Minutes of a meeting of the

Joint Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City Councils

Te Kōmiti Mahi Tahi

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson on Tuesday 6 July 2021, commencing at 10.48a.m.


Present:              Her Worship the Mayor of Nelson R Reese (Chairperson), His Worship the Mayor of Tasman T King, Tasman District Councillors S Bryant, C Butler (via Zoom), B Dowler, C Hill (via Zoom), C MacKenzie, D McNamara, D Ogilvie, T Tuffnell, A Turley, T Walker, D Wensley, and Nelson City Councillors Y Bowater, T Brand, M Courtney, J Edgar, K Fulton, M Lawrey, B McGurk, G Noonan, R O'Neill-Stevens, P Rainey, R Sanson and T Skinner

In Attendance:    Tasman District Council Chief Executive (J Dowding), Nelson City Council Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Environment and Planning Manager (D Bush- King), Corporate and Governance Services Manager (M Drummond), Community Development Manager (S Edwards), Engineering Services Manager (R Kirby), Group Manager Environmental Management (C Barton), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Governance Adviser (J Brandt) and Governance Support (P Boutle)

Apologies :          Nelson City Councillor M Courtney, Tasman District Councillors K Maling and M Greening


1.       Apologies

Resolved JC/2021/007


That the Joint Committee

1.        Receives and accepts the apologies from Nelson City Councillor M Courtney, and Tasman District Councillors M Greening and K Maling for attendance.

Bryant/Her Worship the Mayor                                                      Carried

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum

There was no public forum.

5.       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      16 March 2021

Document number M16495, agenda pages 5 - 9 refer.

Resolved JC/2021/008


That the Joint Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City Councils

1.    Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Joint Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City Councils, held on 16 March 2021, as a true and correct record.

Edgar/Dowler                                                                               Carried


6.       Update on the preparation of a Future Development Strategy for Nelson-Tasman

Document number R25967, agenda pages 10 - 15 refer.

Tasman District Council (TDC) Urban Growth Co-Ordinator, Jacqui Deans, supported by Nelson City Council (NCC) Senior City Development Adviser, Gabrielle Thorpe, presented the report.

Ms Deans noted a correction to the membership for the Mayoral Liaison Group in that it would also include TDC and NCC Deputy Mayors. It was further clarified that for NCC the delegations were such that the role of the planning committee Chair would in fact require attendance of the Chair of the Environment and Climate Committee and the Chair of the Urban Development Subcommittee.

Ms Deans and Ms Thorpe answered questions about the report.



Elected Members provided the following feedback to officers:

·         Include definitions of ‘constraints on development’, and what these may be, in the consultation document.

·         Consider how to align population projections in the future, and relevant data sources, for NCC and TDC

·         Consider future options for a joint growth model

·         Identify and align NCC and TDC assumptions for shared long-term infrastructure planning

·         Address the question of housing affordability and sustainability in the appropriate document, noting this may be the action plan related to the FDS.

Attendance: Tasman District Councillor C Hill left the meeting at 11.13a.m. (via Zoom).


Resolved JC/2021/009


That the Joint Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City Councils

1.        Receives the report Update on the preparation of a Future Development Strategy for Nelson-Tasman  (R25967).

Bryant/Edgar                                                                                Carried


7.       Exclusion of the Public


Resolved JC/2021/010


That the Joint Committee

1.        Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

2.        The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:  

Noonan/Bowater                                                                           Carried



General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interests protected (where applicable)


Joint Committee Meeting - Confidential Minutes -  16 March 2021

Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7.

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·    Section 7(2)(h)

     To enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities

·   Section 7(2)(i)

     To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

·         Section 7(2)(a)

     To protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person


The meeting went into confidential session at 11.37a.m. and resumed in public session at 11.39a.m.

The only business transacted in confidential session was to confirm the minutes. In accordance with the Local Government Official Information Meetings Act, no reason for withholding this information from the public exists therefore this business has been recorded in the open minutes.

8.       Confirmation of Confidential Minutes

8.1      16 March 2021

Document number M16496, agenda pages 3 - 4 refer.

Resolved JC/2021/011


That the Joint Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City Councils

1.    Confirms the minutes of part of the meeting of the Joint Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City Councils, held with the public excluded on 16 March 2021, as a true and correct record.

Ogilvie/Skinner                                                                             Carried


9.       Re-admittance of the Public

Resolved JC/2021/012


That the Council

2.        Re-admits the public to the meeting.

Brand/Noonan                                                                            Carried


There being no further business the meeting ended at 11.39a.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings by resolution on 2 November 2021:

Resolved JC/2021/014


That the Joint Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City Councils

1.    Confirms the amended minutes of the meeting of the Joint Committee of Tasman District and Nelson City Councils, held on 6 July 2021, as a true and correct record.

Edgar/Bryant                                                                                Carried