Minutes of a meeting of the

Nelson City Council

Te Kaunihera o Whakatū

Held in the Council Chamber, Floor 2A, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson on Thursday 11 May 2023, commencing at 9.02a.m.  


Present:              His Worship the Mayor N Smith (Chairperson), Councillors M Anderson, M Benge, T Brand, M Courtney, J Hodgson, R O'Neill-Stevens (Deputy Mayor), P Rainey, C Rollo, R Sanson, T Skinner and A Stallard

In Attendance:    Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Community Services (A White), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald) Team Leader Governance (R Byrne), Senior Governance Adviser (H Wagener) and Governance Adviser (K Libeau)

Apologies :          Councillor K Paki Paki


Karakia and Mihi Timatanga

1.       Apologies


Resolved CL/2023/108


That the Council

1.        Receives and accepts the apologies from Councillor K Paki Paki.

Courtney/His Worship the Mayor                                                   Carried

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There were no changes to the order of business.


3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register.

Councillor Stallard noted for the record that prior to his appointment as a Nelson City Councill he was part of a group opposing re-zoning in the Matai.

Councillor Rollo noted for the record that a topic in the annual plan was infrastructure development on Bridge Street, his family owned property and he was employed on Bridge Street.

Councillor Sanson noted that her partner would be speaking to a submission.

4.       Public Forum

There was no public forum.

5.       Hearing of submissions on the Annual Plan 2023/24 Consultation Document and the proposed Schedule of Fees and Charges

Document number R27635, agenda pages 4 - 155 refer.

Late submissions were received from:

·         Peter Taylor - 361

·         Deborah Holloway - 362

·         Clare Williams - 363

·         Debs Martin - Kotahitanga mo te Taiao Alliance – 364

·         Duncan Henderson - Total Decorating - 366

·         Madison Cumming-Power - 367

·         Ru Collin - Brook Waimarama Sanctuary - 368

·         Ellie Moyer - 369

5.1           Dan McGuire - 43

Dan McGuire spoke to the submission. He emphasised points in regard to a decline in people attending events within Nelson, businesses bypassing Nelson and establishing in Richmond, the hardships faced by people on low incomes and his belief that Council should not continue to fund the Nelson Regional Development Agency.  He answered questions from members on the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Brand joined the meeting at 9.08a.m.

5.2           Elizabeth Dooley – 42

The submitter did not attend.

5.3           Elizabeth Parkes – 46

Elizabeth Parkes spoke to the submission regarding an incident where her son was swimming at Tāhunanui Beach and got caught in a fishing line. She asked that Council consider this situation, given the importance of public safety. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.4           Tilman Walk – 208

Tilman Walk spoke to the submission. He emphasised points on spreading out the flood damage cost over future years and the impact this would have on future ratepayers, the concept of a special levy for property owners of empty sections, the proposed allocation of $606,000 towards the Maitahi Bayview Development, the fluoridation of Nelson’s drinking water and the prospect of dedicated cycleways on Nelson’s main roads to avoid accidents. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.5           Sean Walker – 54

Sean Walker spoke to the submission. He spoke about the impact lighting has on carbon emissions, wellbeing and climate change, wasteful lighting within the Nelson region and how this could be addressed, the absence of a lighting strategy in Nelson City Council’s Annual Plan and retaining the ability to see the Matariki constellation. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.6           Bevan Woodward  - Bicycle Nelson Bays – 64

The submitter did not attend.

5.7           Richard Sullivan – 184

Richard Sullivan spoke to the submission. He emphasised points in relation to Council concentrating more on making Nelson a better place to live including focusing on rates, spending and investment. He spoke to reducing rates to below the cost of living increase given the cumulative total of rates rises, Council working harder to cut back on inefficient spending, cutting any funding to tourism promotion. He also expressed his support for any increases in investment for inner-city living, encouraging more people and high productivity businesses in the central business district. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.8           Lindsay Wood – Resilienz – 112

Lindsay Wood tabled speaking notes (1982984479-5986) and spoke to the submission. He emphasised points in relation to climate change, the structure of the Annual Plan document, decarbonisation, the National Policy Statement on Urban Development, appropriately allocating resources and the Council’s role in educating the public on climate change. He answered questions from members on the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner left the meeting at 10:00a.m.

