Hearings Panel - Other Minutes - 4 December 2018


Minutes of a meeting of the Hearings Panel - Other

Held in Ruma Marama, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 4 December 2018, commencing at 8.15a.m.


Present:              Councillors B McGurk (Chairperson), B Dahlberg, M Rutledge

In Attendance:   Senior Contracts Supervisor (T Chapman), Roading Network Coordinator (M Ramsay), Consents Subdivision Administrator (K Mardon), Team Leader Transport and Solid Waste (M Bruce), Governance Adviser (J Brandt)


Apologies :          Nil



1.       Apologies

There were no apologies.

2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

It was noted that the meeting would adjourn at 9.00a.m. and reconvene at approximately 4.00p.m.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Temporary Road Closure - Bay Dreams 2019

Document number R9817, agenda pages 15 - 36 refer.

The Hearing Schedule (A2104274) was tabled.

4.1     Feedback from submitters


Gill Starling - The Framing Rooms

Ms Starling tabled a document (A2104786) in support of her objection to the closure of Wakatu Lane, Achilles Ave and Wakatu Car Park for Bay Dreams.

Ms Starling noted that a 5.00p.m. closure would be an acceptable compromise but would prefer not to have the area closed it all. She requested that security and clean up should be a requirement if the closure were to go ahead.

Allen Knott – United Video

Mr Knott spoke against an all day closure for the Wakatu Car Park. He noted that a 5.00p.m. closure would not work for United Video either, as their core business occured after 5.00p.m., but that they would be agreeable to closure to commence at 9.00p.m.

Leonie Allen – Parker Gallery

Ms Allen requested that the committee declines the closure of Wakatu car park. She noted that four off-street car parks with 24/7 access as per her lease would be impacted by the closure. Ms Allen noted that she expected Council to advocate for the businesses of Nelson City, with a focus on meeting the needs of residents and retailers.

Margret Earney Store Manager on behalf of Kenneth Walker Corp Officer – Salvation Army

Ms Earney spoke against the closure of Paru Paru Road, noting the role of the Salvation Army Family Store as a store house for emergency goods requiring access six days a week.

Ms Earney noted that they would be agreeable to the road closure if it started at a point past their building.  

Mike Darling – Hunting and Fishing

Mr Darling spoke against the closure of Wakatu Square. He noted that a later closure time could be a compromise, as Hunting and Fishing closed at 5.15p.m.

David Smale Store Manager on behalf of Michael Ravlich Group Manager- Countdown

Mr Smale spoke against the closure of Paru Paru Road, as Countdown’s car park exited onto that road. He noted that it was a safety issue to not be able to use this exit and that large vehicles needed access to the delivery bay.

Mr Smale requested that the road closure started at a point past the Salvation Army Family Store on Paru Paru Road.


William Qin – Q Variety Store

Mr Qin spoke against the closure of Wakatu Square car park. He noted that his turnover depended on traffic flow and that even one day’s closure would have a big impact on the business.

Calum Nicholson from Bay Dreams South Ltd

Mr Nicholson outlined the reasons as to why Wakatu Square was the best fit, and that having a bus pick up and drop off system was the safest form of transport for people to access on the night.

He noted that rubbish bins and cleaning staff would be provided for Wakatu Square car park, and that Red Badge would provide security around the bus drop off areas.

Mr Nicholson noted that organisers were happy to give access to the Salvation Army, motels and supermarket on Paru Paru Road by changing the location of the closure to a point past the Salvation Army Family Store.





1    A2104274 Hearing Schedule

2    A2104786 Notes for Councillors from G Starling

The meeting was adjourned at 9.10a.m. and reconvened at 4.01p.m.


5.       Temporary Road Closures - Christmas Carols, New Year Celebrations, Buskers Festival and Trafalgar Street Market Day

Document number R9733, agenda pages 6 - 14 refer.

Roading Network Coordinator, Melissa Ramsay presented the report.

Ms Ramsay noted that no objections or negative feedback had been received for these events in the last three years.

Resolved HEA/2018/027

That the Hearings Panel - Other

Receives the report Temporary Road Closures - Christmas Carols, New Year Celebrations, Buskers Festival and Trafalgar Street Market Day (R9733) and its attachments (A2088912, A2088959 and A2089000); and

Approves the temporary road closures as per report R9733 for Christmas Carols on 24 December 2018, New Year Celebrations on 31 December 2018, Trafalgar Street Market Day on 2 February 2019 and the Buskers Festival on 2 and 3 February 2019.

Rutledge/Dahlberg                                                                     Carried


6.       Street Naming Application - 329 Suffolk Road

Document number R9846, agenda pages 37 - 41 refer.

