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Minutes of a meeting of the

Saxton Field Committee

Te Kōmiti o Saxton

Held in the Nelson City Council Chamber, Floor 2A, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson on Friday 7 June 2024, commencing at 9.32a.m. - to HEAR feedback on amendment to Saxton Field Reserve Management Plan


Present:              D Shaw (Chairperson), Nelson City Councillors C Rollo and T Skinner and Tasman District Councillors G Daikee and B Dowler

In Attendance:    Nelson City Council Group Manager Community Services (A White), Tasman District Council Group Manager Community Infrastructure (R Kirby), Senior Governance Adviser (A Andrews) and Governance Adviser (A Bryce)

Apologies :          Nil


Karakia and Mihi Timatanga


1.       Apologies


          There were no apologies.

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

Chairperson, Derek Shaw, advised he was a panel member on Nelson City Council’s District Licensing Committee but did not consider this conflicted with the matters being heard.

4.       Public Forum

There was no public forum.

 5.      Hearing - Draft Saxton Field Reserve Management Plan Amendments (relating to alcohol)

Document number R28564, agenda pages 4 - 115 refer.

Principal Parks and Facilities Activity Planner, Paul Harrington, took the report as read and tabled two additional and one late submission (196698121-57998, 196698121-57999 and 196698121-57997). He provided updates to the submission page numbers in the officers report.

Resolved SAX/2024/001


That the Saxton Field Hearings Panel

1.    Receives the report Hearing - Draft Saxton Field Reserve Management Plan Amendments (relating to alcohol) (R28564) and its Attachments (196698121-56658, 1982984479-7549 and 96698121-57926); and

2.    Accepts the additional submissions (196698121-57998 and 196698121-57999) and the late submissions (196698121-57997) (tabled at the meeting) on the Draft Saxton Field Reserve Management Plan Amendments (relating to alcohol).

Skinner/Rollo                                                                                Carried



1    196698121-57998 Additional Submission - Jo McNabb 33350

2    196698121-57999 Additional Submission - Paul Burgess 33351

3    196698121-57997 Late Submission - Hospitality NZ

5.1           Howard Williams – 33248 – Did not arrive

5.2           Bruce Struthers – 33272

Bruce Struthers, tabled his speaking notes (1982984479-7619), provided a presentation (1982984479-7618) and spoke to his submission. He answered questions on the alcohol advertising and policy amendments.

5.3           Peter McCosker – 33299

Peter McCosker spoke to his submission.

5.4           Dr Rachel Eyre – Te Whatu Ora – 33327

Public Health Medicine Specialist / Medical Officer of Health / Acting Clinical Director Te Whatu Ora, Dr Rachel Eyre, provided a presentation (1982984479-7623) and spoke to her submission. She answered questions on alcohol restriction policy timeframes and provided perspective on 0% alcoholic beverages.

5.5           Andrew Galloway - Alcohol Healthwatch (Auckland) – 33334

           Executive Director and Health Promotion Adviser, Andrew Galloway, spoke to his submission. He answered questions on central government   alcohol levy.

5.6           Andy Leonard - Nelson Cricket Association – 33336

Chair Nelson Cricket Association, Andy Leonard, tabled his speaking notes (1982984479-7608), provided a presentation (1982984479-7607) and spoke to his submission. He answered questions on economic impact and reduction of advertising at the Saxton Oval.

5.7           Kent Inglis – 33346 – Did not arrive

5.8           Jock Sutherland – 33346

Jock Sutherland, spoke to his submission. He answered questions on his views on commercial vs retail alcohol advertising and international standards of the stadium.

Tabled Documents Saxton Field Hearings Panel (7 June 2024)

The following documents were provided in support of the hearings of submissions.


1    1982984479-7619 Bruce Struthers Speaking Notes

2    1982984479-7618 Bruce Struthers PowerPoint

3    1982984479-7623 Dr Rachel Eyre PowerPoint

4    1982984479-7608 Nelson Cricket Association Speaking Notes

5    1982984479-7607 Nelson Cricket Association PowerPoint

Karakia Whakamutanga

There being no further business the meeting ended at 10.27a.m.

Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings by resolution on 14 June 2024.


That the Saxton Field Hearings Panel

1.        Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Saxton Field Hearings Panel, held on 7 June 2024, as a true and correct record.