Sports and Recreation Committee Minutes - 20 November 2018


Minutes of a meeting of the Sports and Recreation Committee

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House , 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Tuesday 20 November 2018, commencing at 9.03a.m.


Present:              Councillor T Skinner (Chairperson), Her Worship the Mayor R Reese, I Barker, M Courtney, K Fulton, B McGurk and S Walker

In Attendance:   Chief Executive (P Dougherty), Group Manager Community Services (R Ball), Governance Adviser (E Stephenson) and Youth Councillors (L Funaki and J Mason)

Apologies:           Councillor Dahlberg for absence; Her Worship the Mayor Reese and Councillor Walker for lateness



1.       Apologies

Resolved SPO/2018/040

That the Sports and Recreation Committee

Receives and accepts the apologies from Councillor Dahlberg and from Her Worship the Mayor Reese and Councillor Walker for lateness.

Courtney/Barker                                                                         Carried


2.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business.

3.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

4.       Public Forum 

There was no public forum.

5.       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      21 August 2018

Document number M3690, agenda pages 6 - 9 refer.

It was noted that Councillor Barker was present at the 21 August 2018 meeting and that the meeting minutes be amended to show this.

Resolved SPO/2018/041

That the Sports and Recreation Committee

Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Sports and Recreation Committee, held on 21 August 2018, amended to show Councillor Barker as present, as a true and correct record.

Skinner/Barker                                                                           Carried



6.       Chairperson's Report


The Chairperson tabled his report and summarised the topics covered.


Resolved SPO/2018/042

That the Sports and Recreation Committee

Receives the Chairperson’s Report.

Barker/Courtney                                                                         Carried



1    A2099290 - Sports and Recreation Committee Chairperson's Report 20 November 2018


7.       Marsden Valley Reserve - options to manage wild deer populations

Document number R9541, agenda pages 10 - 27 refer.

Manager Parks and Facilities, Rosie Bartlett, and Team Leader Facilities, Gary Alsop, presented the report, noting that this decision was before the committee as a petition had previously been received from local residents. They answered questions and discussion took place regarding environmental and safety considerations in residential areas, previous culls, Nelson Nature, sustainable management of the deer population and the culling tender process.

It was noted that it would have been helpful if officers had met with petitioners to better understand their concerns, however the petitioners had been advised of the committee meeting in case they wished to attend and were provided with a copy of the report.

It was also noted that the tender for the deer culling contract would be advertised and open to suitably skilled members of the public, however they would need to meet safety requirements.

Resolved SPO/2018/043

That the Sports and Recreation Committee

Receives the report Marsden Valley Reserve - options to manage wild deer populations  (R9541) and its attachments (A1969247 and A2073288).

McGurk/Fulton                                                                           Carried

Recommendation to Council SPO/2018/044

That the Council

Confirms that the practice of culling deer within the Marsden Valley Reserve should continue.

McGurk/Fulton                                                                           Carried


8.       Quarterly Report to Sports and Recreation Committee 1 July - 30 September 2018

Document number R9775, agenda pages 28 - 49 refer.

Attendance: Her Worship the Mayor Reese entered the meeting at 9.53a.m.

Manager Parks and Facilities, Rosie Bartlett noted a correction to the agenda report - paragraph 5.16 should say Attachment 1, not Attachment 2. Ms Bartlett and Property Parks and Facilities Asset Manager, Andrew Petheram, answered questions regarding Stoke Youth Park, the Great Taste Trail, the Rutherford Park Playground, the Trafalgar Centre, the Marina Water Sports Building, classification of reserves, Nelson Marina and leasing charges for community groups.

It was requested that future quarterly reports highlight when external funding is assumed.

Resolved SPO/2018/045

That the Sports and Recreation Committee


Receives the report Quarterly Report to Sports and Recreation Committee 1 July - 30 September 2018 (R9775) and its attachments (A2077598 and A2079885).

McGurk/Courtney                                                                       Carried

9.       Haulashore Island Manuka Motu Wharf Review

Document number R9818, agenda pages 50 - 56 refer.

Manager Parks and Facilities, Rosie Bartlett and Property and facilities Asset Planner Jock Edmondson answered questions regarding the wharf refurbishment, maintenance, safety issues and practical use. It was  noted that the wharf needed to be included in the relevant Asset Management Plan. Discussion took place regarding community engagement and consideration of all the long-term options for the whole coastal environment.

Resolved SPO/2018/046

That the Sports and Recreation Committee

Receives the report Haulashore Island Manuka Motu Wharf Review.

McGurk/Fulton                                                                           Carried

Recommendation to Council SPO/2018/047

That the Council

Approves the Haulashore Island Manuka Motu wharf remaining closed for use by vessels, but retained in the short term for its landscape values only; and

Considers a full wharf refurbishment or replacement in the Long Term Plan 2021-31.

McGurk/Fulton                                                                           Carried

10.     Marina Governance

Document number R9845, agenda pages 57 - 62 refer.

Property Parks and Facilities Asset Manager, Andrew Petheram presented the report, noting that communication had improved greatly and the system in place at the moment best represented the boating community. He said that he expected the group to make its recommendations in about a year’s time.

Resolved SPO/2018/048

That the Sports and Recreation Committee

Receives the report Marina Governance (R9845).

McGurk/Barker                                                                           Carried

Recommendation to Council SPO/2018/049

That the Council

Confirms the continuation of the Marina Advisory Group to advise on matters pertaining to the  management of Nelson Marina; and

Approves the Marina Advisory Group to work through a process to advise the Sports and Recreation Committee on future Marina management once they are in a more informed position.


McGurk/Barker                                                                           Carried




There being no further business the meeting ended at 11.03a.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                       Chairperson                                     Date