Minutes of a meeting of the

Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

Te Kōmiti Āpiti, Kaute / Tūraru / Pūtea

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson on Thursday 25 November 2021, commencing at 9.04a.m.


Present:             Mr J Murray (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor R Reese,  Councillors J Edgar, M Lawrey and R Sanson (via Zoom)

In Attendance:    Councillor G Noonan, Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald), Team Leader Governance (R Byrne), Governance Adviser (J Brandt) and Governance Support Officer (A Bryce-Neumann)

Apology:             Mr J Peters


1.       Apologies

Resolved ARF/2021/044


That the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

1.       Receives and accepts an apology from Mr J Peters.

Murray/Edgar                                                                           Carried


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business. However items 8 and 9 from the open agenda had confidential elements discussed in the confidential part of the meeting.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum

There was no public forum.

5.       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      14 September 2021

Document number M18926, agenda pages 7 - 13 refer.

Resolved ARF/2021/045


That the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

1.    Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee, held on 14 September 2021, as a true and correct record.

Lawrey/Sanson                                                                         Carried

6.       Health, Safety and Wellbeing Report, July - September 2021

Document number R26171, agenda pages 14 - 28 refer.

Health Safety and Wellness Adviser, Malcolm Hughes, presented the report.

Mr Hughes noted that since the writing of the report, the Government had announced the introduction of a COVID-19 traffic light system, which would commence on 3 December 2021.

It was noted that there was a lack of clarity in regards to responsibilities relating to Elected Members under the Health and Safety at Work Act, including interactions with the public and wellbeing. An additional clause was added to the resolution to request a report.

The meeting was adjourned from 9.56a.m. until 10.02a.m.

Resolved ARF/2021/046


That the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

1.       Receives the report Health, Safety and Wellbeing Report, July - September 2021 (R26171) and its attachment (A2782852) and

2.       Requests a report to come to the Audit Risk and Finance Subcommittee outlining the responsibilities of Nelson City Council applicable to Elected Members under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

Edgar/Her Worship the Mayor                                                     Carried

7.       Quarterly Finance Report for the three months ending 30 September 2021

Document number R26191, agenda pages 29 - 50 refer.

Group Manager Corporate Services, Nikki Harrison, supported by Manager Finance, Prabath Jayawardana, and Policy Coordinator, Laura Bruce, presented the report.

Resolved ARF/2021/047


That the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

1.    Receives the report Quarterly Finance Report for the three months ending 30 September 2021 (R26191) and its attachments (A2776828, A2766313, A2777804 and A2771754).

Her Worship the Mayor/Lawrey                                                   Carried


8.       Quarterly Internal Audit Report - 30 September 2021

Document number R26312, agenda pages 51 - 56 refer.

Audit and Risk Analyst, Chris Logan, presented the report. A correction to agenda page 55 was noted for Key Findings, item 2, in that the sentence should read: Although difficult to quantify, the magnitude of avoided costs savings from the more open relationship and early involvement of contractors is in the order of 5% of the counter-factual contract cost.  

Mr Logan noted that there was capacity for two internal audit topics for the next quarter. The Subcommittee suggested the following topics for internal audits to be undertaken:

·       Review of the Environmental Inspections Ltd contract

·       Review of workplace health and safety, particularly from a wellbeing perspective (stress audit).

Resolved ARF/2021/048


That the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

1.    Receives the report Quarterly Internal Audit Report - 30 September 2021 (R26312) and its attachment (A2763671).

Lawrey/Sanson                                                                         Carried


9.       Quarterly Risk Report - 30 September 2021

Document number R26313, agenda pages 57 - 85 refer.

Audit and Risk Analyst, Chris Logan, presented the report.

Group Manager Corporate Services, Nikki Harrison, made a clarification regarding the reference to remedial actions concerning non-compliance of Council owned campgrounds alluded to in report section 7.2; noting that no decisions had been made regarding Council owned campgrounds and that an options paper was scheduled to go to the Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee on 3 December 2021.

Resolved ARF/2021/049


That the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

1.    Receives the report Quarterly Risk Report – 30 September 2021 (R26313) and its attachment (A2587873).


Sanson/Her Worship the Mayor                                                   Carried


10.     Exclusion of the Public


Resolved ARF/2021/050


That the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

1.       Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

2.       The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:  

Her Worship the Mayor/Sanson                                                   Carried



General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interests protected (where applicable)


Quarterly Internal Audit Report – 30 September 2021


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·   Section 7(2)(j)

To prevent the disclosure or use of official information for improper gain or improper advantage


Quarterly Risk Report – 30 September 2021


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·       Section 7(2)(g)

To maintain legal professional privilege


Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee Meeting - Confidential Minutes -  14 September 2021

Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7.

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·    Section 7(2)(j)

     To prevent the disclosure or use of official information for improper gain or improper advantage


Quarterly Update On Debts - 30 September 2021


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·   Section 7(2)(a)

     To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person

·    Section 7(2)(g)

     To maintain legal professional privilege


Quarterly Report on Legal Proceedings


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·   Section 7(2)(c)(ii)

     To protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence or which any person has been or could be compelled to provide under the authority of any enactment, where the making available of the information would be likely otherwise to damage the public interest

·    Section 7(2)(g)

     To maintain legal professional privilege


Cyber Security Matters


Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·   Section 7(2)(j)

     To prevent the disclosure or use of official information for improper gain or improper advantage

The meeting went into confidential session at 11.12a.m. and resumed in public session at 12.20p.m.


11.     Restatements


It was resolved while the public was excluded:



CONFIDENTIAL: Quarterly Update On Debts - 30 September 2021


That the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

2.    Agrees that the Report (R26196) and its attachment (A2216183) remain confidential at this time.




CONFIDENTIAL: Quarterly Report on Legal Proceedings


That the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

2.    Agrees that the report Quarterly Report on Legal Proceedings (R26359) and its attachment (A2782657) remain confidential.



There being no further business the meeting ended at 12.20p.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings by resolution on 22 February 2022.



Document number M19121, agenda pages 8 - 14 refer.

Resolved ARF/2022/001


That the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee

1.    Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee, held on 25 November 2021, as a true and correct record.

Murray/Sanson                                                                    Carried