Minutes of a meeting of the Community Services Committee

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House , 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Thursday 29 October 2020, commencing at 11.09a.m.


Present:              Councillor M Lawrey (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, Councillors Y Bowater (Deputy Chairperson, via Zoom), T Brand, M Courtney, J Edgar, K Fulton, B McGurk, G Noonan, R O'Neill-Stevens, P Rainey, R Sanson (via Zoom) and T Skinner

In Attendance:    Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Group Manager Community Services (R Ball), Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald), Governance Advisers (J Brandt and E-J Ruthven), Youth Councillors Will Irvine and Jazmin Wayman

Apologies :          Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (lateness), Councillors Bowater and Rainey (early departure)


A Karakia Timatanga was given.


The meeting was adjourned from 11.10a.m. until 11.26a.m.

1        Apologies


Resolved CS/2020/033


That the Community Services Committee

1.        Receives and accepts the apology from Her Worship the Mayor Reese for lateness, and from Councillor Bowater and Rainey for early departure.


Courtney/Noonan                                                                          Carried


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

Special instructions for members joining by zoom were noted. There was no change to the order of business.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register. Councillor Noonan noted that she would be giving an update on the Homeless Hub (Whare Haumaru) as part of the Chairperson’s report in her role as President of Rotary.

4.       Public Forum 

There was no public forum.

5.       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      10 September 2020

Document number M14113, agenda pages 6 - 11 refer.

Resolved CS/2020/034


That the Community Services Committee

1.    Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Community Services Committee, held on 10 September 2020, as a true and correct record.

McGurk/Rainey                                                                             Carried


6.       Chairperson's Report

The Chairperson, Councillor Lawrey, gave a verbal update. He used a Powerpoint presentation (A2506064) highlighting four major developments: Whanake Youth’s move to the Stoke Community Hall, the Refinery ArtSpace’s new location in Hardy Street, the construction of the new Tahunanui Beach facilities, and the creation of a homeless hub for Nelson (Whare Haumaru). Councillor Lawrey expressed thanks to all parties that had supported the project. He invited Councillor Noonan, in her capacity as President of Rotary Nelson, to give a progress update on Whare Haumaru. Councillor Noonan tabled a report (A2505159) and presented it, outlining progress made since the last update to the committee, as well as next steps.

The Chairperson invited Youth Councillors Wayman and Irvine to give a Youth Council update. Youth Councillor Wayman spoke about workshops held to provide feedback to the Nelson Plan and a Youth Park, and meeting the Prime Minister on 1 October. Youth Councillor Irvine spoke about the recruitment process for new Youth Councillors, Te Wiki o Te Reo, and a youth employment initiative that connected young people with employers.



Resolved CS/2020/035


That the Community Services Committee

1.        Receives the Chairperson’s Report.


Rainey/Edgar                                                                                Carried


1    A2506064 - Chairperson's Powerpoint presentation 29Oct2020

2    A2505159 - Rotary Nelson Update on Homeless Hub 29Oct2020


Attendance: Her Worship the Mayor R Reese joined the meeting at 11.56a.m.

7.       Adoption of the Arts, Heritage and Events Activity Management Plan

Document number R18141, agenda pages 12 - 59 refer.

Team Leader Arts and Heritage, Shanine Hermsen presented the report. She noted corrections to the table in the attachment in section 1.9, advising it needed to reflect totals from Appendix 1; and in section 7.26 that Light Nelson was a bi-annual event. Ms Hermsen and Manager Community Partnerships, Mark Preston-Thomas, answered questions about partnerships with iwi, the Isel Park research and archive facility, community events, targets for levels of service, areas relating to climate change, public art, the planned events review, and Founders Heritage Park.

Councillor Noonan left the meeting from 12.22p.m. until 12.36p.m.

Resolved CS/2020/036


That the Community Services Committee

1.    Receives the report Adoption of the Arts, Heritage and Events Activity Management Plan (R18141) and its attachment (A2457003); and

2.    Approves the Draft Arts, Heritage and Events Activity Management Plan 2021-31 (A2457003) as the version to inform the Long Term Plan 2021-31; and

3.    Notes that the Draft Arts, Heritage and Events Management Plan 2021-31 will be updated, and the final Activity Management Plan approved, after the adoption of the Long Term Plan 2021-2031.


Edgar/Fulton                                                                                 Carried

The meeting was adjourned from 12.53p.m. until 1.10p.m. during which time Councillors Edgar and Rainey left the meeting.

8.       Founders Heritage Park Strategic Plan

Document number R18052, agenda pages 60 - 99 refer.

Attendance: Councillor Noonan left the meeting at 1.13p.m. and Councillor Bowater left the meeting (via Zoom) at 1.15p.m.

Founders Heritage Park Supervisor, Sarah Newman-Watt, and Heritage and Collections Officer, Mahina Marshall, presented the report. Ms Marshall answered questions about resourcing to complete the collection inventory, working in partnership with the Nelson Provincial Museum, Council’s statutory responsibilities in relation to heritage and museum spaces, and available funding. Ms Newman-Watt answered questions about the interface and relationship between Founders Heritage Park and Whakatū Marae and plans for upgrading the Energy Centre.

Attendance: Her Worship the Mayor R Reese left the meeting at 1.46p.m.

Resolved CS/2020/037


That the Community Services Committee

1.    Receives the report Founders Heritage Park Strategic Plan (R18052) and its attachments (A2372925 and A2414156); and

2.    Approves the Founders Heritage Park Strategic Plan (A2372925), with budget allocations to be confirmed via the Arts, Heritage and Events Activity Management Plan 2021-31 and the Long Term Plan 2021-31; and

3.    Approves the Founders Heritage Park Collections Policy 2020 (A2414156).


Skinner/Brand                                                                              Carried


9.       Exclusion of the Public

Resolved CS/2020/038


That the Community Services Committee

1.        Excludes the public from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

2.        The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

Brand/McGurk                                                                              Carried



General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interests protected (where applicable)


Community Services Committee Meeting – Confidential Minutes -  10 September 2020

Section 48(1)(a)

The public conduct of this matter would be likely to result in disclosure of information for which good reason exists under section 7.

The withholding of the information is necessary:

·    Section 7(2)(i)

     To enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

The meeting went into confidential session at 1.48p.m. The only business transacted in confidential session was to confirm the minutes. In accordance with the Local Government Official Information Meetings Act, no reason for withholding this information from the public exists therefore this business has been recorded in the open minutes.

The meeting was adjourned from 1.49p.m. until 1.51p.m. during which time Councillor Sanson (via Zoom) left the meeting.

10.     Confirmation of Minutes

10.1    10 September 2020

Document number M14115, confidential agenda pages 3 - 5 refer.

The motion was taken in parts.



Resolved CS/2020/039


That the Community Services Committee

1.    Confirms the minutes of part of the meeting of the Community Services Committee, held with the public excluded on 10 September 2020, as a true and correct record; and

O'Neill-Stevens/Courtney                                                              Carried

Resolved CS/2020/040

That the Community Services Committee

2.    Agrees that the confidential minutes from 10 September 2020 Community Services Committee meeting be made publicly available.

O'Neill-Stevens/Courtney                                                              Carried


11.     Re-admittance of the Public

Resolved CS/2020/041


That the Council

2.        Re-admits the public to the meeting.

O'Neill-Stevens/Brand                                                                 Carried


There being no further business the meeting ended at 1.56p.m.

A Karakia Whakamutunga was given.







                                                       Chairperson                                     Date


                                                       Chief Executive                                Date