



Ordinary meeting of the

Nelson City Council

Thursday 12 December 2019
Commencing at 11.00a.m.
Council Chamber

Civic House

110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson






7     Mayor's Report

A.    A2316262 - Request for funding for the March 2020 visit from Denmark 3


10   Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw changes to accommodate new parking technology

A.    A2315014 - Corrections to R11510 - Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw changes to accommodate new parking technology                                 4


12.1        Community Action Nelson

A.    A2313976 Community Action Nelson Housing Issues PowerPoint            6

B.    A2315179 Community Action Nelson tabled supporting document        24


12   Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw changes to accommodate new parking technology (revisited)

A.    A2315014 - Corrections to R11510 - Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw changes to accommodate new parking technology                               43

B.    A2264843 - Tracked Changed version of the Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw 2011                                                                                          45

Item 7: Mayor's Report: Attachment 1

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Item 10: Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw changes to accommodate new parking technology: Attachment 1

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Item 12.1: Community Action Nelson: Attachment 1

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Item 12.1: Community Action Nelson: Attachment 2

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Item 12: Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw changes to accommodate new parking technology (revisited): Attachment 1

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Item 12: Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw changes to accommodate new parking technology (revisited): Attachment 2

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