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Ordinary meeting of the

Nelson City Council

Te Kaunihera o Whakatū

Thursday 9 November 2023
Commencing at 9.00a.m.
Council Chamber

Floor 2A, Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson






4.1  Nelson Regional Community Development Agency Presentation

A.     1982984479-6774 - Regional Community Development Agency Establishment Group Presentation                                                           3

4.2  What if Whakatu Nelson Presentation

A.     1982984479-6779 - What If Nelson Whakatu Presentation                     11

8.    Nelson Centre of Musical Arts Presentation

A.     1982984479-6778 - Nelson Centre of Musical Arts Presentation              23

9     Nelson Regional Development Agency Annual Report 2022-23

A.     1982984479-6769 - Nelson Regional Development Agency Presentation 31

10   Right Tree Right Place Taskforce Recommendations

A.     1982984479-6759 - Right Tree Right Place Taskforce Recommendations - Updates to the Value of the NCC Forest Estate Paper                              43

Item 4.1  Nelson Regional Community Development Agency Presentation - Attachment 1

Item 4.2  What if Whakatu Nelson Presentation - Attachment 2

Item 8.    Nelson Centre of Musical Arts Presentation -  Attachment 3

Item 9: Nelson Regional Development Agency Annual Report 2022-23: Attachment 4

Item 10: Right Tree Right Place Taskforce Recommendations: Attachment 5