Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson City Council to hear submissions to the Draft Annual Plan 2020/21

Held via Audio-Visual (Zoom)

On Thursday 14 May 2020, commencing at 9.00a.m.


Present:               Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Chairperson), Councillors Y Bowater, T Brand, M Courtney, J Edgar (Deputy Mayor), K Fulton, M Lawrey, R O'Neill-Stevens, B McGurk, G Noonan, P Rainey, R Sanson and T Skinner

In Attendance:     Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Environmental Management (C Barton), Acting Group Manager Community Services (M Preston-Thomas), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald), Team Leader Governance (R Byrne), Governance Support ( K McLean) and Governance Advisers (E-J Ruthven and E Stephenson)

Apologies :           Nil


Karakia Timatanga

Council’s Kaihautu, Pania Lee, gave the opening karakia.

1.    Apologies

There were no apologies.  The following short absences from the meeting were noted:

·        Her Worship the Mayor for a short time around 11.00a.m.

·        Councillor Skinner for a short time around 3.00p.m.

·        Councillor Noonan advised she may need to leave the meeting early.

2.    Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business.



3.    Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.    Public Forum

There was no public forum.       

5.    Mayor's Report

Her Worship the Mayor noted this was the first day of COVID-19 alert level two.  She thanked councillors for their support of each other, Council officers and the Nelson community during the COVID-19 alert level 4 and level 3 periods. 

Her Worship the Mayor also thanked submitters for their submissions, and their flexibility in utilising Zoom technology for the hearings.

6.    Hearing of Submissions to the Draft Annual Plan 2020/21

Document number R17019, agenda pages 4 - 408 refer.

Her Worship the Mayor noted that two late submissions had been received (A2384524), and a resolution was required for Council to consider these.

She noted a number of additional documents that had been received from submitters, which were tabled:

·        An updated hearing schedule (A2384730)

·        Brief statements were tabled on behalf of submitters that did not wish to speak at the hearing (Attachments 3 – 7)

·        Supporting information - Barry Thompson – 24284 (A2384461), Joan Skurr – 22934 and John Higginbotham – 24332 (A2384714).

Resolved CL/2020/037


That the Council


1.     Accepts the late submissions to the Draft Annual Plan         2020/21 (A2384524) from Mike Ward (#24340) and         from Ann Rush (#24342).

Her Worship the Mayor/Sanson                                                         Carried


1    A2384524 - late submissions - Mike Ward (24340) and Ann Rush (24342)

2    A2384730 - Upated Hearing Schedule 14 May 2020

3    A2377273 - Dan McGuire - 22849 Brief Statement

4    A2378619 - Kerry Neal - 22861 - Brief Statement

5    A2381426 - Peter Watson - Waahi Taakaro Golf Club - 23024 Brief Statement

6    A2383354 - Chris Baillie - 23066 Brief Statement

7    A2383366 - Gillian Pollock Forest and Bird - 24236 Brief Statement

8    A2384461 - Barry Thompson - 24284 Supporting Information

9    A2384714 - Joan Skurr - 22934 and John HIggingbotham - 24332 Supporting Information


6.1       Katy Steele and Lys Bradley - Neighbourhood Support Nelson – 23116

            Ms Steele and Ms Bradley spoke to the Neighbourhood Support Nelson submission.  They noted the work of not-for-profit sector to support vulnerable people during the COVID-19 lockdown, in conjunction with the Civil Defence Emergency Operations Centre.  They spoke about developing a not-for-profit sector agency to engage with emergency planning at a strategic level, and suggested that a secure funding stream would allow the sector to effectively target issues.  They added that Neighbourhood Support had established a skillset database that could assist emergency services during Civil Defence emergencies, and requested Council funding to assist with the Nelson database.  Ms Steele and Ms Bradley answered questions, and were requested to email through international examples of not-for-profit sector agencies.

            Ms Steele also spoke to her personal submission (23116-2).  She spoke about the importance of the Te Tau Ihu Intergenerational Strategy, and asked Council to engage with the not-for-profit sector in the economic recovery from COVID-19.

6.2       Shea Dawson – 22949

            Mr Dawson spoke to his submission in support of a food waste trial.  He spoke about the importance of diverting food waste from landfill, and noted that the Community Compost project involved people with appropriate skills and experience to scale the model up to a commercial level.  Mr Dawson answered questions. 

6.3       Tilman Walk – 22975  NB Power Point attachment needs updating to one provided on the day

Mr Walk gave a Power Point presentation in support of his submission (A2384604).  He gave examples of different types of intersections in Nelson, noted his concerns regarding cars sitting idle at red lights when traffic was not flowing in the other direction, and answered questions.