The meeting adjourned from 10.07a.m. until 10.16a.m.

5.9           R.T. Morris – 115

R.T. Morris spoke to the submission. He emphasised points on Nelson previously losing its status as a port of preference for a period of time and the loss of income this led to.  He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.10        Robert Stevenson – 212

This submitter did not attend.

5.11        Jenny Easton and Barb Robson - Zero Carbon Nelson Tasman – 120

Jenny Easton and Barb Robson tabled speaking notes (1982984479-5976), provided a presentation (1876279902-65), and spoke to the submission. They emphasised points on climate change, combining strategies on mitigation and adaptation, campaigns for promoting climate-friendly transport, the concept of a quarter-hour paradise, the use of electric vehicles alongside car-sharing and carpooling and fewer carparks in the city centre. They answered questions from members on the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner returned at 10:43a.m.

5.12        Peter Kemp – 290

Peter Kemp tabled speaking notes (1982984479-5980) and spoke to the submission. He emphasised points relating to boating within the Nelson community and the increase of pile mooring fees at the marina. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.13        Noah Hosie – Nelson Surf Life Saving Club – 283 and 285

Noah Hosie of the Nelson Surf Life Saving Club presented in a personal capacity and as a representative of Nelson Surf Life Saving Club. He tabled speaking notes (1982984479-5983) and spoke to the submission. He emphasised points regarding the current issues faced by the Nelson Surf Life Saving Club working out of multiple storage locations, the desire for the Club to have better facilities and grow its membership and the statistics relating to the activities performed by the club. He answered questions from members on the submissions.

5.14        Tony Haddon – 320

Mr Haddon tabled speaking notes (1982984479-5987) and spoke to the submission. He emphasised points on the proposed $606,000 budget for pre-planning work for the Maitahi Bayview development, funding for the proposed Kaka Valley subdivision, the river flooding scenarios. He answered questions from members on the submission.

The meeting adjourned from 11.09a.m. to 11.23a.m.

5.15        Faye Wulff – Community Arts Trust - 196

Ms Wulff tabled speaking notes (1982984479-5982) and spoke to the submission. She thanked Nelson City Council for its continuing support over the past 25 years and emphasised points regarding the uncertainty of the Community Arts Trust’s lease, the desire for a permanent location, the work they do with both young people and vulnerable people in the community and the Trust’s goal of trying to turn lives around using art. She extended an invitation to the Mayor and Councillors to visit the Community Arts Trust premises and answered questions from members on the submission.

5.16        Gretchen Holland - 355

Gretchen Holland tabled speaking notes (1982984479-5981) and spoke to the submission. She emphasised points on allocating $606,000 to undertake pre-planning work for the Maitahi subdivision, the allocation of costs between Council and the developer, the issues countrywide of building on floodplains, the impacts of flood damage and the current state of the Maitai river. She answered questions from members on her submission.

5.17        Giles Burton – 237

Giles Burton from Nelson Buskers Festival tabled speaking notes (1982984479-5984) and spoke to his submission. He thanked Council for previously funding the Nelson Buskers Festival and emphasised points on the change to the criteria for funding under the Summer Events programme, the positive feedback received from the public on the buskers’ festival run in previous years and the inability to continue to run the event without Nelson City Council continuing its support of the festival. He answered questions from members on the submission.

Documents tabled by previous speakers at close of the morning session.


1    1982984479-5986 Lindsay Wood - Resilienz - 112 - speaking notes

2    1982984479-5976 Jenny Easton and Barb Robson - Zero Carbon Nelson Tasman – 120 - speaking notes

3    1876279902-65 Jenny Easton and Barb Robson - Zero Carbon Nelson Tasman – 120 - presentation

4    1982984479-5980 Peter Kemp – 290 - speaking notes

5    1982984479-5983 Noah Hosie - Nelson Life Saving Club - 283 and 285 - speaking notes

6    1982984479-5987 Tony Haddon - 320 - speaking notes

7    1982984479-5982 Faye Wulff - 196 - speaking notes

8    1982984479-5981 Gretchen Holland - 355 - speaking notes

9    1982984479-5984 Giles Burton - 237 - speaking notes

The meeting adjourned from 12.00p.m. until 1.04p.m. at which time Councillors Rainey and Skinner were not in attendance.

5.18        Neil Deans – 235

Neil Deans spoke to the submission. He stated that he is the owner of a heritage property in the heritage precinct of The Wood that is at risk of flooding. He requested funding of a stormwater pumping system to reduce the flooding risk for Elliot Street and nearby streets at high tide during adverse weather events. He answered questions from members on the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner joined the meeting at 1.06p.m.

5.19        Elizabeth Perrone – CCS Disability Action- 45

As Chair of the Nelson/Marlborough CCS Disability Action and in her personal capacity, Elizabeth Perone, tabled speaking notes (1982984479-5996 and 1982984479-5998) and spoke to the two submissions. As Chair of the Nelson/Marlborough CCS Disability Action, she emphasised points regarding Nelson/Tasman region’s aging population that required a different focus from previous generations and proposed that an audit for the disabled community be done to identify barriers and priorities. In her personal capacity, she spoke about the need for yellow lines to be placed as a safety measure on the access way to Stoke Village. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.20        Stephanie Phillips – 293

Stephanie Phillips spoke to the submission. She emphasised the importance of the library project as a home for all residents and guests. She believed that the proposed budget was sufficient for scoping of suitable sites for the library and for high quality innovative public engagement for a truly transformative community library hub. She answered questions from members on the submission.

5.21        Peter Olorenshaw - Nelson Transport Strategy Group, (NELSUST) Inc – 326

Nelson Transport Strategy Group Spokesperson, Peter Olorenshaw tabled speaking notes (1982984479-6009) and spoke to the submission. He stated that the Council’s Annual Plan proposal did not contain carbon accounting alongside the dollar cost accounting; every dollar spent should have a carbon cost associated with it. To counter the high rate of CO2 emissions as a result of car-dependant transport choices and associated safety concerns, he proposed a series of measures to reduce dependency on cars, specifically the introduction of 30km/h zones that would create a cycle network. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.22        Glenys MacLellan – 234

Glenys MacLellan spoke to the submission. She emphasised her support for the proposed rates increase to avoid larger future increases. She commented on funding mechanisms available to the Council to deal with the effects of climate change, drew attention to bracket creep relating to building permit thresholds and spoke about measures to encourage active modes of transport. She questioned the applicability of the use of depreciation as a suitable tool in the management of Council assets and proposed using funding contingencies based on a realistic assessment of the state of public assets and the cost of maintaining them. She answered questions from members on the submission.

5.23        John Fitchett - J&K Issue Family Trust – 232

John Fitchett - J&K Issue Family Trust tabled speaking notes (1982984479-6000) and spoke to the submission. He said he felt there was inequity in the proposed changes to the differential in the rates payable by the owners of commercial and residential properties with the same land value in the inner city. He requested that the current differential and Uniform Annual General Charges be retained. He answered questions from members on the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Rainey joined the meeting at 2.04p.m.

The meeting was adjourned from 2.07p.m. until 2.13p.m.

5.24        Sarah-Jane Weir and Fiona Wilson - Nelson Regional Development Agency – 233

Nelson Regional Development Agency Chair, Sarah-Jane Weir and Chief Executive Fiona Wilson provided a presentation (1876279902-120) and spoke to the submission. They drew attention to the practical challenges Nelson Regional Development Agency faced due to the uncertainty of future funding, low investment in local economic development, changing expectations and an imbalance of funding across the region. They requested greater investment in local economic development and consideration of improvement of the Nelson Regional Development Agency funding model and they requested reconsideration of the proposed nil inflation increase. They answered questions from members on the submission.

5.25        Peter Taylor- 361

Peter Taylor tabled speaking notes (1982984479-5999) and spoke to the submission. He emphasised that the development of the Maitahi/Bayview subdivision would increase flood risk of Maitai River and felt that an integrated, efficient and less ad-hoc approach should be taken. He proposed that the funding currently proposed for the development be used for a catchment-wide flood risk study and that the Council ensure the provision of a comprehensive earthworks plan, an independent acoustic assessment and air pollution study and an integrated traffic management plan before proceeding with the development. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.26        Richard Brudvik – Whakatū Intellectual Capital Kohanga - 209

Whakatū Intellectual Capital Kohanga Convenor, Richard Brudvik tabled speaking notes (1982984479-6001) and spoke to the submission. He highlighted the importance a well-planned library/ community hub as a transition to a knowledge economy. He proposed that an increase in funding beyond what was currently proposed be provided to enable engagement, property investigation, funding strategy development and a business case review. He answered questions from members on the submission.

The meeting was adjourned from 3.40p.m. until 3.45p.m.

5.27        Katharine Malcolm – 236

Katharine Malcolm spoke to the submission. She emphasised the importance on community libraries in addition to a central library. Regardless of their appearance, community libraries, mainly staffed by volunteers, are community hubs that contribute to mental health and reduce carbon emissions.  They are best placed locally, within walking distance for people, specifically teenagers, young mothers, and the elderly. She answered questions from members on the submission.

Extension of Meeting Time

Resolved CL/2023/109


That the Council

1.        Extends the meeting time beyond six hours, pursuant to Standing Order 4.2.

Courtney/Brand                                                                            Carried

5.28        Ren Kempthorne – 279

Ren Kempthorne spoke to the submission. He emphasised the importance of retaining a green belt around the city that attracted insects and birds and gave city dwellers contact with nature. He opposed the Maitahi Bayview Development within the green belt and did not agree with the allocation of budget to this development. He answered questions from members on the submission.

The meeting was adjourned from 3.40p.m. until 3.45p.m.

5.29        Brendan Hickman, Drew Hayes and Leah Foster - Natureland Wildlife Trust – 219

Natureland Wildlife Trust Managing Director, Brendan Hickman, Trust Board Member, Drew Hayes and Manager, Leah Foster tabled additional information (1982984479-5995) and spoke to their submission. They explained the changing role of Natureland to showcase native taonga, provide population protection of endangered species, breed threatened native wildlife for release programmes and act as kaitiaki for animals on behalf of local iwi. They emphasised the need for sustained funding and set out what could be achieved should the funding contribution by the Council be increased. They answered questions from members on the submission.

5.30        Gaire Thompson – 309

Gaire Thompson spoke to the submission. He opposed the allocation of funds to the library or the arts centre as there would be other Council facilities serving as places for the community to gather. He opposed the development of infrastructure to enable central city living due to the potential for social housing and the impact of that on commercial rates, parking availability and the blockage of drains by an increase in tree cover. He opposed the spending of funds on the use of te reo Māori and proposed that Our Nelson scrapped. He opposed the spending of funds on the purchase of the bus depot and any construction in Bridge Street. He believes the cost of strengthening the Stoke Memorial Hall was excessive. He considered that the spending and staffing at Council was a blowout and that spending at the airport was wasteful. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.31        Cleve Cameron - Big Street Bikers – 303

Big Street Bikers Managing Director, Cleve Cameron provided a presentation (1876279902-133) and spoke to the submission. He advised that Big Street Bikers install Locky Docks that provide secure lockup and charging facilities for ebikes. They propose the expansion of their Locky Docks system, presently located at supermarkets throughout the city, at no additional cost to the ratepayers. He explained that Big Street Bikers covers the costs through digital advertisements and sponsorship on the Locky Docks. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.32        Debs Martin - Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance - 364

Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance Programme Manager, Debs Martin tabled additional information (1982984479-5993) spoke to the submission. She highlighted the purpose of the strategy of the alliance, of which Nelson City Council was a member, to achieve outcomes through collective action while attracting and securing investment and enabling behaviour change. She set out recent achievements based on the leveraging of current funding contribution and explained future opportunities. She requested an increase to the proposed, ongoing funding. He answered questions from members on the submission.


Resolved CL/2023/110


That the Council[KL1] 

1.    Receives the report Hearing of submissions on the Annual Plan 2023/24 Consultation Document and the proposed Schedule of Fees and Charges (R27635) and its attachments (839498445-14391-1, 839498445-14391-2 and 839498445-14406); and

2.    Accepts the late submissions (1876279902-122) on the Annual Plan 2023/24 Consultation Document and the proposed Schedule of Fees and Charges 2023/24.

Courtney/Sanson                                                                     Carried



1   1876279902-122 Annual Plan 2023-2024 - Total Late Submissions

Documents tabled by previous speakers at close of the afternoon session.


1    1982984479-5996 Elizabeth Perrone - CCS Disability Action - 45 - speaking notes

2    1982984479-5998 Elizabeth Perrone - 45 - speaking notes

3    1982984479-6009 Peter Olorenshaw  - Nelson Transport Strategy Group, (NELSUST) Inc – 326 - speaking notes

4    1982984479-6000 John Fitchett - J&K Issue Family Trust – 232 - speaking notes

5    1876279902-120 Fiona Wilson - NRDA - Submission 233 - presentation

6    1982984479-5999 Peter Taylor - 361 - speaking notes

7    1982984479-6001 Richard Brudvik – Whakatū Intellectual Capital Kohanga - 209 - speaking notes

8    1982984479-5995 Brendan Hickman - Natureland Wildlife Trust – 219 - tabled document

9    1876279902-133 Cleve Cameron - Big Street Bikers – 303 - Presentation

10  1982984479-5993 Debs Martin - Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance - 364 - tabled document

The meeting adjourned at 4.33p.m. and reconvened on Friday 12 May 2023 at 9.01a.m.


Minutes of a meeting of the

Nelson City Council

Te Kaunihera o Whakatū

Reconvened in the Council Chamber, Floor 2A, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson on Friday 12 May 2023, commencing at 9.01a.m.

Present:              His Worship the Mayor N Smith (Chairperson), Councillors M Anderson, T Brand, M Courtney, J Hodgson, R O'Neill-Stevens (Deputy Mayor), K Paki Paki, P Rainey, C Rollo, R Sanson, T Skinner and A Stallard

In Attendance:    Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Community Services (A White), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald) Senior Governance Adviser (H Wagener), Governance Adviser (K Libeau), Assistant Governance Adviser (A Bryce-Neumann)

Apologies :          Councillor M Benge


Karakia and Mihi Timatanga



Resolved CL/2023/111


That the Council

1.        Receives and accepts the apologies from Councillor Benge  for attendance and Councillor O’Neill Stevens for lateness.

His Worship the Mayor/Rainey                                                       Carried

5.33        Andrew Spittal and Hemi Toia - CCKV Maitai Dev Co LP – 224

Andrew Spittal and Hemi Toia tabled speaking notes (1982984479-6003) and spoke to the submission. Mr. Toia explained that CCKV Maitai Dev Co LP were the entity that was driving development of the Maitai Valley. He emphasised points regarding Ngāti Koata’s commitment to housing and developing housing to meet the needs of both Ngāti Koata whanau and the wider community. Mr. Spittal emphasised points regarding the $606,000 earmarked for infrastructure spend and the financial contributions from CCKV Maitai Dev Co LP towards the proposed development. They answered questions from members on the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner joined the meeting at 9:18a.m.

