Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson City Council

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 4 May 2021, commencing at 9.05a.m.


Present:              Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Chairperson), Councillors Y Bowater, T Brand, M Courtney, J Edgar (Deputy Mayor), K Fulton, M Lawrey, R O'Neill-Stevens, B McGurk, G Noonan, P Rainey, R Sanson and T Skinner

In Attendance:    Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Environmental Management (C Barton), Group Manager Community Services (A White), Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald), Team Leader Governance (R Byrne), Governance Advisers (E-J Ruthven and J Brandt) and Governance Support (P Boutle)

Karakia Timatanga

A karakia timatanga was given.

1.       Apologies

          There were no apologies.

           Councillor Skinner joined the meeting at 9.06a.m.

           The meeting was adjourned from 9.10a.m to 9.14a.m.

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business.


3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.              Mayor’s Report

Her Worship the Mayor acknowledged the contribution of all submitters to the draft Long Term Plan 2021 – 2031  process and thanked submitters for their attendance at the hearing. 

5.       Hearing of Submissions to the Draft Long Term Plan 2021 - 2031 and to the Draft Development Contributions Policy 2021

Document number R24834, agenda pages 6 - 159 refer.

Her Worship the Mayor advised that the following late submissions had been received after the agenda had been published (A2630820) and that a resolution was required for Council to consider these.

An updated Hearings Schedule was tabled (A2634303).




That the Council


1.    Accepts the late submissions to the Draft Long Term         Plan 2021 – 2031 and the 2021 Draft Development         Contributions Policy from:

·         Tony Stallard (Nelson Seafarer Memorial Trust) 29457

·         Peter Lole 27553

·         Nelson Greypower Inc 29465

·         Bevan Woodward (Bicycle Nelson Bays) 29455

·         Bryce Buckland 29456

·         Ben Bushell (bEARTHA Composting Hub) 29466.


Her Worship the Mayor/Edgar                                                        Carried



5.1      Nelson Youth Councillors – 27452

           Nelson Youth Councillors Jaanvi Harrison, Maggie Goomes, Ruth Buckland and Isla Kennard, accompanied by fellow Nelson Youth Councillors, tabled additional information (A2630765) and presented the Nelson Youth Council submission.  They emphasised points regarding a survey of Nelson Youth, Māori art and history in Whakatū Nelson and the proposed Elma Turner Library redevelopment, and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.2      Laurel Hilton – Good Gold – 27311 – the submitter did not attend.

5.3      Dean Straker – 28623 – the submitter did not attend.

5.4      Tim Bayley – 27277

           Tim Bayley  tabled speaking notes (A2634776) and spoke to his submission.  He emphasised points relating to transport and parking, Upper Trafalgar Street, proposed rate increases, the proposed Elma Turner library redevelopment, and climate change, and answered questions regarding the submission.                                 

5.5      Pierre Gargiulo – JS Ewers Ltd – 28353

           Pierre Gargiulo spoke to his submission.  He emphasised the importance of water security to the region’s wellbeing and economy and encouraged Council to increase its contribution to the Waimea Community Dam project.  Mr Gargiulo answered questions regarding the submission.

5.6      Stuart Walker – Alternative Power – 28864

           Stuart Walker tabled a document (A2633621) and spoke to his submission.  He emphasised points relating to risks of flooding, sea level rise and storm events, the proposed Elma Turner library redevelopment, parking in the central city, cycleways, and the maintenance of the road network.

5.7      Nelson McEwan – 29438L

Nelson McEwan spoke to his submission and tabled speaking notes (A2630723).  Mr McEwan emphasised points relating to proposed rates increases, the proposed Elma Turner library redevelopment, and whether growth in Nelson was necessary or desired by the community.

5.8      Jane Murray and Rob Beaglehole – NMDHB – 27723

Jane Murray and Rob Beaglehole spoke to the submission.  They emphasised the importance of reducing carbon emissions, increasing active and public transport, providing playgrounds, and improving drinking water standards and stormwater and wastewater networks. 

They tabled a copy of the draft Good Food Cities Action Plan (A2633251), suggested ways in which Council could support this initiative over the short, medium and long term, and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.9      Paul Matheson – Tahuna Business Association – 28732 – the submitter did not attend.

5.10    Lucinda Blackley-Jimson – Tasman Bays Heritage Trust – 28712

Tasman Bays Heritage Trust Chief Executive, Lucinda Blackley-Jimson, gave a presentation (A2630720) and spoke to the submission.  She emphasised the importance of preserving the region’s history through a purpose-built storage facility to care for the Nelson Museum’s collection, and answered questions regarding the submission. 

The meeting was adjourned from 10.27a.m. until 10.51a.m, at which time Councillors Fulton and Skinner were not present.                                                      

5.11    Katharine Malcolm – 28064

Kate Malcolm spoke to her submission.  She emphasised her concerns regarding climate change and sea level rise, and encouraged increased investment in community libraries rather than the proposed Elma Turner library redevelopment. Ms Malcolm answered questions regarding the submission.

Attendance:  Councillor Fulton returned to the meeting at 10.55a.m.

5.12    Caroline Vine – 28606

Caroline Vine tabled speaking notes (A2634812) and spoke to her submission. She emphasised her concerns regarding the proposed Mahitahi-Bayview housing development and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.13    Richard Martin – Nelson Rowing Club – 28326

Richard Martin spoke to the Nelson Rowing Club submission.  He emphasised the Nelson Rowing Club’s support of the proposed funding split to construct a Sea Sports building, and encouraged further Council investment in this area. Mr Martin answered questions regarding the submission.

Attendance:  Councillor Skinner returned to the meeting at 11.03a.m. 

5.14    Dr Caroline Wheeler – 27608

Dr Caroline Wheeler spoke to her submission and emphasised the importance of taking urgent climate change action.  She encouraged Council to consider intensified housing, better drainage, increased native planting and the use of non-toxic weed control, and answered questions regarding the submission. 


5.15    Dr Oliver Powell – 28636

Dr Olly Powell spoke to his submission regarding housing issues, including the importance of increasing the availability of rental housing, and residents living within walking or cycling distance of the urban centre.  He encouraged the development of high-density multi-level housing in the inner city, and answered questions regarding the submission. 

5.16    Megan Birss and Maxine Noar – Nelson Gymsports Collective – 28477

Megan Birss and Maxine Noar presented the submission, accompanied by Richard Carruthers.  They gave a PowerPoint presentation (A2630721) and tabled a document (A2633438). They outlined potential participants in a Gymsports Hub, the proposed next steps for the Hub, explained funding requests made to Council, and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.17    Iain Sheves – Wakatū Incorporation – 28475

Iain Sheves presented the submission.  He emphasised points relating to climate change action, the proposed Elma Turner library redevelopment, the Riverside and Science and Technology precincts, Project Kōkiri, York Valley landfill fees and potential areas for further housing developments in Nelson.

