Minutes of a meeting of the

Hearings Panel - Other

Te Rōpū Kaupapa

Held in the Council Chamber, Floor 2A, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson on Wednesday 1 December 2021, commencing at 9.00a.m.


Present:              Councillors R O'Neill-Stevens (Chairperson), K Fulton, P Rainey

In Attendance:    Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Environmental Management (C Barton), Manager Transport and Solid Waste (M Parfitt), Senior Transport Adviser (W Rice), and Team Leader Transport Operations (M Bruce), Team Leader Transport Activity Management (S McAuley),  Contract Supervisor – Roading (G Dancey), Governance Adviser (K Redgrove) and Governance Support Officer (A Bryce-Neumann)

Apologies :          Nil




1.       Apologies

There were no apologies.

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There were no changes to the order of business.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.




4.       Public Forum

1.1           Neil Snyder - Item 6 - Bayview Road - No Stopping Areas

Document number R26469

Neil Snyder was strongly opposed to the recommendation.  He considered the proposals would place an undue burden on his property at 46 Bayview Road, create issues with tradesmen and other visitors and would cause additional road safety issues.  

Mr Snyder commented that, should the recommendation be accepted as presented, additional parking should be provided, a no stopping zone implemented on the far side of the road and the existing speed limit  reduced from 50 Kph to 30 Kph.  He considered the reduction in speed limit should be prioritised.

Mr Snyder did not agree with the concern raised that a lack of parked vehicles, often used as a traffic calming measure, would result in increased speed from vehicles using the road. 


1.2           Greg Runnerstrum - Item 6 - Bayview Road – Parking

Document number R26476

Greg Runnerstrum confirmed he lived at 64 Bayview Road, he and his wife were retired and so observed traffic volume and type throughout the day.  He requested that no stopping restrictions be applied to the full length of Bayview Road on both sides, at peak times, anticipating that traffic will increase as building in the new development starts.

He mentioned the ‘S’ bend at 47 – 50 Bayview Road, where visibility was blocked by the shape of the land, was particularly dangerous in his view and asked that safety measures should be put in place as a priority.

In response to a question raised, he considered road safety the primary consideration and the convenience of on-street parking, secondary.  He accepted that parked vehicles could act as a traffic calming measure but believed the volume of vehicles created by the new development would be the main issue.


5.       Confirmation of Minutes

There were no minutes to confirm.


6.       Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw

Document number R26186, agenda pages 5 - 10 refer.   The document A2797209, Bay View Road Safety Improvements, Engagement Feedback, was tabled.

Senior Transport Adviser, Bill Rice, and Team Leader Transport Operations, Matt Bruce, presented the report and the tabled document ‘Engagement Feedback – Parking Restrictions’.

Mr Rice summarised residents’ feedback, noting their common concern that vehicles would most likely cross the centre line when using the road.   He acknowledged that restrictions for vehicles had the potential to increase speed but that, on balance, removing the need to pass parked vehicles outweighed this risk.    


In response to a question raised, he advised that a recent speed survey had noted very little speed difference between downhill and uphill traffic.


Mr Rice anticipated the measures could be achieved by the Christmas break.   


Mr Rice explained the ability to reduce speed limits sat within Council’s Speed Management Plan and would be prioritised along with other projects within that Plan.   Management of vegetation to improve visibility would be dependent upon consultation with individual property owners.

           The meeting adjourned at 9.32 am and reconvened at 9.35 am.

The importance of overt traffic monitoring and public consultation was noted, with a suggestion that a feedback portal be provided via the ‘Shape Nelson’ website link.  The recommendations were described by the Chair as a good first step to address identified safety issues.

Resolved HEA/2021/040


That the Hearings Panel - Other

1.    Receives the report Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw  (R22707) and its attachments (A2788242 and A2788624); and

2.    Approves amendments detailed in report R22707 and its attachments (A2788242 and A2788624) to the following Schedules of the Bylaw, Parking and Vehicle Control (2011), No 207:

·   Schedule 9

3.       Notes that officers are also addressing speed and visibility on Bay View Road; and

4.       Notes that the effectiveness of these measures along with the possibility of extending these parking restrictions will be reviewed in June/July 2022.


O'Neill-Stevens/Rainey                                                                  Carried


1    A2797209 - Bay View Road Safety Improvements tabled document


7.       Community Celebration Parade, Christmas Carols, Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon 2022 and Netsky Concert

Document number R26249, agenda pages 11 - 31 refer.

Contract Supervisor – Roading, Gillian Dancey, presented the report and commented that the event would be managed in accordance with the Government’s Covid-19 ‘Traffic Light’ system.


Resolved HEA/2021/041


That the Hearings Panel - Other

1.    Receives the report Community Celebration Parade, Christmas Carols, Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon 2022 and Netsky Concert (R26249) and its attachments (A2772316, A2770192, A2757424, A2757237, A2763434, A2763428, A2772356 and A2723335); and

2.    Approves the temporary road closures as per report R26249 for Community Celebration Parade on 12 December 2021, and the contingency dates for 2022 as stipulated in the report; and

3.    Approves the temporary road closures as per report R26249 for Nelson Christmas Carols on 24 December 2021; and

4.    Approves the temporary road closures as per report R26249 for Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon 2022 on 20 March 2022; and

5.    Approves the temporary road closures as per report R26249 for Netsky Concert on 4 January to 6 January 2022; and

6.    Notes COVID-19 restrictions have introduced a large amount of uncertainty to events planning.


Rainey/Fulton                                                                               Carried


There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.41 am with a karakia.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date