Minutes of a meeting of the

Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

Te Kōmiti Āpiti, Kaute / Tūraru / Pūtea

Held via Zoom on Tuesday 9 August 2022, commencing at 9.02a.m.


Present:              Mr J Peters (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, Councillors R Sanson, Mr J Murray and Ms S Kelly

In Attendance:    Councillor G Noonan, Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Senior Governance Adviser (M Macfarlane) and Assistant Governance Advisor (A Bryce-Neumann)

Apologies :          Councillor J Edgar for attendance and Councillor M Lawrey for lateness



Karakia and Mihi Timatanga

1.       Apologies

Resolved ARF/2022/036


That the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

1.        Receives and accepts the apologies from Councillor J Edgar for attendance and Councillor M Lawrey for lateness.

Murray/Sanson                                                                             Carried


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business. 

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum

There was no public forum.

5.       Chairperson's Report

There was no Chairperson’s report.

6.       Review into events leading to issue of Civic House Earthquake Prone Building notices

Document number R27007, agenda pages 4 - 56 refer.

The Chairperson noted this internal report was requested formally by the Chief Executive.

Manager  Business Improvement, Arlene Akhlaq, introduced the report noting there were some errors requiring correction and that improvements had been identified, particularly around notification to elected members.

Ms Akhlaq, Chief Executive, Pat Dougherty, and Group Manager Corporate Services, Nikki Harrison, answered questions on

·         What steps would be put in place to ensure there wasn’t a repeat of what happened

·         If the risk management process would be updated

·         If the operational recommendations to the Chief Executive would be shared with the committee, and if so, if they would be available before the end of the triennium

·         What key challenges were identified

·         What the perceived role of governance was under the Health and Safety Act and what information should be provided to elected members

Attendance: Councillor M Lawrey joined the meeting at 9.36a.m.


·         If elected members should have greater awareness of discussions at the Senior Leadership level

·         How updates were recorded on status reports

·         Why an officer response wasn’t triggered and a series of steps and notifications initiated when the Earthquake Prone Building notice was issued

·         Clarification on the regulatory role compared to the health and safety role.

The Chairperson noted that the report didn’t cover all the terms of reference at this stage and an additional report was requested.


Resolved ARF/2022/037


That the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

1.    Receives the report Review into events leading to issue of Civic House Earthquake Prone Building notices (R27007 and its attachment (1759736513-10).

2.    Requests a further report identifying and addressing          the terms of reference that relate to the         recommendations and appropriate separation of         regulatory and ownership roles.

Her Worship the Mayor/Murray                                                      Carried


Karakia Whakamutanga


There being no further business the meeting ended at 10.22a.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings by resolution on 13 September 2022.



That the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

1.     Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee, held on 09 August 2022, as a true and correct record.