Mr Sheves explained a correction to Wakatū Incorporation’s written submission, in that Wakatū Incorporation now supported Option Three, rather than Option One, in relation to the proposed arrangements for Port Nelson Limited and Nelson Airport Limited, and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.18    Susan Ledingham – 28564

Susan Ledingham spoke to her submission.  She emphasised her support for the proposed Elma Turner library redevelopment as part of a Riverside Precinct, encouraged Council to develop a citizen-led forum to encourage innovation throughout the project, and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.19    Alastair Cotterill – 29430L

Alastair Cotterill tabled additional information (A2633601) and spoke to his submission.  He emphasised his concerns regarding proposed expenditure, debt levels and rates increases, the proposed Elma Turner library redevelopment, the proposed science and technology precinct, the proposed Sea Sports building, environmental issues and weed control, and issues in the Tahunanui area.

5.20    Johny O’Donnell – 28470 – the submitter did not attend.


5.21    Christian Galbraith – 28445

Christian Galbraith spoke to his submission and tabled a document (A2634320).  He emphasised his concerns regarding financial sustainability and the proposed rates increases and encouraged Council to prioritise spending on core infrastructure projects. 

5.22    Richard Osmaston – Money Free Party NZ – 28438 (via Zoom)

Richard Osmaston spoke to the submission regarding his concerns about climate change, inequality, social issues and societal breakdown which he considered were a result of capitalism and the monetary system.  He encouraged Council to engage extensively with youth, to embrace the concept of a money-free economy, and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.23    Les Edwards – Tasman Rugby Union Inc – 28400

Les Edwards spoke to the submission.  He emphasised the Tasman Rugby Union Inc’s desire for a high-quality, full-sized rugby training pitch in reasonably close proximity to Trafalgar Park, with Guppy Park or Neale Park noted as potential locations. 

Mr Edwards clarified that Tasman Rugby Union Inc’s priorities were for high-quality and well maintained surfaces (whether grass or artificial), lighting, and primary use by the rugby code.  He offered the Tasman Rugby Union Inc’s cooperation with regards to funding, volunteer labour and sponsorship towards the project, and answered questions regarding the submission.

The meeting was adjourned from 12.32p.m. until 1.26p.m.

5.24    Tilman Walk – 28530

Tilman Walk spoke to his submission regarding an experience with Council’s building consent team and suggested improvements. He answered questions regarding the submission.

5.25    Rick Herd – on behalf of Todd Fyfe & Melrose Terrace Residents - 28870

Rick Herd tabled an image (A2630726) and spoke to the submission. He highlighted his concerns regarding the zoning boundaries for the Melrose Terrace area.

5.26    Stacey Fellows – Businesses for Climate Change – 27204

           Katrina Kidson and Claire Keeling spoke to the submission. They highlighted the group’s goals, businesses working in partnership, and providing resources for the business community in the region to transition. They asked for continued support and resources from Council and answered questions regarding the submission.


5.27    Natalie Gousmett – 27284

Natalie Gousmett spoke to her submission. She highlighted her vision for Nelson as a safe place to live, the need for climate change action, and active transport infrastructure. She spoke about her Facebook site entitled “A fantastic playground for Nelson” and the survey she had undertaken and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.28    Dr Fiona Ede – Tasman Environment Trust – 27734

Tasman Environment Trust Project Leader, Dr Fiona Ede, tabled additional information (A2630782) and spoke to the submission. She emphasised the potential of coastal eco-systems and blue carbon to help diminish the impacts of climate change. She asked for Council funding for a study of the Waimea Inlet to be undertaken and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.29    Richard (Ru) Collin – Brook Waimarama Sanctuary Trust – 27466

Brook Waimarama Sanctuary Trust Chief Executive, Ru Collin, provided a presentation (A2630817) and spoke to the submission.  He highlighted points relating to economic development, the need for a solution for the management of the Brook Valley Holiday Park camp area, and support for a fundraising role and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.30    John Higginbotham – Nelson Consulting Engineers – 27579

Nelson Consulting Engineers Director, John Higginbotham tabled additional information (A2633464) and spoke to the submission. He spoke about the shading effect in relation to housing intensification.

5.31    Leeson Baldey – Warmer Healthier Homes Te Tau Ihu Charitable Trust – 28061

Leeson Baldey spoke to the submission. He answered questions regarding the submission about the successes of the scheme, and that some funds were likely to be returned to Council as not needed, challenges with rental stocks, improvements in building standards and the positive impact on new houses.

5.32    Julie Nevin – Nelson Tasman Climate Forum – 28471

Julie Nevin, supported by Joanna Santa Barbara and Karen Driver, provided a presentation (A2630816) and spoke to the submission. Ms Nevin highlighted the importance of a low carbon society and the need for ongoing operational funding to achieve this. Ms Santa Barbara spoke about regional carbon emission measurement and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.33    Derek Shaw – The Top of the South Athletics Charitable Trust – 28664

Derek Shaw spoke to the submission about funding for pole vaulting equipment for Saxton Field. He made a correction to the amount needed to purchase the equipment, noting it was $65,000, not $60,000 and answered questions regarding the submission.


Extension of Meeting Time

Resolved CL/2021/040


That the Council

1.        Extends the meeting time beyond six hours, pursuant to Standing Order 4.2.

Her Worship the Mayor/Bowater                                                    Carried

5.34    Julian Raine – Waimea Irrigators – 28904

Julian Raine spoke to the submission.  He highlighted the importance of the Waimea Dam for the region.

5.35    Jacquetta Bell – 28337

Jacquetta Bell spoke to her submission. She highlighted the need to manage the climate crisis over the next ten years and said that the Long Term Plan was not sufficient to achieve this. She spoke against the Maitai Valley plan change.

5.36    Maria Anderson – Arts Council Nelson – 28382

Maria Anderson, supported by Janja Heathfield, Lloyd Harwood and Sophie Kelly, spoke to the submission. Ms Anderson highlighted the Arts Council’s goal to purchase the Hardy Street site as the new Refinery Art Space. They asked for Council support. Ms Kelly emphasised the time pressure involved to confirm premises in order to deliver the arts programme and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.37    Lindsay Wood – Resilienz Ltd – 28431

Lindsay Wood, provided a presentation (A2630719) and spoke to the submission. He requested top priority be given to climate work and questioned the proposals in the Long Term Plan, such as the site chosen for the proposed library, the lack of urgency regarding the climate emergency, errors in the graphs contained in the Long Term Plan, and the lack of a sound climate strategy. He requested that Council take an integrated approach regarding transport, urban design and energy.

The meeting was adjourned from 3.33p.m. to 3.52p.m.

