Minutes of a meeting of the

Community Investment Funding Panel

Te Rōpū Pūtea Hapori

Held via Zoom on Tuesday 7 September 2021, commencing at 2.34p.m.


Present:              Mr A White (Chairperson), Ms R Gordon, Ms R Grant, Mr L Katu (Kaumatua), Ms V Lock, Mr B Subba, Mr G Thomas

In Attendance:    Governance Advisers (J Brandt and K McLean)

Apologies :          Nil


Council Kaumatua L Katu was co-opted as a non-voting Panel member for this meeting, due to his specific knowledge and understanding of Iwi Māori aspirations and organisations in Nelson.

1.       Apologies

There were no apologies.

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

The confirmation of the minutes was considered last.

3.       Interests

Two Panel Members declared an interest in agenda item 5, 2021/22 Community Investment Fund Strategic Grant Funding Allocation: Rachel Gordon regarding the Brain Injury Association application and Viv Lock regarding the Beneficiaries and Unwaged Workers Trust application. Neither took part in discussion of or voting on these applications.

4.       Public Forum

There was no public forum.

5.       2021/22 Community Investment Fund Strategic Grant Funding Allocation

Document number R26023, agenda pages 7 - 203 refer.

Community Contracts Adviser, Paul Prestidge, presented the report and tabled a replacement for agenda attachment 5 (A2739423). 

It was noted that changes to the initial schedule of Strategic Grant Allocations were due to the available funding being insufficient to fund all applications to the level requested by applicants.

Resolved CIF/2021/003


That the Community Investment Funding Panel

1.    Receives the report 2021/22 Community Investment Fund Strategic Grant Funding Allocation (R26023) and its attachments (A2570591, A2654351, A2706163, A2738120 and A2739423); and

2.    Agrees to consider the late application from the White House for funding; and

3.    Approves funding for the Community Investment Fund Grant Applications as agreed at this meeting and recorded in the tabled document A2739423; and 

4.    Notes that funding priorities are for communities of greatest need, funding for success, providing strategic funding and the unavailability of alternate funding for organisations; and

5.    Notes that the Community Investment Fund was insufficient to meet the total value of applications that met the priority focus areas and that the Panel was not able to support all worthy applications to the extent it may wish to.

Thomas/Grant                                                                              Carried


1    A2739423 - tabled document - Final Strategic Grant Allocations 2021/22 - 7 Sep 2021



6.       Confirmation of Minutes (agenda item 4)

6.1      28 June 2021

Document number M18758, agenda pages 4 - 6 refer.


Resolved CIF/2021/004


That the Community Investment Funding Panel

1.    Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Community Investment Funding Panel, held on 28 June 2021, as a true and correct record.

Grant/Lock                                                                                    Carried


Karakia Whakamutanga



There being no further business the meeting ended at 2.43p.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings by resolution on (date) 2021.

