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Minutes of a meeting of the

Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit

Te Rōpū ā-Rohe Para, Whakatū / Te Tai o Aorere

Held in the Council Chamber, Floor 2A, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson on Friday 1 September 2023, commencing at 9.31a.m.


Present:              Tasman District Councillor K Maling (Chairperson), Nelson City Councillor T Skinner (Deputy Chairperson), Tasman District Councillor B Dowler, Independent Member T Mehmood, and Industry Representative (non-voting) P Wilson

In Attendance:    Deputy Chief Executive/Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Governance Adviser (K Libeau)

Apology:             An apology has been received from Nelson City Councillor K Paki Paki

1.       Apologies

Resolved RSBU/2023/017


That the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit

1.        Receives and accepts an apology from Nelson City Councillor K Paki Paki.

Dowler/Maling                                                                              Carried


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

           There were no changes to the order of business.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum

There was no public forum.

5.       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      5 May 2023

Document number M20126, agenda pages 7 - 10 refer.

Resolved RSBU/2023/018


That the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit

1.    Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit, held on 5 May 2023, as a true and correct record.

Dowler/Mehmood                                                                          Carried


6.       Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit General Manager Update Report August 2023

Document number R27882, agenda pages 11 - 21 refer.

General Manager Regional Services, Nathan Clarke, took the report as read and answered questions on the Bell Island solar array and the potential ramifications and options pertaining to the officer’s requested increase in land size including a virtual power connection agreement. He also answered questions on the regional pipeline renewal programme, the capacity of the system in dealing with the increase in extreme weather events and the Health and Safety schedule contained within the report. 

Operations Manager Regional Services, Brad Nixon, answered questions on odour issues.

Resolved RSBU/2023/019


That the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit

1.    Receives the report Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit General Manager Update Report August 2023 (R27882).

Mehmood/Skinner                                                                         Carried


7.       Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Annual Report 2022/23 Summary

Document number R27835, agenda pages 22 - 71 refer.

Operations Manager Regional Services, Brad Nixon took the report as read and answered questions on the incidents where the inflows exceeded the capacity of the Bell Island treatment plant and the current procedures in place to manage the overflows. Officers from Nelson and Tasman (Mr Louverdis and Mr Schruer) advised the Committee as to their respective inflow and infiltration work programmes.

Accountant, Andrew Bishop, spoke to the financial position including the main drivers of the increase in surplus and the additional costs in operational expenditure.

General Manager Regional Services, Nathan Clarke, spoke about the capacity to complete other projects such as biosolids disposal and future-proofing, noting that whilst some projects had not been completed, none of them were considered critical.  Mr Clarke answered questions on the renewal of the pipeline across Saxton Creek (in relation to the upgrade works Nelson are undertaking as part of the upgrade of Saxton Creek) and the timeframe for this work to be completed.

Resolved RSBU/2023/020


That the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit

1.    Receives the report Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Annual Report 2022/23 Summary (R27835) and its attachments (1080325921-573 and 1080325921-577); and

2.    Approves the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Annual Report 2022/23 (1080325921-573) and Financial Statements (1080325921-577) for presentation to Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council.

Dowler/Skinner                                                                             Carried


Recommendation to Council RSBU/2023/021


That the Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council

1.        Receives the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Annual Report 2022/23 (1080325921-573) and Financial Statements (1080325921-577).

Dowler/Skinner                                                                             Carried


8.       Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit 2022/23 Capital and Renewal Update and Carryover

Document number R27834, agenda pages 72 - 80 refer.

Operations Manager Regional Services, Brad Nixon took the report as read and answered questions on inflation effects on pricing, budgeting within the Activity Management Plans and allocation of the carryover funds within the coming financial year and their ability to deliver these works.

Resolved RSBU/2023/022


That the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit

1.    Receives the report Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit 2022/23 Capital and Renewal Update and Carryover (R27834); and

2.    Approves the carryover of capital ($1.139M) and renewals budgets ($2.563M) from 2022/23 financial year to the 2023/24 financial year, to ensure continuation of urgent and planned works.

Skinner/Dowler                                                                             Carried


9.       Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Master Plan 2024-2075

Document number R27884, agenda pages 81 - 99 refer.

General Manager Regional Services, Nathan Clarke took the report as read.

In response to questions on the status of the Master Plan, Nelson and Tasman officers noted that it held the same status as Infrastructure Strategies that were required to be prepared by each Council (to form part of each Council’s LTP and consultation) and that the same rigour was needed to apply to the Master Plan. As officers had not had adequate time to review the Master Plan, and iwi had not had input into its preparation it was suggested that the Master Plan should be sent to each Council for consideration as part of a bigger discussion.

On that basis it was agreed the Master Plan be approved for submission to both Councils and iwi and the officer’s recommendation was amended accordingly.

The meeting adjourned from 10:36a.m. until 10:50a.m.

Resolved RSBU/2023/023


That the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit

1.    Receives the report Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Master Plan 2024-2075 (R27884) and its attachment/s (108325921-551); and

2.    Agrees the need for a Regional Wastewater Master   Plan; and

3.    Approves the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Master Plan (108325921-551) in principle and that it be submitted to Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council for comment before any formal adoption to take into account a regional and iwi perspective.

Dowler/Mehmood                                                                          Carried


Recommendation to Council RSBU/2023/024


That the Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council

1.        Receive the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Wastewater Master Plan (1080325921-551) for review, and provide feedback to the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit if required.

Dowler/Mehmood                                                                          Carried

10.     Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Draft Activity Management Plan 2024 - 2034

Document number R27885, agenda pages 100 - 214 refer.

General Manager Regional Services, Nathan Clarke took the report as read and answered questions regarding the priorities for the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit, pending capital expenditure and the necessity of a coastal hazard study to help inform future decisions.

Resolved RSBU/2023/025


That the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit

1.    Receives the report Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Draft Activity Management Plan 2024 - 2034 (R27885) and its attachment (1080325921-575); and

2.    Approves the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit draft Activity Management Plan 2024-2034 (1080325921-575) for presentation to the Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council with delegation of all minor amendments to the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Chairperson and General Manager.

Dowler/Maling                                                                              Carried

Recommendation to Council RSBU/2023/026


That the Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council

1.        Receive the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit draft Activity Management Plan 2024-2034 (1080325921-575) for review, and provide feedback to the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit if required.

Dowler/Maling                                                                              Carried

11.      Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Draft Business Plan  2024/25

Document number R27876, agenda pages 215 - 235 refer.

General Manager Regional Services, Nathan Clarke took the report as read and answered questions on the potential to obtain land adjacent to the Saxton pump station in order to future-proof the network and manage overflows and the ability for both councils to improve resilience and also increase capacity through this potential land purchase.

Resolved RSBU/2023/027


That the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit

1.    Receives the report Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Draft Business Plan 2024/25 (R27876) and its attachment (1080325921-570); and

2.    Approves the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Draft Business Plan 2024/25 (1080325921-570) for submission to Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council for their consideration and feedback, with delegation of all minor amendments to the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Chairperson and General Manager.

Skinner/Dowler                                                                             Carried


Recommendation to Council Resolved RSBU/2023/028

That the Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council

1.    Receive the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Draft Business Plan 2024-25 (1080325921-570) for review, and provide feedback to the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit, if required.

Skinner/Dowler                                                                             Carried


There being no further business the meeting ended at 11:23a.m.

Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings by resolution on 17 November 2023


That the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit

1.     Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit, held on 1 September 2023, as a true and correct record.