5.38    Ben Bushell – Community Compost Nelson – 29466L 

Ben Bushell tabled additional information (A2633468) and spoke to the submission. He highlighted the request for financial support in form of a short-term loan to finance the expansion of the Nelson bEartha Hub composting machine and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.39    Suzanne Bateup – 28233 – the submitter did not attend.

5.40    Jack Collin – Social Credit NZ – 28532

Jack Collin spoke to the submission. He highlighted concerns about Nelson becoming an unaffordable place to live and the impact rates had on this.

5.41    Her Worship the Mayor took a break from hearing submissions and invited Elected Members to identify additional information they would require for deliberations in relation to the submissions they had already heard. Elected Members were encouraged to email any further requests or questions to Group Manager Strategy and Communications, Nicky McDonald.

5.42    Gillian Bishop – Tasman Environmental Trust – 28488

Skye Davies spoke to the submission. Ms Davies highlighted core activities and focal points of the Trust and the financial support requested for core hub support services and project work and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.43    Barry Thompson – 28807

Barry Thompson tabled speaking notes (A2633465) and spoke to his submission. He highlighted concerns about the substantial level of rates required to fund various council projects. He requested Council reduce rates to reasonable levels. He noted concerns about the proposed library, spoke in support of the Link Road, in support of keeping Nelson Airport and Port Nelson separate and noted the need for an inner city multi storey carpark building.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner left the meeting at 4.33p.m. and Councillor Fulton left the meeting from 4.35p.m. until 4.40p.m.

5.44    Tim Babbage – Nelson Sea Sports Alliance - 27976

Tim Babbage spoke to the submission. He answered questions regarding the submission about steps taken by the Nelson Sea Sports Alliance to ensure the building of the seasports facility would be ready to commence and answered questions regarding the submission about the amount of rent the Alliance would be able to pay, noting it amounted to 10% of the commercial rate.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner returned to the meeting at 4.44p.m.

Hannah O’Malley – Good Food Group – 28492

5.45    Hannah O’Malley and Matt Robinson spoke to the submission. Mr Robinson highlighted the importance of food for human sustainability on earth. He spoke about securing food procurement for plant based food, promoting healthy foods, and banning the promotion of unhealthy foods to influence consumption and answered questions regarding the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Noonan left the meeting at 5.01p.m.

5.46    Dr Aaron Stallard – Zero Carbon Nelson – 28769

Dr Aaron Stallard provided a presentation (A2630713) and spoke to the submission. He highlighted the need for the rapid reduction of greenhouse gases and the opportunities to achieve change through education, industrial processes, pedestrianising the city centre, intensification of housing and active transport mode shift and answered questions regarding the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Noonan returned to the meeting at 5.17p.m.

5.47    Paul Lowry – Waimarama Organic Gardens – 28496

Paul Lowry, supported by committee member, Ben Bushell, spoke to the submission. He spoke about organic gardening, composting, minimising food waste and working in partnership with other community groups to achieve common goals. He highlighted the initiatives they needed support for, i.e. infrastructure and maintenance and weed management and answered questions regarding the submission.  

5.48    Richard Brudvik-Lindner – WICK – 28706

WICK Convenor, Richard Brudvik-Lindner tabled additional information (A2633466) and spoke to the submission. He highlighted concerns regarding the library replacement project and answered questions regarding the submission about a way forward. He spoke about combining inner city living with car parking and alternative funding models for mixed use facilities.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton left the meeting at 5.52p.m.

5.49    Philip Thompson – Nelson Bays Football/Tasman Rugby – 28319

Philip Thompson and Tania Billingsley tabled additional information (A2633467), provided a presentation (A2630724). Mr Thompson spoke to the submission highlighting the group’s plans for Guppy Park, i.e. the installation of artificial turf and a new facility to create a hub to bring communities together and answered questions regarding the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Edgar left the meeting at 5.59p.m.

5.50    Susan Drew – 28495

Susan Drew tabled additional information (A2633469) and spoke to her submission. She spoke against the Maitai Valley subdivision and highlighted environmental impacts of the project. Emphasising the concept of Tiaki, she asked Council to act as guardian of the environment. 

5.51    Debs Martin – Forest and Bird – 28738 and 27917

           Debs Martin spoke to her personal submission 27917. She highlighted the need for an improved public transport system and stressed that climate change needed to form part of every aspect of Council decision-making, ensuring that all of Council’s investments were appropriate for Nelson’s future.

           Debs Martin, in her role as Regional Conservation Manager Forest and Bird, spoke to submission 28738, highlighting the importance of biodiversity and the threats to wildlife habitat posed by climate change and related infrastructure. Ms Martin spoke in support of Council’s investment in weed control to support biodiversity, and about the need to investigate alternative management of wastewater going forward and answered questions regarding the submission.

           Tabled Documents and Presentations Day 1 Draft LTP Hearings (4 May 2021)

The following documents were provided in support of submissions on Day 1 of the hearing of submissions.





1    A2630820 late submissions to the Draft Long Term Plan 2021 - 2031 accepted on 4 May 2021

2    A2634303 - Updated Hearing Schedule Day 1 4 May 2021

3    A2630765 - Nelson Youth Council 27452 tabled document

4    A2634776 Tim Bayley 27277 speaking notes

5    A2633621 - Stuart Walker 28864 tabled document

6    A2630723 - Nelson McEwan 29438L speaking notes

7    A2633251 - Nelson Marlborough DHB 27723 tabled document

8    A2630720 - Lucinda Blackley-Jimson - TB Heritage Trust 28712 presentation

9    A2634812 - Caroline Vine 28606 and 27300 speaking notes

10  A2630721 - Megan Birss - Nelson Gymsports Collective 28477 presentation

11  A2633438 - Megan Birss- Nelson Gymsports Collective 28477 tabled document

12  A2633601 - Alastair Cotterill 29430L tabled document

13  A2634320 - Christian Galbraith 28445 tabled document

14  A2630726 - Rick Herd 28870 tabled image

15  A2630782 - Fiona Ede - Tasman Environmental Trust 27734 speaking notes

16  A2630817 - Ru Collin 27466 presentation

17  A2633464 - John Higginbotham 27579 tabled document

18  A2630816 - Julie Nevin 28471 presentation

19  A2630719 - Lindsay Wood - Resilenz 38431 presentation

20  A2633468 - Ben Bushell - Community Composting 29466L speaking notes

21  A2633465 - Barry Thompson 28807 tabled document

22  A2630713 - Aaron Stallard Zero Carbon Nelson 28769 presentation

23  A2633466 - Richard Brudvik-Lindner - WICK 28706 tabled document

24  A2633467 - Philip Thompson - Nelson Bays Football 28319 tabled document

25  A2630724 - Philip Thompson - Nelson Bays Football-Tasman Rugby 28319 presentation

26  A2633469 - Susan Drew 28495 tabled document



The meeting was adjourned at 6.23p.m. to be reconvened on Wednesday 5 May 2021.

Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson City Council

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

Reconvened on Wednesday 5 May 2021, commencing at 9.05a.m.


Present:              Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Chairperson), Councillors Y Bowater, T Brand, M Courtney, J Edgar (Deputy Mayor), K Fulton, M Lawrey, R O'Neill-Stevens, B McGurk, G Noonan, P Rainey, R Sanson and T Skinner

In Attendance:    Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Environmental Management (C Barton), Group Manager Community Services (A White), , Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald), Governance Advisers (E Stephenson and J Brandt) and Governance Support (K McLean and P Boutle)

5.       Hearing of Submissions to the Draft Long Term Plan 2021 - 2031 and to the Draft Development Contributions Policy 2021 (continued)    

           An updated hearing schedule was tabled (A2631909).

          Late submissions - 5 May 2021

The following late submission 29467 from Jo Dell (A2632075) was received and Her Worship the Mayor advised that the following resolution was required to accept it.

Resolved CL/2021/041


That the Council

1.    Accepts the late submission 29467 from Jo Dell         (A2632075) to the Draft Long Term Plan 2021 - 2031.

Her Worship the Mayor/Edgar                                                        Carried


5.52    Milo Coldren – 27126 the submitter did not attend.


5.53    Roslyn Taylor – 28774

Roslyn Taylor spoke to her submission regarding commercial and residential rating, the proposed Library Precinct, the Waimea Dam and water issues in the future.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey entered the meeting at 9.12a.m.

5.54    Ludovic Romany – 27424 the submitter did not attend.

5.55    Elizabeth Dooley – 27256

Elizabeth Dooley spoke to her submission regarding the placement of the proposed Library Precinct, traffic and cycling safety, especially around parked cars, and the dangers of urban sprawl. She requested that dogs be allowed to travel on buses.

5.56    Tony Stallard – Seafarer Memorial Trust - 29457

Tony Stallard spoke to the submission regarding transferring ownership of the Trust to the city and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.57    Marianne H van Wanrooy – 27297

Marianne H van Wanrooy spoke to her submission regarding the Library and flooding issues and on what activities the Nelson CBD should be focused on. She suggested that the old H & J Smith building be considered for redevelopment as a new library.

5.58    Rose Michel von Dreger – 27291 the submitter did not attend.

5.59    William Stone – 27549 the submitter did not attend.

The meeting was adjourned from 9.34a.m. until 9.51a.m.

5.60    Susan Coleman – 28907

Susan Coleman tabled speaking notes (A2632618) and spoke to her submission regarding the importance of libraries and looking to the future for intergenerational projects. She discussed the options in the Draft Long Term Plan and the related costs and benefits to the community.

5.61    Daniel Jackson – 28012

Daniel Jackson spoke to his submission regarding the abolishment of library fines leading to increased library membership and borrowing and only a relatively small reduction in income and answered questions regarding the submission.


5.62    Sue Herd – 28883

Sue Herd spoke to her submission regarding Council’s use of debt, raising rates, use of the Emergency Fund, watermain failures, aged infrastructure and reuse of the current library for redevelopment.

5.63    Ali Boswijk – Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce - 29541

Ali Boswijk spoke to the submission, noting the tight timeframe involved in preparation of the submission. She highlighted the challenges of growth, both in a national and global context, encouraging Council to work in partnership with them, central government and the private sector on innovative development. Ms Boswijk noted support for continued investment in infrastructure for economic development. She felt the library precinct had been badly named and should focus on stimulating the economy in that area. She noted that growth prediction figures were low, and not reflective of the last ten years and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.64    Andrew Dunlop – 27677

Andrew Dunlop spoke to his submission regarding proposed increasing debt levels, noting the threat of sea rise to infrastructure and the proposed Library precinct, the collection of home waste for composting, the costs of landfill and of the need for the community to think outside the square.

Attendance: Councillor Brand left the meeting at 10.30a.m.

5.65    Brian McIntyre – Friends of Wakapuaka Cemetery – 28290

Brian McIntyre spoke to the submission regarding the history of the group, noting its headstone restoration accomplishments, equipment purchased through community support and awards received.

5.66    Carrie Mozena – Nelson Tasman Housing Trust - 28427

Carrie Mozena spoke to the submission regarding the Trust’s support for the Housing Reserve and future housing funding, possible investment from a future philanthropic donor and on land availability and demand and answered questions regarding the submission.

The meeting was adjourned from 10.46a.m. until 11.11a.m., at which time Councillors Fulton and Skinner were not present.

5.67    Yachal Upson – 28912

Yachal Upson spoke to his submission, noting his support for the submissions of Lindsay Wood, and the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum. He felt that bravery was required on climate reduction. He encouraged Council to support its staff through personal empowerment programmes.


5.68    Pip Stark - 27200

Pip Stark spoke to her submission regarding sea level rise and floods and the proposed Library Precinct location and suggested a referendum on the project.

5.69    Ben Pointer and Belinda Crisp – Nelson MTB Club – 28390 and 29442L

Attendance: Councillor Fulton returned to the meeting at 11.25a.m.

Ben Pointer spoke to the submission highlighting the growth and economic benefits of mountain biking in recent years, noting the need for supporting infrastructure to the Mountain Bike Hub and future plans and funding to bring large scale events to Nelson.

Belinda Crisp spoke regarding the Enduro World Series Event (7 - 10 April 2022) and planned major events, noting the economic impact on Nelson and risk to the Mountain Bike Club and answered questions regarding the submission. 

Attendance: Councillor Skinner returned to the meeting at 11.39a.m.

5.70    Adrian Parlane – 28312

Adrian Parlane spoke to his submission regarding the benefits of the Marina being established as a separate entity and against the funding of the Seasports Building from the Marina account. He questioned the appropriateness of the building’s location and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.71    Matthew Kidson – Kernohan Engineering – 28244

Matthew Kidson spoke to the submission regarding the proposed Library precinct, suggesting provision of the clear benefits to the community and clear communication. He suggested inclusion of residential properties in the precinct and answered questions regarding the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Brand returned to the meeting at 11.52a.m.

5.72    Alison Howard – 28523

Alison Howard spoke to her submission regarding the proposed Maitai subdivision and noted her concerns regarding the process followed, Future Development Strategy consultation and future population predictions.

