 2017
Document number M2330, agenda pages 6 - 9 refer.
Resolved CEG/2017/009 That the Group Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management – Coordinating Executive Group, held on 15 February 2017, as a true and correct record. Gibson/Kara Carried |
3. Report of the Group Emergency Management Office
Document number R7958, agenda pages 10 - 33 refer.
Group Controller Roger Ball presented the report and introduced the newly appointed Team Leader Emergency Management, Becky Marsay.
The Group discussed the long standing agreement with Rural Fire and the ongoing agreement once rural and urban fire services merged, noting that this was focused on providing continuity of service for rural fire during the period of change.
Resolved CEG/2017/010 That the Coordinating Executive Group Receives the Report of the Emergency Management Office (R7958); and Agrees that the CDEM Group should continue to provide personnel and access to the Emergency Operations Centre to support Fire and Emergency NZ; and Appoints Paul Shattock as the Group’s Public Information Manager for the year July 2017-June 2018. Hammond/Gibson Carried |
4. Civil Defence Emergency Management Draft Group Plan
Document number R7704, agenda pages 34 - 129 refer.
Policy Advisor, Gabrielle Thorpe presented the Draft Group Plan and presented the first few pages of the final document.
Group Controller, Roger Ball advised that there was a legislative requirement to renew the Group Plan every five years and there were no significant changes to the way the group was structured or operated during emergencies. He outlined the following amendments to note:
· Lifelines Group – the importance of the work coming through suggested that this group should report directly through to CEG rather than through the Reduction Committee.
· Proposal that the Group give itself authority to appoint local Controllers at large.
· Recovery – there were significant changes as a result of legislation and there was now a requirement to formally appoint a Recovery Manager as a statutory appointment and decide who could notify transition notices (both of these have been actioned).
Resolved CEG/2017/011 That the Coordinating Executive Group (CEG); Receives the report Civil Defence Emergency Management Draft Group Plan (R7704) and its attachment (A1751976). McKenzie/Kara Carried |
Recommendation to Civil Defence Emergency Management Group CEG/2017/012 That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Approves the draft Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan (A1751976) for consultation; and Approves that the balance of any funds for the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan review be carried over to the 2017/18 financial year to allow completion of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan review. McKenzie/Kara Carried |
5. Updates from agencies – roundtable
St John NZ
James McMeeken updated the Group on the new appointment of Nelson Bays Territorial Manager. He noted that following the recent funding announcement there would be 41 additional staff to come into Tasman District.
NZ Police
Mathew Arnold-Kelly advised that 24 additional staff would be appointed in the Tasman District (which included Marlborough and West Coast) in the next four years.
Pete Kara advised the NMDHB would be reviewing their Pandemic Plan and suggested agencies do the same, this was in line with the Ministry of Health pandemic planning review.
Tasman District Council
Richard Kirby advised that TDC was holding a workshop for Councillors around the Hazard profile in the district, this would feed into the Long Term Plan.
Ministry for Social Development
Ronnie Gibson advised that the Ministry was going through restructuring on a national level. She noted that the MSD was busy with securing properties for regional housing, particularly in Blenheim.
Ms Gibson added that Ministry had prepared CDEM get ready bags for all its staff across the region and would refresh these twice a year.
Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management
John Lovell advised that the Review of CDEM was on track with recommendations expected late August. The review would continue after the national elections and would move into implementation phase.
Mr Lovell noted that members of the technical advisory group would be available for Mayors to meet with them at the upcoming LGNZ Conference.
6. Report of the Group Welfare Manager
Document number R7970, agenda pages 130 - 145 refer.
Emergency Management Community Coordinator, Rylee Pattersson presented the report in her capacity as Group Welfare Manager and chair of the Welfare Coordination Group. She advised that under changes in legislation there were nine areas of responsibility under Welfare, CDEM led three of these and was responsible for coordinating all the nine areas and making sure that other agencies were aware of their responsibilities.
Resolved CEG/2017/013 Receives the Report of the Group Welfare Manager (R7970) and its attachments (A1656819); Approves the revised Terms of Reference of the Welfare Coordination Group (A1734218). Hammond/McKenzie Carried |
Reports From Committees
7. CDEM Recovery - 16 June 2017
Document number M2667, agenda pages 146 - 149 refer.
Resolved CEG/2017/014 That the Coordinating Executive Group Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM Recovery Committee, held on 16 June 2017. McKenzie/Kara Carried |
8. CDEM Reduction - 22 June 2017
Document number M2692, agenda pages 150 - 152 refer.
Resolved CEG/2017/015 That the Coordinating Executive Group Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM Reduction Committee, held on 22 June 2017. McKenzie/Kara Carried |
9. CDEM PEPI (Public Education Public Information) - 26 June 2017
Document number M2706, agenda pages 153 - 156 refer.
Resolved CEG/2017/016 That the Coordinating Executive Group Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM PEPI (Public Education Public Information) Committee, held on 26 June 2017. McKenzie/Kara Carried |
10. CDEM WCG (Welfare Coordination Group) - 27 June 2017
Document number M2707, agenda pages 157 - 162 refer.
Resolved CEG/2017/017 That the Coordinating Executive Group Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM WCG (Welfare Coordination Group), held on 27 June 2017. McKenzie/Kara Carried |
11. CDEM R&R (Readiness and Response) - 28 June 2017
Document number M2710, agenda pages 163 - 166 refer.
Resolved CEG/2017/018 That the Coordinating Executive Group Receives the unconfirmed minutes of a meeting of the CDEM Readiness and Response Committee, held on 28 June 2017. McKenzie/Kara Carried |
There being no further business the meeting ended at 11.50am.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings: