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Ordinary meeting of the

Joint Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City Councils

Te Kōmiti Mahi Tahi

Tuesday 28 March 2023
Commencing at 9.30a.m.
Council Chamber

Floor 2A, Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson






6     Nelson Airport Ltd - Six Monthly Strategic Presentation

A.     1982984479-5748 Nelson Airport presentation to Joint Committee 28Mar2023                                                                                             3

7     Tasman Bays Heritage Trust - Six-Monthly Strategic Presentation

A.     1982984479-5753 Tasman Bay Heritage Trust presentation to Joint Committee 28Mar2023                                                                          17

8      Port Nelson Ltd - Six Monthly Strategic Presentation

A.     1982984479-5749 Port Nelson presentation to Joint Committee 28Mar2023                                                                                                           51

9      Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - Six Monthly Strategic Presentation

A.     1982984479-5750 Infrastructure Holdings Limited Presentation to Joint Committee 28Mar2023                                                                          61

Item 6: Nelson Airport Ltd - Six Monthly Strategic Presentation: Attachment 1

Item 7: Tasman Bays Heritage Trust - Six-Monthly Strategic Presentation: Attachment 1

Item 8: Port Nelson Ltd - Six Monthly Strategic Presentation: Attachment 1

Item 9: Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - Six Monthly Strategic Presentation: Attachment 1