Brook Reserve Hearings PanelUnconfirmed Minutes - 1 November 2018


Minutes of a meeting of the Brook Reserve Hearings Panel

Held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson

On Thursday 1 November 2018, commencing at 9.00a.m. Hearing of submitters/objectors


Present:               Councillor K Fulton (Chairperson), Councillor L Acland and Councillor T Skinner

In Attendance:     Group Manager Strategy and Communications (N McDonald), Manager Strategy (M Tregurtha), Leases Officer (J Read) and Governance Adviser (Elaine Stephenson)


Apologies :           Nil

                            Group Manager Strategy and Communications, Nicky McDonald opened the meeting and called for nominations for Chairperson.

1.       Election of Chairperson


In accordance with the Terms of Reference for the Brook Reserve Hearings Panel, approved by Council on 9 August 2018, the Chairperson was elected by the Panel.


Resolved BRHP/2018/001

That the Brook Reserve Hearings Panel

Appoints Councillor Fulton as Chairperson of the Brook Reserve Hearings Panel.

Skinner/Acland                                                                                Carried


2.       Apologies


          There were no apologies.

3.       Confirmation of Order of Business

There was no change to the order of business.

4.       Interests

There were no updates to the Interests Register, and no interests with items on the agenda were declared.

5.       Public Forum 

There was no public forum.

6.       Hearing of Submissions/Objections to the Brook Reserve Change to Specific Local Purpose of Reserve and Land to be declared Reserve Proposal

Document number R9809, agenda pages 4 - 113 refer.

6.1       Nathanael Rais, supported by fellow Youth Councillors Christiane Leaper,    Jacob Mason, Latai Funaki and Max Schneider – Nelson Youth Council     (19339/19338) – speaking to both topics

Nathanael Rais spoke to the Youth Council’s submission and answered questions regarding the benefits of closing the road and who Youth Council was representing. He noted that there had been many hearings over the years, but only the current topic was explained in the public notices.


6.2       Tamika Simpson (19345/19344) speaking to both topics


Tamika Simpson tabled supporting information and outlined her concerns, noting that her preference would be that the land sold to Council in the 1950’s be offered back for the price that was paid and returned to the community to be run by a community board.

The Chairperson requested officers subsequently provide Ms Simpson with the long-term aims and the main aim of stopping the road.



1    A2086684 - Tamika Simpson supporting information



6.3       Christopher St Johanser (19286) speaking to change to specific local purpose of reserve; and

6.4       Christopher St Johanser – Brook Valley Community Group (Inc.) (19295)             speaking to change to specific local purpose of reserve


            Christopher St Johanser tabled supporting information and spoke to both objections noting that his tabled document was received by Council on 21 December 2016. Mr Johanser answered questions regarding his preferred way forward, which was to return to the original land classifications, and who he represented.



1    A2079654 - Christopher St Johanser supporting information



6.5       Pam Mander (19293) speaking to change to specific local purpose of             reserve


Pam Mander spoke to her submission and in response to a question, said that she would like to know the reasons for the reclassification.


6.6       Dan McGuire (19302/19303) speaking to both topics


Dan McGuire spoke to his submission, highlighting his concerns regarding proper process and answered questions regarding his opinion on what he thought the classification of the reserve should be.


6.7       Richard Sullivan (19334/19335) speaking to both topics


Richard Sullivan spoke to his objection and in response to questions said that the land between Brook Street and the stream was sold to Council for public recreation and it should be incumbent on Council to say why the change was necessary.

It was noted that the Panel’s role was to recommend to Council whether the new classification should be adopted or not and that previously the land was a mix of land statuses, including freehold, reserve and roading.


6.8       Hudson Dodd and Derek Shaw – Brook Waimarama Sanctuary Trust (19348/19349) speaking to both topics


            Hudson Dodd and Derek Shaw, spoke to the Trust’s submission, highlighting their support of the vision in the Reserve Management Plan. They answered questions regarding their understanding of the intention of the road stopping, public access, including during the interim period, the need for visitor flows and a turnaround and the gate at the boundary.


            It was reiterated that the Panel was constrained in what it could include in its recommendation to Council and the importance of getting the designation correct. The possibility of parts of the reserve being designated ‘outdoor leisure, camping, conservation and education’ and parts being designated ‘recreation reserve’ to provide greater protection was raised, as long as that gave effect to the management plan.


            The meeting was adjourned at 10.53a.m. and reconvened at 11.15a.m.


6.9       Gail Collingwood (19343) speaking to change to specific local purpose of         reserve


Gail Collingwood spoke to her submission noting the importance of the inclusion of Eureka Park in the reserve and long term planning for this park to recognise the sister city relationship.




6.10     Dai Mitchell (19261) speaking to change to specific local purpose of             reserve


Dai Mitchell spoke to his objection, highlighting his concerns regarding process. In response to questions, he said that he was seeking that the classification be retained as recreation in perpetuity.



6.11     Donna Butler (19289) speaking to land to be declared reserve, was not       present.


            Panel members listed their questions to officers, and requested that             answers be provided prior to deliberations on this matter.


There being no further business the meeting ended at 11.48a.m.


Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:




                                                         Chairperson                                    Date