Minutes of a meeting of the

Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

Te Rōpū Ohotata

Held in the Nelson City Council Chamber, Floor 2A, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson on Monday 29 November 2021, commencing at 4.00p.m.


Present:              Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson R Reese (Chairperson) and His Worship the Mayor of Tasman T King and Cr J Edgar (by Zoom connection)

In Attendance:    Chief Executive Tasman District Council – TDC (J Dowding – By Zoom connection), Chief Executive Nelson City Council - NCC (P Dougherty), Manager Emergency Management (J Kennedy), NEMA Representatives (S James, K Biggs), Governance Adviser (K Redgrove), Administrator (P Boutle)

                          Emergency Management Staff:  K Solly, L Swatton,                K Anderson, R Gibson

Apologies :          Tasman District Council Deputy Mayor (S Bryant)



Her Worship the Mayor opened the meeting with a karakia.


1.       Apologies



Resolved CDEM/2021/014


That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

1.        Receives and accepts the apologies from Deputy Mayor S Bryant (Tasman District Council).

King/Her Worship the Mayor                                                          Carried


2.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes

Document number M18819, agenda pages 6 - 13 refer.

Resolved CDEM/2021/015


That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

1.    Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, held on 27 July 2021, both public and confidential, as a true and correct record.

Edgar/King                                                                                    Carried


Joe Kennedy confirmed work on the CDEM Terms of Reference had been delayed and anticipated an updating report would be referred to the first meeting of this Committee in 2022.


4.       Verbal Updates:  Manager Emergency Management and NEMA

Document number R26420

1.  Updates from NEMA

J Kennedy introduced Kathrine Biggs and Sandra James from NEMA. 


Ms James explained there had been some staff changes at NEMA over the last few months.  Two regional staff were now allocated to each regional CDEM Group and the Nelson/Tasman lead would be Ms Biggs, based in Wellington, with support from Simon Chambers.  


Through a Powerpoint presentation, Ms Biggs provided a summary of Covid-19 Resurgence Planning at a national level, the ‘Trifecta Programme’ and updates in the CDEM sector.


Covid-19:  She confirmed there was a reliance on collaboration with Councils for information sharing around how the Covid-19 risks were managed in the region and commented that rapid antigen tests would soon be available for use. 


It was noted that the Government had announced mandatory vaccination for Police and Defence Force workers but this had not been extended to CDEM workers.


     Trifecta Programme:  Ms Biggs reported that Government had approved this approach, with a new Bill, planning guide and roadmap being used to facilitate implementation.  She advised the primary purpose was to modernise the CDEM sector with emphasis on Māori inclusion.  She acknowledged the timing for consultation during January and February was tight.  To date these timelines had not been well received by other CDEM Groups.  Concerns had been expressed that the consultation process could be challenged for not allowing due and proper consideration.  She confirmed feedback on timing would be passed to the Minister.

     New CDEM Sector Strategy:  Ms Biggs outlined the purpose and  outcomes sought.  In terms of timeline, she confirmed Group Managers were due to meet in December to consider a first draft of a strategy.  Consultation in 2022 with CEG and Joint Committees had yet to be determined.

     Covid-19 Resurgence Planning – Manager Emergency Management

     Mr Kennedy confirmed CDEM had been working on forming a Regional Leadership Group to work across agencies, identify gaps and start on implementation.  He said that some function of that group was to ensure public information management across the agencies provided consistent messaging. 

     The meeting heard how each agency would be responsible for aspects of the Covid-19 response, with the Ministry of Social Development now taking the lead on social support to complement health support provided by the District Health Board.   


1    NEMA Powerpoint Presentation A2866392


5.       Manager Emergency Management Report

Document number R26421, agenda pages 14 - 168 refer.

Mr Kennedy presented the report and responded to questions of clarification on the recent application to NEMA, where negotiations had led to a slight adjustment of funds received.


Resolved CDEM/2021/016


That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

1.    Receives the report Manager Emergency Management Report (R26421) and its attachments (R26298 and A2768162-A2768166)

2.    Receives the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence and Emergency Management – Annual Accounts 2021 (A2768166)

3.    Notes the draft minutes of the CDEM Coordinating Executive Group Meeting on 27 October 2021 (A2787732)

Her Worship the Mayor/King                                                          Carried


There being no further business the meeting ended with a karakia at 4.47 pm.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings by resolution on 22 March 2022:


Resolved CDEM/2022/001


That the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group

1.    Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, held on 29 November 2021, as a true and correct record.

Mayor Reese/Bryant                                                                      Carried