1    A2384604 - PowerPoint Presentation



6.4       Dr Robert Beaglehole - Nelson Marlborough Health - 23022

Lauren Ensor and Dr Rob Beaglehole spoke to the submission, and gave a PowerPoint presentation (A2384598). They noted Nelson Marlborough Health’s support  for Council’s focus on sustainable transport, affordable housing, and the Maitai precinct, and it’s on-going work on a smoke-free policy.

Dr Beaglehole outlined the Good Food Cities declaration.  He encouraged Council to sign the declaration, take steps such as a kerbside food waste collection trial, and suggested the development of a joint strategy with Nelson Marlborough health to implement the goals of the declaration.  Ms Ensor and Dr Beaglehole answered questions.





1    A2384598  PowerPoint presentation

6.5       Jill Southon – 23011

Ms Southon read her submission, requested Council dedicated specific paths for walkers only, and answered questions.

6.6       Glenys MacLellan – 23034

            Ms MacLellan spoke to her submission, and noted her concerns regarding littering.  She suggested that Council re-engage with the “Be a Tidy Kiwi” campaign, and answered questions.

            Attendance:  The meeting was adjourned from 10.13a.m. to 10.19a.m.

6.7       Dallas Mathieson – 23043

The submitter did not attend the hearing.

6.8       Steve Cross – 23035

            Mr Cross spoke to the aspects of his submission relating to the marina.  He outlined his concerns that marina assets had not been revalued, that marina users did not contribute to the capital costs of development at the marina, and that fees at the marina were far less than at other nearby marinas.  He encouraged Council to consider different governance models for operating the marina.  Mr Cross answered questions relating to both the marina, and other aspects of his submission.

6.9       Carlo Wiegand – 23117

The submitter did not attend the hearing.

6.10     Wayne Ballantyne and Peter Kara (President) - Nelson Volunteer Coastguard Inc – 23045

            Mr Ballantyne and Mr Kara spoke to the submission.  They thanked Council for its previous funding towards the new coastguard rescue vessel, and requested a further funding contribution.  Mr Ballantyne and Mr Kara answered questions.

6.11     Tim Maples - Inova Group – 24167

Mr Maples spoke to the submission, and requested Council to support regenerative agricultural practices.  He encouraged Council to sign the Good Food Cities declaration, and suggested this would assist in increasing Nelson’s biodiversity potentially provide employment to assist with the economic recovery from COVID-19.  Mr Maples answered questions.

Attendance:  Her Worship the Mayor left the meeting at 11.00a.m, and Councillor Edgar assumed the Chair.

Attendance:  The meeting was adjourned from 11.03a.m. to 11.16a.m.

6.12     Jenny Easton and Julie Nevin - Zero Carbon Nelson Tasman – 24149

            Ms Easton and Ms Nevin spoke to the submission on behalf of Zero Carbon Nelson Tasman.  They encouraged Council to set an emissions reduction target, and to ensure all decisions were made through a climate lens.  They spoke about the activities of the Climate Forum, noting the work of sub-groups to date, and identifying gaps in representation.  Ms Easton and Ms Nevin answered questions.

6.13     Matthew Robinson - Nayland College – 24171

            Mr Robinson spoke to the submission, and encouraged Council to sign the Good Food Cities declaration.  He noted the impact that education around food choices could have on students, and encouraged Council to assist in educating the wider community in this area.  Mr Robinson answered questions.

6.14     Tim Morozgalski – 22944

            Mr Morozgalski spoke to the submission in support of the Community Compost project.  He noted that the project had led to a greater awareness of the benefits of compost, and provided a commercial product which in turn lead to better soil health, better water retention, and better edible harvest being grown.  Mr Morozgalski answered questions.

6.15     Ru Collin - The Brook Sanctuary – 23053

            Mr Collin spoke to the submission, and outlined the difficulties that the COVID-19 situation had raised for the Sanctuary with regards to revenue generation.  He explained that the Sanctuary was working to increase revenue via grant applications other than Gambling Trusts, increasing in-kind support from businesses, working with Project Kōkiri to redeploy recently unemployed people into volunteer activities at the Sanctuary, and exploring funding options through local and central government.  Mr Collin spoke about paid roles the Sanctuary hoped to establish, and its upcoming events programme, and answered questions.

Attendance:  Her Worship the Mayor returned to the meeting at 11.55a.m. and resumed as Chair.

6.16     Sally Hallmark and Zoe Dee - Nelson Youth Choir – 23021

Ms Hallmark and Ms Dee gave a PowerPoint presentation (A2383626), and tabled additional supporting information (A2383645 and A2382652).


