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Ordinary meeting of the

Saxton Field Hearings Panel

Te Kōmiti o Saxton

Friday 7 June 2024
Commencing at 9.30a.m. - to hear feedback on an amendment to Saxton Field Reserve Management Plan
Nelson City Council Chamber

Floor 2A, Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson






5     Hearing - Draft Saxton Field Reserve Management Plan Amendments (relating to alcohol)

A.     196698121-57998 Additional Submission - Jo McNabb 33350                   3

B.    196698121-57999 Additional Submission - Paul Burgess 33351                4

C.    196698121-57997 Late Submission - Hospitality NZ                                 5


A.     1982984479-7619 Bruce Struthers Speaking Notes                                  6

B.    1982984479-7618 Bruce Struthers PowerPoint                                        8

C.    1982984479-7623 Dr Rachel Eyre PowerPoint                                        12

D.    1982984479-7608 Nelson Cricket Association Speaking Notes                18

E.     1982984479-7607 Nelson Cricket Association PowerPoint                       20

Item 5: 5 Hearing - Draft Saxton Field Reserve Management Plan Amendments (relating to alcohol): Attachment 1

Item 5: 5 Hearing - Draft Saxton Field Reserve Management Plan Amendments (relating to alcohol): Attachment 2

Item 5: 5 Hearing - Draft Saxton Field Reserve Management Plan Amendments (relating to alcohol): Attachment 3

Item  : Motion - Rollo / Shaw: Attachment 1

Item  : Motion - Rollo / Shaw: Attachment 2

Item  : Motion - Rollo / Shaw: Attachment 3

Item  : Motion - Rollo / Shaw: Attachment 4

Item  : Motion - Rollo / Shaw: Attachment 5