Resolved HEA/2018/028

That the Hearings Panel - Other

Receives the report Street Naming Application - 329 Suffolk Road (R9846) and its attachment (A2085007); and

Approves the names of Piwakawaka Drive”, “Wrights Place” and “Lilyvale Crescent” for the roads shown on the attached Scheme Plan (A2085007)

Dahlberg/Rutledge                                                                     Carried


7.       Application for naming of a private Right of Way - 112 Washington Road

Document number R9852, agenda pages 42 - 46 refer.

Consents Subdivision Administrator, Kathy Mardon, tabled additional information received (A2104199), in which the applicant indicated their  preferred name for the Right of Way was “Lloyds Way”.

Ms Mardon noted that for the naming of private Right of Ways, these were accepted by Council unless the name would be considered to cause offence. Ms Mardon noted that to her knowledge Council had no intention to use the name Lloyds for the naming of any roads or other assets.

Resolved HEA/2018/029

That the Hearings Panel - Other

Receives the report Application for naming of a private Right of Way – 112 Washington Road (R9852) and its attachments (A2020692 and A2090763); and

Accepts the name of “Lloyds Way” for the Right of Way servicing Lots 2 to 6 on Land Transfer Plan LT 522151 (A2090763).

McGurk/Dahlberg                                                                       Carried


1    A2104199 - Additional information for naming of private Right of Way, 112 Washington Road


8.       Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw (2011), No 207 Amendments to Schedules

Document number R9749, agenda pages 47 - 67 refer.

Team Leader Transport and Solid Waste, Matt Bruce, presented the report and answered questions about the special parking areas and the no stopping and no parking areas.

The proposed mobility park for the Nelson Centre of Musical Arts was discussed. Panel members noted that the proposed location was not considered safe, as it required crossing a busy road. Officers noted that steps were being taken to approach the land owner of 42 Nile Street to investigate the option of having a mobility park outside their property. The resolution wording was amended to pursue this as the preferred option.

Resolved HEA/2018/030

That the Hearings Panel - Other

Receives the report Parking and Vehicle Control Bylaw (2011), No 207 Amendments to Schedules (R9749) and its attachments (A2088351 and A2097917); and

Approves amendments detailed in the report R9749 to the following Schedules of the Bylaw, Parking and Vehicle Control (2011), No 207:

·   Schedule 4, with the exception of the Nelson Centre of Musical Arts Mobility Park and a request to progress the options of a disabled park outside 42 Nile Street East

·    Schedule 9

·    Schedule 14

Dahlberg/Rutledge                                                                     Carried


9.       Temporary Road Closure - Bay Dreams 2019

Document number R9817, agenda pages 15 - 36 refer.

Roading Network Coordinator, Melissa Ramsay presented the report.

The proposed road closures were discussed, as follows:

·         Trafalgar Park Lane and Hathaway Terrace: Event organisers noted that the area in Hathaway Terrace was not suitable for drop off due to insufficient space.

·         Paru Paru Road: Agreement was reached to amend the road closure area to commence at the bollards just past the Salvation Army building. A change was made to the resolution wording to reflect this.

·         Trafalgar Street (Grove Street to Wainui Street): Event organisers noted that this road closure would be required as a fire and emergency evacuation route. It was agreed that the closure time could be moved to commence at 9a.m. instead of 6a.m. A change was made to the resolution wording to reflect this.

·         Wakatu Square: Mr Nicholson tabled new information (A2105776) for consideration by the Panel members. In response to a question regarding amended access times for the Wakatu Square car park area, Mr Nicholson noted that they could push out the time to keep parking available until 5.30p.m. A change was made to the resolution wording to reflect this.


Panel members noted the need for appropriate communication to raise public awareness regarding closure times.



Resolved HEA/2018/031

That the Hearings Panel - Other

Approves the report Temporary Road Closure - Bay Dreams 2019 (R9817) and its attachments (A2087552 and A2082976); and supplementary information from Bay Dreams South Ltd; and

Approves the temporary road closures for Bay Dreams from 2 January until 5 January 2019 as per report R9817, with an amendment to the road closure on Paru Paru Road to commence at the bollards north of the Salvation Army Family Store; and with an amendment to the time of closure of Trafalgar Street (Grove Street to Wainui Street) to 9a.m. on 4 January until 1a.m. on 5 January 2019; and an amendment to the time of closure of Achilles Avenue, Wakatu Lane and Wakatu Carpark to 5.30p.m. on 4 January until 1a.m. on 5 January 2019; and

Notes that parking will be restricted in a portion of the southern side of Wakatu Square under a traffic management plan from 9a.m. on 4 January 2019 to 5.30p.m. on 4 January 2019.

McGurk/Dahlberg                                                                       Carried


1    A2105776 - Supplementary information from Nelson Bays South Ltd



There being no further business the meeting ended at 5.21p.m.

Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date