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Ordinary meeting of the

Nelson City Council

Te Kaunihera o Whakatū

Wednesday 8 May 2024
Commencing at 9.00a.m. to hear submissions to draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034
Council Chamber

Floor 2A, Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson






5     Hearing of submissions on the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document and related consultations

A.     1982984479-7501 Council - Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Hearing - Additional Speakers Submissions                                                                            4

B.    1982984479-7502 Council - Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Hearing - Additional Information                                                                                          22

Tabled Documents Day 1 Long Term Plan Hearings (8 May 2024)

A.     LTP Hearing Schedule 08May2024                                                         29

B.    1056 - Julie Catchpole - The Suter Art Gallery                                        31

C.    1066 - Jane du Feu - Te Matatini 2027 PP final                                       44

D.    1071 - Matthew Ball - presentation                                                        61

E.     1078 - Lucinda Jimson - Tasman Bays Heritage Trust - Presentation 8 May 2024                                                                                                    87

F.     1099-John-Paul Pochin and Ami Kennedy - Speaking Notes                    96

G.    1105 - Sky Davies - presentation                                                        101

H.    1126 - Katrina Hollingworth - presentation                                           112

I.     1477 - Bruce Gilkison - B4CA Mission Zero presentation                       122

J.     1478 - Felicity Palmer - Multicultural Nelson Tasman - Community Support MNT NCC LTP 2024                                                                             136

K.    1478 - Felicity Palmer - Multicultural Nelson Tasman - Presentation - NCC Long Term Plan                                                                                  137

L.     1487 - Philip Thompson - FC Nelson                                                    145

M.    1513-Seb Head - Submission                                                              165

Day 2 Additional information

A.     Long Term Plan 2024-2034  - Additional Speakers Submissions Part 2  167

B.    Long Term Plan 2024-2034  - Additional Information Part 2                  191

Tabled Documents Day 2 Long Term Plan Hearings (9 May 2024)

A.     LTP Hearing Schedule 09May2024                                                       197

B.    6 - Sally Mottram-Dubieniec - Speaking Notes                                     199

C.    252 - Ali Jamieson - additional information                                          201

D.    331 - Richard Ussher - Speaking Notes                                                212

E.     353 - Jill Ford - presentation                                                               214

F.     559 - Harry Pearson speaking notes                                                    222

G.    624 - Douglas Jackson - Olympic Skatepark for Nelson                         228

H.    626 - Steve Foster - Speakers' Notes and presentation notes - Nelson Swimming Pools                                                                                 236

I.     838 - Friends Of the Maitai presentation                                              245

J.     864 - Cultural Conversions                                                                  251

K.    864 - Tanya Nock - Speaking Notes                                                     261

L.     950 - Bianca Farmer - Disability playgrounds                                       265

M.    950 - Bianca Farmer - Speaking Notes                                                 291

N.    975 - Andrew Paul Kenton submission and notes                                  292

O.    1027 - Ed Shuttleworth - LTP Nelson Sport Tasman                              308

P.     1246 - Daniel Levy - Speaking Notes                                                   315

Q.    1422 -  Bill Dahlberg - LTPlan  2024-34 -7 May 2024                           317

R.    1490 - Emily Osbourne - Parents for Active Transport, Atawhai             335

S.     1500 Tony Haddon - Speaking Notes                                                   353


Tabled Documents Day 3 Long Term Plan Hearings (10 May 2024)

A.     LTP Hearing Schedule 10May2024                                                       355

B.    569 - Jo Chamberlain - NCC Presentation                                             357

C.    569&570 - Murray Hewson and Jo Chamberlain - Speaking Notes         399

D.    591 - Jenny Wraight - Speaking Notes                                                 403

E.     592 - Chris Wraight - Speaking Notes                                                  405

F.     733 - Alistair Matthew.- Speaking Notes                                              407

G.    941 - Steve Cross - 2024 LTP                                                              409

H.    945 - Graeme Ferrer - Speaking Notes                                                427

I.     1040 - Vicki Smith - Speaking Notes                                                    437

J.     1070 - Joanna Plows – Additional information                                      439

K.    1070 - Joanna Plows - Speaking Notes                                                455

L.     1091 - Rachel Boyack - Speaking Notes                                               458

M.    1269 - Faye Wolff - Speaking Notes                                                     460

N.    1432 - Richard Popenhagen -  Speaking Notes                                     462

O.    1475 - Harmaan Madin - Alimentary Systems                                      463

P.     1482 - Lindsay Wood - Notes                                                              466

Q.    1482 - Lindsay Wood - Presentation                                                    468








Item 5: 5 Hearing of submissions on the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document and related consultations: Attachment 1

Item 5: 5 Hearing of submissions on the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document and related consultations: Attachment 2

Tabled Documents Day 1 Long Term Plan Hearings (8 May 2024)


Tabled Documents Day 2 Long Term Plan Hearings (9 May 2024)


Tabled Documents Day 3 Long Term Plan Hearings (10 May 2024)