Joint Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City Councils
Te Kōmiti Mahi Tahi
Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson on Tuesday 9 July 2024, commencing at 9.32a.m. to adopt amended Saxton Field Reserve Management Plan
Present: Tasman District Council: Deputy Mayor of Tasman S Bryant, Tasman District Councillors G Daikee, J Ellis, M Greening, C Hill, M Kininmonth, C Mackenzie, K Maling, B Maru and D Shallcrass
Nelson City Council: His Worship the Mayor of Nelson N Smith, R O'Neill-Stevens, Nelson City Councillors M Anderson, M Benge, T Brand, M Courtney, J Hodgson, K Paki Paki, P Rainey, C Rollo, R Sanson, T Skinner and A Stallard
In Attendance: Chief Executive (N Philpott), Group Manager Environmental Management (M Bishop), Group Manager Community Services (A White), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald), Acting Group Manager Infrastructure (D Light), Acting Team Leader Governance (A Andrews) and Governance Adviser (A Bryce)
Apologies: Apologies have been received from His Worship the Mayor of Tasman T King and Tasman District Council Councillors T Walker, C Butler and B Dowler
1. Apologies
1. Receives and accepts the apologies from Councillor B Dowler, His Worship the Mayor of Tasman T King and Councillor T Walker. |
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
There was no change to the order of business.
There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.
There was no public forum.
5. Recommendation from the Saxton Field Hearings Panel
Document number R28630, agenda pages 3 - 4 refer.
Group Manager Community Services explained the purpose of the recommendation and answered questions on international cricket, a change in Saxton Field Reserve Management plan, the Saxton Field Reserve Management plan review, local supplier limitations, alcohol policies of Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council, the review process, phasing out alcohol advertising, loss of international games, contracts with New Zealand cricket, economic benefit, and alcohol related behaviour.
Attendance: Councillor Paki Paki joined the meeting at 10.25a.m.
Attendance: Deputy Mayor (Nelson) O’Neil-Stevens left the meeting at 11.12am.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Greening, seconded Councillor Stallard. The Chair did not accept the amendment stating its nature and timing as the reason. A motion was then put by Councillor Greening to overrule the chair’s ruling, seconded by Councillor Stallard.
1. Approves the chairperson’s ruling be overruled. |
Greening/Stallard Lost |
There being no further business the meeting ended at 11.31a.m.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings by resolution on 19 November 2024.
That the Joint Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City Councils 1. Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Joint Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City Councils, held on 9 July 2024, as a true and correct record. |