5.34        Scott Gibbons - Gibbons Holdings Ltd – 225

The submitter did not attend.

Attendance: Deputy Mayor O’Neill-Stevens joined the meeting at 9:23a.m.

5.35        Ari Fon and Tibius Smit - Search and Rescue Nelson Inc – 246

Secretary of Search and Rescue Nelson, Ari Fon spoke to the submission. Mr. Fon emphasised points regarding the work Search and Rescue Nelson Inc. do in the community, including the recent increase in urban searches. He also emphasised the need for a fit for purpose location, potentially alongside the Nelson Surf Life Saving Club given the synergies between the two organisations and the current proposal to allocate expenditure for investigating new premises at Tāhunanui Beach. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.36        Steve Thomas on behalf of Graham Hill - Nelson Marina Berth Holders Association – 321

Steve Thomas tabled speaking notes (1982984479-6002) and spoke to the submission. He emphasised points regarding the proposed increases to the marina fees, support for the building of a sea sports facility at 305 Akersten St, and the proposal for a CCTV system but asked Council to consider installing gates on the docks as a security measure, ahead of the CCTV installation. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.37        Alastair Cotterill – 203

Alastair Cotterill spoke to the submission. He emphasised points regarding the Council keeping business owners informed of any changes in the city, his support of the 150-year anniversary book, his support of the proposed Maitahi development, his desire to see funding allocated towards a community board in the Tāhunanui-Stoke Ward and his volunteer work within the community. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.38        Ed Shuttleworth - Tasman Regional Sports Trust – 189

Tasman Regional Sports Trust Chief Executive officer, Ed Shuttleworth spoke to the submission. He emphasised points on how physical activity is essential to well-being, the programmes Tasman Regional Sports Trust currently run in primary schools and the inequity in sport participation, particularly amongst Māori, Pasifika, rural and children of refugees/migrants.  He answered questions from members on the submission.

The meeting adjourned from 10:04a.m. until 10:12a.m at which time Councillor Hodgson was not in attendance.

5.39        Stephen Todd and Emily McDonald - Federated Farmers of New Zealand – 218

Federated Farmers Nelson President, Stephen Todd and Federated Farmers Regional Policy Adviser, Emily McDonald spoke to the submission. They emphasised points regarding the proposed 7.2 per cent rates increase, the Uniform Annual General Charge and the equitableness of rates charges, the need for transparency over how rates were calculated, the gravel build-up within the region’s rivers and the need for gravel extraction to reduce flood risk. They also emphasised wanting Council to ensure that contractual obligations were being met, particularly around roading which directly impacted on farmers and their vehicle maintenance costs. They answered questions from members on the submission.

5.40        Julie Catchpole - The Suter Art Gallery Te Aratoi o Whakatu – 197

The Suter Art Gallery Te Aratoi o Whakatu spokesperson, Julie Catchpole provided a presentation (1876279902-127) and spoke to the submission. She emphasised points relating to the issues and challenges faced by the Suter Art Gallery, requested that Council re-instate an inflation increase to their annual grant as was the case historically, the impacts of not obtaining an increase to the annual grant would have on the Suter Art Gallery and their desire to continue to deliver community outcomes. She answered questions from members on the submission.

5.41        Lucinda Blackley-Jimson and Belinda Wheatley - Tasman Bays Heritage Trust – 242

Tasman Bays Heritage Trust spokespersons, Lucinda Blackley-Jimson and Belinda Wheatley provided a presentation (1876279902-124) and spoke to the submission. They emphasised points regarding their role in the community with their outreach programmes, cost increases faced by the organisation, in particular the increase in the cost of exhibitions with the increase in the cost of freight, the current financial position of the organisation and the comparison between funding received from Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council with a 3.2 per cent increase in proposed funding from TDC compared to a zero per cent increase from Nelson City Council.  They answered questions from members on the submission.

