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Ordinary meeting of the


Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit



Thursday 26 January 2023
Commencing at 10.30am (to appoint Chairperson)
Council Chamber

Floor 2A, Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson


                                      Tasman District Councillor Kit Maling

                                      Independent Member Tallat Mehmood

        Industry Representative (non-voting) Philip Wilson

        Nelson Councillor Kahu Paki Paki

        Nelson Councillor Tim Skinner

        Tasman Councillor Barry Dowler

Quorum: 3

Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit

The Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit (NRSBU) is a joint committee of Nelson City and Tasman District Councils.  Operation of the NRSBU is governed by a Board, as established by a Memorandum of Understanding (A1983271). 

Areas of Responsibility:

·           To manage and operate the wastewater treatment facilities at Bells Island and the associated reticulation network efficiently and in accordance with resource consent conditions to meet the needs of its customers. 

Powers to Decide:

·           The Councils are agreed that the responsibility for all management and administrative matters associated with the NRSBU operation shall be with the Board, and in particular the Board shall without the need to seek any further authority from the Councils:

o      Operate a bank account for the Business Unit;

o      Comply with the Procurement Policy of the Administering Council;

o      Enter into all contracts necessary for the operation and management of the Business Unit in accordance with the approved budgets and intent of the Business Plan;

o      Authorise all payments necessary for the operation and management of the Business Unit within the approved budgets and intent of the Business Plan;

o      Do all other things, other than those things explicitly prohibited by this Memorandum of Understanding or relevant statutes, that are necessary to achieve the objectives as stated in the Strategic Plan, Asset Management Plan or Business Plan approved by the Councils;

o      Comply with the Health and Safety Policy and requirements of the administering Council

·           Contribute to the sanitary services assessment process of the Councils

·           Contribute to and comply with the waste management plans of the Councils

·           Contribute to the development of the Councils’ Development and Financial Contribution policies

·           Contribute to the Councils’ Regional Policy Statement and Regional Plan Reviews

·           Develop and keep under review an appropriate contract for the delivery of waste collection and disposal services with each of its customers

·           Follow generally accepted accounting practices

·           Follow good employment practices

Powers to Recommend to Councils:

·           Any other matters under the areas of responsibility of the Business Unit and detailed in the Memorandum of Understanding.

·           All recommendations to Council will be subject to adoption of an equivalent resolution by the other Council, unless it is a matter specific to one Council only.


·           The Memorandum of Understanding governing the NRSBU allows for either six or seven members to be appointed.  The quorum at a meeting is either three (if six members are appointed), or four (if seven members are appointed), including at least one from each local authority.


·           The Standing Orders of the Council providing administration to the committee will be applied at each meeting.

·           The Chairperson will not have a casting vote.

·           Copies of minutes of meetings of the Joint Committee will be retained by each Council for record keeping purposes



Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit

26 January 2023



Page No.


1.       Apologies


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

3.       Interests

3.1      Updates to the Interests Register

3.2      Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda

4.       Public Forum

5.       Confirmation of Minutes

6.       Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit - Chair and Deputy Chair Appointment                                                        7 - 8

Document number R27423


That the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit

1.    Receives the report Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit - Chair and Deputy Chair Appointment (R27423); and

2.    Appoints                         as Chairperson of the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit for the triennium 2022-2025; and

3.    Appoints  ___________  as the Deputy Chairperson of the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit for the triennium 2022-2025.







Item 6: Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit - Chair and Deputy Chair Appointment






Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit


      26 January 2023


Report Title:          Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit - Chair and Deputy Chair Appointment

Report Author:     Nathan Clarke - General Manager Regional Sewerage and Landfill


Report Number:   R27423                          


1.       Purpose of Report

1.1      To consider and approve the appointment of a Chair and Deputy Chair of the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit (NRSBU) to allow business to be transacted ahead of the first formal meeting scheduled for 10 March 2023.

2.       Recommendation


That the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit

1.    Receives the report Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit - Chair and Deputy Chair Appointment (R27423); and

2.    Appoints                         as Chairperson of the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit for the triennium 2022-2025; and

3.    Appoints  ___________  as the Deputy Chairperson of the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit for the triennium 2022-2025.


3.       Background

3.1      The NRSBU has not met since the September 2022 Local Government elections and a Chair and Deputy Chair have not been appointed to the NRSBU for this triennium. 

3.2      In order to allow business to continue ahead of the first formal meeting of the NRSBU scheduled for 10 March 2023, a Chair and Deputy Chair are required.


