Notice of the Ordinary meeting of

Environment and Climate Committee

Te Kōmiti Taiao / Āhuarangi


Date:                      Thursday 26 May 2022

Time:                      9.00a.m. - to HEAR submissions to Environmental Management Fees and Charges

Location:                 Via Zoom


Rārangi take

Chairperson                    Cr Kate Fulton

Deputy Chairperson        Cr Mel Courtney

        Cr Brian McGurk

Members                        Her Worship the Mayor Rachel Reese

        Cr Yvonne Bowater

        Cr Trudie Brand

        Cr Judene Edgar

        Cr Matt Lawrey

        Cr Gaile Noonan

        Cr Rohan O'Neill-Stevens

        Cr Pete Rainey

        Cr Rachel Sanson

        Cr Tim Skinner

        Ms Glenice Paine

Quorum    7                                                                                 Pat Dougherty

Chief Executive

Nelson City Council Disclaimer

Please note that the contents of these Council and Committee agendas have yet to be considered by Council and officer recommendations may be altered or changed by the Council in the process of making the formal Council decision. For enquiries call (03) 5460436.

Excerpt from Nelson City Council Delegations Register (A11833061)

Environment and Climate Committee

Areas of Responsibility:

·                     Building control matters, including earthquake-prone buildings and the fencing of swimming pools

·                     Brook Waimarama Sanctuary Trust

·                     Bylaws, within the areas of responsibility

·                     Climate Change policy, monitoring and review

·                     Climate change impact and strategy overview - mitigation, adaptation and resiliency

·                     Climate change reserve fund use

·                     Environmental programmes including (but not limited to) warmer, healthier homes, energy efficiency, environmental education, and eco-building advice

·                     Environmental regulatory and non-regulatory matters including (but not limited to) animals and dogs, amusement devices, alcohol licensing (except where delegated to the Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority), food premises, gambling, sugar-sweetened beverages and smokefree environments, and other public health issues

·                     Environmental science monitoring and reporting including (but not limited to) air quality, water quality, water quantity, land management, biodiversity, biosecurity (marine, freshwater and terrestrial), pest and weed management, and coastal and marine science

·                     Environmental Science programmes including (but not limited to) Nelson Nature and Healthy Streams

·                     Hazardous substances and contaminated land

·                     Maritime and Harbour Safety and Control

·                     Planning documents or policies, including (but not limited to) the Land Development Manual

·                     Policies and strategies relating to compliance, monitoring and enforcement

·                     Policies and strategies related to resource management matters

·                     Pollution control

·                     Regulatory enforcement and monitoring

·                     The Regional Policy Statement, District and Regional Plans, including the Nelson Plan

·                     Urban Greening Plan


The committee has all of the responsibilities, powers, functions and duties of Council in relation to governance matters within its areas of responsibility, except where they have been retained by Council, or have been referred to other committees, subcommittees or subordinate decision-making bodies. 

The exercise of Council’s responsibilities, powers, functions and duties in relation to governance matters includes (but is not limited to):

·                     Monitoring Council’s performance for the committee’s areas of responsibility, including legislative responsibilities and compliance requirements

·                     Developing, monitoring and reviewing strategies, policies and plans, with final versions to be recommended to Council for approval

·                     Developing and approving draft Activity Management Plans in principle, for inclusion in the draft Long Term Plan

·                     Reviewing and determining whether a bylaw or amendment, revocation or replacement of a bylaw is appropriate

·                     Undertaking community engagement, including all steps relating to Special Consultative Procedures or other formal consultation processes other than final approval

·                     Approving submissions to external bodies or organisations, and on legislation and regulatory proposals

·                     Approval of increases in fees and charges over the Consumer Price Index (CPI)

Powers to Recommend to Council:

In the following situations the committee may consider matters within the areas of responsibility but make recommendations to Council only (in accordance with sections 5.1.3 - 5.1.5 of the Delegations Register):

·                     Matters that, under the Local Government Act 2002, the operation of law or other legislation, Council is unable to delegate

·                     The purchase or disposal of land or property relating to the areas of responsibility, other than in accordance with the Long Term Plan or Annual Plan

·                     Unbudgeted expenditure relating to the areas of responsibility, not included in the Long Term Plan or Annual Plan

·                     Approval of notification of any statutory resource management plan, including the Nelson Plan or any Plan Changes

·                     Decisions regarding significant assets

·                     Actions relating to climate change not otherwise included in the Annual Plan or Long Term Plan

·                     Approval of final versions of strategies, policies and plans


Environment and Climate Committee

26 May 2022



Page No.


Karakia and Mihi Timatanga


1.       Apologies

An apology has been received from Councillor J Edgar

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

3.       Interests

3.1      Updates to the Interests Register

3.2      Identify any conflicts of interest in the agenda

4.       Public Forum

          There is no public forum

5.       To hear submissions to the Change to regulatory fees and charges 2022/2023                                                     4 - 11

Document number R26906


That the Environment and Climate Committee

1.    Receives the submissions to the change to regulatory fees and charges 2022/2023 (A2889656).



5.1   Hearing Schedule and Speakers Submissions

           Ian McComb                Submission 31902-1                              Page 7-8



Karakia Whakamutanga




Item 5: To hear submissions to the Change to regulatory fees and charges 2022/2023: Attachment 1

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