They spoke about the development of the Nelson Youth Choir, its current activities, and governance and operating structure.  They outlined the funding sought to assist the development of the choir, and answered questions. 





1    A2383626 - PowerPoint Presentation

2    A2383645 - Additional Supporting Information 1

3    A2383652 - Additional Supporting Information 2

6.17     Matthew Clements – 23107

            Mr Clements spoke about the Community Compost project.  He outlined how the composting machine worked, and noted the design was scalable and simple to build and transport.  He spoke about the social aspect of the project, noting the involvement of former refugees in the project, and the positive outcomes arising from working together in a group.  Mr Clements answered questions.

6.18     Christine Tuffnell - President - Nelson Grey Power – 24206

            Ms Tuffnell spoke to the submission on behalf of Nelson Grey Power.  She noted that Greypower supported a zero rates increase, however did not wish to see a big rates increase next year.  She noted further that Grey Power was opposed to the sale of Council’s community housing, and suggested that Council regularly communicate with the community regarding the economic recovery from COVID-19.  Ms Tuffnell answered questions.

6.19     Richard Morris – 23108

            Mr Morris spoke to his submission, and outlined his concerns regarding the Marina.  He said that the hardstand area was being used as a dump, and maintenance was not being carried out.  He suggested that a proper commercial development should take place at the marina.  Mr Morris answered questions.

6.20     Kate Howard – 22954

            Ms Howard spoke to her submission and outlined her support for the food waste trial.  She spoke about positive ripple effects as a result of the food waste trial, including encouraging social enterprises and increasing shared experiences across different generations and cultures.  Ms Howard answered questions.

6.21     Nicola Hewitt – 22962

The submitter did not attend the hearing.

            Attendance: The meeting was adjourned from 12.36p.m. until 1.21p.m.

6.22     Barbara Robson – 24154

            Ms Robson spoke to her submission, highlighting the need for a continued focus on the climate change emergency, the importance of good communication to enable necessary change and that community groups were well placed to offer support. Ms Robson supported an urban farm, Kai Rescue and a kerb compost trial, which tied in with the Good Food Cities initiative, which she felt Council should sign up to.

6.23     Tim Robson – 24176

            Mr Robson spoke to his submission, noting the challenge of meeting the  needs of the people while meeting needs of planet. He offered to forward a link to a letter to the Government on resetting the economy sustainably post COVID-19. He supported the compost initiative, Kai Rescue, the Biodiversity Forum and the Climate Change Forum and said that the Annual Plan and Shovel-Ready projects needed a climate change/social lens as well as an economic one. He felt that the time to act to limit climate change was now. Mr Robson answered questions regarding Koata Park, parking and pedestrianisation of the CBD.

6.24     Mike Stevens - Chairperson - Blind Citizens NZ Nelson – 24336

            Amanda Stevens spoke to the submission, she focused on affordable transport, noting the problems high transport costs caused. Ms Stevens advocated for a rise in the total mobility cap. She answered a question regarding access to local democracy. It was noted that the total mobility scheme had not been reviewed since 2005 and Her Worship the Mayor said she would raise the matter at Regional Council and would follow up on access to information with Strengthening Community Partnerships.

6.25     Richard Sullivan – 24175

            Mr Sullivan spoke to his submission regarding improving Nelson’s productivity performance and emphasised the need for a higher skilled workforce, and more sustainable economic future. He advocated for the use of solar power, for a more pedestrian friendly city centre and for subsidised rain water tanks. He felt that rates rises needed to be addressed and asked for more Council transparency via increased communication.


 6.26    Jacquetta Bell and Tom Kennedy - Friends of the Maitai – 24181

            Ms Bell  and Mr Kennedy spoke to the submission, noting the importance of the Maitai river and Council’s responsibility regarding its health and biodiversity, the Maitai Forestry Forum, which required adequate resources, monitoring of forestry and compliance and shovel ready environmental projects.

6.27     Joost van Rens – 24182

            The submitter did not attend the hearing.

6.28     Keith Preston - Nelson Tasman Housing Trust – 24185

            Mr Preston spoke to the submission regarding affordable housing, noting the Trust’s willingness to partner with Council. He answered questions regarding negotiation for blocks of land and provisions in the Nelson Plan.

6.29     Claire Insley - The Vegan Society Aotearoa NZ – 24234

            Ms Insley spoke to the submission supporting the Good Food Cities initiative, plant-based healthy eating information and education, community fruit trees and community gardens.

6.30     Taisia Cech – 24190

            Ms Cech spoke to her submission supporting the Good Food Cities initiative and of the benefits of a shift to a plant-based, healthy and sustainable diet, limiting animal products and protecting the planet. She suggested Council could help raise awareness.

