Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Nelson City Council

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Monday 29 April 2019, commencing at 10.05a.m.


Present:               Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Chairperson), Councillors I Barker, M Courtney, B Dahlberg, K Fulton (via audio link), M Lawrey, P Matheson, G Noonan, M Rutledge, T Skinner and S Walker

In Attendance:     Acting Chief Executive (N Harrison), Group Manager Infrastructure (A Louverdis), Group Manager Environmental Management (C Barton), Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald) and Team Leader Governance (R Byrne).

Apologies:            Councillors L Acland and B McGurk, Councillor Dahlberg for lateness.

Opening Prayer

Councillor Matheson gave the opening prayer.

1.         Apologies

Resolved CL/2019/041


That the Council

1.       Receives and accepts the apologies from Councillor Acland and Councillor McGurk and apologies for lateness from Councillor Dahlberg .

Her Worship the Mayor/Walker                                                         Carried

2.         Confirmation of Order of Business

Councillor Noonan, Chair of Community Services Committee, updated Council that the draft recommendation from the Committee, which had been included in the Agenda, was no longer required. 

3.         Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.         Public Forum

4.1       Tony Vining, Aaron Walton and Jacques Reynolds – Vining Investment Properties.

Tony Vining, Aaron Walton and Jacques Reynolds were present to speak on the Special Housing Area (SHA) Application for 71 Haven Road and tabled a project overview.  Their design provided medium cost housing in a  six level, high profile, visually pleasing apartment block.

Mr Vining and Mr Reynolds answered questions on traffic management and impacts on neighbouring properties.



1    A2181726 Tony Vining - Vining Investment Properties Public Forum Council 29Apr2019

4.2       Steve Cross - Nelson Residents Association

Mr Cross spoke on Special Housing Areas and said he was concerned that there would be a move from land banking to consent banking for the outstanding SHA developments. He spoke on the process around extraordinary meetings and timeframes where the public had very little notification of a matter to be discussed.

5.        Special Housing Area - 71 Haven Road

Document number R10089, agenda pages 5 - 15 refer.

Attendance: Councillor Dahlberg joined to the meeting at 10.40a.m.

Team Leader City Development, Lisa Gibellini, presented the report and updated the Committee on consultation with New Zealand Transport Agency, who had provided positive comments about the application.

Ms Gibellini answered questions on active transport provision and shade on neighbouring properties, noting that these would be addressed through the resource consent process.   

Bayleys Business Development and Operations Manager, Jacques Reynolds, answered questions on shading to neighbouring properties, sustainable building materials, infrastructure upgrade and research into the average price range.    

Recommendation CL/2019/042


That the Council

1.     Receives the report Special Housing Area - 71 Haven Road (R10089) and its attachment (A2171702); and

2.     Approves 71 Haven Road (A2171702) for recommendation by the Mayor to the Associate Minister of Housing and Urban Development, subject to the landowner entering into a legal Deed with the Council which requires, amongst other matters, approval by the Urban Design Panel, and that the developer, at its sole cost, shall design, obtain all necessary consents for, and construct any additional infrastructure, or upgrades to the Council’s infrastructure, required to support the development of the Special Housing Area.

The motion was put and a division was called:


Her Worship the Mayor Reese  (Chairperson)

Cr Barker

Cr Courtney

Cr Dahlberg

Cr Fulton

Cr Lawrey

Cr Matheson

Cr Noonan

Cr Rutledge

Cr Skinner

Cr Walker




Cr Acland

Cr McGurk

The motion was carried unanimously.

Rutledge/Lawrey                                                                                    Carried

There being no further business the meeting ended at 11.17am.



Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:



                                                         Chairperson                                    Date