Joint Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City Councils
Te Kōmiti Mahi Tahi
Held via Zoom on Monday 29 August 2022, commencing at 9.33a.m.
Present: Nelson City Council: Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson R Reese (Chairperson), Councillors Y Bowater, T Brand, M Courtney, J Edgar, K Fulton, M Lawrey, B McGurk, G Noonan, R O'Neill-Stevens, P Rainey, R Sanson and T Skinner
Tasman District Council: His Worship the Mayor of Tasman T King, Tasman District Councillors S Bryant, C Butler, B Dowler, C Hill, C MacKenzie, K Maling, D Ogilvie, T Tuffnell, A Turley and T Walker.
In Attendance: Nelson City Council: Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Group Manager Environmental Management (C Barton), Senior Governance Adviser (M Macfarlane) and Governance Adviser (T Kruger)
Tasman District Council: Chief Executive (L Rae), Acting Group Manager Service and Strategy (D Fletcher), Group Manager Service and Strategy (J Ridd) and Executive Assistant to the Mayor (R Scherer).
Apologies : Councillor Y Bowater for lateness
Attendance: Councillors M Greening & D McNamara did not attend and no apologies were tendered
Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson R Reese opened the meeting with a karakia.
1. Apologies
1. Receives and accepts the apologies from Councillor Bowater for lateness. |
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
There was no change to the order of business.
There were no updates to the Interests Register. Tasman District Council Deputy Mayor Bryant noted his interest in site T108 Wakefield which was included in the Future Development Strategy and was a property adjoining his private land.
There was no public forum.
5. Joint Committee of Nelson City and Tasman District Councils Meeting Minutes 27 July 2022
Document number R27134, agenda pages 6 - 12 refer.
6. Adoption of the 2022-52 Future Development Strategy
Document number R27097, agenda pages 13 - 265 refer.
Nelson City Council Senior Analyst, Chris Pawson, introduced the report and noted corrections to the report, that the application date in section 2.8 should have read 9 September 2022 and that the headings in the options table should have been:
Option 1: Adopt the FDS as presented with this paper - attachment 2. Minor edits or omissions able to be made/corrected jointly by the Councils’ Mayors and Chief Executives.
Option 2: Joint Committee requires further changes to the FDS and decides to adopt a revised FDS at a later date
Option 3: Require further changes to the FDS and adopt now with the Mayors and Chief Executives of both councils authorised to approve final amendments to give effect to the changes
Councillor Maling moved Option 1 and Councillor McGurk seconded.
Mr Pawson and Tasman Environmental Policy Manager, Barry Johnson, answered questions on the impact of the recent weather event had on potential development sites, what future impact on water flow development areas may have and if there were opportunities in the process for the community to provide submissions.
Minor amendments were identified and officers confirmed these would be addressed.
Additional questions were addressed on when the strategy would become operative, if council was affirming development in high risk areas and if the Future Development Strategy was in line with the national adaptation plan.
Attendance: Councillor Bowater joined the meeting at 10.16 a.m.
Clarification was provided on at risk areas and when a multi criteria assessment was undertaken. It was noted that the scores of the sites identified under the Future Development Strategy potentially may change slightly following the recent weather event but not enough to be removed entirely from the strategy.
That the Joint Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City Councils 1. Receives the report Adoption of the 2022-52 Future Development Strategy (R27097) and its attachments (1: Resolutions on the FDS policy decisions from the 27 July Joint Committee meeting , 2: Final 2022-52 Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy, 3: Final technical document to 2022-52 Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy, 4: Draft FDS document that went out for consultation, and 5: Reports and background information from previous meetings); and 2. Notes the previous reports and information provided to the Joint Committee and Subcommittee in attachment 5 that have helped lead to the development of the 2022-52 Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy; and 3. Adopts the 2022-52 Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy and the supporting technical document in attachment 2 and attachment 3 of this report, effective from 19 September 2022; and 4. Notes that the 2022-52 Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy in resolution 3 meets the requirements of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 and has been developed and adopted in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002 and in particular, the special consultative procedure under section 83; and 5. Agrees that the Mayors and Chief Executives of Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council be delegated the authority to approve, by collective agreement, any minor amendments and correct any errors or omissions as required to finalise the 2022-52 Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy before publication; and 6. Notes that the adoption of the 2022-52 Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy has the effect of repealing and replacing the 2019 Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy.
His Worship the Mayor of Tasman T King closed the meeting with a karakia.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 10:30a.m.
Chairperson Date
Chief Executive Date