The meeting adjourned from 10:58a.m. until 11:12a.m.

5.42        Mary O'Brien - CCS Disability Action – 287

CCS Disability Action Access Co-ordinator for the Southern Region, Mary O’Brien spoke to the submission. She emphasised points regarding how Council can create an inclusive community, identifying and managing accessibility issues, allocating budget for an audit of accessibility- in particular, an audit of the Bridge St active transport corridor, opportunities within the proposed housing programme to house disabled people and the suggestion that Council look at the Lifemark system in proposed housing developments. She answered questions from members on the submission.

Attendance:  Councillor Skinner left the meeting at 11:44a.m.

5.43        Scott Burnett - Forest and Bird – 199

Regional Conservation Manager of Forest and Bird, Scott Burnett tabled his speaking notes (1982984479-6004) and spoke to the submission. He emphasised points regarding the impact the rates rise will have on Nelson residents, future development zoning provisions, a caution of a reliance on engineering solutions for flood mitigation as opposed to natural solutions, encouraging continued and increased funding of both the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum and the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary, the desire to see a provision in Nelson City Council funding for a cat bylaw, support of the establishment of the Right Tree Right Place taskforce and the organisation looking to Nelson City Council to take a leadership position on forestry.  He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.44        Anne Rush - Make/Shift Spaces Inc – 351

Make/Shift Spaces Inc spokesperson, Anne Rush spoke to the submission. She emphasised points regarding a disappointment over the new library/community hub not progressing, the desire for any future site of the library to still incorporate a community hub, the need for the proposed central-city playground to be a destination in order to draw people into the city centre, the importance of the Nelson City Council arts and creativity strategy, the availability and affordability of arts venues within Nelson City and the importance of considering design when planning new buildings.  She answered questions from members on the submission.

5.45        Chris Whitaker – 77

The submitter did not attend.

Attendance:  Councillor Skinner returned to the meeting at 11:54a.m.

Documents tabled by previous speakers at close of the morning session.


1    1982984479-6003 Andrew Spittal and Hemi Toia - 224 - speaker notes

2    1982984479-6002 Steve Thomas on behalf of Graham Hill - Nelson Marina Berth Holders Association – 321 - speaking notes

3    1876279902-127 Julie Catchpole - The Suter Art Gallery Te Aratoi o Whakatu – 197 - presentation

4    1876279902-124 Lucinda Blackley-Jimson and Belinda Wheatley - Tasman Bays Heritage Trust – 242 - presentation

5    1982984479-6004 Scott Burnett - Forest and Bird – 199 - speaking notes

The meeting adjourned at 11.55a.m. and reconvened at 1.03p.m.

5.46        Tony Stallard – 94

The submitter did not attend.

5.47        Lucy Charlesworth – 156

The submitter did not attend but provided speaking notes (1982984479-6006) that were distributed, that emphasised her opposition to any ratepayer funding being spent on anything that facilitates the rezoning and development of Kaka Valley.

5.48        Anna Fyfe - Multicultural Nelson Tasman Inc – 183

Multicultural Nelson Tasman Inc spokespersons, Marie Lindaya and Marie Bronsteter spoke to the submission. They emphasised the importance of ethnic communities having an inclusive and accessible multi-purpose community hub (which included a library). This should serve as a community hub/heart of the community that welcomed ethnic communities, particularly newcomers, and had the capacity for venue/room hire, a commercial kitchen, multi-purpose and adaptable spaces that could be used for dance classes/rehearsals, playgroups, community workshops and meetings and more. They also opposed the proposal not to increase funding for community groups and facilities to meet inflation. They answered questions from members on the submission.

