Minutes of a meeting of the Infrastructure Committee

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Thursday 1 October 2020, commencing at 9.00a.m.


Present:              Councillor B McGurk (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, Councillors Y Bowater, T Brand, M Courtney, J Edgar, K Fulton, R O'Neill-Stevens (Deputy Chairperson), G Noonan and T Skinner

In Attendance:    Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Governance Adviser (J Brandt), Governance Support (K McLean) and Youth Councillors Nathan Dunn and Vienna van Heemswyck

Apologies:           Councillors Lawrey, Rainey and Sanson



1.       Apologies

Resolved IC/2020/048


That the Infrastructure Committee

1.        Receives and accepts the apologies from Councillors Lawrey, Rainey and Sanson.

McGurk/Edgar                                                                               Carried


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum

4.        Railway Reserve Petition

Clare Scott, supported by Rebecca Glen, gave a presentation. The Powerpoint is attached (A2479295). Ms Scott tabled a petition to preserve the Railway Reserve (A2477269 and A2477292). She noted the petition had over 3,000 signatures in support of keeping the Railroad Reserve in its current form from Beatson Road to Victory, highlighting safe cycling and resilience as key benefits.



1    A2479295 - Powerpoint Presentation Railway Reserve C Scott

2    A2477269 - Railway Reserve Petition part 1

3    A2477292 - Railway Reserve Petition part 2

           Attendance: Her Worship the Mayor R Reese joined the meeting at 9.07a.m.

5.       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      26 August 2020

Document number M13077, agenda pages 6 - 10 refer.

Resolved IC/2020/049


That the Infrastructure Committee

1.    Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Infrastructure Committee, held on 26 August 2020, as a true and correct record.

Brand/Courtney                                                                            Carried

Attendance: Councillor Fulton joined the meeting at 9.19a.m.

6        Chairperson's Report

Councillor McGurk tabled his report (A2478115) and highlighted some of  the $21M worth of physical works currently underway or about to commence.

Resolved IC/2020/050


That the Infrastructure Committee

2.        Receives the report Chairperson’s Report (R20329) .


McGurk/O'Neill-Stevens                                                                 Carried


1    A2478115 - Infrastructure Committee Chairperson's Report 1Oct2020


7.       Draft 2021-2051 Infrastructure Strategy

Document number R15936, agenda pages 11 - 24 refer.

Manager Capital Projects, Lois Plum, presented the report.

Resolved IC/2020/051


That the Infrastructure Committee

1.    Receives the report Draft 2021-2051 Infrastructure Strategy (R15936) and its attachment (A2475059); and

2.    Approves the  Draft 2021-2051 Infrastructure Strategy (A2364365) as the version to inform the Long Term Plan 2021-31 and all Activity Management Plans; and

3.    Notes that the Draft 2021-2051 Infrastructure Strategy will be updated following Council workshops in December 2020 and January 2021.

O'Neill-Stevens/Edgar                                                                   Carried


8.       Draft 2021-31 Stormwater and Flood Protection Activity Management Plan

Document number R16969, agenda pages 25 - 64 refer.

Attendance: Councillor Skinner joined the meeting at 9.39a.m.

Activity Engineer, Toby Kay, presented the report, supported by Manager Utilities, David Light. Mr Kay answered questions about future growth requirements and climate change mitigation measures.

Resolved IC/2020/052


That the Infrastructure Committee

1.    Receives the report Draft 2021-31 Stormwater and Flood Protection Activity Management Plan (R16969) and its Attachment (A2453216); and

2.    Approves the Draft Stormwater and Flood Protection Activity Management Plan 2021-31 (A2427836) as the version to inform the Long Term Plan 2021-31; and

3.    Notes that the Draft Stormwater and Flood Protection Activity Management Plan 2021-31 will be updated and, the final Activity Management Plan approved, after the adoption of the Long Term Plan 2021-2031.

Edgar/Brand                                                                                 Carried

9.       Draft Solid Waste Activity Management Plan 2021-31

Document number R14835, agenda pages 65 - 88 refer.

Manager Roading and Solid Waste, Marg Parfitt, presented the report, supported by Environmental Programmes Adviser, Karen Lee, and Activity and Operations Supervisor - Solid Waste, Terry Dwyer.

Mr Dwyer answered questions about recycling, waste disposal levies, street litter, and the emphasis on reduce, reuse and repair.

Attendance: Her Worship the Mayor Reese left the meeting from 10.18a.m. until 10.20a.m.

Resolved IC/2020/053


That the Infrastructure Committee

1.    Receives the report Draft Solid Waste Activity Management Plan 2021-31 (R14835) and its attachment (A2462529); and

2.    Approves the Draft Solid Waste Activity Management Plan 2021-31 (A2468611) as the version to inform the Long Term Plan 2021-31; and

3.    Notes that the Draft Solid Waste Activity Management Plan 2021-31 will be updated and, the final Activity Management Plan approved, after the adoption of the Long Term Plan 2021-2031.

Edgar/Noonan                                                                              Carried


The meeting was adjourned from 10.26a.m until 12.00p.m., during which time Her Worship the Mayor and Councillor McGurk left the meeting.
When the meeting reconvened Councillor O’Neill Stevens assumed the chair.

10.     Hampden Street Closure - monitoring results and next steps

Document number R13687, agenda pages 89 - 138 refer.

Manager Roading and Solid Waste, Marg Parfitt presented the report, supported by Team Leader Transport Activity Management, Sue McAuley, and Transport Planner, Callum Inns.

Ms Parfitt answered questions about traffic calming measures on Locking Street, input from residents, and managing community expectations regarding innovative street measures.



Resolved IC/2020/054


That the Infrastructure Committee

1.    Receives the report Hampden Street Closure - monitoring results and next steps (R13687) and its attachments (A2476129, A2466857, A2472740); and

2.    Approves the continuation of the Hampden Street Closure trial for a period of approximately 12 months, and

3.    Notes that any temporary trial traffic measures planned for Locking Street will be discussed with the residents and the Chair of Infrastructure Committee prior to implementation.

Fulton/Brand                                                                                Carried



There being no further business the meeting ended at 12.29p.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date