Ordinary meeting of the

Nelson City Council

Te Kaunihera o Whakatū

Wednesday 17 November 2021
Commencing at 9.30a.m.
Council Chamber

Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson






4.1  Dr.Murray McClintock - Emissions Trading Scheme & Council’s Financial Obligations

A.     A2787950 Dr Murray McClintock supporting information                           3

9     Adoption of the Climate Action Plan

A.     A2788141 - Councillor Fulton's recommendations tabled 17Nov2021        5

B.    A2790147 - Officers' responses to Cr Fulton's tabled recommendations   12

C.    A2791671 - Cr Fulton's substitute motion                                              15

10   Carbon Credit Potential from Council Indigenous Forests

A.     A2791678 - Carbon Credit Potential from Council Indigenous Forests (R26311)                                                                                             19

Item 4.1: Dr.Murray McClintock - Emissions Trading Scheme & Council’s Financial Obligations: Attachment 1

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Item 9: Adoption of the Climate Action Plan: Attachment 1

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Item 9: Adoption of the Climate Action Plan: Attachment 2

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Item 9: Adoption of the Climate Action Plan: Attachment 3

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Item 10: Carbon Credit Potential from Council Indigenous Forests: Attachment 1

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