5.49        Johny O'Donnell – 280

Johny O'Donnell tabled speaking notes (1982984479-6005) and spoke to the submission. He proposed to increase the rates beyond the current proposal and encouraged the Council to increase borrowing if it was necessary to achieve this. He summarised the challenges faced by Nelson and opposed all the proposed reductions in the budget, stating that such reductions and cuts moved the city backwards. Using the example of the Marlborough District Council through investment securing central government investment funding to complete the Blenheim library project, he proposed that the Council be more ambitious by increasing funding to civic infrastructure, community organisations and events to address the city’s legacy of underinvestment. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.50        Ru Collin – Brook Waimarama Sanctuary - 368

Brook Waimarama Sanctuary spokesperson, Ru Collin provided a presentation (1876279902-129) and spoke to the submission. He highlighted the steady growth in the sanctuary’s supporter base, the increase in visitor numbers and the associated improvement in visitor centre income. He provided an update on the progress and challenges regarding the completion of the visitor centre, the walking track network and the pest-proof fence and associated cost pressure relating to increased insurance premiums. He requested that the Council consider contributing financially to the promotion of the sanctuary as a key regional visitor destination, contributing to the annual fence track maintenance programme, contributing to the sanctuary’s traffic management, and offsetting the loss to revenue due to inflation. He answered questions from members on the submission.

5.51        Jacquetta Bell and Tom Kennedy - Friends of the Maitai – 109

Friends of the Maitai spokespersons, Jacquetta Bell and Tom Kennedy spoke to the submission. They believed there is a lack of adequate and timely information provided to them and to the public regarding the August 2022 flood recovery work. They were not opposed to the Maitahi Bayview subdivision on condition that their concerns about sediment and stormwater should be addressed and the ecology of the river be improved. They answered questions from members on the submission.

Attendance: Councillor O'Neill-Stevens left the meeting from 2.26p.m. until 2.28p.m.

5.52        Ali Boswijk - Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce – 332

Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Officer, Ali Boswijk spoke to the submission. Although the Chamber acknowledged the current financial pressures faced by the Council and the need for prudent management, it supported ongoing funding for a stand-alone conference and performing arts centre. It further supported ongoing investment in and encouragement of growth of the city centre. This would encourage visitors to the city and support retail and hospitality business, that would also assist other businesses and attract and retain staff.  She answered questions from members on the submission.

5.53        Ali Boswijk, Johny O'Donnell, Lydia Zanetti and Sarah Yarrow - Nelson Festivals Trust – 350

Nelson Festivals Trust Chief Executive Officer, Ali Boswijk and representatives, Johny O'Donnell, Lydia Zanetti and Sarah Yarrow spoke to the submission. They expressed concern that, in addition to not receiving any adjustment to the funding allocated to the Nelson Festivals Trust to compensate for inflation, there was a proposed reduction in the funding to the trust through the requirement to take funding from reserves. They believed this was based on a mistaken perception that the trust had built up reserves by not delivering Mask Carnivale in 2020. They explained that the Nelson Festivals Trust had used all Council funding provided every year to deliver the Nelson Arts Festivals.

Attendance: Councillor Stallard left the meeting at 2.45p.m.

They emphasised that a reduction in funding would impact the 2023 and 2024 Festivals by cuts to free community events, specifically the Mask Parade and Carnivale, prevented the delivery of the Pay What You Can ticketing option, delay recruitment of a Kaitiaki Māori role and jeopardise alternative streams of funding. They answered questions from members on the submission.

Documents tabled by previous speakers at close of the afternoon session.


1    1982984479-6006 Lucy Charlesworth – 156 - speaking notes

2    1982984479-6005 - Johny O'Donnell - 280 - Speaker Notes

3    1876279902-129 Ru Collin - Brook Waimarama Sanctuary – 368 - presentation

Karakia Whakamutanga

There being no further business the meeting ended at 3.12p.m.

Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings by resolution on 25 May 2023.



That the Council

1.     Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Council, held on 11 May 2023, as a true and correct record.