            Her Worship the Mayor requested that the submission be emailed to the Governance Advisers for distribution to Elected Members.

            Attendance:  The meeting was adjourned from 2.39p.m. until 2.53p.m.

Extension of Meeting Time

Resolved CL/2020/038


That the Council

1.       Extends the meeting time beyond six hours, pursuant to Standing Order 4.2.

Her Worship the Mayor/Bowater                                                       Carried



6.31     Penny Molnar on behalf of Kindra Douglas - Community Action Nelson – 24195

            Ms Molnar spoke to the submission regarding affordable housing, homelessness and housing issues. She was supportive of the proceeds from the sale of community housing being put into the housing reserve. Ms Molnar answered questions regarding changes in the rental market due to COVID-19, the Nelson Plan and the Makeshift space and was invited to speak at the next Community Services Committee meeting.

6.32     Ben Pointer-Nelson Mountain Bike Club – 24196

            Mr Pointer spoke to the submission, requesting a variation to the Club’s contract in the Long Term Plan to carry out over funding of $326,000. He answered questions regarding the Club’s employees and membership.

6.33     Anne Evans - Vitality Nelson – 24166

            Ms Evans spoke to the submission, requesting Nelson to join the Good Food Cities initiative as she felt that lifestyle diseases could be eliminated by lifestyle factors. She advocated for a commitment to healthier populations and environment. She answered questions regarding how Council could work with others to support this.

            Attendance: Councillor Noonan returned to the meeting at 3.16p.m.

            Attendance: Councillor Skinner left the meeting at 3.18p.m.

6.34     Robin Schiff – 24207

            Ms Schiff spoke to the submission, highlighting the need to focus on the climate change emergency, which she felt was more dangerous than the COVID-19 pandemic.

6.35     Rebecca Young – 24227

            Ms Young spoke to her submission representing a group of individuals who had met through the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum. She highlighted the main topics of the submission, which were support for the community compost scheme, encouraging people to grow, cook and preserve their own food, edible gardens, community food banks, regenerative farming, an increase in water quality and support for the Good Food Cities initiative.

            Her Worship the Mayor requested Ms Young to email a copy of her presentation through to officers.

            Attendance: The meeting was adjourned from 3.42p.m. until 3.51p.m. Councillor Skinner was not present.


6.36     Youth Council – 24127

            Youth Councillors Hailey Potts, Theo Wheatley, Nathan Dunn, Anna Sawyer and Will Irvine spoke to the submission, highlighting the need for collaboration with Youth Council regarding Stoke Youth Park, support for the conversion of Modellers Pond to a more natural option and requesting youth involvement and youth spaces in the library redevelopment. They answered questions regarding youth awareness regarding recycling, Modellers Pond and Youth Council ideas for projects in Tahunanui.

6.37     Kenneth Trathen - Trathens Properties – 24249

            The submitter did not attend the hearing.

            Attendance: Councillor Skinner returned to the meeting at 4.07p.m.

6.38     Brent Thawley - Board Chairperson - Nelson Festivals Trust – 24216

            Mr Thawley spoke to the submission, highlighting the role of the arts in Nelson’s recovery from the COVID-19 emergency and the need to reimagine the Arts festival and accelerate changes. He answered questions regarding budget and sponsorship, modes of delivery and city centre activation by using local venues to support the hospitality industry.

            Attendance: Councillor Noonan left the meeting at 4.24p.m.

6.39     Gordon Oldfield and David Taylor - Volunteer Nelson – 24215

            Mr Oldfield and Mr Taylor spoke to the submission requesting an extension of the Emergency Fund and highlighting the need for a community hub which could house all of the community organisations under one roof, suggesting a community development agency be developed.  They answered questions regarding the submission.

 6.40    Nathalie Lacaze-Campbell – 24331-

            The submitter did not attend the hearing.

            Elected Members were requested to email questions or requests for further information to Group Manager Strategy and Communications, Nicky McDonald, copying in the Mayor.


            There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4.34p.m. to be reconvened on Tuesday 19 May at 1.00p.m.

Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson City Council to hear submissions to the Draft Annual Plan 2020/21

Held via Audio-Visual (Zoom)

Reconvened on Tuesday 19 May 2020, commencing at 1.05p.m.


