Ordinary meeting of the

Environment and Climate Committee

Te Kōmiti Taiao / Āhuarangi

Thursday 4 November 2021
Commencing at 9.00a.m.
Council Chamber

Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson






4.1  Stop the Coal Monster - Ending Coal Use in Nelson/Tasman by 2025 Petition

A.    A2777841 Stop the Coal Monster Presentation                                         3

7     Brook Waimarama Sanctuary Trust Annual Update

A.    A2778313 Brook Waimarama Sanctuary Trust Presentation                               16

6     Chairperson's Report

A.    A2783584 Addendum to Chairperson's Report                                               23

10   Review of Amended Urban Environments Bylaw and commencement of the special consultative procedure to consult on amendments

A.    A2779685 - Amendment to the Statement of Proposal - Amendments to the Urban Environments Bylaw 2015                    30

Item 4.1: Stop the Coal Monster - Ending Coal Use in Nelson/Tasman by 2025 Petition: Attachment 1

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Item 7: Brook Waimarama Sanctuary Trust Annual Update: Attachment 1

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Item 6: Chairperson's Report: Attachment 1

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Item 10: Review of Amended Urban Environments Bylaw and commencement of the special consultative procedure to consult on amendments: Attachment 1

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