Community Investment Funding Panel Minutes - 5 October 2018
Minutes of a meeting of the Community Investment Funding Panel
Held in the Ruma Marama, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
On Friday 5 October 2018, commencing at 9.30a.m.
Present: Member R Ball (Chairperson), G Thomas, S Hawthorne and K Steele
In Attendance: Manager Community Partnerships (M Preston-Thomas), Community Contracts Adviser (N Gausel) and Governance Support (K McLean)
Apologies : Rachel Saunders (Member), Hannah Johnson and Anna Fay (Co-opted Members)
1. Apologies
Resolved CIF/2018/011 That the Community Investment Funding Panel Receives and accepts the apologies from Rachel Saunders, Hannah Johnson and Anna Fay for attendance. |
2. Confirmation of Order of Business
There was no change to the order of business.
There were no updates to the Interest Register. The following interests with items on the agenda were declared and the members took no part in the discussion or decision for the relevant items:
· Katy Steele - 6.11 - Neighbourhood Support, 6.36 - Volunteer Nelson and 6.1 - Adult Learning Support
· Susan Hawthorne - 6.13 - Nelson Enterprise Loans Trust
4.1 29 June 2018
Document number M3592, agenda pages 5 - 14 refer.
Resolved CIF/2018/012 That the Community Investment Funding Panel Confirms the minutes of the meeting of the Community Investment Funding Panel, held on 29 June 2018, as a true and correct record. |
5. 2018/19 Community Investment Fund Grant Allocation Additional Information
Document number R9730, agenda pages 15 - 23 refer.
Community Contracts Adviser, Nicola Gausel, presented an overview of applications and noted the total fund for disbursement was $50,000.
Resolved CIF/2018/013 That the Community Investment Funding Panel Receives the report 2018/19 Community Investment Fund Grant Allocation Additional Information (R9730) and its attachments (A2059246, A1901972). |
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.2 Age Concern Nelson Tasman Incorporated – request $2,500
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
5.3 All Saints Anglican Church, Nelson – request $2,000
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $1,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.4 Alzheimer’s Society Nelson Incorporated – request $2,500
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.5 Beneficiaries and Unwaged Workers Trust – request $2,500
It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the project does not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria.
6.6 Collaborate – request $2,500
It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application does not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria.
6.7 Empowerment Trust – request $2,250
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.8 Epilepsy Association of New Zealand – request $2,500
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.9 Health Action Trust (Nelson) – request $2,200
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.10 Life Linc Nelson Incorporated – request $2,040
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.11 Neighbourhood Support Nelson – request $1,500
Katy Steele had declared an interest in item 6.11 and sat back from the table abstaining from discussion on this item.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $1,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.12 Nelson Community Toy Library – request $2,000
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $1,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.13 Nelson Enterprise Loan Trust – request $2,500
Susan Hawthorne had declared an interest in item 6.13 and sat back from the table.
It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria.
6.14 Nelson Community Foodbank Trust – request $2,500
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.15 Nelson Multicultural Council – request $15,000
It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria.
6.16 Nelson Tasman Filipino Community Incorporated – request $2,000
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000.
6.17 Nelson Tasman Pasifika Community Trust (umbrella 1) – request $2,500
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.18 Nelson Tasman Pasifika Community Trust (umbrella 2) – request $2,500
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.19 Nelson Tasman Youth Workers Collective – request $2,500
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.20 Nelson Women’s Refuge – request $2,000
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000.
6.21 Nelson Women’s Support Incorporated – request $2,500
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
The meeting adjourned from 10.45 a.m. until 11 a.m.
6.22 Parent to Parent Nelson - request $2,000
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000.
6.23 People First New Zealand, Nga Tangata Tuatahi – request $2,500
It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not demonstrate the applicants ability to deliver the service.
6.24 Perinatal Support Nelson Incorporated – request $2,500
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.25 Q-Youth Incorporated – request $2,500
It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis of limited funds available and the fund was highly contested.
6.26 Safeguarding Children – request $2,500
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.27 Silas House Nelson – request $2,000
It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not demonstrate the applicants ability to deliver the service.
6.28 St John Area Committee Nelson – request $1,000
Manager Community Partnerships, Mark Preston–Thomas, declared an interest in item 6.28 and sat back from the table.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $1,000.
6.29 Stoke School – request $2,500
It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis that the application did not align closely with the priorities and funding criteria.
6.30 Tahunanui Community Centre Incorporated – request $2,500
It was agreed that the application be declined on the basis of limited funds available and the fund was highly contested.
6.31 The Brain Injury Association (Nelson) Incorporated – request $2,500
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.32 The Nelson Ark - request $2,500
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.33 The White House Incorporated – request $2,500
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.34 Victim Support in Nelson (NZ Council of Victim Support) – request $2,500
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
6.35 Victory Community Centre – request $2,100
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget and noting that funding was subject to a signed Memorandum of Understanding between Victory Primary School and Baby Focus, that was included as an attachment in their application.
6.36 Volunteer Nelson – request $2,060
Katy Steele had declared an interest in item 6.36 and sat back from the table.
The Panel agreed to provide a grant of $2,000, noting that demand for funding exceeded the available budget.
Resolved CIF/2018/014 That the Community Investment Funding Panel Receives the report 2018/19 Community Investment Funding Grants Allocation (R9719) and its attachment (A1833444); and Approves funding for the Community Investment Fund agreement applications as agreed at this meeting and subject to confirmation of the attachment A1833444. |
There being no further business the meeting ended at 12.19 p.m.
Confirmed as a correct record of proceedings:
Chairperson Date