Present:               Deputy Mayor J Edgar (Chairperson), Councillors Y Bowater, T Brand, M Courtney, K Fulton, M Lawrey, R O'Neill-Stevens, B McGurk, G Noonan, P Rainey, R Sanson and T Skinner

In Attendance:     Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Environmental Management (C Barton), Acting Group Manager Community Services (M Preston-Thomas), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald), Team Leader Governance (R Byrne), Governance Support (K McLean) and Governance Adviser (E Stephenson)

Apologies :           Her Worship the Mayor Rachel Reese           

     Attendance: Councillors McGurk and Rainey left the meeting at 1.05p.m.



Resolved CL/2020/037  


That the Council

1.       Receives and accepts the apology from Her Worship the Mayor Reese for attendance.

Lawrey/Noonan                                                                                Carried


6.41     Further Late Submission

The Chairperson noted that a further late submission (A2386877) had been received, and a resolution was required for Council to consider this.

An updated Hearings Schedule (A2386780) and an additional short statement (A2386848) were tabled.

Resolved CL/2020/038


That the Council

1.       Accepts the late submission to the Draft Annual Plan 2020/21 from  Peter Olorenshaw – Nelsust - 24350 (A2386877).


Sanson/Bowater                                                                               Carried



1    A2386877 - Late Submission 24350 - Peter Olorenshaw - Nelsust

2    A2386780 - Updated Hearing Schedule 19 May 2020

3    A2386848 - Rob Snow - Moncrief Alliance Ltd - 24270 Brief Statement


The meeting was adjourned from 1.12p.m. until 1.17p.m.

6.42     Bevan Woodward - 24272

Mr Woodward provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke to his submission regarding redesigning Civic House to promote Nelson, in partnership with iwi and engaging with the wider community. He answered questions regarding community feedback and the development of a working group, noting that he would be willing to donate time as a project manager.





1    A2386836 - PowerPoint presentation


6.43     David Ayre - Nelson Tasman Climate Forum - Science Technology & Research – 24224

            Mr Ayre spoke to the submission, highlighting the complex issue of global warming, coastal change and rising sea level, which he felt needed wider community discussion.

6.44     Lindsay Wood - Director - Resilienz Ltd - 24292

Mr Wood provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke to the submission noting the need for action relating to the climate emergency. He felt the Annual Plan was weak in this area and that reprioritisation was required. In response to a question he offered to share information regarding carbon reductions and answered a question regarding non-essential projects.

Attendance: Councillor Rainey returned to the meeting at 1.40p.m.





1    A2386251 - PowerPoint presentation



6.45     Derek Shaw - Chairperson - Top of the South Athletics Charitable Trust – 24260

            Mr Shaw spoke to the submission, thanking Nelson City and Tasman District (TDC) Councils for the new track at Saxton Field. The Trust requested funding for shade provision, sand turf, work on the discus cage and the pole vault. He noted that the Colgate Games were scheduled for January 2021 and answered a question regarding shade sail versatility.

6.46     Monika Clark-Grill – 24277

Ms Grill spoke to her submission. Points she highlighted included the climate change emergency and Nelson citizens had been using active transport during lockdown,  and this had now been relegated. She felt a big shift was required to change from a car friendly environment via a multi-strand approach. It was noted that a lot of the suggestions in the submission were currently being progressed.

6.47     Richard Kempthorne & Graeme McConnell - Committee member - Nelson 100th Aviation Anniversary – 24308

Mr Kempthorne spoke to the submission, requesting funding for plaques to celebrate  the anniversary. He and Mr McConnell answered questions regarding other funding sources.

6.48     John-Paul Pochin – 24267

Mr Pochin spoke to his submission, he advocated for an inclusive and sustainable society with reduction of consumption by buying good quality locally and reusing goods. He was supportive of reducing parking spaces in the city centre. Mr Pochin answered questions on the Incredible Edibles project, he was invited to email links to the project to Elected Members. It was noted that consultation on city centre development would commence shortly.

 The meeting was adjourned from 2.17p.m. until 2.24p.m.

6.49     Amanda Kane – Coordinator, supported by Karen Driver - Trustee -             Social Impact Nelson Tasman (SINT) – 24315

Ms Kane spoke to the submission, noting that SINT was a social enterprise advocate to support businesses and communities to deliver more social outcomes via a place based approach. She requested that Council consider social outcomes and the environment in its procurement decision-making. She highlighted the need for new technologies and methods to stimulate growth and environmental outcomes. Ms Kane answered questions regarding well-being indicators and other councils’ social procurement.


6.50     Agnieszka Grudzinska – 24324

Ms Grudzinska spoke to her submission about how Council could make a difference on the climate change front by a focus on waste minimisation, non-virgin materials, less pollution and rewarding innovation in its procurement policy. She was supportive of the kerbside compost collection project.

6.51     Gillian Wratt - Nelson Tasman Cycle Trail Trust – 24230

Ms Wratt provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke to the submission, highlighting the value of the cycle trail assets in the region both for the community and visitors, and encouraging Council to keep investing in those assets. She spoke of projects undertaken and trail usage numbers and asked for a different approach for managed access to trails during time of high fire risk, rather than wholesale closures of trails and answered questions regarding shared trails and signage.





1    A2386621 - PowerPoint presentation


Attendance: Councillor Sanson left the meeting from 3.03p.m. until 3.07p.m., due to a technical difficulty.

6.52     Henry Hudson – 24327

Mr Hudson spoke to his three submissions regarding a change of approach to the rules regarding changes to existing driveways, Council’s core business being essential services, advocating for ratepayer ranking of non-essential projects, carbon emission levels and the use of fossil fuels and sea level rise. He felt that Nelson did not need a climatorium or a climate champion, but needed to act based on evidence.

            The meeting was adjourned from 3.16p.m. until 3.31p.m., during which   time Councillor Noonan left the meeting.

6.53     Iain Sheves - Wakatu Incorporation - 24330

Mr Sheves spoke to the submission supporting housing intensification, via a holistic approach with sufficient open spaces and facilities. He requested confirmation that the Heritage strategy review would encompass Māori heritage and cultural values. He noted that work was progressing on Saxton Creek and supported discussion on initiatives to address legacy contaminants. Mr Sheves answered questions around their river precinct development and mitigation measures being adopted.

Attendance: Councillor Noonan returned to the meeting at 3.44p.m.

6.54     Faye Wulff - Manager - Community Art Works – 24271

Ms Wulff spoke to the submission, thanking Council for its support over the years and into the future. She noted that this was a worrying time for local artists. Ms Wulff’s tenacity and perseverance was acknowledged and in response to a question Ms Wulff said that they were looking for the same support they had already been receiving, and continued security of place.

6.55     Peter Olorenshaw – 24326 and Nelsust – 24350

Mr Olorenshaw spoke to his personal submission, noting the need for Council spending to provide economic stimulus, reviewed with a climate change and COVID-19 lens. He was supportive of affordable housing and limiting urban sprawl. He requested changes to the assessment of resource consents with carbon neutral/negative building incentives.

Mr Olorenshaw spoke to the Nelsust submission, he was supportive of the following: sustainable transport solutions, like a direct rail link to Christchurch, reducing the amount of cars and car dealers in the city centre, $2 flat bus fares, workplace parking levies and free CBD parking for three hours. He felt that transport trend assumptions needed to be questioned since the COVID-19 emergency. He answered a question on second dwellings using partitioning.

6.56     Kylie Dale - Eat Kind Coordinator – 24295

Ms Dale spoke to her submission, supporting a focus on the climate emergency and an emphasis on work at a community level. She was supportive of the Good Food Cities initiative and community gardens.

6.57     Karen Driver – 24290

Ms Driver spoke to her personal submission, supporting waste minimisation and advocating for community engagement in the Joint Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (JWMMP).

6.58     Karen Driver - Group of individuals – 24318

Ms Driver was joined by Julie Evans, Collen Shaw and Kerry Williams and spoke on behalf of nine individuals who were members of the Resource and Waste sub group of the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum, supporting the reduction of waste. The main points in the submission were food waste trials, Council’s procurement policy and implementation of the JWMMP. Ms Driver asked how they could work alongside both councils, as they could help gathering data to help achieve the plan. Ms Shaw felt that the waste reduction target of 10% was meagre.

6.59     Bruce Gilkison – 24254

Mr Gilkison spoke to his submission regarding climate change, he congratulated Council for continuing climate change work during the COVID-19 emergency and supported allocation of funding for the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum and for Council to work more closely with TDC, he suggested work was needed on target date for net carbon zero status, with an increased focus on emissions.



6.60     Steve Thomas - Director - NZ Boat Sales Ltd – 24306

Mr Thomas spoke to the submission supporting Marina hardstand improvements and highlighted the need for a long-term Marina governance plan for the future. He answered questions on governance options and Marina growth.

The meeting was adjourned at 4.41p.m. to reconvene on Wednesday 20 May at 1.00p.m.



Minutes of a meeting of the Nelson City Council to hear submissions to the Draft Annual Plan 2020/21

Held via Audio-Visual (Zoom)

Reconvened on Wednesday 20 May 2020, commencing at 1.02p.m.


Present:               Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, (Chairperson), Councillors Y Bowater, T Brand, M Courtney, J Edgar (Deputy Mayor) K Fulton, M Lawrey, R O'Neill-Stevens, B McGurk, G Noonan, P Rainey, R Sanson and T Skinner

In Attendance:     Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Environmental Management (C Barton), Acting Group Manager Community Services (M Preston-Thomas), Group Manager Corporate Services (N Harrison), Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald), Team Leader Governance (R Byrne), Governance Support (K McLean) and Governance Adviser (E Stephenson)



6.61     Jo Coughlan - Chair - NZ Chinese Language Week Charitable Trust – 24173


Ms Coughlan spoke to the submission, highlighting the background of the Trust and its programmes and activities, she encouraged people to take up Chinese language learning. She requested ongoing support via a small cash contribution for project work and a key liaison person at Council. Ms Coughlan answered questions about funding and relationships.

           Attendance: Councillor Noonan entered the meeting at 1.06pm


6.62     Hannah O'Malley, Professor John Potter and Dr Meika Foster - The Food Group – 24264

Professor John Potter and Dr Meika Foster spoke to the submission. A PowerPoint presentation was provided. They were supportive of the Good Food Cities initiative and a shift to healthy more sustainable food and a reduction of food waste. They advocated for a plant-based diet for the health of people and the environment and answered questions about engagement with iwi.





1    A2387240 - PowerPoint presentation


6.63     Hannah O'Malley – 24269


Ms O’Malley spoke to her submission, supporting climate change activity, the kerbside compost collection trial, the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum, and the Good Food Cities initiative, aligning food procurement with the planetary health diet. She suggested that Nelson could become a leader in this area by developing a good food city strategy involving Council’s food procurement policy, Kai Rescue, community gardens and edible landscaping. Ms O’Malley answered a question about engagement with other councils.


6.64     Warren Borlase - Director - Evans Creek Ltd – 24266


Mr Borlase spoke to his submission regarding residential and commercial rates. He requested a review of the increasing rates model. Mr Borlase answered questions regarding rating mechanisms.


6.65     Tim Morozgalski - Speaking as director of Tim's Garden – 22944


Mr Morozgalski spoke to the submission, providing background on his business. He supported rainwater harvesting, improved garden usage and edible landscapes utilising vacant lots and recreational areas to grow food. He answered questions regarding rainwater tanks and funding.

Attendance: Councillor Rainey entered the meeting at 1.51pm


6.66     Barry Thompson - Thompson, Daly & Co – 24284


Mr Thompson spoke to the submission, opposing widening footpaths and a reduction of car parks. He suggested the elimination of parking meters and felt that the inner city rates system needed major alterations. He felt that retailers were suffering from high commercial rates and noted that he would send a copy of his presentation to Council.


6.67     Bill Dahlberg – 24307


Mr Dahlberg spoke to his submission, focusing on the Nelson Plan and funding through borrowing. He felt that there might be a perception that Council was manipulating the funding process resulting in a loss of credibility.


The meeting was adjourned from 2.07p.m. until 2.12p.m.


6.68     Robert Stevenson - Director - Achilles Properties Ltd – 24291


            The submitter did not attend the hearing.

6.69     Peter Taylor – 24316


Mr Taylor spoke to his submission, supporting the creation of a climate change policy team and consultation with the community and industry leaders on climate change principles before writing the rules. He supported the investigation of an expressway for buses and felt there was confusion regarding bus patronage numbers.


6.70     Nathalie Lacaze-Campbell – 24331


Ms Lacaze-Campbell spoke to her submission, which was also on behalf of Bicycle Nelson Bays. She supported a safe cycle lane network and active and public transport use. She advocated for a focus on domestic travel and development of centres outside the city centre and lowering of speed limits around schools.


6.71     Kate Malcolm – 24323


Ms Malcolm spoke to her submission, she felt that Council’s climate change response was not noticeable and there was a lack of continuous cycle lanes in Nelson compared to Richmond. She advocated for the removal of carparks for safety. Ms Malcolm answered questions regarding a congestion charge and near misses.


6.72     Ami Kennedy – 24297


Ms Kennedy spoke to her submission, supporting Council’s declaration of a climate emergency and establishment of the Climate Change Reserve Fund. She supported a coordinated approach to food systems with innovative ideas around regional food education, production and waste management. She supported collaborative community based food projects, such as the Germinate Collective and Nelson becoming a smart and nourishing little city.


            The meeting was adjourned from 2.44p.m. until 2.50p.m.


6.73     Anne Rush - 24342 (late submission) and Alison McAlpine


Ms Rush and Ms McAlpine spoke to the submission in support of the Making Spaces project as an opportunity for collaboration and joint ventures. They noted the project had been curtailed by the COVID-19 lockdown. They were supportive of affordable housing and city centre intensification and suggested Council consider a rates rebate or discount for property owners that signed up with them, noting there were considerable outgoings for empty commercial properties.  They requested funding in the Annual Plan to support brokerage services and noted that Council support attracted support from others.  