5.73    Steven Gray – Friends of the Maitai – 28351

Steven Gray tabled additional information (A2629250) and speaking notes (A2634683) and spoke to the submission regarding the health of the Maitai and the need for fiscal investment, noting the historic pine planting. He highlighted the need for sustainable forestry management and for transparent accounting for Council’s forestry assets. He spoke of the lack of technical reports on stormwater for the proposed subdivision and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.74    Lloyd Harwood and Sophie Kelly– Arts Council Nelson – 29437

Sophie Kelly spoke to the submission regarding the relocation of the Refinery Arts space. She highlighted the growing support for arts in the region and the inclusive, positive, community arts projects it was able to support. Lloyd Harwood spoke to the rationale for the increase in the  funding amount requested and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.75    Ren Kempthorne – 28855

Ren Kempthorne spoke to his submission regarding housing intensification and the Maitai development, noting that the site was not close to the CBD, requesting that Council say ‘no’ to developers. He suggested Buxton Square as a suitable area for development. 

5.76    Matty Anderson – 28243 the submitter did not attend.

5.77    Maria Busching – 28237 the submitter did not attend.

5.78    Martin O’Connor – Federated Farmers - 28851

Martin O’Connor spoke to the submission regarding the rural differential, housing intensification and concerns regarding urban spread onto rural land. He noted support for the proposed Maitai subdivision and its close proximity to the CBD. He suggested that funding for climate change come for urban residents, noting that many farmers invest in climate change mitigation and suggested rates remission for natural disasters, droughts and declared national events and answered questions regarding the submission.

The meeting was adjourned from 12.33p.m. until 1.26p.m. at which time Her Worship the Mayor Reese and Councillor Skinner were not present.

Deputy Mayor Councillor Edgar assumed the chair.

5.79    Monica Pausina – Save the Maitai – 29443

For a live recording please go to this link. The link is provided here as the Council livestreaming was experiencing technical difficulties at the time.

Monica Pausina, supported by Mark Hadlow and Rod Dickson and approximately 50 supporters, spoke to the submission opposing the proposed subdivision in the Maitai Valley. They highlighted the importance of preserving natural areas for the people of Nelson.


5.80    Mike Ward – 28790

Mike Ward spoke to the submission. He emphasised the need for a housing strategy and shared his vision for Nelson and answered questions regarding the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton entered the meeting at 1.44p.m.

5.81    Lewis Solomon – Hardy Partnership – 27299

Lewis Solomon tabled additional information (A2633800) and spoke to the submission. He highlighted his opposition to merging Nelson Airport with Port Nelson and stressed that he was in favour of maintaining the status quo.

5.82    Anne Rush – 28892

Anne Rush spoke to her submission. She emphasised the importance of the arts for the region, and the need for an arts policy and strategy.

Attendance: Councillor Bowater entered the meeting at 1.53p.m.

5.83    Steve Cross – Nelson Residents Association – 27157

Steve Cross, supported by Bernie Goldsmith, provided a presentation (A2631377) and spoke to the submission. He emphasised that the Association did not support the proposed new company model for the Nelson Airport and Port Nelson.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner entered the meeting at 2.10p.m.

5.84    Ian MacGregor – 28787

Ian MacGregor tabled additional information (A2632077) and spoke to his submission. He emphasised issues associated with the proposal for a new company model for Nelson Airport and Port Nelson, and with the Stoke community centre.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton left the meeting at 2.14p.m.

5.85    Ifor Ffowcs-Williams – Cluster Navigators Ltd – 28888

Cluster Navigations Ltd Chief Executive, Ifor Ffowcs-Williams, spoke to the submission. He highlighted matters pertinent to Nelson’s economic development and answered questions regarding the submission.

Attendance: Her Worship the Mayor Reese returned to the meeting at 2.29p.m. and resumed the chair.

5.86    Ian Barker – 28875

Ian Barker provided an image (A2630718), tabled speaking notes (A2633797)  and spoke to the submission. He spoke about transport matters, recycling, the library, and the Science and Technology precinct.

5.87    Frances Day speaking for Craig Mills – Marsden Funeral Services – 28808

Frances Day spoke to the submission regarding the cemeteries consultation and the history of plot funding. He asked that Council allocates sufficient financial support to regional cemeteries, looks at several locations and carefully considers the cost of plots and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.88    John Fitchett – 27925

John Fitchett spoke to his submission. He emphasised concerns about borrowing money from future generations and asked Council to be prudent.

The meeting was adjourned from 2.55p.m. until 3.13p.m.

5.89    Heather Thomas – Citizens Advice Bureau Nelson Tasman – 28447

Citizens Advice Bureau Life Member, Heather Thomas, spoke to the submission. She emphasised her support for the redevelopment of the library as a multi-purpose facility in the river precinct.

5.90    Gaire Thompson – Thompson Property Group – 29420

Gaire Thompson spoke to the submission. He emphasised his concerns about the level of expenditure proposed in the Long Term Plan and answered questions regarding the submission.

The meeting was adjourned from 3.34p.m. until 3.37p.m.

5.91    Robert Stevenson – 28801- the submitter did not attend.

5.92    Andy Wotton and Paul Steere – Nelson Airport Ltd – 28802

Nelson Airport Board of Directors Chairperson, Paul Steere, provided a presentation (A2632094) and spoke to the submission. He emphasised the Board’s concerns about a merger with Port Nelson and its unanimous opposition to the proposal in the Statement of Proposal. However, he noted the Board’s support for a holding company to improve access to funding and the Board’s preference for Option 3. Nelson Airport Interim CEO, Andy Wotton, highlighted the Board’s reasonings for their position. Mr Steere answered questions regarding the submission. 

5.93    Darryl Wehner, Geoff Dangerfield and Hugh Morrison – Port Nelson Ltd  - 28018

Port Nelson Board of Directors Chairperson, Geoff Dangerfield, and Port Nelson CEO, Hugh Morrison, provided a presentation (A2633798), and spoke to the submission. Mr Dangerfield emphasised the Board’s preference for combining the Port and Airport into one operational holding company and highlighted benefits to shareholders. Mr Dangerfield answered questions regarding the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner left the meeting at 4.23p.m.    

           Tabled Documents and Presentations Day 2 Draft LTP Hearings (5 May 2021)

The following documents were provided in support of submissions on Day 2 of the hearing of submissions.





1    A2631909 - Draft Long Term Plan 2021 - 2031  Updated Hearing Schedule - 5 May 2021

2    A2632075 Jo Dell 29467 late submission to the Draft Long Term Plan 2021 - 2031 accepted on 5 May 2021

3    A2632618 - Susan Coleman 28907 speaking notes

4    A2629250 - Steven Gray - Friends of the Maitai 28351 tabled document

5    A2634683 - Steven Gray - Friends of the Maitai 28351 speaking notes

6    A2633800 - Lewis Solomon 27299 tabled document

7    A2631377 - Steve Cross - Nelson Residents Association 27157 presentation

8    A2632077 - Ian MacGregor 28757 tabled document

9    A2630718 - Ian Barker 28875 tabled image

10  A2633797 - Ian Barker 28875 tabled document

11  A2632094 - Paul Steer - Nelson Airport 28802 presentation

12  A2633798 - Port Nelson Ltd 28018 presentation



The meeting was adjourned at 4.24p.m. to be reconvened on Thursday 6 May 2021.


Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson City Council

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

Reconvened on Thursday 6 May 2021, commencing at 9.04a.m.

Present:              Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Chairperson), Councillors Y Bowater, T Brand, M Courtney, J Edgar (Deputy Mayor), K Fulton, M Lawrey, R O'Neill-Stevens, B McGurk, G Noonan, P Rainey, R Sanson and T Skinner

In Attendance:    Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Environmental Management (C Barton), Group Manager Community Services (A White),  Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald), Governance Advisers (E Stephenson and E-J Ruthven) and Governance Support (K McLean and P Boutle)

5.              Hearing of Submissions to the Draft Long Term Plan 2021 - 2031 and to the Draft Development Contributions Policy 2021 (continued)

An updated hearing schedule (A2633078) was tabled.

          Late submission 6 May 2021

The following late submission 29469 from Youth Nelson (A2633081) was received and Her Worship the Mayor advised that the following resolution was required to accept it.

Resolved CL/2021/CL/2021/042


That the Council

1.    Accepts  the late submission 29469 to the Draft Long         Term Plan 2021 – 2031 from Youth Nelson.


Her Worship the Mayor/Edgar                                                        Carried




Development Contributions


5.94    John McLaughlin speaking for Graeme Thomas – Marsden Park Developments – 28066

Attendance: Councillor Skinner entered the meeting at 9.08a.m.

Mr McLaughlin tabled speaking notes (A2634043) and spoke to the submission. He answered questions regarding the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey entered the meeting at 9.11a.m.

5.95    Dr Monika Clark-Grill – 28387

Dr Monika Clark-Grill spoke to her submission regarding Council’s vision, supporting prevention of urban sprawl resulting in increased traffic and opposing the removal of the 25% reserves contribution for brownfield intensification, which was preferable to greenfield development.

5.96    Jackie McNae and Stephen Clements – 28737

Jackie McNae tabled an image of the Clements’ development (A2634041) and spoke to the submission regarding brownfield development, the timing of contributions in the resource consent process and anomalies in the Development Contributions Policy. She answered questions regarding the submission. Mr Clements answered a question regarding the progress of the consent.

5.97    Jackie McNae – Stoke Valley Holdings Ltd – 28751

Ms McNae tabled a Ngawhatu site map (A2634045) and spoke to the submission regarding the site being a brownfield site rather than greenfield, the high level water reservoir, interim water storage, the increase in the community contributions and uncertainty regarding the proposed library precinct and effects on the payment/refund of contributions should the project not go ahead and answered questions regarding the submission.

5.98    Chris Fitchett – 27235

Chris Fitchett spoke to his submission regarding Council’s financial position, debt levels/limits, current interest rates, deficit budgeting, liability for operating costs and highlighted the closure of both cycleways into Nelson at the same time and answered a question regarding the submission.


5.99    Peter Taylor – 28397

Peter Taylor spoke to his submission regarding incentivisation for developing brownfield sites, which he supported in principle, and disincentivisation of greenfield development.

LTP Submissions (continued)

6.00    Dan McGuire – 27028

Dan McGuire spoke to his submission regarding depreciation and Council spending on non-essential projects for what he considered political purposes, for example, the Library precinct and the Climatorium; the effect of rate rises on low income families, he suggested shelving of the Long Term Plan and advocating for the abolishment of local government if this did not happen.

Sarah Holmes and Ian Kearny – Nelson Tasman Business Trust – 28262 -

6.01    Sarah Holmes provided a PowerPoint presentation (A2630727) and spoke to    the submission regarding the Trust’s tight budget, increasing demand for   business support and the cessation of COVID-19 funding, alignment with        Project Kōkiri, and additional funding of $30,000 per year. It was noted   that additional funding had also been requested from Tasman District       Council (TDC) for district events and services. Ms Holmes answered            questions regarding the submission.

6.02    Peter Taylor – 28374

Peter Taylor spoke to his submission regarding the lack of climate change initiatives in the LTP, sea level rise, planning for climate change mitigation, the viability of the Port and Airport, redirection of resources to a new Council Controlled Organisation (CCO) to advise on these issues, the lack of cycleway funding and future planning based on current roading systems. He answered questions regarding the submission.

6.03    Dr Monika Clark-Grill – 27776

Dr Monika Clark-Grill spoke to her submission regarding climate change, reinforcing Mr Taylor’s submission, preservation of the Nelson area, the housing crisis, preservation of the Maitai Valley and cyclist and pedestrian safety.

6.04    Maria Busching – 28237

Maria Busching spoke to her submission regarding the effects of climate change, lack of commitment to reducing the community’s contribution to climate change in the LTP, housing development plans contradicting Council’s declaration of a climate emergency, congestion levels, uninhabited residential properties being used for rental homes and advocating for retention of the undeveloped Maitai Valley.


6.05    Nigel Muir and Andy Morris – Sport Tasman – 28316

Attendance: Councillor Noonan left the meeting at 10.24a.m.

Nigel Muir and Andy Morris provided a PowerPoint presentation (A2634495) and spoke to the submission, thanking Council for its support, highlighting areas where they felt Sport Tasman could work more closely with Council, its focus areas, challenges and achievements and its response to Council’s key priorities. They answered questions regarding the submission.

6.06    Lance Roozenburg – Kūmānu Environmental - 28792

Lance Roozenburg spoke to the submission regarding the Haven Precinct, the importance of the opportunity for recreation in the CBD, protection of Nelson’s unique environment, enhancement of ecological values, positive environmental outcomes and acknowledgement of the built heritage.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner left the meeting at 10.35a.m.

Attendance: Councillor Noonan returned to the meeting at 10.36a.m.

6.07    Gaire Thompson  - 28734

Gaire Thompson spoke to his submission regarding building regulations  and associated costs and answered a question regarding the submission.

The meeting was adjourned from 10.43a.m. until 10.56a.m., at which time Councillor Fulton was not present.

6.08    Penny Molnar – Nelson Women’s Centre – 28269

Penny Molnar spoke to the submission regarding innovation in the community sector, the reduction in the Community Investment Fund, struggling community organisations, affordable housing, the Housing Reserve having community and Māori representation and on the use of the Reserve.

Attendance: Councillor Fulton returned to the meeting at 11.00a.m.

Ms Molnar answered questions regarding the submission regarding the reduction in Community Investment Funding, which had been diverted towards Healthier Homes funding, and the Kingsgate Motel contract.

