



Ordinary meeting of the

Environment Committee

Tuesday 21 April 2020
Commencing at 1.00p.m. - Hearing of Submissions to Dog Control Policy and Bylaw Review
via Audio-Visual (Zoom)






5.2  Tabled documents

A.    A2371943 - Adrian Abraham - 22738                                  2

B.    A2371733 - Helen Black - 21694                                        3

C.    A2370963 - Erice Jackson - 21697                                      4

D.    A2371714 - Hilary Burbidge and Ross Whitlock - 21689      6

E.     A2372966 - Ferry van Mansum - 21483                              7

F.     A2362473 - PowerPoint Presentation - David Melville - 22731                                                                               8

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Hilary Burbidge and Ross Whitlock – Submission 21689


We have walked along the Maitai /Tantragee Walkway most days for over 12 years. No matter what time of day or day of the week the area is being enjoyed by a wide range of people walking and biking with their dogs. It is a healthy, low cost and thoroughly enjoyable activity that costs the council little. It is the only area near Nelson city, that is easily accessible where dogs can be safely off leash (away from roads), uncrowded in a more rural environment and can be exercised for several kms. There are no endangered ground birds, no special plants and often no stock. The freedom of this recreational

amenity to rate payers and visitors you propose to sacrifice due to "low cost maintenance of grazing" Why not surprise us dog owners by instead of introducing restrictions upon restriction you actually embrace us and make this area "a dog off leash area" by stopping

stock grazing. The maintenance cost of some mowing and brush cutting could be easily offset by the cost of badly needed improved fencing (stock often wander), the supply of fresh clean water (often scant apart from winter and an animal welfare issue) and avoidance of pollution of waterways by faecal run-off during heavy rain. This area could become a real gem for Nelson (akin to Rough Island) instead of poor grazing land at best. It does not have to be manicured parkland, semi wilderness is great and welcomed

by most. As an aside although you mention it is difficult to get any one to graze the area due to dogs being off leash, I note that stock seem to be rarely checked and when moved on there are always several sheep and even adult cows left behind - presumably

unintentionally and often distressed at being separated from the reminder of the flock/herd. I have never in over 12 years seen any dog harm stock NZ has space - the Codgers/Tantragee/Groom Creek Road and Maitai walkway provides near Nelson town access to a longer and more rural walkway for the simple activity of

exercising their dogs -why continually restrict fit people and their dogs when this so easily could be a treasured feature of Nelson.




Item 5.2: Tabled documents: Attachment 5

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Item 5.2: Tabled documents: Attachment 6

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