Minutes of a meeting of the

Hearings Panel - Other

Te Rōpū Kaupapa

Held in the Council Chamber, Floor 2A, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson on Wednesday 27 October 2021, commencing at 9.02a.m.


Present:              Councillors G Noonan (Chairperson), T Brand, and T Skinner

In Attendance:    Team Leader Transport Operations (M Bruce) and Governance Advisers (J Brandt and Kelsey McLean)

Apologies :          Nil


1.       Apologies

There were no apologies.

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum

4.1           Richard Holmden and John Roosen - Parking Designation on Moncrieff Avenue

Document number R26344

Moncrieff Avenue resident John Roosen, supported by Susan Rogers, spoke in support of the proposed No Stopping on Moncrieff Avenue. A residents survey supporting a No Parking Zone for Moncrieff Avenue (A2782885) was tabled.



1    A2782885 - Moncrieff Ave Resident Survey - tabled document 27Oct2021


5.       Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw (2011), No 207 Amendments to Schedules

Document number R25925, agenda pages 4 - 16 refer.

Team Leader – Transport Operations, Matt Bruce, presented the report. He tabled a replacement for attachment 2, the Schedule of Changes (A2782886), noting a correction had been made to distances in Moncrieff Avenue.

Attendance: Councillor Brand joined the meeting at 9.10a.m.

Mr Bruce answered questions about:

·        the number of trials planned for the Nayland Road/Broadgreen House Mobility Parking

·         the total length of the bus stop at Trafalgar Street

·         existing short term parking near 235 Nayland Road, the assessment process to weigh up residential needs versus business needs, and the ability to change the bylaw should needs change

·         the other corners of the Echodale/Fayette Lane intersection

·         the history of the existing Halifax Street – Bowater Toyota Vehicle Crossing, considerations given to stormwater, and the proximity to the central island on Halifax Street and its potential impact on ability of movement.

Discussion took place regarding hazards and safety in relation to right-turn movements from the Halifax Street – Bowater Toyota Vehicle Crossing. Mr Bruce explained that because the existing crossing remained with no alteration or modification to the kerb, no application was required for the crossing itself.

The Panel noted concerns about potential hazards posed by right turns and U-turns, and that signage to encourage left-turns could improve safety.

The meeting was adjourned from 9.39a.m. until 9.44a.m.

The Panel acknowledged that there was no legal requirement for left-turn only signage to be installed but that it would appreciate if Bowater Toyota would consider such signage to increase safety. A third clause was added to the motion to reflect this.

The Panel requested officers to monitor the exiting of vehicles from Bowater Toyota for safety purposes, noting that reporting to the Panel was not required.


Resolved HEA/2021/039


That the Hearings Panel - Other

1.    Receives the report Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw (2011), No 207 Amendments to Schedules      (R22707) and its attachments (A2766590, A2766594); and

2.    Approves amendments detailed in report R22707 and its attachments (A2766590, A2766594) to the following Schedules of the Bylaw, Parking and Vehicle Control (2011), No 207:

·    Schedule 4

·    Schedule 8

·    Schedule 9

·   Schedule 13; and

3.    Notes a preference for officers to approach Bowater         Toyota to consider left-turn only signage for Halifax         Street – Bowater Toyota Vehicle Crossing – No         Stopping.

Noonan/Skinner                                                                            Carried


1    A2782886 - replacement for attachment 2 - tabled document 27Oct2021




There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.51a.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:


