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4 December 2018

Memo to:             Mayor and Councillors

Memo from:                           Administration Advisers

Subject:       Planning and Regulatory Committee 6 December 2018 – LATE ITEM



6.       Late Item: Confirmation of Minutes - Planning and Regulatory Committee 13 November 2018 to hear submissions to the Nelson City Council Gambling Policy      3 - 1

Document R9918 Confirmation of Minutes - Planning and Regulatory Committee 13 November 2018 to hear submissions to the Nelson City Council Gambling Policy is attached and to be considered as a major late item at this meeting. 

Section 46A(1)-(6) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and Standing Order 9.8 require that agendas are distributed with the associated reports.  As the minutes were not distributed with the agenda for this meeting, they must be treated as a major late item to be considered at this meeting.

Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and Standing Order 9.12 require a procedural resolution before a major item that is not on the agenda for the meeting may be dealt with.

In accordance with section 46A(7)(b)(i) the reason why the item was not on the agenda is because the minutes were not to hand when the agenda was distributed.

In accordance with section 46A(7)(b)(ii) the reason why discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting is because a resolution on the matter is required before the Planning and Regulatory Committee deliberates on submissions to the Nelson City Council Gambling Policy, to enable a timely decision on the Nelson City Council Gambling Policy to be made.





That the Planning and Regulatory Committee

Considers the item Confirmation of Minutes – to hear submissions to the Nelson City Council Gambling Policy - 13 November 2018 at this meeting as a major item not on the agenda, pursuant to Section 46A(7)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, to enable a timely decision to be made.







Item 6: Confirmation of Minutes - Planning and Regulatory Committee 13 November 2018 to hear submissions to the Nelson City Council Gambling Policy 


Planning and Regulatory Committee

6 December 2018




Confirmation of Minutes - Planning and Regulatory Committee 13 November 2018 to hear submissions to the Nelson City Council Gambling Policy 






1.       Recommendation

That the Planning and Regulatory Committee

Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Regulatory Committee – to hear submissions to the Nelson City Council Gambling Policy, held on 13 November 2018, as a true and correct record. 





Planning and Regulatory Committee Minutes - 13 November 2018


Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Regulatory Committee

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 13 November 2018, commencing at 1.00p.m. to hear submissions to the Nelson City Council Gambling Policy


Present:             Her Worship the Mayor R Reese (Co-Chairperson), Councillor B McGurk (Presiding Co-Chairperson), Councillors I Barker, B Dahlberg and K Fulton

In Attendance:    Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald) and Team Leader Governance (R Byrne) and Governance Support (K McLean)

Leave of Absence: Councillor L Acland

Apologies:          Ms G Paine, Councillor S Walker



1.       Apologies

Resolved PR/2018/066

That the Planning and Regulatory Committee

Receives and accepts the apologies from Ms G Paine and Councillor S Walker.

Barker/Dahlberg                                              Carried


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Late Submissions to the Gambling Policy Consultation

Document number R9848, agenda pages 158 - 185 refer.

Resolved PR/2018/067

That the Planning and Regulatory Committee

Receives the report Late Submissions to the Gambling Policy Consultation (R9848) and its attachments (A2089402 and A2089411); and

Accepts late submissions to the Gambling Policy Consultation – Proposed Amendments to the Gambling Policy.

Barker/Fulton                                          Carried


5.       Hearing of Submissions to Nelson City Council's Gambling Policy Consultation - Proposed Amendments to the Gambling Policy

Document number R9831, agenda pages 5 - 157 refer.

An updated Hearings Schedule was tabled.


1    A2086984 Gambling Policy review - Updated Hearing Schedule for 13 Nov 2018

5.1   Mr Vern Mardon (#19326) – Athletics Nelson, The Saxton Field Pavilion Charitable Trust, National Academy of Distance Running Charitable Trust


Mr Mardon presented in his role of Secretary-Treasurer of Athletics Nelson, Chair of the Saxton Field Pavilion Charitable Trust and Chair of the National Academy of Distance Running Charitable Trust. He noted they strongly opposed any changes to the Gambling Policy. 

Mr Mardon tabled his speech notes (attached) and reiterated that problem gambling of  0.3% of the population was one of the lowest in world, removal of gaming machines would reduce funding available to good community organisations and that existing regulation of venues and operating policies was working well.



1    A2096295 Vern Mardon Notes - Gambling Policy Hearing




 5.2  Mr Jarrod True (#19360) – Gaming Machine Association of NZ


Mr True gave a presentation on behalf of the Gaming Machine Association of New Zealand (attached) and asked that Council retain the current cap of 273 machines and remove the 100m ATM rule. 





1    A2092258 Jarrod True - Gaming Machine Association


 5.3  Mr Murray Reade (#19370) – The Lion Foundation


Mr Reade gave a presentation on behalf of the Lion Foundation (attached) and answered questions about the data provided. 





1    A2092201 Murray Reade - The Lion Foundation


5.4   Miss Tanya Piejus (#19374) – NZ Community Trust


Miss Piejus gave a presentation on behalf of the NZ Community Trust (attached) requesting that the current cap of 273 machines be maintained.





1    A2089362 Tanya Piejus - NZ Community Trust

5.5      Mr Scott Gibbons (#19381) – Victory Boxing and Paul Hampton programme director.

Mr Gibbons updated the Committee on the history of Victory Boxing and the funding that was provided through Pub Charity. He noted that Victory Boxing had become a wide ranging organisation that currently worked with 470 to 490 children, teens and adults.  It was very much reliant on external funders and sponsors, gaming machines proceeds made up 50% of their current funding.  He noted that Victory Boxing was expecting a significant impact on funding levels if there was a change in the policy.

5.6      Mrs Kelly Harris (#19380) – Hospitality NZ Nelson Branch

Mrs Harris spoke on behalf of Hospitality NZ, representing operators, noting that they did not support reducing the number of machines and felt the contribution that gaming machines made outweighed the harm and that further regulation would only put additional barriers in the way of new business.  


5.7      Mr Les Edwards (#19373) – Tasman Rugby Union Inc


Mr Edwards tabled his speech notes (attached) and reiterated that Tasman Rugby Union managed the delivery and administration of grass roots rugby for 6100 players and 50 referees. They were heavily reliant on gaming funding. There were not enough businesses committed to or interested in providing funds to replace this. Volunteer numbers were also declining. 





1    A2096296 NCC Gambling Policy Review 2018 - Tasman Rugby Union submission


5.8      Mr Martin Cheer (#19384) – Pub Charity Limited


Mr Cheer gave a presentation from Pub Charity Ltd (attached) and answered questions on staff training, local government policies and the impact of a sinking lid. He advised Pub Charity also opposed the 100m rule on the basis that they had an application declined due to the proximity of a church.





1    A2091587 Martin Cheer - Pub Charity Ltd

5.9      Mr Nigel Muir (#19376) – Sport Tasman

Mr Muir spoke on behalf of Sport Tasman and reiterated that should Council reduce the number of pokie machines that this would have an enormous ripple effect on the community. Nine out of 10 Nelsonians were actively involved in sport and recreation and the support of the Lion Foundation and Pub Charities was paramount to organisations surviving and delivering to the community.

Mr Muir noted that Sport Tasman believed a better approach was to concentrate on tackling large scale  social issues  of depression, anxiety, obesity, drugs and alcohol, family violence.   

The meeting adjourned from 3.00 p.m. until 3.15p.m.

5.10    Mr Mikey Ranson (#19392)

This speaker no longer wished to speak.

5.11    Mr Mathew McMillian (#19359) – Nelson-Marlborough Problem Gambling Services

The speaker no longer wished to speak.

5.12    Ms Jane Murray (#19364) – Nelson Marlborough Health


Ms Murray gave a presentation on behalf of Nelson Marlborough Health (attached) and noted that only 8% of venues in Nelson met the harm minimisation expectations in the latest Department of Internal Affairs mystery shopper survey; 59% did not meet and 33% only partially met the harm minimisation expectations. Ms Murray answered questions on Ministry of Health research showing the ripple effect of 5-10 people for each problem gambler.





1    A2092161 Jane Murray - Nelson Marlborough Health

5.13    Ms Tina McIvor (#19372) – PGF Group

Ms McIvor spoke on behalf of PGF Group and noted that there were 19 councils with a sinking lid on applications for gaming machines and requested that Nelson City Council do the same. She spoke of the harm gambling caused in high deprivation areas and noted that less than 15% of people with gambling problems actually seek help. 

Ms McIvor noted that the spend in Nelson had increased despite the number of machines reducing and based on these figures only 17% of gaming expenditure was redistributed directly back to Nelson.   

5.14    Nelson Youth Councillors (#19365)

Nathanael Rais, Cassie Hagan and Max Schneider spoke on behalf of Nelson Youth Council. 

The Youth Council acknowledged the benefits gambling offered the community but believed the positive outcomes were outweighed by the harm. They saw a sinking lid as an important step to controlling gambling and minimising harm.

The Youth Council recognised the inevitable shift to online gambling and were concerned about direct exposure to online gambling.  They believed Council should recognise this issue and encouraged Council to use a communication campaign to educate the public.

5.15    Mrs Bridget Dadds (#19304)

Ms Dadds, the only individual speaker, noted she was passionate about reducing the harm of problem gambling. She spoke about the harm pokie machines caused to the individual and it links to domestic violence and child neglect. She understood that sporting organisations required this funding to survive but there were other ways to raise funds and asked that groups be more creative.

Attendance: Councillor Barker left the meeting at 4.19p.m.   


There being no further business the meeting ended at 4.24p.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                            Chairperson                                               Date