6.09    Lucy Charlesworth – 28228 the submitter did not attend.


6.10    Dr Gwen Struik – 27094 and 29446

Dr Gwen Struik provided a PowerPoint presentation (A2630715) and tabled additional information (A2632584). She spoke to the submission regarding the importance of enlarging and creating new marine reserve areas, sustainable fishing practice and the reduction of carbon emissions. Ms Struik quoted from her tabled document, asking that no further development take place in the tidal zone and answered questions regarding the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner returned to the meeting at 11.15a.m.

6.11     Brian Ramsay – Nelson Community Patrol – 28051

Brian Ramsay tabled a document (A2634040) and spoke to the submission, thanking Council for its previous support, noting the things that had been achieved with the funding. He noted that vandalism had decreased since the Patrol’s inception and spoke of the Patrol’s activities and sources of funding.

6.12    Karen Driver – 27488

Karen Driver spoke regarding strengthening waste minimisation and supporting communities and the work being done in this area. She answered questions regarding the submission regarding key waste minimisation initiatives and building infrastructure, noting that she would like the waste minimisation grant increased. She felt that the food waste trial was a good opportunity to get organic material out of landfill and that it was better for people to compost their own material but that was not happening.

6.13    Daniel Levy – 27658

Daniel Levy tabled speaking notes (A2634797) and spoke to his submission regarding the Maitai Valley, noting his support for the Save the Maitai movement. He spoke regarding the private plan change request proposal, which he felt was disingenuous, suggesting that a subdivision be allowed within current allowable parameters.

6.14    Georgina Pattullo – Tasman Bay Backpackers – 27592

Georgina Pattullo tabled speaking notes (A2634721) and spoke to the submission regarding unconsented Airbnbs and the effect on small accommodation businesses. She suggested making the rules for commercial accommodation available on Council’s website and that the rules be publicised and advocated for the appropriate use of houses built under special housing rules.

6.15    Eric Ingham – 27906

Eric Ingham spoke to his submission regarding reinstatement of access to the Delaware boat ramp, the environmental impact of allowing boats to drive down the estuary, cultural significance of the land, historical estuary access and recreational estuary use.

6.16    Myriam Goos – 28014 the submitter did not attend.

6.17    Roland Goos – 28010

Roland Goos spoke to his submission regarding the proposed Maitai Valley subdivision, he felt that affordable housing was the key to solving housing problems and requesting a full assessment of the impact of the proposal on both people and the environment. He spoke of the difficulties of trying to find a small property in Nelson, and of strict building covenants requiring larger houses and answered questions regarding the submission.

Attendance: Councillor Lawrey left the meeting at 12.01p.m.

6.18    Richard Sullivan – 27486 (via Zoom)

Richard Sullivan spoke to his submission regarding future housing affordability in Nelson, proposed rates increases, Nelson as a low wage region, the cost of the Trafalgar Street bike rack, Council issuing consents to itself to discharge into the Maitai River, Council’s performance, the effects of rates increases, the cost of the Library Precinct proposal, the need for better incentives for project delivery within initial budgets and the need for a real focus on wellbeing in the LTP.

6.19    Susan Macaskill – 28005

Susan Macaskill spoke to her submission regarding being a good ancestor (Tūpunu Pono). She encouraged Elected Members to think of people’s descendants accessing and enjoying the Maitai Valley and advocated for affordable urban housing and the Maitai Valley becoming a reserve in the future and answered questions regarding the submission.

6.20    Anne Dickinson – Maire Stream Guardians – 28013

Anne Dickinson tabled photographs (A2634044) and spoke to the submission regarding protection of the Maire Stream and its history. Ms Dickinson provided a video showing the state of the stream and spoke to the tabled photographs, asking why the mud and shingle could not be kept out of the stream. A further video was displayed showing the dam, which was the main feed for the stream, and the surrounding area, and referred to the final photograph which showed what the Guardians would like to happen.

6.21    Mayor Tim King – TDC – 278267

His Worship the Mayor of Tasman, Tim King, spoke to the submission regarding additional funding for the Waimea Dam and growth pressure. He provided a history and rationale for the Waimea Dam proposal. He questioned the assumptions for Nelson City Council’s low growth predictions and noted the attractiveness of the region remained as a good place to live. He answered questions regarding the submission.

The meeting was adjourned from 12.46p.m. until 1.35p.m., at which time Her Worship the Mayor and Councillors Fulton, Sanson and Skinner were not present.

           Deputy Mayor Councillor Edgar assumed the chair.

6.22    Nelson Greypower Inc – 29454L – George Truman and Sue Sara

George Truman and Sue Sara tabled a map of Marsden Cemetry (A2634703)  and presented the submission, suggesting potential areas for expansion of the Marsden Valley Cemetery. 

Attendance:  Councillor Fulton returned to the meeting at 1.27p.m, and Councillors Sanson and Skinner returned to the meeting at 1.28p.m.

Mr Truman and Ms Sara submitted against establishing a regional cemetery, emphasised the importance of considering those aged over 85 when considering Council activities, and answered questions regarding the submission. 

Attendance:  Councillor McGurk left the meeting at 1.32p.m.

6.23    Tim Raateland – Nelson Lawn Tennis Club Inc – 27084

Tim Raateland spoke to the Nelson Lawn Tennis Club Inc submission.  He emphasised the benefits of developing a clubhouse at the Nelson Lawn Tennis Club, and answered questions.

Attendance:  Councillor McGurk returned to the meeting at 1.39p.m.

6.24    Jo Coughlan – NZ Chinese Language Week Trust – 26996 (via Zoom)

Jo Coughlan presented the NZ Chinese Language Week submission via audio-visual link, and advised that a video link would be shared.  She highlighted initiatives and the growth in activities in recent NZ Chinese Language Weeks, and encouraged Council to consider providing funding to ensure a more sustainable financial footing for future NZ Chinese Language Week events.

Attendance:  Her Worship the Mayor returned to the meeting at 1.49p.m.

Ms Coughlan answered questions regarding the submission.

Her Worship the Mayor resumed the Chair, at 1.54p.m.

6.25    Belinda O’Donoghue – 27211

Belinda O’Donoghue gave a PowerPoint presentation (A2630714) and spoke to her submission.  She emphasised the need to consider how to recalibrate and support the local economy as the Nelson region and New Zealand recovered from COVID-19.  She encouraged Council to promote a ‘buy local’ campaign, including a hub for local and domestic-produced products, and answered questions regarding the submission.

6.26    Gaire Thompson and Sue Garner – Nelson Residents’ Association –   27157

Gaire Thompson and Sue Garner presented the submission.  They highlighted points against the proposed grant to the Cawthron Institute, the proposed contribution to the Waimea Community Dam, and the proposed Elma Turner library redevelopment.  They spoke further about rates increases, the costs of environmental and weed control, and increased carparking and recycling bins in the central city. They encouraged Council not to paint a Pride crossing, and answered questions regarding the submission.