6.74     John Higginbotham - 24332

Mr Higginbotham provided a PowerPoint presentation and spoke to his submission, supporting a cycle-friendly city, with a reduction in car parks and a subsidised bus service. He supported Council increasing the number of planners it employed and said that he would be happy to be involved in the removal of trees in the road reserve. He supported the reduction of public debt for the sake of children, a reduction in capital expenses, the protection of heritage buildings and made suggestions for improving Modellers Pond and bringing the Saturday market into Trafalgar and Church Street, noting the net increase in car parks this would create.

Mr Higginbotham was encouraged to submit to the city centre feedback process.





1    A2388374 - PowerPoint presentation



6.75     Ben Bushell - Managing Director - Community Compost – 24301


Mr Bushell spoke to the submission, thanking Council for working with them on a bike and trailer collection service. He supported and advocated for the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum, the Good Food Cities initiative, local edible landscapes, community gardens and a regenerative farm. He noted the positive impacts of food waste recovery and composting, regenerative learning, upskilling, maximise food yields and resilience. He noted the hot composting machine, built in Nelson by local businesses from recycled materials and operating to the highest operational standards.


Her Worship the Mayor requested that Mr Bushell provide a copy of his presentation.


6.76     Anton Drazevic - Manager Nelson Environment Centre – 24293


Mr Drazevic spoke to the submission, supporting maintaining the Climate Emergency Fund at $500,000 going forwards. He supported the Good Food Cities initiative and the establishment of a collaborative community urban farm pilot. He requested rental support for the Kai Rescue programme. He answered questions regarding the urban farm pilot.


The meeting was adjourned from 3.37p.m. until 3.48p.m.


6.77     Mike Ward - 24340 (late submission) 3.53pm


Mr Ward spoke to his submission, supporting the reduction of waste and noting the importance of the climate change-friendly Nelson 2060 document. He noted that trust was key to leadership. He felt that there would no longer be a housing shortage and that sustainability was key and a vision that everyone aspired to.

6.78     Dr Luke Wilson, Dr Mark Craig, Grant Dixon and Peter Barclay speaking on behalf of Caitlin Randles - Vice President - Evidence Based Eating – 24261

A PowerPoint presentation was provided. Mr Dixon introduced the organisation, supporting a wholefood diet and Nelson as a Good Food City  becoming an example to New Zealand.

Dr Wilson noted multiple health crises, and that climate change was a massive threat to society. He felt that a healthier diet across the population would counter agricultural emissions and lower disease. He noted that New Zealand had the third highest rate of obesity, which was prevalent in lower socio-economic areas. He supported Nelson joining the Good Food Cities initiative and becoming a national leader in this area.

Mr Barclay supporting a substantial reduction in meat consumption.





1    A2387294 - PowerPoint presentation


6.79    Gaire Thompson - Managing Director - Thompson Property Group - 24302


Mr Thompson spoke to the submission, supporting making it easier for commercial properties to get refunds for water leaks. He also felt the following were too high:


·        commercial rates differential

·        the costs of the Nelson Regional Development Agency and Uniquely Nelson

·        the Stoke Memorial Hall budget

·        costs related to the parking strategy

·        Council staff numbers

·        consent charges

·        the climate change budget.

He was supportive of Modellers Pond going back to what it used to be and requested an investigation into it being flushed out with salt water. He was supportive of inner city parking and against widening footpaths.

6.80     Lindsay Hay - CEO - Millenium Property - 24283

Mr Hay tabled his submission (A2387477), which he read. He answered questions regarding parking fees and on the level of involvement with Uniquely Nelson.





1    A2387477 - 24283 - Lindsay Hay - Millenium Property


6.81     Ken Trathen - Trathens Properties – 24249

The submitter did not attend the hearing.





6.82     Further Late Submissions


That the Council

1.     Accepts the late submissions to the Draft Annual Plan 2020/21 (A2386877) from Alastair Cotterill – 24345 and from David Johnston – Ngāti Kuia Iwi General Managers of Te Tau Ihu - 24347 .


Edgar/O'Neill-Stevens                                                                       Carried



1    A2386877 - Alastair Cotterill - 24345 and David Johnston - Ngāti Kuia Iwi General Managers of Te Tau Ihu - 24347


Karakia Whakamutunga

Her Worship the Mayor gave the closing karakia.

The meeting closed at 4.35p.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                         Chairperson                                    Date