Minutes of a meeting of the Forestry Advisory Group

Held in Rūma Waimārama, Floor 2A, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Wednesday 27 November 2019, commencing at 3.01p.m.


Present:              Mr J Murray (Chairperson), Mayor R Reese, Councillor R Sanson, Mr A Louverdis and Mr P Gorman

In Attendance:    PF Olsen representative (G Brown) and Governance Adviser (J Brandt)

Apology:             Nil



The Chairperson welcomed Councillor Sanson to the Forestry Advisory Group as a new member for the triennium 2019-2022.


1.       Apologies

There were no apologies.

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business.

3.       Interests

Her Worship Mayor R Reese declared an interest in regards to a forestry block close to her property.  

4.       Forestry Update - Number 10

Document number R11486, agenda pages 5 - 21 refer.

Group Manager Infrastructure, Alec Louverdis, noted apologies from Land Vision’s L Grant and PF Olsen’s S Nuske who were unable to attend the meeting, and presented his report.

Fire Risk

Mr Louverdis gave a summary of a meeting held with Civil Defence, FENZ Rural Fire Office for Nelson/Tasman, Ngati Koata and Nelson City Council Parks and Reserves officers to discuss fire risk in Council forestry and reserves blocks leading up to summer. He tabled notes from the meeting (A2307301) and advised that PF Olsen had also been in attendance.

It was agreed that there was a need to have consistency in protocols regarding access to areas where forestry land, parks and reserve land overlapped. It was requested that the protocols be reviewed with input from PF Olsen and the Group’s independent forestry adviser and that the protocols would come to the Group for approval. The officer recommendations were amended accordingly.

Harvesting Plans - Brook

Harvesting plans were discussed and it was noted that the harvesting dates proposed for the Ngati Koata Brook blocks were 1 May to mid June 2020 and July to September 2020 for the Nelson City Council owned Brook blocks. The officer recommendations were amended to include these dates.

Discussion was had about liaison with concessionaires in regards to the closure of tracks during the proposed harvest. It was requested that a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) meeting be held with concessionaires about the approved Nelson harvesting dates and that the views be brought back to the Group, and opportunity given to hear any concerns concessionaires may have, as well as give consideration to health and safety risk management. It was suggested that Parks and Reserves also be in attendance at the next meeting.

The Group thanked PF Olsen for their part in the management of the Nelson City Council owned forests.

Havesting Plans – Maitai

It was noted that the Maitai Harvest was delayed due to the requirement for a bridge to be installed. The Group requested additional information for the next meeting.

Request from Private Landowner

The request for compensation from a private Brook Street landowner was discussed and the Group was supportive of the proposal prepared by PF Olsen and that the owner be advised that her request was not approved.

Logging Routes

Discussion took place regarding proposed routes for logging trucks during the Brook Harvest. It was noted that reference to an existing agreement with the community from 2003 had been made. The officer recommendation was changed to reflect existing arrangements and officers were asked to clarify the 2003 agreement.


Forestry Stewardship Council Accreditation (FSC)

Progress with Forestry Stewardship Council Accreditation for Nelson City Council was discussed and the Group requested that the necessary steps be taken to get the application under way for accreditation, and not wait as previously agreed.


The Group acknowledged that it was potentially the last meeting for one of its members, Mr Louverdis. Thanks were expressed to the Group Manager Infrastructure for his significant contribution to the Forestry Advisory Group, noting the substantial improvements to the management of Council forestry since the Group’s inception.


Resolved FAG/2019/014


That the Forestry Advisory Group

1.           Receives the report (R11486) and its attachments (A2300487, A2299972 and A2300520); and

2.           Agrees with respect to the privately owned  Brook Block adjacent to Council’s owned block (22/06) to be harvested, that the proposal from the landowner for PF Olsen to undertake the harvesting of that block is not financially beneficial to Council and that the landowner be advised accordingly; and

3.           Notes that PF Olsen logging trucks for Brook harvesting will operate in conjunction with what has been agreed with the community at this point in time; and  

4.            Notes the revised planned harvesting of the Tantragee block to mid-2020; and

5.           Notes the harvesting dates, following consultation with stakeholders and concessionaires, for the Brook blocks owned by Ngati Koata will be between 1 May to mid June 2020; and

6.           Agrees that the harvesting dates, following consultation with stakeholders and concessionaires, for the Nelson City Council owned Brook blocks will be July to September 2020; and

7.           Requests that the outcome of a PCBU meeting be brought back to a future Forestry Advisory Group meeting to consider any concerns concessionaires may have regarding exemptions for closures during harvesting, and to consider relevant matters relating to health and safety risk management; and

8.            Agrees to the change in recommendation to the Brook/York Landfill block fire risk assessment from a new fire break to a regular mowing regime; and

9.            Notes that the native seedlings ordered to replant the Brook blocks that were to be harvested (and converted to alternate use) between October-December 2019, will be used elsewhere.

Her Worship the Mayor/Sanson                                                     Carried


1    A2307301 Fire Risk Meeting - Summary notes


There being no further business the meeting ended at 5.21p.m.

Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:



                                                       Chairperson                                     Date