6.27    Tony Haddon – 27321

Tony Haddon spoke to his submission.  He emphasised the negative effects the National Policy Statement on Urban Development had on Nelson against the Government’s Immigration Policy, and encouraged Council not to re-zone the Maitai Valley or allow intensive housing development there.  He suggested that the Maitai Valley should be made into a Regional park and preserved for the community, and answered questions regarding the submission. 

6.28    Rt Hon Sir Don McKinnon – NZ Memorial Museum Trust – 26997

The Rt Hon Sir Don McKinnon spoke to the submission.  He spoke about the actions of New Zealand soldiers at Le Quesnoy and emphasised the importance of New Zealand’s war history being preserved in a museum on the Western Front, as other Allied countries had.  He explained the Trust’s fundraising goals, encouraged Council’s financial contribution, and answered questions regarding the submission.

6.29    Caroline Vine – 27300  - The submitter had previously presented. 

6.30    Diane Goodman – 27351

Diane Goodman spoke to her submission.  She said the proposed Elma Turner library redevelopment was unwarranted, as the current library was adequate for Nelson’s needs.  She highlighted points relating to proposed rates increases, encouraged Council to focus on core infrastructure, and answered questions regarding the submission. 

6.31    Mohun Krishnasamy – 27107

Mohun Krishnasamy displayed an image of Nile Street East (A2633121) and spoke to his submission.  He emphasised the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Kaka Valley subdivision, including increased traffic movements on Nile Street East and related impacts on air quality.  Mr Krishnasamy answered questions regarding the submission.

6.32    Eva Pick-Stone – 27156 - the submitter did not attend.

6.33    Gretchen Holland – 27194

Gretchen Holland tabled speaking notes (A2634696) and spoke to her submission.  She emphasised the importance of quality green space, noted potential environmental effects of intensive housing in the Kaka valley, encouraged Council to protect the Kaka and Maitai Valleys as reserve land for the wider community, and answered questions regarding the submission.

The meeting was adjourned from 2.49p.m. until 3.03p.m.


Extension of Meeting Time

Resolved CL/2021/043


That the Council

1.    Extends the meeting time beyond six hours, pursuant to         Standing Order 4.2.

Her Worship the Mayor/Bowater                                                    Carried

6.34    Roger Gibbons – Nelson Marina Advisory Group - 27982

Roger Gibbons tabled additional documents (A2634134) and presented the Nelson Marina Advisory Group submission.  He spoke about development at the marina, including the history of the proposed Sea Sports building project, and noted concerns with its proposed cost.  He encouraged Council to consider the marina being run as a separate entity, and answered questions regarding the submission. 

6.35    Debbie Daniell-Smith – 27781

Debbie Daniell-Smith accompanied by Brett Daniell-Smith, spoke to her submission.  She emphasised points against expansion of the Marsden Valley cemetery or a regional cemetery, against Council contributing to the Waimea Community Dam, and encouraged a redeveloped library on Council-owned land rather than dealing with iwi.  She spoke about proposed rates increases, and answered questions regarding the submission. 

6.36    Aaron Stallard on behalf of Catherine Harper – 27262

Aaron Stallard presented the submission of Catherine Harper.  He spoke against residential development in Kaka Valley, spoke about the importance of accessible green space to the community, and encouraged Council to protect the Kaka and Maitai Valleys from future urban development.


6.37    Emma Saunders – 27327

Emma Saunders, accompanied by her son Barnaby, spoke to her submission.  She emphasised the importance of playgrounds and encouraged Council to include a greater range of challenging play equipment for a greater range of ages, increased shading and more drinking fountains in playgrounds. 

Attendance:  Councillor Noonan left the meeting at 3.31p.m.

Ms Saunders encouraged Council to prioritise a destination playground at Rutherford Park, and answered questions regarding the submission. 

6.38    Steve Cross – 27967

Steve Cross spoke to his submission.  He emphasised points regarding Council’s operating budget and salary levels, Council communications, and Council’s Emergency Fund.

Attendance:  Councillor Noonan returned to the meeting at 3.47p.m.

Mr Cross spoke further regarding environmental pest and weed control, the food waste collection proposal, the Nelson Marina, and answered questions regarding the submission.

6.39    Joanna Plows – 28764

Joanna Plows tabled additional information (A2634135), and spoke to her submission.  She highlighted points regarding climate change adaptation, retaining Kaka Valley as a green space, restricting vehicle access at Delaware Bay, supporting the Nelson Womens’ Centre, incentivising vacant properties to be used for housing rather than Air-BnB-type accommodation, and limiting vehicle traffic in the central city.  Ms Plows answered questions regarding the submission.

6.40    Naomi Solomon – Ngāti Toa – 28910 - the submitter did not attend. 

The meeting was adjourned from 3.58p.m. until 4.08p.m.

6.41    Group Manager Strategy and Communications, Nicky McDonald, provided            information regarding the processes relating to the upcoming meetings    to deliberate on the draft Long Term Plan 2021 – 2031.

6.42    Her Worship the Mayor thanked all of those involved in the LTP hearings and gave particular thanks to the Administration Team.



           Tabled Documents and Presentations Day 3 Draft LTP Hearings (6 May 2021)

The following documents were provided in support of submissions on Day 3 of the hearing of submissions.





1    A2633078 - Updated Hearing Schedule 6 May 2021

2    A2633081 Late submission 29469 - Youth Nelson to the Draft Long Term Plan 2021 - 2031 accepted on 6 May 2021

3    A2634043 - Graeme Thomas - Marsden Park Developments 28066 tabled document

4    A2634041 - Stephen and Julie Clements 28737 tabled document

5    A2634045 - Jackie McNae - Stoke Valley Holdings Ltd 28751 tabled document

6    A2630727 - Sarah Holmes - NTBT 28262 presentation

7    A2634495 - Nigel Muir and Andy Morris - Sport Tasman 28316 presentation

8    A2630715 - Gwen Struik 27094 and 29446 presentation

9    A2632854 - Gwen Struik 27094 and 29446 tabled document

10  A2634040 - Brian Ramsay - Nelson Community Patrol 28051 tabled document

11  A2634797 - Daniel Levy 27658 speaking notes

12  A2634721 - Georgina Pattullo 27592 speaking notes

13  A2634044 -  Anne Dickinson - Maire Stream Guardians 28013 tabled document

14  A2634703 - George Truman and Sue Sara - Greypower 29454L tabled document

15  A2634696 - Gretchen Holland 27194 speaking notes

16  A2630714 - Belinda O'Donoghue 27211 presentation

17  A2633121 - Mo Krishnasamy 27107 tabled document

18  A2634134 - Roger Gibbons - Nelson Marina Advisory Group 27982 tabled document

19  A2634135 - Joanna Plows 28764 - tabled document


Karakia Whakamutunga

A karakia whakamutunga was given. 



There being no further business the meeting ended at 4.15p.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date