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20 August 2018

Memo to:            Mayor and Councillors

Memo from:        Governance Advisers

Subject:             Sports and Recreation Committee 21 August 2018 – Supplementary Agenda










Item 6: Chairperson's Report


Sports and Recreation Committee

21 August 2018




Chairperson's Report



1.       Purpose of Report

1.1      To update the Committee on sports and recreation matters.




2.       Recommendation

That the Sports and Recreation Committee

Receives the report Chairperson's Report (R9636).



2.       Update

2.1      With many winter sports codes coming to an end of season this week, there is still a lot of buzz of sporting events taking place this month and next. These events I believe add significant contributions to central Nelson and the region, both with visitor numbers, spending and vitality over the multiple days these tournaments are accommodated here. Some are quite well profiled while many go under the radar unless one is involved in that particular sport.

2.2      A lot of voluntary time and hard work also goes on under the radar, by enthusiastic and committed club volunteers in these codes, to enable these events to happen, and ensure that these events keep coming back to our region. Often also having a roll-on effect of even larger National sporting competitions and associated Expos being awarded to Nelson. This creates more opportunity for our upcoming sporting youth in Nelson to compete and achieve to their best whilst growing up in Nelson. In turn these events shine a light on our facilities putting our ratepayer investment to good use, and highlighting our region. By having quality sporting and training facilities, and competitive regional representative teams based in Nelson it gives our youth the option to continue to stay in Nelson to work and study whilst chasing their sporting goals.

2.3      To spotlight some of the current events we are hosting:

Netball International Clubs Competition

2.4      Taking place now, from Sunday till this Friday 24th August at our Trafalgar Centre, the International Club Netball competition featuring teams from all over the world is in its second year hosted here.
Five international clubs and three New Zealand teams are competing over the six days.

2.5      New Zealand is represented by Mainland Tactix, Southern Steel, and Central Pulse. Australia's New South Wales Institute of Sport, South Africa's Gauteng Jaguars, and Fiji's Marama Vou, whom competed last year. The new additions at the tournament this year are Singapore's Sneakers club and Scotland's UWS Sirens, who play in the UK Netball Superleague.

2.6      The teams were welcomed at a ceremony at Nelson College for Girls on Friday.

2.7      Nelson’s former Waimea College student Zoe Walker plays for the Mainland Tactix.

If you haven’t been down to see any of the matches, I encourage you to head down to the Trafalgar Centre and catch some of the quality action over the next few days.

South Island Boys Secondary Schools Basketball Tournament

2.8      1st to 4th September at Saxton Stadium, Nelson Basketball Association is hosting the South Island Boys junior secondary schools tournament. An event that attracts several hundred players and their associated support crew and families over the four day event.

Secondary Schools National Football Tournament

2.9      Hosted at Saxton Fields Facility on Monday 3rd to Thursday 6th September will be the Jim Wishart Tournament, which is a Secondary Schools National Football tournament, which Nelson has the privilege to host.

Target Shooting Nationals Competition

2.10    At the new (one year old) Saxton Facility, Small Bore Shooting range, over the weekend just gone. Target Shooting Nelson hosted the North Island versus South Island competition, about 200 best of the best shooters of all ages from around NZ came here to compete. I had the privilege to attend and open the event on the Friday night. A real testament to the Target Shooting Nelson club dedication, in not just the immense fundraising achievement and collaborative management of these facilities with the support and co funding from Nelson City Council, but the clubs hospitality and welcoming atmosphere which ensured a smoothly run competitive and fun event had by all. This shooting facility is often commented by visiting users as the best indoor shooting facility in NZ. 


Charity Sporting Event – “Get Ballsy”

2.11    On 29th September, Trafalgar Park will be hosting a Charity Event, with all funds going to Testicular Cancer NZ.
After battling and beating testicular cancer, local footballer Ryan Stewart has made it his mission to raise awareness for this deadly condition.

2.12    Thus, Ryan and his wife Chelsea have organised a charity Football Match.
This is a must attend, must support event, featuring a glittering list of players and personalities you are unlikely to see ever again in the same place and time striding it out and challenging for the ball in the ‘beautiful game’ on our beloved Trafalgar Park Pitch for such a good cause.

2.13    Just some of the confirmed signings for this match include:
All Whites - Ben Sigmund, James Bannatyne and Jake Butler
Football Fern - Annalie Longo
Crystal Palace and Wellington Phoenix past player- Paul Ifill
All Blacks – Chris Jack, Cory Jane, and Piri Weepu
Nelson Giants – Sam Dempster and Phill Jones
Black Sticks - Anita McLaren (Punt)
Kiwi Comedian – Ben Hurley
Victory Boxing driver and Local Hero Awardee – Paul Hampton

2.14    Just to name a few, with more personalities still being announced.

Marina Update

2.15    The first phase of developments at the Nelson Marina are now complete. The issues over past summers of long queues and waiting times for recreational users to be able to launch from the Akerston St boat ramp should now be solved. The completed installation of the hockey stick shaped pontoon cost $375,000 to install, I believe will be a real game changer, enabling much safer and greatly reduced time waiting to cast off.

2.16    This was an initiative of this Sport & Recreation Committee in collaboration with the Marina Working party, identified in the Nelson City Council’s 2017 Nelson Marina Strategy.
This was a priority project, I’m proud to say we have completed and ready in time for another great snapper season.


Author:          Tim Skinner, Chairperson - Sports and Recreation Committee

